- Oct 01, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
- Sep 28, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
- Sep 26, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
Jared Hancock authored
This feature allows (by option) an organization to allow its members to see tickets from other members. It can be used beside or instead of the automated collaboration feature. Now, collaborators retain access to tickets on which they participate; however, sharing can be used to enable access to other tickets owned by their organization.
- Sep 25, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
- Aug 26, 2015
Nathan Febuary authored
- Aug 24, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
If the subject field is something crazy, such as an HTML field, ensure that the layout of the ticket queue is preserved and properly truncated. Furthermore, ensure that the HTML is properly rendered on the client and staff ticket view pages.
- Aug 18, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
This patch makes the open and closed ticket counts on the client portal relative to the help topic search. It also hides the counts when doing text searches so that an extra count query isn't necessary.
- Jul 24, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
- Jun 03, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
This patch adds to the client interface the ability to filter tickets on the client portal by help topic, as well as a "clear" feature to clear search, sort, and filter options.
- Feb 17, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
- Dec 30, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
Use http::build_query instead of inline urlencode
- Dec 11, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
Use generic attachment table for all attachments system-wide. Drop thread entry attachment table
Jared Hancock authored
- Dec 10, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
- Dec 09, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
The commit also renames some fields in department table.
- Dec 08, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
This patch adds support for automatic date and time formatting based on a selection of locale. The locale can default to the system or user specified language+locale, or can be elected separately. For instance, English speakers can pick between US, GB, and many other English speaking locales. This also removes the need of the %timezone table and uses the timezonedb built into PHP 5.3+. User's can now select from a much longer list of database and no longer need to deal with the DST checkbox.
- Nov 15, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
This helps in long UTF-8 characters as the bytes were previously counted and the width of the characters was assumed to correlate with the count of the bytes in the text. This method allows the browser to calmly truncate the text according to the available space in the page where the text is rendered.
- Oct 27, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
- Oct 09, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
Use the cdata field when searching and sorting the ticket listing on the client side.
- Sep 24, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
- Sep 19, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
This is necessary to avoid confusion vs. closed state.
- Sep 17, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
- Aug 05, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
- Jul 29, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
Ticket numbers are now configurable as a system-default and by help topic. Previously, an administrator could select between six-digit random and sequential numbers. Now, the sequence is selectable so multiple sequences as needed, and a format can be specified to define how the ticket numbers look. Formats can also be defined for each help topic.
- Jul 10, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
The software defines at least three contexts for the phrase "Open" * The name of a ticket queue (Open tickets) * A status of a ticket (Open / Closed) * An action to be performed (Open a ticket) References: (Crowdin login required) http://i18n.osticket.com/translate/osticket-official/148/enus-de#2915
- Jun 25, 2014
Thane de Loth authored
Multilanguage Support via gettext - added gettext encapsulations to all texts i thought necessary - added fallback function for the case that the gettext extension isn't loaded - added browser language detection - added gettext to the list of optional extensions in setup - rewritten some of the texts to use sprintf instead of appending strings - added german translation file - removed mark_overdue-confirm from cannedresponses.inc.php extend multi language support and a fex fixes - Better detection of translation files - Added functionality to redirect language codes (see redirecting language codes) - Ticket Status can be translated - The Datepicker can be translated - Extended functionality of 'testlang.php' to show what language code is used to translate Forgotten to apply a patch from RC5 to RC6 - Forgotten to change $var to $vars in line 380 of class.mailfetch.php - Removed unneeded comment Added php_gettext as primary translation engine - Added php_gettext support (thanks to Danilo Segan and Steven Armstrong) - php_gettext is now the primary translation engine - Extended language detection functionality Add error/misconfiguration checks and fix undefined variables
- Jun 16, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
In both the client and staff interfaces, where the URL and request parameters were echo'd back without any escaping
- Mar 25, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
Client accounts now that the user is verified either via staff or the client's email mailbox, there's a much lower risk to showing a verified user other tickets and virtually no reason that an administrator should have to turn the feature on.
- Jan 17, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
- Jan 15, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
Peter Rotich authored
Drop join to the user table Use internal ticket id instead of ticket number
- Oct 09, 2013
Jared Hancock authored
Jared Hancock authored
Moved to an initial form which specifies the ticket's priority and issue and changed the rendering to render things properly. Now the user can decide where priority shows on the client side, and the priority privacy setting is placed in the dynamic form wizard. The standard form is added to every ticket without option. Extra forms can be defined and associated with help topics which can additionally be added to tickets upon creation. This allows for standardization of the dynamic data location for searches and filtering. Implemented advanced search for dynamic data. Along with reinstating the basic ticket search on keywords Implemented ticket filtering on dynamic data for both keyword searches as well as searches for special fields (drop-down lists, etc.) Phone number for users is now completely optional
Jared Hancock authored
This moves client information like name and email address out of the general dynamic forms data for a ticket. It really paves the way for the first-class user of the future.
Jared Hancock authored
*This is a major redesign / rework of the osTicket base* This patch drops the concept of static ticket metadata and allows for an admin-configurable arbitrary data that is attachable to tickets The system is architected such that the base osTicket install now comes with a "default" form that has fields for subject, name, email, and phone number. This form is editable to allow for the addition of arbitrary other fields; however, the basic fields must remain in order to be associated with a help-topic and attached to a ticket. This concept can be expanded to allow for arbitrary data associated with registered clients or ticket thread items. Forms are comprised of sections. Sections have a title and instructions properties and a list of fields. Fields have various implementations to represent different data such as text, long answer, phone number, datetime, yes/no, and selections, and are configurable to define the look and feel and interpretation of the respective form field. Dropdown lists are represented as "Dynamic Lists", which are admin-configurable lists of items. Dropdowns can be optionally represented as Bootstrap typeahead fields. This also adds the start of a simple ORM which will hopefully be expanded in the future to support multiple database platforms. Currently, only MySQL is implemented.
- Mar 06, 2013
Peter Rotich authored
Add tickets count to ticket's status filter dropdown.
- Oct 31, 2012
Peter Rotich authored
Use non-minimized css - users can minimize on their own
- Aug 08, 2012
Peter Rotich authored
- Apr 09, 2012
Jared Hancock authored
Replace the ticket_{message,response,note} tables with a single ticket_thread table that will contain data for all three current message types. This simplifies much of the ticket thread code and paves the way for other types of messages in the future.