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    Ticket thread
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    XXX: Please DO NOT add any ticket related logic! use ticket class.

    Peter Rotich <>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:

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//Ticket thread.
class Thread {

    var $id; // same as ticket ID.
    var $ticket;

    function Thread($ticket) {

        $this->ticket = $ticket;

        $this->id = 0;


    function load() {

            return null;

        $sql='SELECT ticket.ticket_id as id '
            .' ,count(DISTINCT attach.attach_id) as attachments '
            .' ,count(DISTINCT as messages '
            .' ,count(DISTINCT as responses '
            .' ,count(DISTINCT as notes '
            .' FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' ticket '
            .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach ON ('
                .'ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id) '
            .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' message ON ('
                ."ticket.ticket_id=message.ticket_id AND message.thread_type = 'M') "
            .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' response ON ('
                ."ticket.ticket_id=response.ticket_id AND response.thread_type = 'R') "
            .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' note ON ( '
                ."ticket.ticket_id=note.ticket_id AND note.thread_type = 'N') "
            .' WHERE ticket.ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId())
            .' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id';

        if(!($res=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res))
            return false;

        $this->ht = db_fetch_array($res);

        $this->id = $this->ht['id'];

        return true;

    function getId() {
        return $this->id;

    function getTicketId() {
        return $this->getTicket()?$this->getTicket()->getId():0;

    function getTicket() {
        return $this->ticket;

    function getNumAttachments() {
        return $this->ht['attachments'];

    function getNumMessages() {
        return $this->ht['messages'];

    function getNumResponses() {
        return $this->ht['responses'];

    function getNumNotes() {
        return $this->ht['notes'];

    function getCount() {
        return $this->getNumMessages() + $this->getNumResponses();

    function getMessages() {
        return $this->getEntries('M');

    function getResponses() {
        return $this->getEntries('R');

    function getNotes() {
        return $this->getEntries('N');

    function getEntries($type, $order='ASC') {

        if(!$order || !in_array($order, array('DESC','ASC')))

        $sql='SELECT thread.* '
            .' ,count(DISTINCT attach.attach_id) as attachments '
            .' FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' thread '
            .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach
                ON (thread.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id
                        AND thread.thread_type=attach.ref_type) '
            .' WHERE  thread.ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId());

        if($type && is_array($type))
            $sql.=' AND thread.thread_type IN('.implode(',', db_input($type)).')';
            $sql.=' AND thread.thread_type='.db_input($type);

        $sql.=' GROUP BY '
             .' ORDER BY thread.created '.$order;

        $entries = array();
        if(($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res))
                $entries[] = $rec;

        return $entries;

    function getEntry($id) {
        return ThreadEntry::lookup($id, $this->getTicketId());

    function addNote($vars, &$errors) {

        //Add ticket Id.
        $vars['ticketId'] = $this->getTicketId();

        // DELME: When HTML / rich-text is supported
        $vars['title'] = Format::htmlchars($vars['title']);
        $vars['body'] = Format::htmlchars($vars['body']);

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        return Note::create($vars, $errors);

    function addMessage($vars, &$errors) {

        $vars['ticketId'] = $this->getTicketId();
        $vars['staffId'] = 0;

        // DELME: When HTML / rich-text is supported
        $vars['title'] = Format::htmlchars($vars['title']);
        $vars['body'] = Format::htmlchars($vars['body']);

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        return Message::create($vars, $errors);

    function addResponse($vars, &$errors) {

        $vars['ticketId'] = $this->getTicketId();

        // DELME: When HTML / rich-text is supported
        $vars['title'] = Format::htmlchars($vars['title']);
        $vars['body'] = Format::htmlchars($vars['body']);

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        return Response::create($vars, $errors);

    function deleteAttachments() {

        // Clear reference table
        $res=db_query('DELETE FROM '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId()));
        if ($res && db_affected_rows())
            $deleted = AttachmentFile::deleteOrphans();

        return $deleted;

    function delete() {

        /* XXX: Leave this out until TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE has a primary
         *      key
        $sql = 'DELETE mid.* FROM '.TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE.' mid
            INNER JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' thread ON ( = mid.message_id)
            WHERE thread.ticket_id = '.db_input($this->getTicketId());

