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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Sep 28, 2015
  2. Sep 12, 2015
    • Peter Rotich's avatar
      bug: Collaborators notice · f9e9da44
      Peter Rotich authored
      Fix case where collaborators were not being alerted
      Alert admin last on new ticket - just in case admin email is used by an agent.
  3. Aug 07, 2015
  4. Aug 04, 2015
  5. Jul 08, 2015
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      mail: Ensure proper encoding of the To header · 857dd224
      Jared Hancock authored
      When using the php mail() function, the To: header encoded in the Mail_mime
      library was not properly transferred to the $to variable passed to the mail
      backend. The mail() function will add its own To: header which will
      mimic the received destination address.
      This patch ensures that the $to parameter is properly encoded.
  6. Jun 04, 2015
  7. Jun 03, 2015
  8. Jun 02, 2015
  9. May 27, 2015
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      file: Allow different names for duplicated content · 3bbe2933
      Jared Hancock authored
      This patch (which needs further development), introduces an extra field to
      the %attachment table to store a file's name, in the event that two files
      with the same content are stored in the database with differing names. In
      such a case, the name is stored in the %attachment table. This allows the
      attachment to specify a different name each time the same file is attached
      to something in the system.
  10. May 21, 2015
  11. May 13, 2015
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      mail: Ensure proper encoding of the To header · 98fef45c
      Jared Hancock authored
      When using the php mail() function, the To: header encoded in the Mail_mime
      library was not properly transferred to the $to variable passed to the mail
      backend. The mail() function will add its own To: header which will
      mimic the received destination address.
      This patch ensures that the $to parameter is properly encoded.
  12. May 02, 2015
  13. Apr 30, 2015
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      Implement resend and arbitrary history · c161b596
      Jared Hancock authored
      Add in the ability for an agent to resend a response. Optionally editing the
      response before sending it, and setting the signature as is possible with
      the usual responses.
      When the response is resent, the edited version is marked as GUARDED, and
      subsequent edits will result in new links in the history chain. That is,
      when a response is edited and resent by an agent, that response will remain
      in the history chain.
  14. Apr 15, 2015
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      mailer: Embed the Message-Id token in @class · 06a9b903
      Jared Hancock authored
      Several mail clients do not return the Message-ID header in a In-Reply-To or
      References header as they should. The assumption by such mail clients is
      that the email be threaded based on the Subject header. However, osTicket
      does not require the ticket number to be placed in the Subject header and so
      has trouble threading email from such systems. osTicket embeds a copy of the
      Message-ID header (or compatible version) in the body of the message in
      hopes part of the message will be returned.
      Many mail clients (such as osTicket) strip and clean the HTML when
      processing HTML email. Previously, the message-id token was embedded in a
      @data-mid attribute, which was likely stripped before the HTML email would
      be returned back to osTicket.
      This patch suggests that the token be placed in a @class attribute, which
      has a much better chance of returning to osTicket.
  15. Apr 10, 2015
  16. Mar 25, 2015
  17. Feb 17, 2015
  18. Feb 12, 2015
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      Collaborators for threads, lock as a utility · 67d55198
      Jared Hancock authored
      This patch includes a slight database migration, and adjusts the
      functionality of a few core components.
        * Move collaborators from the ticket to the thread.
          This concept allows collaborators on any object which has a thread,
          including tasks.
        * Add flags to the thread entry
          This will allow flagging thread entries for different purposes.
          Initially this can be used to flag the original message of a thread in
          case a ticket / thread is created without an initial message.
        * Lock becomes more of a utility
          The lock is now disconnected from the ticket and is a separate utility.
          Separately, the ticket and task objects can have a reference to a lock
          object. Furthermore, when submitting some activities to tickets, the
          lock is verified to be owned by the respective agent, and the lock code
          must match a current lock code. The code is rotated on each acquire()
          call to guard against double submissions.
        * Collaborator is an ORM model
          The TicketUser class is broken up now so that the collaborator instance
          can exist apart from a ticket. Email message ids are now generated for
          collaborators without respect for a ticket so that collaborators can be
          properly supported on any thread.
