Peter Rotich <>
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* Represents a file stored in a storage backend. It is generally attached
* to something; however company logos, login page backdrops, and other
* items are also stored in the database for various purposes.
* FileType-Definitions:
* The `ft` field is used to represent the type or purpose of the file
* with respect to the system. These are the defined file types (placed
* here as the definitions are not needed in code).
* - 'T' => Attachments
* - 'L' => Logo
* - 'B' => Backdrop
class AttachmentFile extends VerySimpleModel {
static $meta = array(
'table' => FILE_TABLE,
'pk' => array('id'),
'joins' => array(
'attachments' => array(
'reverse' => 'Attachment.file'
static $keyCache = array();
function __onload() {
// Cache for lookup in the ::lookupByHash method below
static::$keyCache[$this->key] = $this;
function getHashtable() {
return $this->ht;
function getInfo() {
return $this->getHashtable();
return $this->attachments->count();
return $this->getNumEntries();
return $this->getNumEntries();
function getId() {
return $this->id;
function getType() {
return $this->type;
return $this->bk;
function getMime() {
return $this->getType();
function getSize() {
return $this->size;
return $this->name;
return $this->key;
function getSignature($cascade=false) {
$sig = $this->signature;
if (!$sig && $cascade) return $this->getKey();
return $this->created;
return FileStorageBackend::getInstance($this);
function sendData($redirect=true, $disposition='inline') {
if ($redirect && $bk->sendRedirectUrl($disposition))
@ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
try {
catch (IOException $ex) {
Http::response(404, 'File not found');
# XXX: This is horrible, and is subject to php's memory
# restrictions, etc. Don't use this function!
try {
catch (IOException $ex) {
Http::response(404, 'File not found');
$data = &ob_get_contents();
return $data;
if (!parent::delete())
return false;
if ($bk = $this->open())
return true;
Http::cacheable($this->getSignature(true), $this->lastModified(), $ttl);
function display($scale=false) {
if ($scale && extension_loaded('gd')) {
$image = imagecreatefromstring($this->getData());
$width = imagesx($image);
if ($scale <= $width) {
$height = imagesy($image);
if ($width > $height) {
$heightp = $height * (int)$scale / $width;
$widthp = $scale;
} else {
$widthp = $width * (int)$scale / $height;
$heightp = $scale;
$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($widthp, $heightp);
$white = imagecolorallocate($thumb, 255,255,255);
imagefill($thumb, 0, 0, $white);
imagecopyresized($thumb, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $widthp,
$heightp, $width, $height);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
header('Content-Type: '.($this->getType()?$this->getType():'application/octet-stream'));
function getDownloadUrl($options=array()) {
// Add attachment ref id if object type is set
if (isset($options['type'])
&& !isset($options['id'])
&& ($a=$this->attachments->findFirst(array(
'type' => $options['type']))))
$options['id'] = $a->getId();
return static::generateDownloadUrl($this->getId(),
strtolower($this->getKey()), $this->getSignature(),
// Generates full download URL for external sources.
