- Nov 07, 2018
Peter Rotich authored
Don't show fields disabled by help topic Pass create mode for pre-selected help topic forms
- Nov 05, 2018
Peter Rotich authored
This commit addresses inconsistencies on how field edit rights and visibility are are handled.
- Sep 05, 2018
Peter Rotich authored
aydreeihn authored
- Create a new database patch to add a new Event table, use event_id instead of state for thread_events, and remote the 'state' column in thread_events - Create the Event class - Use event_id instead of state for Thread Events
- Aug 28, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 4473 where users creating a ticket with the Help Topic preselected shows a validation error for the Issue Summary field. This is due to the new `getFormName()` function that creates new field form names based on the user’s/agent’s session. When the Help Topic is preselected, `_form` is not set for each field so the hashed name of the fields before ticket submit is different than after ticket submit.
- Aug 06, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where the client portal shows Featured FAQs on the sidebar even thought the Knowledgebase is Disabled.
- Jul 31, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where the client side thread entries are all grouped within the same div. This pushes all grouped entries to one side of the page making them illegible.
- Jul 30, 2018
aydreeihn authored
- Add space between column headers and sort arrow - Fix sorting by 'Subject' column - Fix redactor issues with 'Reset' button - Make sure text within redactor is cleared correctly - Make sure we don't keep attachments if Reset - Make sure redactor is reinitialized where needed
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where client side column sorting does not work at all. This is due to the if/else statement that checks for a REQUEST sort order and if the REQUEST sort order matches an `$orderWays` array value. The if statement returns TRUE for DESC and sets the sort order to DESC as it equals '-' (a dash) but ASC equals '' (an empty string) so it returns FALSE which fails-over to the else statement setting the sort order to DESC. In addition, this adds sorting icons the the column headers to make it more obvious they are sortable.
- Jul 24, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where client side column sorting does not work at all. This is due to the if/else statement that checks for a REQUEST sort order and if the REQUEST sort order matches an `$orderWays` array value. The if statement returns TRUE for DESC and sets the sort order to DESC as it equals '-' (a dash) but ASC equals '' (an empty string) so it returns FALSE which fails-over to the else statement setting the sort order to DESC. In addition, this adds sorting icons the the column headers to make it more obvious they are sortable.
- Jul 18, 2018
aydreeihn authored
This feature gives Agents the capability deciding whether or not Users should be able to see Tickets to which they are Collaborators for in their Ticket queues. By default, Users are able to see all Tickets they take part in whether they are the User for the Ticket or a Collaborator. If the Agent would like to disable Users seeing their Collaborator Tickets, they can configure the setting here: Admin Panel | Tickets | Settings | Collaborator Tickets Visibility
- Jun 05, 2018
aydreeihn authored
This means Agents can no longer choose to add a BCC User while creating or responding to a Ticket. This also means that if a User emails in a Ticket where someone is BCC'd, the Ticket will be created without the BCC'd User(s). If an email is sent where the Department email is BCC'd, a Ticket is created for that Department and other Users in the email are added as Collaborators. This also changes the response options for Agents. They now have the options to: - Reply All (User + Collaborators) - Reply to User (only the User) - Do not Email Reply (Previously the options were Reply All, Reply to User, Reply to CC + User, Reply to BCC, Do not Email Reply)
- May 22, 2018
aydreeihn authored
- Change To dropdown to have different reply types - Reply to All - Reply to User - Reply to Collaborators - Reply to BCC - Add a help tip for the new reply types - Set the reply type selected based on the last user respondent - Reply to Collaborator by default or if the last message is from the ticket user or a CC collaborator - Reply to BCC if the last message is from a BCC user - Put User, CC, and Bcc fields below and indented as appropriate (User field is readonly) - Add a new flag to Agent responses to show which reply type they selected. Put the flag on Agent thread entries
- May 15, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses a vulnerability where there was no `X-Frame-Options` header which could potentially allow click jacking. This adds the `X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN` header so it will remove any chance of click jacking. According to Mozilla Developer Docs: ``` SAMEORIGIN The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself. ```
- May 03, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses a vulnerability where there was no `X-Frame-Options` header which could potentially allow click jacking. This adds the `X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN` header so it will remove any chance of click jacking. According to Mozilla Developer Docs: ``` SAMEORIGIN The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself. ```
- Apr 17, 2018
aydreeihn authored
- Mar 22, 2018
Peter Rotich authored
Commit c4579277 introduced an extra administrative security feature to restrict files access to signed in users only, even if a user has a valid & signed download URL. The feature, however, did not take into account public images & files associated with FAQs and pages such as landing/thank-you pages. This commit addresses the shortcoming by adding a reference ID (attachment ID) to the download/access URL, that can be used to deduce the model/object type that the file request is associated with. The technique will allow us in the future to enforce ACL at the file level depending on privacy settings and the security clearance of the user (agent).