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        $res=db_query('DELETE FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId()));
        if(!$res || !db_affected_rows())
            return false;


        return true;

    /* static */
    function lookup($ticket) {

        return ($ticket
                && is_object($ticket)
                && ($thread = new Thread($ticket))
                && $thread->getId()

Class ThreadEntry {

    var $id;
    var $ht;

    var $staff;
    var $ticket;
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    var $attachments;

    function ThreadEntry($id, $type='', $ticketId=0) {
        $this->load($id, $type, $ticketId);

    function load($id=0, $type='', $ticketId=0) {

        if(!$id && !($id=$this->getId()))
            return false;

        $sql='SELECT thread.*, info.email_mid '
            .' ,count(DISTINCT attach.attach_id) as attachments '
            .' FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' thread '
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            .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE.' info
                ON ( '
            .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach
                ON (thread.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id
                        AND thread.thread_type=attach.ref_type) '
            .' WHERE'.db_input($id);

            $sql.=' AND thread.thread_type='.db_input($type);

            $sql.=' AND thread.ticket_id='.db_input($ticketId);

        $sql.=' GROUP BY ';
        if(!($res=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res))
            return false;

        $this->ht = db_fetch_array($res);
        $this->id = $this->ht['id'];

        $this->staff = $this->ticket = null;
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        $this->attachments = array();

        return true;

    function reload() {
        return $this->load();

    function getId() {
        return $this->id;

    function getPid() {
        return $this->ht['pid'];

    function getType() {
        return $this->ht['thread_type'];

    function getSource() {
        return $this->ht['source'];

    function getPoster() {
        return $this->ht['poster'];

    function getTitle() {
        return $this->ht['title'];

    function getBody() {
        return $this->ht['body'];

    function getCreateDate() {
        return $this->ht['created'];

    function getUpdateDate() {
        return $this->ht['updated'];

    function getNumAttachments() {
        return $this->ht['attachments'];

    function getTicketId() {
        return $this->ht['ticket_id'];

    function getEmailMessageId() {
        return $this->ht['email_mid'];

    function getTicket() {

        if(!$this->ticket && $this->getTicketId())
            $this->ticket = Ticket::lookup($this->getTicketId());

        return $this->ticket;

    function getStaffId() {
        return $this->ht['staff_id'];

    function getStaff() {
        if(!$this->staff && $this->getStaffId())
            $this->staff = Staff::lookup($this->getStaffId());

        return $this->staff;

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    function getEmailHeader() {
        return $this->ht['headers'];

    function isAutoResponse() {
        return $this->getEmailHeader()?TicketFilter::isAutoResponse($this->getEmailHeader()):false;

    //Web uploads - caller is expected to format, validate and set any errors.
    function uploadFiles($files) {

        if(!$files || !is_array($files))
            return false;

        foreach($files as $file) {
            if($file['error'] && $file['error']==UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE)

                    && ($id=AttachmentFile::upload($file))
                    && $this->saveAttachment($id))
            else {
                    $error = 'Unable to upload file - '.$file['name'];
                    $error ='Error #'.$file['error']; //TODO: Transplate to string.
                    $error = $file['error'];
                 Log the error as an internal note.
                 XXX: We're doing it here because it will eventually become a thread post comment (hint: comments coming!)
                 XXX: logNote must watch for possible loops
                $this->getTicket()->logNote('File Upload Error', $error, 'SYSTEM', false);


        return $uploaded;

    function importAttachments($attachments) {

        if(!$attachments || !is_array($attachments))
            return null;

        $files = array();
        foreach($attachments as  $attachment)
                $files[] = $id;

        return $files;

    /* Emailed & API attachments handler */
    function importAttachment($attachment) {

        if(!$attachment || !is_array($attachment))
            return null;

        if (!$attachment['error'] && ($id=$this->saveAttachment($attachment)))
            $files[] = $id;
        else {
            $error = $attachment['error'];

                $error = 'Unable to import attachment - '.$attachment['name'];

