It's mainly PEAR MAIL wrapper for now (more improvements planned).
Peter Rotich <>
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
class Mailer {
var $email;
var $ht = array();
var $attachments = array();
var $smtp = array();
var $eol="\n";
function Mailer($email=null, array $options=array()) {
if(is_object($email) && $email->isSMTPEnabled() && ($info=$email->getSMTPInfo())) { //is SMTP enabled for the current email?
$this->smtp = $info;
} elseif($cfg && ($e=$cfg->getDefaultSMTPEmail()) && $e->isSMTPEnabled()) { //What about global SMTP setting?
$this->smtp = $e->getSMTPInfo();
if(!$e->allowSpoofing() || !$email)
$email = $e;
} elseif(!$email && $cfg && ($e=$cfg->getDefaultEmail())) {
if($e->isSMTPEnabled() && ($info=$e->getSMTPInfo()))
$this->smtp = $info;
$email = $e;
$this->email = $email;
$this->attachments = array();
function getEOL() {
return $this->eol;
function getEmail() {
return $this->email;
function getSMTPInfo() {
return $this->smtp;
/* FROM Address */
function setFromAddress($from) {
$this->ht['from'] = $from;
function getFromAddress() {
if(!$this->ht['from'] && ($email=$this->getEmail()))
$this->ht['from'] =sprintf('"%s" <%s>', ($email->getName()?$email->getName():$email->getEmail()), $email->getEmail());
return $this->ht['from'];
/* attachments */
function getAttachments() {
return $this->attachments;
function addAttachment(Attachment $attachment) {
// XXX: This looks too assuming; however, the attachment processor
// in the ::send() method seems hard coded to expect this format
$this->attachments[$attachment->file_id] = $attachment;
function addFile(AttachmentFile $file) {
// XXX: This looks too assuming; however, the attachment processor
// in the ::send() method seems hard coded to expect this format
$this->attachments[$file->file_id] = $file;
function addAttachments($attachments) {
foreach ($attachments as $a) {
if ($a instanceof Attachment)
elseif ($a instanceof AttachmentFile)
* getMessageId
* Generates a unique message ID for an outbound message. Optionally,
* the recipient can be used to create a tag for the message ID where
* the user-id and thread-entry-id are encoded in the message-id so
* the message can be threaded if it is replied to without any other
* indicator of the thread to which it belongs. This tag is signed with
* the secret-salt of the installation to guard against false positives.
* Parameters:
* $recipient - (EmailContact|null) recipient of the message. The ID of
* the recipient is placed in the message id TAG section so it can
* be recovered if the email replied to directly by the end user.
* $options - (array) - options passed to ::send(). If it includes a
* 'thread' element, the threadId will be recorded in the TAG
* Returns:
* (string) - email message id, without leading and trailing <> chars.
* See the Format below for the structure.
* VA-B-C, with dash separators and A-C explained below:
* V: Version code of the generated Message-Id
* A: Predictable random code — used for loop detection (sysid)
* B: Random data for unique identifier (rand)
* C: TAG: Base64(Pack(userid, entryId, threadId, type, Signature)),
* '=' chars discarded
* where Signature is:
* Signed Tag value, last 5 chars from
* HMAC(sha1, Tag + rand + sysid, SECRET_SALT),
* where Tag is:
* pack(userId, entryId, threadId, type)
function getMessageId($recipient, $options=array(), $version='B') {
// RFC822 specifies the LHS of the addr-spec can have any char
// except the specials — ()<>@,;:\".[], dash is reserved as the
// section separator, and + is reserved for historical reasons
$sig = $this->getEmail()?$this->getEmail()->getEmail():'@osTicketMailer';
$sysid = static::getSystemMessageIdCode();
// Create a tag for the outbound email
$entry = (isset($options['thread']) && $options['thread'] instanceof ThreadEntry)
? $options['thread'] : false;
$thread = $entry ? $entry->getThread()
: (isset($options['thread']) && $options['thread'] instanceof Thread
? $options['thread'] : false);
switch (true) {
case $recipient instanceof Staff:
$utype = 'S';
case $recipient instanceof TicketOwner:
$utype = 'U';
case $recipient instanceof Collaborator:
$utype = 'C';
$utype = $options['utype'] ?: '?';
$tag = pack('VVVa',
$recipient instanceof EmailContact ? $recipient->getUserId() : 0,
$entry ? $entry->getId() : 0,
$thread ? $thread->getId() : 0,
// Sign the tag with the system secret salt
$tag .= substr(hash_hmac('sha1', $tag.$rand.$sysid, SECRET_SALT, true), -5);
$tag = str_replace('=','',base64_encode($tag));
return sprintf('B%s-%s-%s-%s',
$sysid, $rand, $tag, $sig);
* decodeMessageId
* Decodes a message-id generated by osTicket using the ::getMessageId()
* method of this class. This will digest the received message-id token
* and return an array with some information about it.
