- Nov 07, 2018
Peter Rotich authored
Don't show fields disabled by help topic Pass create mode for pre-selected help topic forms
- Nov 05, 2018
Peter Rotich authored
This commit addresses inconsistencies on how field edit rights and visibility are are handled.
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where inserting images on a Page or FAQ and having the setting enabled for "Login required to view attachments." does not display the images at all when the Page/FAQ renders in view. This is due to the Page/FAQ update functions that were not updated to fit the new `id=>name` format for `keepOnlyFileIds()` introduced with `f179cf15`.
- Oct 31, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where configuring a System Email to have a Department and then editing/saving changes on the configured Department will change the System Email's Department back to the the default Department. This was due to a un-needed Department Status check introduced with commit `1d361b51`. This also updates all instances of Dept Status comparison to be case insensitive and non-translated.
- Oct 30, 2018
JediKev authored
This adds a setting in the Ticket Settings to give the option of showing the ticket counts on Top-Level queues. If enabled, this will populate the ticket counts next to the Top-Level queue names like they used to be. The only caveat is the counts are triggered by mousing-over any of the queue names as we only load the counts when we need to display the sub-queues (for better performance). This also adds a new format function called `number` (Phase 1). As of now it will format any integer to a comma separated number (eg. `1337 -> 1,337`).
aydreeihn authored
This commit addresses an issue where we lost the logic for needed GROUP BYs in the dashboard report. They were added back for the Statistics query but not for the query that calculates Response and Service time. This now adds it back.
- Oct 29, 2018
Peter Rotich authored
This commit addresses where wrong "primary" field was used to indicate Ticket Status column. It also fixes an issue where sorting was done via `id` instead of `name`.
Peter Rotich authored
This commits adds a flag to skip validation on $field->getClean() routine. This is necessary to allow FileUploadField to fetch "injected" files.
- Oct 25, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where poor little `sort_id` was sadly forgotten for the two main-level queues "Open" and "My Tickets".
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where replying to a ticket causes a Fatal Error for the system. This is due to the `$ticket` object not being set before the else statement therefore causing the `getId()` function to fail. This breaks down the if/else statement to make sure the `$ticket` object is in-fact set before continuing.
aydreeihn authored
This commit fixes an issue where we were not able to see all of the departments, topics, and agents that should have been included in the report. The logic for the GROUP BY in the queries was changed, so we just manually added them back in.
Peter Rotich authored
This commits adds fallback for queue counts and improves caching mechanism.
Peter Rotich authored
- Oct 24, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue reported on the forum where deleting a User will throw a fatal error. This was caused by 4558 where the `state` column was mistakenly overwritten with `event_id`. In addition, this changes `$deleted` to `$status_id` for better readability.
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where export does not work due to a fatal error "Unknown column 'R0.state' in 'where clause'". This was caused by 4558 due to the removal of enums and the `state` column. This updates the filter to match the `event_id` instead of `state`.
Jared Hancock authored
This patch fixes the issue where the configuration was not properly reloaded during an upgrade. The configuration items were stashed in the Config class and were not re-fetched from the ::load() method. Additionally, this patch forces the ORM cached objects to be flushed on each loop through the automated upgrader to ensure that cached data which might have been modified directly in the database during the database process is destroyed.
- Oct 23, 2018
- Oct 22, 2018
Peter Rotich authored
aydreeihn authored
Peter Rotich authored
Clear cached queue counts on queue update and via auto-cron
Peter Rotich authored
This commit reverses relevance limit added by commit a9c283ec. This is necessary because searching for Organization or User name will have low relevance due to limited size of indexed "document".
Peter Rotich authored
Drop checking FLAG_PUBLIC when determining if a queue is private
Peter Rotich authored
This commits adds ability to add extra joins to a queryset. If the join has constraints then it's LEFT joined otherwise straight JOIN is assumed. This is necessary to fix queue counts for queues with keyword search.
Jared Hancock authored
This is pretty weak as implemented, but one of the problems with searching speed is that, for each page render, the count of the hits is required. But now the hits query does not actually collect the count for the search queue. What's worse, the code collects counts for all saved queues (not including the advanced search), so the counts are not included. Then, the code re-collects the counts for all the queues since the advanced search queue count isn't available. Then, since there still is no count for the advanced search, it will show "0" results after waiting to count all the other queues. This cowardly fixes the issue by assuming there are 500 hits, which allows a few pages. In reality, the pagination system should be rewired so that it can dynamically add pages until it comes up with a short read of results, in which case it can assume that it has reached the end.