            $this->getTicket()->logNote('File Import Error', $error, 'SYSTEM', false);

        return $id;

    Save attachment to the DB.
    @file is a mixed var - can be ID or file hashtable.
    function saveAttachment($file) {

            return 0;

        $sql ='INSERT INTO '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' SET created=NOW() '
             .' ,file_id='.db_input($fileId)
             .' ,ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId())
             .' ,ref_id='.db_input($this->getId())
             .' ,ref_type='.db_input($this->getType());

        return (db_query($sql) && ($id=db_insert_id()))?$id:0;

    function saveAttachments($files) {
        foreach($files as $file)
               $ids[] = $id;

        return $ids;

    function getAttachments() {

            return $this->attachments;

        //XXX: inner join the file table instead?
        $sql='SELECT a.attach_id, as file_id, f.size, f.hash as file_hash, '
            .' FROM '.FILE_TABLE.' f '
            .' WHERE a.ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId())
            .' AND a.ref_id='.db_input($this->getId())
            .' AND a.ref_type='.db_input($this->getType());

        $this->attachments = array();
        if(($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) {
                $this->attachments[] = $rec;

        return $this->attachments;

    function getAttachmentsLinks($file='attachment.php', $target='', $separator=' ') {

        foreach($this->getAttachments() as $attachment ) {
            /* The hash can be changed  but must match validation in @file */
            $size = '';
                $size=sprintf('<em>(%s)</em>', Format::file_size($attachment['size']));

            $str.=sprintf('<a class="Icon file" href="%s?id=%d&h=%s" target="%s">%s</a>%s&nbsp;%s',
                    $file, $attachment['attach_id'], $hash, $target, Format::htmlchars($attachment['name']), $size, $separator);

        return $str;
     * postEmail
     * After some security and sanity checks, attaches the body and subject
     * of the message in reply to this thread item
     * Parameters:
     * mailinfo - (array) of information about the email, with at least the
     *          following keys
     *      - mid - (string) email message-id
     *      - name - (string) personal name of email originator
     *      - email - (string<email>) originating email address
     *      - subject - (string) email subject line (decoded)
     *      - body - (string) email message body (decoded)
    function postEmail($mailinfo) {
        // +==================+===================+=============+
        // | Orig Thread-Type | Reply Thread-Type | Requires    |
        // +==================+===================+=============+
        // | *                | Message (M)       | From: Owner |
        // | *                | Note (N)          | From: Staff |
        // | Response (R)     | Message (M)       |             |
        // | Message (M)      | Response (R)      | From: Staff |
        // +------------------+-------------------+-------------+

        if (!$ticket = $this->getTicket())
            // Kind of hard to continue a discussion without a ticket ...
            return false;
        // Make sure the email is NOT already fetched... (undeleted emails)
        elseif ($this->getEmailMessageId() == $mailinfo['mid'])
            // Reporting success so the email can be moved or deleted.
            return true;

        $vars = array(
            'mid' =>    $mailinfo['mid'],
            'header' => $mailinfo['header'],
            'ticketId' => $ticket->getId(),
            'poster' => $mailinfo['name'],
            'origin' => 'Email',
            'source' => 'Email',
            'ip' =>     '',
            'reply_to' => $this,

        if (isset($mailinfo['attachments']))
            $vars['attachments'] = $mailinfo['attachments'];

        $body = $mailinfo['message'];

        // Disambiguate if the user happens also to be a staff member of the
        // system. The current ticket owner should _always_ post messages
        // instead of notes or responses
        if (strcasecmp($mailinfo['email'], $ticket->getEmail()) == 0) {
            $vars['message'] = $body;
            return $ticket->postMessage($vars, 'Email');
        elseif ($staff_id = Staff::getIdByEmail($mailinfo['email'])) {
            $vars['staffId'] = $staff_id;
            $poster = Staff::lookup($staff_id);
            $errors = array();
            $vars['note'] = $body;
            return $ticket->postNote($vars, $errors, $poster);
        elseif (Email::getIdByEmail($mailinfo['email'])) {
            // Don't process the email -- it came FROM this system
            return true;
        // TODO: Consider security constraints
        else {
            $vars['message'] = sprintf("Received From: %s\n\n%s",
                $mailinfo['email'], $body);
            return $ticket->postMessage($vars, 'Email');
        // Currently impossible, but indicate that this thread object could
        // not append the incoming email.
        return false;
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    /* Returns file names with id as key */
    function getFiles() {

