- Jul 24, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue introduced with 4332 where the deploy CLI breaks upon deploying to an existing location. This checks to see if there is a bootstrap file in the destination first and if so it uses that one if not uses the source.
- Jul 20, 2018
- Jul 13, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where disabling Ticket Locks but setting a time for the Lock Timeout will always throw a "lock required" error. This adds a check to see if locks are enabled AND there is a time set. If locks are disabled it will not throw the error.
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 4329 where you can import a User with no email address via CSV file. Once the User is added and you try to update them with an email address it fails due to no default email. This updates the check for email address from `!isset()` to `empty()` which will correctly check for empty string.
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where osTicket did not ensure associated items exist before saving to the database. This also addresses an issue where the Parent Topic error was not displayed on page.
JediKev authored
It may be possible to steal or manipulate customer session and cookies, which might be used to impersonate a legitimate user, allowing the hacker to view or alter user records, and to perform transactions as that user. Sanitation of hazardous characters was not performed correctly on user input. osTicket did not properly sanitize array values in `Format::htmlchars()`. Some values in the Admin Interface were not properly sanitized and returned to the response.
- Jul 09, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 4322 where deploying via CLI is missing `bootstrap.php`. This is due to the `get_include_dir()` function that tries to include a file from the destination which doesn’t exist yet, causing a fatal error. This updates the function to use `$this->source` instead of `$this->destination` to correctly find and include `bootstrap.php`.
- Jul 03, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 4325 where the Language Pack Locales are mismatched. The Locale for the first language is displayed on the second language, etc. This updates the `$manifest` variable to be set before we display data so the correct `MANIFEST` file is included and all language data is displayed correctly.
- Jun 07, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue on the Forums where the Auto-Assignment Thread Event (configurable via Help Topic) uses the Email of the User rather than the User’s Name. This adds the correct function to retrieve the User’s Name if the User has an Account.
- May 13, 2018
Marco Borla authored
Some fix for PHP 7,2 https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/issues/4237
Marco Borla authored
Some fix for PHP 7.2 support https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/issues/4237
- May 09, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue on the forums where the query to determine the size of the `file_chunk` table is making the page load really slow for people with large tables. This updates the query to improve the performance of the page load time.
- May 03, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses a vulnerability where there was no `X-Frame-Options` header which could potentially allow click jacking. This adds the `X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN` header so it will remove any chance of click jacking. According to Mozilla Developer Docs: ``` SAMEORIGIN The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself. ```
- Apr 25, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses the issue where files were being deleted before being sent out in Agent responses. This was due to a bug in the query that gets the orphaned files. This query was getting files created within the last 24 hours not after the last 24 hours. The query also had another bug that would use the time from PHP instead of MySQL which could cause issues. This updates the query as per @greezybacon's suggestions to delete orphaned files that were created more than 24 hours ago.
- Apr 19, 2018
Jared Hancock authored
This fixes an error where the ModelInstanceManager maintained a reference to the QuerySet instance, and the QuerySet instance managed a reference to the ModelInstanceManager instance (if it's the iterator for the query). Because of the circular reference, if the iterator is not exhausted, then the resource is not closed and the query remains open. This wastes memory and prevents some other queries from running after such a situation happens. This addresses the issue by removing the circular reference between the QuerySet and the ModelInstanceManager.
- Apr 09, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where the Upgrader will sometimes use an outdated cached object and throw an error. This adds a the function to clear the Model Cache every time the Upgrader runs an Upgrade Patch to get fresh objects.
- Apr 02, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where the User’s account status is always 'Active' in the Organization list no matter what their actual status is. This adds the account status to the user query which adds the correct status to the Users’ account.
- Mar 26, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where Outlook adds weird (and seemingly random) _MailEndCompose tags to the email body which turns unwanted content into links. This adds the _MailEndCompose tag to Format::sanitize() so it will be removed from the email body.
- Mar 20, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where you can exploit XSS in the help-topic AJAX request. This adds a check for a refferal URL and if none it will return a 403 Forbidden Response.
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where the CSRF Token is displayed in the URL when you preform a search in the Users Tab. This removes the token from the request which removes it from the URL.
- Mar 07, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where the 'DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR' args were not properly added to the `imap_open` params. This changes the `+=` operator to `array_merge()` to successufully add the params.
- Mar 06, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses a vulnerability where an Agent can perform XSS via the Agent Directory’s REQUEST query string. This sanitizes the request params so the code will be escaped and not executed in the browser.
- Feb 28, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where some Vimeo videos are not being sent in Agent’s responses. This adds `player.vimeo` to the sanitize method’s iframe section so that the iframe tag is not stripped.
- Feb 22, 2018
Mat Whitney authored
Don't display the Close Task option if the current user can't close it...
- Feb 21, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where the `randNumber()` function would crash on 32-Bit systems if the ticket format was set to a really high amount of digits (eg. ###################). This is because the `max()` value that was being passed to `mt_rand()` exceeded the `mt_getrandmax()` limit which caused an error. This updates the function to generate a random number for each digit to avoid the `mt_getrandmax()` limit.
- Feb 07, 2018
Nicoletta Maia authored
- Jan 25, 2018
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where the Help Text for Section Break fields does not display custom Redactor styling correctly. Instead of displaying the properly formatted Redactor content with it's styling it displays the entire html for the Redactor content. This was due to the format method used for the Section Break Field's Help Text. This updates the method from `Format::htmlchars()` to `Format::display()` which displays the properly formatted content. The content is also sanitized by `Format::sanitize()` before saving to the database to avoid any chance of XSS.
- Nov 06, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where someone can bypass the file restrictions on the file upload field in the Client Portal. This adds the allowed extensions and file types to the field options so that User’s cannot upload anything other than the allowed file types.
- Oct 19, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 4015 where osTicket’s cookies aren’t HttpOnly by default. The HttpOnly flag helps prevent client scripts accessing the cookie. This updates the method that sets the cookie params to include the HttpOnly flag.
- Sep 14, 2017
Peter Rotich authored
Encode html entities of cached form data
Peter Rotich authored
This commit addresses an SQL injection vulnerability in ORM lookup function. * ORM implementation failed to properly quote fields, used in SQL statements, that might originate from unsanitized user input. * AttachmentFile lookup allowed for key based SQL injection by blindly delegating non-string lookup to ORM.
- Aug 15, 2017
aydreeihn authored
Extend this to exclude image files that are injectable from opening in browser windows.
- Aug 10, 2017
- Aug 08, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where updating a Task does not change the `updated` column in the database. This adds a line to change the `update` column when updating a Task.
- Jul 28, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 3782 where clicking Print on a Task gives you a blank popup that hangs. This is because the Print button was being treated as a Task action when it is actually not one. This adds a ternary operator to give the proper Task Actions the `task-action` class and gives the Print button no class.
- Jul 21, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses issue 3815 where searching by User's phone number doesn't work in v1.10. This adds phone number search capabilities for the User Directory and User Search popup in v1.10.
- Jul 19, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses an issue where expired sessions would not be removed from the database. This caused the session table to fill up and create unnecessary issues. This adds a cleanup method to remove all expired sessions from the database.
- May 12, 2017
JediKev authored
This addresses issue where upon deletion of a form field and all its entry values, the field record wouldn't be deleted from the `form_field` table. This links another issue where you can't delete a list if its been a field before. This is due to the list delete() function that checks for list field records in the `form_field` table.
- Apr 24, 2017
Peter Rotich authored
This is necessary to force a particular timezone on a DateTimeField entry. If timezone is not set then user's timezone is assumed.