* Parameters:
* $mid - (string) message-id from an email Message-Id, In-Reply-To, and
* References header.
* Returns:
* (array) of information containing all or some of the following keys
* 'loopback' - (bool) true or false if the message originated by
* this osTicket installation.
* 'version' - (string|FALSE) version code of the message id
* 'code' - (string) unique but predictable help desk message-id
* 'id' - (string) random characters serving as the unique id
* 'entryId' - (int) thread-entry-id from which the message originated
* 'threadId' - (int) thread-id from which the message originated
* 'staffId' - (int|null) staff the email was originally sent to
* 'userId' - (int|null) user the email was originally sent to
* 'userClass' - (string) class of user the email was sent to
* 'U' - TicketOwner
* 'S' - Staff
* 'C' - Collborator
* '?' - Something else
static function decodeMessageId($mid) {
// Drop <> tokens
$mid = trim($mid, '<> ');
// Drop email domain on rhs
list($lhs, $sig) = explode('@', $mid, 2);
// LHS should be tokenized by '-'
$parts = explode('-', $lhs);
$rv = array('loopback' => false, 'version' => false);
// There should be at least two tokens if the message was sent by
// this system. Otherwise, there's nothing to be detected
if (count($parts) < 2)
return $rv;
$decoders = array(
'A' => function($id, $tag) use ($sig) {
// Old format was VA-B-C-D@sig, where C was the packed tag and D
// was blank
$format = 'Vuid/VentryId/auserClass';
$chksig = substr(hash_hmac('sha1', $tag.$id, SECRET_SALT), -10);
if ($tag && $sig == $chksig && ($tag = base64_decode($tag))) {
// Find user and ticket id
return unpack($format, $tag);
'B' => function($id, $tag) use ($self) {
$format = 'Vuid/VentryId/VthreadId/auserClass/a*sig';
if ($tag && ($tag = base64_decode($tag))) {
if (!($info = @unpack($format, $tag)) || !isset($info['sig']))
return false;
$sysid = $self::getSystemMessageIdCode();
$shorttag = substr($tag, 0, 13);
$chksig = substr(hash_hmac('sha1', $shorttag.$id.$sysid,
SECRET_SALT, true), -5);
if ($chksig == $info['sig']) {
return $info;
return false;
// Detect the MessageId version, which should be the first char
$rv['version'] = @$parts[0][0];
if (!isset($decoders[$rv['version']]))
// invalid version code
return null;
// Drop the leading version code
list($rv['code'], $rv['id'], $tag) = $parts;
$rv['code'] = substr($rv['code'], 1);
// Verify tag signature and unpack the tag
$info = $decoders[$rv['version']]($rv['id'], $tag);
if ($info === false)
return $rv;
$rv += $info;
// Attempt to make the user-id more specific
$classes = array(
'S' => 'staffId', 'U' => 'userId', 'C' => 'userId',
if (isset($classes[$rv['userClass']]))
$rv[$classes[$rv['userClass']]] = $rv['uid'];