// e.g. https://domain.tld/file.php?args=123
function getExternalDownloadUrl($options=array()) {
global $cfg;
$download = self::getDownloadUrl($options);
// Separate URL handle and args
list($handle, $args) = explode('file.php?', $download);
return (string) rtrim($cfg->getBaseUrl(), '/').'/file.php?'.$args;
static function generateDownloadUrl($id, $key, $hash, $options = array()) {
// Expire at the nearest midnight, allow at least12 hrs access
$minage = @$options['minage'] ?: 43200;
$gmnow = Misc::gmtime() + $options['minage'];
$expires = $gmnow + 86400 - ($gmnow % 86400);
// Generate a signature based on secret content
$signature = static::_genUrlSignature($id, $key, $hash, $expires);
// Handler / base url
$handler = @$options['handler'] ?: ROOT_PATH . 'file.php';
// Return sanitized query string
$args = array(
'key' => $key,
'expires' => $expires,
'signature' => $signature,
if (isset($options['disposition']))
$args['disposition'] = $options['disposition'];
if (isset($options['id']))
$args['id'] = $options['id'];
return sprintf('%s?%s', $handler, http_build_query($args));
function verifySignature($signature, $expires) {
$gmnow = Misc::gmtime();
if ($expires < $gmnow)
return false;
$check = static::_genUrlSignature($this->getId(), $this->getKey(),
$this->getSignature(), $expires);
return $signature == $check;
static function _genUrlSignature($id, $key, $signature, $expires) {
$pieces = array(
return hash_hmac('sha1', implode("\n", $pieces), SECRET_SALT);
function download($name=false, $disposition=false, $expires=false) {
$thisstaff = StaffAuthenticationBackend::getUser();
$inline = ($thisstaff ? ($thisstaff->getImageAttachmentView() === 'inline') : false);
$disposition = ((($disposition && strcasecmp($disposition, 'inline') == 0)
|| $inline)
&& strpos($this->getType(), 'image/') !== false)
? 'inline' : 'attachment';
if ($bk->sendRedirectUrl($disposition))
$ttl = ($expires) ? $expires - Misc::gmtime() : false;
$type = $this->getType() ?: 'application/octet-stream';
Http::download($name ?: $this->getName(), $type, null, $disposition);
function _getKeyAndHash($data=false, $file=false) {
if ($file) {
$sha1 = base64_encode(sha1_file($data, true));
$md5 = base64_encode(md5_file($data, true));
else {
$sha1 = base64_encode(sha1($data, true));
$md5 = base64_encode(md5($data, true));
// Use 5 chars from the microtime() prefix and 27 chars from the
// sha1 hash. This should make a sufficiently strong unique key for
// file content. In the event there is a sha1 collision for data, it
// should be unlikely that there will be a collision for the
// microtime hash coincidently. Remove =, change + and / to chars
// better suited for URLs and filesystem paths
$prefix = base64_encode(sha1(microtime(), true));
$key = str_replace(
substr($prefix, 0, 5) . $sha1);
// The hash is a 32-char value where the first half is from the last
// 16 chars from the SHA1 hash and the last 16 chars are the last 16
// chars from the MD5 hash. This should provide for better
// resiliance against hash collisions and attacks against any one
// hash algorithm. Since we're using base64 encoding, with 6-bits
// per char, we should have a total hash strength of 192 bits.
$hash = str_replace(
substr($sha1, 0, 16) . substr($md5, 0, 16));
return array($key, $hash);
/* Function assumes the files types have been validated */
static function upload($file, $ft='T', $deduplicate=true) {
Peter Rotich
if(!$file['name'] || $file['error'] || !is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']))
list($key, $sig) = self::_getKeyAndHash($file['tmp_name'], true);
return static::create($info, $ft, $deduplicate);
static function uploadBackdrop(array $file, &$error) {
if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
$source_path = $file['tmp_name'];
list($source_width, $source_height, $source_type) = getimagesize($source_path);
switch ($source_type) {
$error = __('Invalid image file type');
return false;
return self::upload($file, 'B', false);
static function uploadLogo($file, &$error, $aspect_ratio=2) {
/* Borrowed in part from
if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
$source_path = $file['tmp_name'];
list($source_width, $source_height, $source_type) = getimagesize($source_path);
switch ($source_type) {
$error = __('Invalid image file type');
return false;
$source_aspect_ratio = $source_width / $source_height;
if ($source_aspect_ratio < $aspect_ratio) {
$error = __('Image is too square. Upload a wider image');
return self::upload($file, 'L', false);
static function create(&$file, $ft='T', $deduplicate=true) {
if (isset($file['encoding'])) {
switch ($file['encoding']) {
case 'base64':
$file['data'] = base64_decode($file['data']);
if (!isset($file['data']) && isset($file['dataclb'])
&& is_callable($file['dataclb'])) {
// Allow a callback function to delay or avoid reading or
// fetching ihe file contents
list($key, $file['signature'])
= self::_getKeyAndHash($file['data']);
if (!$file['key'])
$file['key'] = $key;
if (isset($file['size']) && $file['size'] > 0) {
// Check and see if the file is already on record
$existing = static::objects()->filter(array(
'signature' => $file['signature'],
'size' => $file['size']
// If the record exists in the database already, a file with
// the same hash and size is already on file -- just return
// the file
if ($deduplicate && $existing) {
$file['key'] = $existing->key;
return $existing;
elseif (!isset($file['data'])) {
// Unable to determine the file's size
return false;
if (!$file['type'] && extension_loaded('fileinfo')) {
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
if ($file['data'])
$type = $finfo->buffer($file['data']);
elseif ($file['tmp_name'])
$type = $finfo->file($file['tmp_name']);
if ($type)
$file['type'] = $type;
if (!$file['type'])
$file['type'] = 'application/octet-stream';
$f = new static(array(
'type' => strtolower($file['type']),
'name' => $file['name'],
'key' => $file['key'],
'ft' => $ft ?: 'T',
'signature' => $file['signature'],
if (isset($file['size']))
$f->size = $file['size'];
if (!$f->save())
// Note that this is preferred over $f->open() because the file does
// not have a valid backend configured yet. ::getBackendForFile()
// will consider the system configuration for storing the file
$bks = array(self::getBackendForFile($f));
if (!$bks[0]->getBkChar() !== 'D')
$bks[] = new AttachmentChunkedData($f);
// Consider the selected backen first and then save to database
// otherwise.