Jared Hancock authored
This patch adds a few changes. First, the full-text search query is refactored so that MySQL can focus first on finding matching records in its full-text search index (in the %_search table) in a subquery. Then it can focus on matching records against tickets in an outer query (whether ticket data, thread entries, user info, or organization inf was matched). This dramatically speeds up the query for large datasets by about 20x (about three seconds instead of sixty-something). Secondly, results are now sorted based on relevance, so the best hits sort a the top of the list. This is accomplished by adding the `relevance` to the query sort list via the extra() method. Then, since no GROUP BY clause is really necessary, it is not added to the query, which will allow the results not to be re-sorted by the ticket_id. (That is, the remain sorted by the search relevance). Third, the relevance has a lower limit of 0.3. Good hits seem to have a much larger value (like hundreds), so setting a small value will help to remove hits with barely any relevance to the search terms.
Jared Hancock authored
When using a nested query to perform the search for the ticket queue, drop the extra full-text search criteria join from the outer query. This seems to drop the `rows_examined` by a factor of two and drops the query time by an order of magnitude.
Jared Hancock authored
This significantly speeds up the re-indexing speed for large databases. Since it is only important to have the system reindexed--and not necessarily what order the re-indexing happends, the sorting is really just a waste of resources and time. This dramatically increases the performance of searching for indexable threads, for instance, from 260900ms to about 42ms.
Jared Hancock authored
This changes the organization of the ticket queue query. It places the criteria of the queue and the access criteria based on the staff in a query by itself. Then it joins to that query and selects the columns and annotations in the outer query. This seems to help MySQL focus on the query in two stages. The first is to find the one page of results to be shown on the page, and the second is to find all the information to be shown for each ticket.
Jared Hancock authored
If there are annotations in an SQL statement, but there are no aggregate functions used (such as SUM, COUNT, etc), then a GROUP BY clause is not technically required. Using one implies sorting of the results to ensure uniqueness--prior to sorting them according to the requested sort in the ORDER BY clause.
Peter Rotich authored
Prefer agent's queue count instead of rough count when paginating the tickets. This will make the initial queue load expensive but has an added advantage of having queue counts available thereafter for drop downs. This commits also adds entry to auto-cron, to keep queue counts more up to date in the background.When APCu is not available SESSION is used to cache the counts.
Jared Hancock authored
This adds the advanced option to the queue sort configuration. An index can be specified to be used for the sorting operation. In some cases, the MySQL query optimizer cannot select the most efficient index to use when dealing with large querysets and sorting. This feature, if enabled, allows an administrator to specify an index which MySQL should use when using the sort. To use the feature, an `extra` column must be added to the `%queue_sort` table to receive the index name.
Jared Hancock authored
This changes the queue counts shown at the bottom of the page to no longer be calculated using the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS method of MySQL. Such is very slow for large recordsets. Instead, a rough count is computed based on the total number of tickets in the queue without respect for staff access. This is the fastest way to get a maximum number of possible tickets to be shown. The pagenation interface should be changed to show only NEXT and PREVIOUS pages where the rough estimate can be used to provide a rough idea of whether or not another page of data would be available. Furthermore, if APCu is available, the rough count is stashed and kept between requests so that the rough counts do not need to be re-tallied until they would change from a ticket state change. Another optimization might be to increment and decrement the queue rough counts when tickets are created or change states. In such a case, it could be identified which queues the old ticket would have been (and decrement the count) and which queues the updated ticket would be in (and increment the count).
Jared Hancock authored
If APCu is available, then the queue counts can be cached between requests. They are automatically cleared and recalculated if the status of a ticket changes or if a queue or saved search is edited. Otherwise, the queue counts will expire after an hour and be recalculated anyway.
Jared Hancock authored
Somehow on large datasets (like >1M tickets), MySQL can get confused on which index will provide the best performance. Generally, as systems age, they will have significantly more closed tickets than open ones. Therefore, it should be safe to assume that scanning the `status_id` index on the ticket table for `open` tickets would be the fastest way to arrive at the sort-of short list of tickets which should need to possibly be aged.
Peter Rotich authored
The commit fixes queues display and sorting.
Peter Rotich authored
* Require keyword search term to be 3 words or less * Show keyword search option on Advanced Search dialog
Peter Rotich authored
This commit makes Primary Queues buckets for sub queues with forced inheritance of criteria. Primary queues are now hidden unless there are no sub queues attached. Agents can still get to primary queue by clicking on it. The commit also adds default sub queues for Closed queue, utilizing DateTime periods.