// Round-trip detection - the first section is the local
// system's message-id code
$rv['loopback'] = (0 === strcmp($rv['code'],
return $rv;
static function getSystemMessageIdCode() {
return substr(str_replace('+', '=',
base64_encode(md5('mail'.SECRET_SALT, true))),
0, 6);
function send($to, $subject, $message, $options=null) {
//Get the goodies
require_once (PEAR_DIR.'Mail.php'); // PEAR Mail package
require_once (PEAR_DIR.'Mail/mime.php'); // PEAR Mail_Mime packge
$messageId = $this->getMessageId($to, $options);
if (is_object($to) && is_callable(array($to, 'getEmail'))) {
// Add personal name if available
if (is_callable(array($to, 'getName'))) {
$to = sprintf('"%s" <%s>',
$to->getName()->getOriginal(), $to->getEmail()
else {
$to = $to->getEmail();
$to = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s",'', trim($to));
$subject = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s",'', trim($subject));
'From' => $this->getFromAddress(),
'To' => $to,
'Subject' => $subject,
'Date'=> date('D, d M Y H:i:s O'),
'Message-ID' => "<{$messageId}>",
'X-Mailer' =>'osTicket Mailer',
// Add in the options passed to the constructor
$options = ($options ?: array()) + $this->options;
if (isset($options['nobounce']) && $options['nobounce'])
$headers['Return-Path'] = '<>';
elseif ($this->getEmail() instanceof Email)
$headers['Return-Path'] = $this->getEmail()->getEmail();
if (isset($options['bulk']) && $options['bulk'])
$headers+= array('Precedence' => 'bulk');
//Auto-reply - mark as autoreply and supress all auto-replies
if (isset($options['autoreply']) && $options['autoreply']) {
$headers+= array(
'Precedence' => 'auto_reply',
'X-Autoreply' => 'yes',
'X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'DR, RN, OOF, AutoReply',
'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-replied');
//Notice (sort of automated - but we don't want auto-replies back
if (isset($options['notice']) && $options['notice'])
$headers+= array(
'X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'OOF, AutoReply',
'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-generated');
if (isset($options['inreplyto']) && $options['inreplyto'])
$headers += array('In-Reply-To' => $options['inreplyto']);
if (isset($options['references']) && $options['references']) {
if (is_array($options['references']))
$headers += array('References' =>
implode(' ', $options['references']));
$headers += array('References' => $options['references']);
// Make the best effort to add In-Reply-To and References headers
$reply_tag = $mid_token = '';
if (isset($options['thread'])
&& $options['thread'] instanceof ThreadEntry
) {
if ($irt = $options['thread']->getEmailMessageId()) {
// This is an response from an email, like and autoresponse.