$succeeded = false;
foreach ($bks as $bk) {
try {
if (isset($file['tmp_name'])) {
if ($bk->upload($file['tmp_name'])) {
$succeeded = true; break;
elseif ($bk->write($file['data']) && $bk->flush()) {
$succeeded = true; break;
catch (Exception $e) {
// Try next backend
// Fallthrough to default backend if different?
if (!$succeeded) {
// Unable to save data (weird)
$f->bk = $bk->getBkChar();
if (!isset($file['size'])) {
if ($size = $bk->getSize())
$f->size = $size;
// Prefer mb_strlen, because mbstring.func_overload will
// automatically prefer it if configured.
elseif (extension_loaded('mbstring'))
$f->size = mb_strlen($file['data'], '8bit');
// bootstrap.php include a compat version of mb_strlen
$f->size = strlen($file['data']);
return $f;
static function __create($file, &$errors) {
return static::create($file);
* Migrate this file from the current backend to the backend specified.
* Parameters:
* $bk - (string) type char of the target storage backend. Use
* AttachmentStorageBackend::allRegistered() to get a list of type
* chars and associated class names
* Returns:
* True if the migration was successful and false otherwise.
function migrate($bk) {
// Copy the file to the new backend and hash the contents
$target = FileStorageBackend::lookup($bk, $this);
// Initialize hashing algorithm to verify uploaded contents
$algos = $target->getNativeHashAlgos();
$common_algo = 'sha1';
if ($algos && is_array($algos)) {
$supported = hash_algos();
foreach ($algos as $a) {
if (in_array(strtolower($a), $supported)) {
$common_algo = strtolower($a);
$before = hash_init($common_algo);
// TODO: Make this resumable so that if the file cannot be migrated
// in the max_execution_time, the migration can be continued
// the next time the cron runs
try {
while ($block = $source->read($target->getBlockSize())) {
hash_update($before, $block);
catch (Exception $e) {
// Migration failed
return false;
// Ask the backend to generate its own hash if at all possible
if (!($target_hash = $target->getHashDigest($common_algo))) {
$after = hash_init($common_algo);
// Verify that the hash of the target file matches the hash of
// the source file
$target = FileStorageBackend::lookup($bk, $this);
while ($block = $target->read())
hash_update($after, $block);
$target_hash = hash_final($after);
if (hash_final($before) != $target_hash) {
$this->bk = $target->getBkChar();
if (!$this->save())
Peter Rotich
return $source->unlink();
* Considers the system's configuration for file storage selection based
* on the file information and purpose (FAQ attachment, image, etc).
* Parameters:
* $file - (hasharray) file information which would be passed to
* ::save() for instance.