        $files = array();
        foreach($this->getAttachments() as $attachment)
            $files[$attachment['file_id']] = $attachment['name'];

        return $files;

    /* save email info
     * TODO: Refactor it to include outgoing emails on responses.

    function saveEmailInfo($vars) {

        if(!$vars || !$vars['mid'])
            return 0;

            .' SET message_id='.db_input($this->getId()) //TODO: change it to thread_id
            .', email_mid='.db_input($vars['mid']); //TODO: change it to mid.
        if (isset($vars['header']))
            $sql .= ', headers='.db_input($vars['header']);

        $this->ht['email_mid'] = $vars['mid'];
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        return db_query($sql)?db_insert_id():0;

    /* variables */

    function asVar() {
        return $this->getBody();

    function getVar($tag) {
        global $cfg;

        if($tag && is_callable(array($this, 'get'.ucfirst($tag))))
            return call_user_func(array($this, 'get'.ucfirst($tag)));

        switch(strtolower($tag)) {
            case 'create_date':
                return Format::date(
            case 'update_date':
                return Format::date(

        return false;

    /* static calls */

    function lookup($id, $tid=0, $type='') {
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        return ($id
                && is_numeric($id)
                && ($e = new ThreadEntry($id, $type, $tid))
                && $e->getId()==$id
     * Parameters:
     * mailinfo (hash<String>) email header information. Must include keys
     *  - "mid" => Message-Id header of incoming mail
     *  - "in-reply-to" => Message-Id the email is a direct response to
     *  - "references" => List of Message-Id's the email is in response
     *  - "subject" => Find external ticket number in the subject line
    function lookupByEmailHeaders($mailinfo) {
        // Search for messages using the References header, then the
        // in-reply-to header
        $search = 'SELECT message_id FROM '.TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE
               . ' WHERE email_mid=%s ORDER BY message_id DESC';

        if ($id = db_result(db_query(
                sprintf($search, db_input($mailinfo['mid'])))))
            return ThreadEntry::lookup($id);

        foreach (array('mid', 'in-reply-to', 'references') as $header) {
            $matches = array();
            if (!isset($mailinfo[$header]) || !$mailinfo[$header])
            // Header may have multiple entries (usually separated by
            // semi-colons (;))
            elseif (!preg_match_all('/<[^>@]+@[^>]+>/', $mailinfo[$header],

            foreach ($matches[0] as $mid) {
                $res = db_query(sprintf($search, db_input($mid)));
                while (list($id) = db_fetch_row($res)) {
                    if ($t = ThreadEntry::lookup($id))
                        return $t;

        // Search for ticket by the [#123456] in the subject line
        $subject = $mailinfo['subject'];
        $match = array();
        if ($subject && preg_match("/\[#([0-9]{1,10})\]/", $subject, $match))
            // Return last message for the thread
            return Message::lastByExtTicketId((int)$match[1]);

        return null;

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    //new entry ... we're trusting the caller to check validity of the data.
    function create($vars) {
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        //Must have...
        if(!$vars['ticketId'] || !$vars['type'] || !in_array($vars['type'], array('M','R','N')))
            return false;

        $sql=' INSERT INTO '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' SET created=NOW() '
            .' ,thread_type='.db_input($vars['type'])
            .' ,ticket_id='.db_input($vars['ticketId'])
            .' ,title='.db_input(Format::sanitize($vars['title'], true))
            .' ,body='.db_input(Format::sanitize($vars['body'], true))
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            .' ,staff_id='.db_input($vars['staffId'])
            .' ,poster='.db_input($vars['poster'])
            .' ,source='.db_input($vars['source']);

            $sql.=' ,pid='.db_input($vars['pid']);
        // Check if 'reply_to' is in the $vars as the previous ThreadEntry
        // instance. If the body of the previous message is found in the new
        // body, strip it out.
        elseif (isset($vars['reply_to'])
                && $vars['reply_to'] instanceof ThreadEntry)
            $sql.=' ,pid='.db_input($vars['reply_to']->getId());
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            $sql.=' ,ip_address='.db_input($vars['ip_address']);

        //echo $sql;
        if(!db_query($sql) || !($entry=self::lookup(db_insert_id(), $vars['ticketId'])))
            return false;

        /************* ATTACHMENTS *****************/

        //Upload/save attachments IF ANY
        if($vars['files']) //expects well formatted and VALIDATED files array.