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      thread: Fix a couple issues with email message-ids · ae603f80
      Jared Hancock authored
        * Fix matching of collaborators on return emails. Previously the
          collaborator ID was used instead of the related user ID. Also, the 'C'
          user class (collaborator) was not handled in ::decodeMessageId()
        * Only send a reply separator for email related to a thread
        * Always generate a tag for the email message id. This will allow reply
          from the help desk administrator for the new ticket alert
  19. Feb 10, 2015
  20. Jan 23, 2015
  21. Dec 15, 2014
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      email: Message-Id header with user and thread ID · ecd2e6a9
      Jared Hancock authored
      This patch suggests a change to the message-id creation process that
      includes stamping the receiving user-id (staff or client) along with the
      thread-id of the originating notice. This allows detection of threading if
      the clinically brain-dead mail client drops all the other header detection
      mechanisms, including the tag placed in the email body, on response.
      This patch works for both client and agent communication.
  22. Sep 08, 2014
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      email: Add MAIL_EOL setting to ost-config.php file · d3bf4991
      Jared Hancock authored
      This setting allows administrators to add (uncomment) a MAIL_EOL setting in
      the ost-config.php config file to define the line ending used for mail
      headers and encoded bodies in outbound mail (SMTP, for instance).
      By default, CRLF is used by the SMTP email generator as per the RFC 822
      standard. However, many administrators can benefit by setting LF (\n) as the
      line ending.
  23. Aug 28, 2014
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      email: Always include a message-id token · fd69753f
      Jared Hancock authored
      Previously, if the quoted response mechanism was disabled, then outgoing
      mail would also not include the message-id token. This breaks the
      correlation of email to ticket-thread. Now, the message-id token is always
      embedded in HTML emails even if the quoted-response removal system is
      (Turns out that the message-id token was always included in text bodies.)
  24. Jul 18, 2014
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      email: No bounces for system alerts · a333026d
      Jared Hancock authored
      Send an empty return-path envelope when sending out system alerts. If they
      should happen to bounce for any reason, they should not return to the system
      and create tickets.
  25. Jun 25, 2014
    • Thane de Loth's avatar
      Adopt translation work from Thane de Loth · 7042e6c8
      Thane de Loth authored
      Multilanguage Support via gettext
      - added gettext encapsulations to all texts i thought necessary
      - added fallback function for the case that the gettext extension isn't loaded
      - added browser language detection
      - added gettext to the list of optional extensions in setup
      - rewritten some of the texts to use sprintf instead of appending strings
      - added german translation file
      - removed mark_overdue-confirm from
      extend multi language support and a fex fixes
      - Better detection of translation files
      - Added functionality to redirect language codes (see redirecting
      language codes)
      - Ticket Status can be translated
      - The Datepicker can be translated
      - Extended functionality of 'testlang.php' to show what language code is
      used to translate
      Forgotten to apply a patch from RC5 to RC6
      - Forgotten to change $var to $vars in line 380 of class.mailfetch.php
      - Removed unneeded comment
      Added php_gettext as primary translation engine
      - Added php_gettext support (thanks to Danilo Segan and Steven
      - php_gettext is now the primary translation engine
      - Extended language detection functionality
      Add error/misconfiguration checks and fix undefined variables
  26. Jun 18, 2014
  27. May 20, 2014
    • Jared Hancock's avatar
      email: Don't sanitize and munge ws for emails · 571d065f
      Jared Hancock authored
      If the HTML ticket thread is disabled, outgoing emails will have a text
      thread body placed inside an HTML template. The template and message are
      then sanitized and converted to text. However, htmLawed will munge the white
      space in the message before converting to text.
      This patch disables sanitizing. I think it's fair to assume that the
      template and the message by the client or agent have been properly sanitized
      prior to sending out the email.
  28. May 08, 2014
  29. Apr 15, 2014
  30. Mar 18, 2014
  31. Mar 17, 2014