* Returns:
* Instance<FileStorageBackend> backend selected based on the file
* received.
static function getBackendForFile($file) {
global $cfg;
$char = null;
if ($cfg) {
$char = $cfg->getDefaultStorageBackendChar();
try {
return FileStorageBackend::lookup($char ?: 'D', $file);
catch (Exception $x) {
return new AttachmentChunkedData($file);
static function lookupByHash($hash) {
if (isset(static::$keyCache[$hash]))
return static::$keyCache[$hash];
// Cache a negative lookup if no such file exists
return parent::lookup(array('key' => $hash));
static function lookup($id) {
return is_string($id)
? static::lookupByHash($id)
: parent::lookup($id);
Method formats http based $_FILE uploads - plus basic validation.
global $ost;
if(!$files || !is_array($files))
return null;
//Reformat $_FILE for the sane.
$attachments = array();
foreach($files as $k => $a) {
foreach($a as $i => $v)
$attachments[$i][$k] = $v;
//Basic validation.
foreach($attachments as $i => &$file) {
//skip no file upload "error" - why PHP calls it an error is beyond me.
if($file['error'] && $file['error']==UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
if($file['error']) //PHP defined error!
$file['error'] = 'File upload error #'.$file['error'];
elseif(!$file['tmp_name'] || !is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']))
$file['error'] = 'Invalid or bad upload POST';
return array_filter($attachments);
* Removes files and associated meta-data for files which no ticket,
* canned-response, or faq point to any more.
static function deleteOrphans() {
// XXX: Allow plugins to define filetypes which do not represent
// files attached to tickets or other things in the attachment
// table and are not logos
$files = static::objects()
'attachments__object_id__isnull' => true,
'ft' => 'T',
'created__lt' => SqlFunction::NOW()->minus(SqlInterval::DAY(1)),
foreach ($files as $f) {
if (!$f->delete())
return true;
return static::objects()
->filter(array('ft' => 'L'))
static function allBackdrops() {
return static::objects()
->filter(array('ft' => 'B'))
var $meta;
static $desc = false;
static $registry;
static $blocksize = 131072;
* All storage backends should call this function during the request
* bootstrap phase.
static function register($typechar, $class) {
self::$registry[$typechar] = $class;
static function allRegistered($private=false) {
$R = self::$registry;
if (!$private) {
foreach ($R as $i=>$bk) {
if ($bk::$private)
return $R;
* Retrieves the type char registered for this storage backend's class.
* Null is returned if the backend is not properly registered.
foreach (self::$registry as $tc=>$class)
if ($this instanceof $class)
return $tc;
static function isRegistered($type) {
return isset(self::$registry[$type]);
static function lookup($type, $file=null) {
if (!isset(self::$registry[$type]))
throw new Exception("No such backend registered");
$class = self::$registry[$type];
return new $class($file);
static function getInstance($file) {
if (!isset(self::$registry[$file->getBackend()]))
throw new Exception("No such backend registered");
$class = self::$registry[$file->getBackend()];
return new $class($file);
* Returns the optimal block size for the backend. When migrating, this
* size blocks would be best for sending to the ::write() method
function getBlockSize() {
return static::$blocksize;
* Create an instance of the storage backend linking the related file.
* Information about the file metadata is accessible via the received
* filed object.
function __construct($meta) {
$this->meta = $meta;
* Commit file to the storage backend. This method is used if the
* backend cannot support writing a file directly. Otherwise, the
* ::upload($file) method is preferred.
* Parameters:
* $data - (string|binary) file contents to be written to the backend
function write($data) {
return false;
* Called after all the blocks are sent to the ::write() method. This
* method should return boolean FALSE if flushing the data was
* somehow inhibited.
function flush() {
return true;
* Upload a file to the backend. This method is preferred over ::write()
* for files which are uploaded or are otherwise available out of
* memory. The backend is encouraged to avoid reading the entire
* contents into memory.
function upload($filepath) {
return $this->write(file_get_contents($filepath));
* Returns data from the backend, optionally returning only the number
* of bytes indicated at the specified offset. If the data is available
* in chunks, one chunk may be returned at a time. The backend should
* return boolean false when no more chunks are available.
function read($amount=0, $offset=0) {
* Convenience method to send all the file to standard output
function passthru() {
while ($block = $this->read())
echo $block;
* If the data is not stored or not available locally, a redirect
* response can be sent to the user agent indicating the actual HTTP
* location of the data.