- Mar 15, 2018
aydreeihn authored
- Mar 06, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 4112 where osTicket does not have a default favicon. This adds favicon images and references to them in the Agent and Client headers so they appear correctly.
- Dec 17, 2017
aydreeihn authored
- Nov 14, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses and issue on the forums where upon searching for an FAQ, Private FAQ Categories will appear in the sidebar. This updates the search sidebar to exclude the Private FAQ Categories.
- Oct 30, 2017
aydreeihn authored
- Oct 17, 2017
JediKev authored
This pull request addresses issues 2955 & 3524 where an Agent's name is visible to User even when Agent Identity Masking is enabled. This adds a check for `hide_staff_name` in the config table and if enabled the system will show Staff on all thread responses and events.
- Sep 11, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 3952 where the Serbian language did not have a flag icon. This icon has to be seen in order for the users to change the language. The reason the flag wasn’t shown was due to the incorrect class name for the language link. This updates the class naming section to add the correct part of the language name to the class.
- Jul 17, 2017
Kevin Thorne authored
Fixes the cancel button from doing nothing to making it delete the draft of the fields and redirect agents to ticket queue or clients to main page.
- Jun 29, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses issue #3860 where if you add a translation to the Login Page and view the page in the translated language, the translation does not show. This adds the correct method to get the translated page.
- Jun 05, 2017
aydreeihn authored
- Apr 18, 2017
Richard Bukovansky authored
- Mar 22, 2017
Peter Rotich authored
* Show faq count of subcategories on the parent category * Only show count of public FAQs on the client portal * Show distinct Help Topics when viewing category on client portal
- Mar 18, 2017
Peter Rotich authored
Introduce ability to create sub-categories to knowledge base categories
- Nov 07, 2016
Kevin Thorne authored
This addresses issue where Client side FAQ Last Updated time was showing incorrect Category Last Updated time.
- Oct 24, 2016
Peter Rotich authored
Refactor PR #3410 to drop extra commits. All credit to @jdelhome3578
- Oct 20, 2016
jdelhome3578 authored
Remove extra ` ` which throw off the spacing
jdelhome3578 authored
This fixes sorting and total ticket count.
- Oct 13, 2016
JediKev authored
- Sep 28, 2016
JediKev authored
- Jun 06, 2016
Richard Bukovansky authored
Adding possibility to use translations for some texts on homepage and main knowledgebase page.
- Apr 22, 2016
Michael authored
Within this commit, several files got updated to split up strings like "Disable for this team" / "Disable for this department" into "Disable for" and "this team"/"this department". So a) a little bit less translations and b) all strings of "this (ticket|task|API|canned|FAQ|depart|email|group|site|SLA|agent|team|template|help|ban|category|custom|end user|role)" can match already existing "this ..." translations now. PS: Didn't remove all that whitespaces in include/staff/tpl.inc.php - seems like my php editor app has done that automatically :/
- Mar 29, 2016
Jared Hancock authored
This partially reverts a change in the ORM changing the QuerySet::all() method to return an Iterator rather than an array. I spent a while proposing a patch to replace usage of all() with iterations; however, I cannot propose a valid reason to abandon the previous methodology. This reintroduces the previous behavior: calling all() will yield an array of results from the QuerySet's iteration system.
- Mar 26, 2016
Jared Hancock authored