        //Emailed or API attachments

        //Canned attachments...
        if($vars['cannedattachments'] && is_array($vars['cannedattachments']))

        // Email message id (required for all thread posts)
        if (!isset($vars['mid']))
            $vars['mid'] = sprintf('<%s@%s>', Misc::randCode(24),
                substr(md5($cfg->getUrl()), -10));

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        return $entry;

    function add($vars) {
        return ($entry=self::create($vars))?$entry->getId():0;

/* Message - Ticket thread entry of type message */
class Message extends ThreadEntry {

    function Message($id, $ticketId=0) {
        parent::ThreadEntry($id, 'M', $ticketId);

    function getSubject() {
        return $this->getTitle();

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    function create($vars, &$errors) {
        return self::lookup(self::add($vars, $errors));

    function add($vars, &$errors) {

        if(!$vars || !is_array($vars) || !$vars['ticketId'])
            $errors['err'] = 'Missing or invalid data';
            $errors['message'] = 'Message required';

        if($errors) return false;

        $vars['type'] = 'M';
        $vars['body'] = $vars['message'];

        return ThreadEntry::add($vars);

    function lookup($id, $tid=0, $type='M') {

        return ($id
                && is_numeric($id)
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                && ($m = new Message($id, $tid))
                && $m->getId()==$id
    function lastByTicketId($ticketId) {

        $sql=' SELECT FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' thread '
            .' WHERE thread_type=\'M\' AND thread.ticket_id = '.db_input($ticketId)
            .' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1';

        if (($res = db_query($sql)) && ($id = db_result($res)))
            return Message::lookup($id);

/* Response - Ticket thread entry of type response */
class Response extends ThreadEntry {

    function Response($id, $ticketId=0) {
        parent::ThreadEntry($id, 'R', $ticketId);

    function getSubject() {
        return $this->getTitle();

    function getRespondent() {
        return $this->getStaff();

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    function create($vars, &$errors) {
        return self::lookup(self::add($vars, $errors));

    function add($vars, &$errors) {

        if(!$vars || !is_array($vars) || !$vars['ticketId'])
            $errors['err'] = 'Missing or invalid data';
            $errors['response'] = 'Response required';

        if($errors) return false;

        $vars['type'] = 'R';
        $vars['body'] = $vars['response'];
        if(!$vars['pid'] && $vars['msgId'])
            $vars['pid'] = $vars['msgId'];

        return ThreadEntry::add($vars);

    function lookup($id, $tid=0, $type='R') {

        return ($id
                && is_numeric($id)
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                && ($r = new Response($id, $tid))
                && $r->getId()==$id

/* Note - Ticket thread entry of type note (Internal Note) */
class Note extends ThreadEntry {

    function Note($id, $ticketId=0) {
        parent::ThreadEntry($id, 'N', $ticketId);

    function getMessage() {
        return $this->getBody();

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    /* static */
    function create($vars, &$errors) {
        return self::lookup(self::add($vars, $errors));

    function add($vars, &$errors) {

        //Check required params.
        if(!$vars || !is_array($vars) || !$vars['ticketId'])
            $errors['err'] = 'Missing or invalid data';
            $errors['note'] = 'Note required';

        if($errors) return false;

        //TODO: use array_intersect_key  when we move to php 5 to extract just what we need.
        $vars['type'] = 'N';
        $vars['body'] = $vars['note'];

        return ThreadEntry::add($vars);

    function lookup($id, $tid=0, $type='N') {

        return ($id
                && is_numeric($id)
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                && ($n = new Note($id, $tid))
                && $n->getId()==$id