* If the data is available locally, this method should return boolean
* false to indicate that the read() method should be used to retrieve
* the data and broker it to the user agent.
function sendRedirectUrl($disposition='inline') {
return false;
* Requests the backend to remove the file contents.
function unlink() {
return false;
* Fetches a list of hash algorithms that are supported transparently
* through the ::write() and ::upload() methods. After writing or
* uploading file content, the ::getHashDigest($algo) method can be
* called to get a hash of the remote content without fetching the
* entire data stream to verify the content locally.
function getNativeHashAlgos() {
return array();
* Returns a hash of the content calculated remotely by the storage
* backend. If this method fails, the hash chould be calculated by
* downloading the content and hashing locally
function getHashDigest($algo) {
return false;
* getSize
* Retrieves the size of the contents written or available to be read.
* The backend should optimize this process if possible by keeping track
* of the bytes written in a way apart from `strlen`. This value will be
* used instead of inspecting the contents using `strlen`.
function getSize() {
return false;
* Attachments stored in the database are cut into 500kB chunks and stored
* in the FILE_CHUNK_TABLE to overcome the max_allowed_packet limitation of
* LOB fields in the MySQL database
define('CHUNK_SIZE', 500*1024); # Beware if you change this...
class AttachmentFileChunk extends VerySimpleModel {
static $meta = array(
'table' => FILE_CHUNK_TABLE,
'pk' => array('file_id', 'chunk_id'),
'joins' => array(
'file' => array(
'constraint' => array('file_id' => ''),
class AttachmentChunkedData extends FileStorageBackend {
static $desc = /* @trans */ "In the database";
static $blocksize = CHUNK_SIZE;
function __construct($file) {
$this->file = $file;
$this->_chunk = 0;
$this->_buffer = false;
$row = AttachmentFileChunk::objects()
->filter(array('file' => $this->file))
->aggregate(array('length' => SqlAggregate::SUM(SqlFunction::LENGTH(new SqlField('filedata')))))
return $row['length'];
function read($amount=CHUNK_SIZE, $offset=0) {
# Read requested length of data from attachment chunks
if ($this->eof)
return false;
while (strlen($this->_buffer) < $amount + $offset) {
try {
list($buf) = AttachmentFileChunk::objects()
->filter(array('file' => $this->file, 'chunk_id' => $this->_chunk++))
catch (DoesNotExist $e) {
$this->eof = true;
$this->_buffer .= $buf;
$chunk = substr($this->_buffer, $offset, $amount);
$this->_buffer = substr($this->_buffer, $offset + $amount);
return $chunk;
function write($what, $chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE) {
while ($block = substr($what, $offset, $chunk_size)) {
// Chunks are considered immutable. Importing chunks should
// forceable remove the contents of a file before write()ing new
// chunks. Therefore, inserts should be safe.
'file' => $this->file,
'chunk_id' => $this->_chunk++,
'filedata' => $block
if (!$chunk->save())
return AttachmentFileChunk::objects()
->filter(array('file' => $this->file))
FileStorageBackend::register('D', 'AttachmentChunkedData');
* This class provides an interface for files attached on the filesystem in
* versions previous to v1.7. The upgrader will keep the attachments on the
* disk where they were and write the path into the `attrs` field of the
* %file table. This module will continue to serve those files until they
* are migrated with the `file` cli app
class OneSixAttachments extends FileStorageBackend {
static $desc = "upload_dir folder (from osTicket v1.6)";
static $private = true;
function read($bytes=32768, $offset=false) {
$filename = $this->meta->attrs;
if (!$this->fp)
$this->fp = @fopen($filename, 'rb');
if (!$this->fp)
throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to open for reading');
if ($offset)
fseek($this->fp, $offset);
if (($status = @fread($this->fp, $bytes)) === false)
throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to read from file');
return $status;
function passthru() {
$filename = $this->meta->attrs;
if (($status = @readfile($filename)) === false)
throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to read from file');
return $status;
function write($data) {
throw new IOException('This backend does not support new files');
function upload($filepath) {
throw new IOException('This backend does not support new files');
function unlink() {
$filename = $this->meta->attrs;
if (!@unlink($filename))
throw new IOException($filename.': Unable to delete file');
// Drop usage of the `attrs` field
$this->meta->attrs = null;
return true;