// Web posts will not have a email message-id
$headers += array(
'In-Reply-To' => $irt,
'References' => $options['thread']->getEmailReferences()
elseif ($original = $options['thread']->findOriginalEmailMessage()) {
// Use the parent item as the email information source. This
// will apply for staff replies
$headers += array(
'In-Reply-To' => $original->getEmailMessageId(),
'References' => $original->getEmailReferences(),
// Configure the reply tag and embedded message id token
if ($cfg && $cfg->stripQuotedReply()
&& (!isset($options['reply-tag']) || $options['reply-tag']))
$reply_tag = $cfg->getReplySeparator() . '<br/><br/>';
// Use general failsafe default initially
$eol = "\n";
// MAIL_EOL setting can be defined in `ost-config.php`
if (defined('MAIL_EOL') && is_string(MAIL_EOL)) {
$eol = MAIL_EOL;
$mime = new Mail_mime($eol);
// Add in extra attachments, if any from template variables
if ($message instanceof TextWithExtras
&& ($files = $message->getFiles())
) {
foreach ($files as $F) {
$file = $F->getFile();
$file->getType(), $file->getName(), false);
// If the message is not explicitly declared to be a text message,
// then assume that it needs html processing to create a valid text
// body
if (!(isset($options['text']) && $options['text'])) {
// Embed the data-mid in such a way that it should be included
// in a response
if ($reply_tag || $mid_token) {
$message = "<div style=\"display:none\"
$txtbody = rtrim(Format::html2text($message, 90, false))
. ($messageId ? "\nRef-Mid: $messageId\n" : '');
else {
$isHtml = false;
if ($isHtml && $cfg && $cfg->isRichTextEnabled()) {
// Pick a domain compatible with pear Mail_Mime
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('#(@[0-9a-zA-Z\-\.]+)#', $this->getFromAddress(), $matches)) {
$domain = $matches[1];
} else {
$domain = '@localhost';
// Format content-ids with the domain, and add the inline images
// to the email attachment list
$self = $this;
$message = preg_replace_callback('/cid:([\w.-]{32})/',
function($match) use ($domain, $mime, $self) {
$file = false;
foreach ($self->attachments as $id=>$F) {
if ($F instanceof Attachment)
$F = $F->getFile();
if (strcasecmp($F->getKey(), $match[1]) === 0) {
if (!$file)
// Not attached yet attempt to attach it inline
$file = AttachmentFile::lookup($match[1]);
if (!$file)
return $match[0];
$file->getType(), $file->getName(), false,
// Don't re-attach the image below
return $match[0].$domain;
}, $message);
// Add an HTML body
//XXX: Attachments
if(($attachments=$this->getAttachments())) {
foreach($attachments as $id=>$file) {
// Read the filename from the Attachment if possible
if ($file instanceof Attachment) {
$filename = $file->getFilename();
$file = $file->getFile();
else {
$filename = $file->getName();
$file->getType(), $filename, false);
//Desired encodings...
'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
'text_encoding' => 'base64',
'html_encoding' => 'base64',
'html_charset' => 'utf-8',
'text_charset' => 'utf-8',
'head_charset' => 'utf-8'
//encode the body
$body = $mime->get($encodings);
//encode the headers.
$headers = $mime->headers($headers, true);
// Cache smtp connections made during this request
static $smtp_connections = array();
if(($smtp=$this->getSMTPInfo())) { //Send via SMTP
$key = sprintf("%s:%s:%s", $smtp['host'], $smtp['port'],
if (!isset($smtp_connections[$key])) {
$mail = mail::factory('smtp', array(
'host' => $smtp['host'],
'port' => $smtp['port'],
'auth' => $smtp['auth'],
'username' => $smtp['username'],
'password' => $smtp['password'],
'timeout' => 20,
'debug' => false,
'persist' => true,
if ($mail->connect())
$smtp_connections[$key] = $mail;
else {
// Use persistent connection
$mail = $smtp_connections[$key];
$result = $mail->send($to, $headers, $body);
return $messageId;
// Force reconnect on next ->send()
$alert=_S("Unable to email via SMTP")
.sprintf(":%1\$s:%2\$d [%3\$s]\n\n%4\$s\n",
$smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['username'], $result->getMessage());
//No SMTP or it failed....use php's native mail function.
$mail = mail::factory('mail');
// Ensure the To: header is properly encoded.
$to = $headers['To'];
$result = $mail->send($to, $headers, $body);
return $messageId;
$alert=_S("Unable to email via php mail function")
$to, $result->getMessage());
return false;
function logError($error) {
global $ost;
//NOTE: Admin alert override - don't email when having email trouble!
$ost->logError(_S('Mailer Error'), $error, false);
/******* Static functions ************/
//Emails using native php mail function - if DB connection doesn't exist.
//Don't use this function if you can help it.
function sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from) {
$mailer = new Mailer(null, array('notice'=>true, 'nobounce'=>true));
return $mailer->send($to, $subject, $message);