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if(!defined('OSTADMININC') || !$thisstaff || !$thisstaff->isAdmin() || !$config) die('Access Denied');
<h2>Ticket Settings and Options</h2>
<form action="settings.php?t=tickets" method="post" id="save">
<?php csrf_token(); ?>
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="tickets" >
<table class="form_table settings_table" width="940" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
            <th colspan="2">
                <h4>Ticket Settings</h4>
                <em>Global ticket settings and options.</em>
        <tr><td width="220" class="required">Ticket IDs:</td>
                <input type="radio" name="random_ticket_ids"  value="0" <?php echo !$config['random_ticket_ids']?'checked="checked"':''; ?> />
                <input type="radio" name="random_ticket_ids"  value="1" <?php echo $config['random_ticket_ids']?'checked="checked"':''; ?> />
                Random  <em>(highly recommended)</em>

            <td width="180" class="required">
                Default SLA:
                <select name="default_sla_id">
                    <option value="0">&mdash; None &mdash;</option>
Jared Hancock's avatar
Jared Hancock committed
                    if($slas=SLA::getSLAs()) {
                        foreach($slas as $id => $name) {
                            echo sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',
                                    ($config['default_sla_id'] && $id==$config['default_sla_id'])?'selected="selected"':'',
                &nbsp;<span class="error">*&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['default_sla_id']; ?></span>
            <td width="180" class="required">Default Priority:</td>
                <select name="default_priority_id">
Jared Hancock's avatar
Jared Hancock committed
                    $priorities= db_query('SELECT priority_id,priority_desc FROM '.TICKET_PRIORITY_TABLE);
                    while (list($id,$tag) = db_fetch_row($priorities)){ ?>
                        <option value="<?php echo $id; ?>"<?php echo ($config['default_priority_id']==$id)?'selected':''; ?>><?php echo $tag; ?></option>
                    } ?>
                &nbsp;<span class="error">*&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['default_priority_id']; ?></span>
            <td>Maximum <b>Open</b> Tickets:</td>
                <input type="text" name="max_open_tickets" size=4 value="<?php echo $config['max_open_tickets']; ?>">
                per email/user. <em>(Helps with spam and email flood control - enter 0 for unlimited)</em>
            <td>Ticket Auto-lock Time:</td>
                <input type="text" name="autolock_minutes" size=4 value="<?php echo $config['autolock_minutes']; ?>">
                <font class="error"><?php echo $errors['autolock_minutes']; ?></font>
                <em>(Minutes to lock a ticket on activity - enter 0 to disable locking)</em>
                    <td width="180">Emailed Tickets Priority:</td>
                        <input type="checkbox" name="use_email_priority" value="1" <?php echo $config['use_email_priority'] ?'checked="checked"':''; ?> >
                        <em>(Use email priority when available)</em>
            <td width="180">Show Related Tickets:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="show_related_tickets" value="1" <?php echo $config['show_related_tickets'] ?'checked="checked"':''; ?> >
                <em>(Show all related tickets on user login - otherwise access is restricted to one ticket view per login)</em>
            <td>Human Verification:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="enable_captcha" <?php echo $config['enable_captcha']?'checked="checked"':''; ?>>
                Enable CAPTCHA on new web tickets.<em>(requires GDLib)</em> &nbsp;<font class="error">&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['enable_captcha']; ?></font><br/>
            <td>Claim Tickets:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="auto_claim_tickets" <?php echo $config['auto_claim_tickets']?'checked="checked"':''; ?>>
                Auto-assign unassigned tickets on response
                <!-- Help Tip:
                     Reopened tickets are always assigned to the last respondent -->
            <td>Assigned Tickets:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="show_assigned_tickets" <?php echo $config['show_assigned_tickets']?'checked="checked"':''; ?>>
                Show assigned tickets on open queue.
            <td>Answered Tickets:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="show_answered_tickets" <?php echo $config['show_answered_tickets']?'checked="checked"':''; ?>>
                Show answered tickets on open queue.
            <td>Staff Identity Masking:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="hide_staff_name" <?php echo $config['hide_staff_name']?'checked="checked"':''; ?>>
                Hide staff's name on responses.
            <td>Enable HTML Ticket Thread:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="enable_html_thread" <?php
                echo $config['enable_html_thread']?'checked="checked"':''; ?>>
                Enable rich text in ticket thread and autoresponse emails
                <em><b>Attachments</b>:  Size and max. uploads setting mainly apply to web tickets.</em>
            <td width="180">Allow Attachments:</td>
              <input type="checkbox" name="allow_attachments" <?php echo $config['allow_attachments']?'checked="checked"':''; ?>><b>Allow Attachments</b>
                &nbsp; <em>(Global Setting)</em>
                &nbsp;<font class="error">&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['allow_attachments']; ?></font>
            <td width="180">Emailed/API Attachments:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="allow_email_attachments" <?php echo $config['allow_email_attachments']?'checked="checked"':''; ?>> Accept emailed/API attachments.
                    &nbsp;<font class="error">&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['allow_email_attachments']; ?></font>
            <td width="180">Online/Web Attachments:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="allow_online_attachments" <?php echo $config['allow_online_attachments']?'checked="checked"':''; ?> >
                    Allow web upload &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <input type="checkbox" name="allow_online_attachments_onlogin" <?php echo $config['allow_online_attachments_onlogin'] ?'checked="checked"':''; ?> >
                    Limit to authenticated users only. <em>(User must be logged in to upload files)</em>
                    <font class="error">&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['allow_online_attachments']; ?></font>
            <td>Max. User File Uploads:</td>
                <select name="max_user_file_uploads">
                    for($i = 1; $i <=$maxfileuploads; $i++) {
                        <option <?php echo $config['max_user_file_uploads']==$i?'selected="selected"':''; ?> value="<?php echo $i; ?>">
                            <?php echo $i; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo ($i>1)?'files':'file'; ?></option>
                    } ?>
                <em>(Number of files the user is allowed to upload simultaneously)</em>
                &nbsp;<font class="error">&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['max_user_file_uploads']; ?></font>
            <td>Max. Staff File Uploads:</td>
                <select name="max_staff_file_uploads">
                    for($i = 1; $i <=$maxfileuploads; $i++) {
                        <option <?php echo $config['max_staff_file_uploads']==$i?'selected="selected"':''; ?> value="<?php echo $i; ?>">
                            <?php echo $i; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo ($i>1)?'files':'file'; ?></option>
                    } ?>
                <em>(Number of files the staff is allowed to upload simultaneously)</em>
                &nbsp;<font class="error">&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['max_staff_file_uploads']; ?></font>
            <td width="180">Maximum File Size:</td>
                <select name="max_file_size">
                    <option value="262144">&mdash; Small &mdash;</option>
                    <?php $next = 512 << 10;
                    $max = strtoupper(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
                    $limit = (int) $max;
                    if (!$limit) $limit = 2 << 20; # 2M default value
                    elseif (strpos($max, 'K')) $limit <<= 10;
                    elseif (strpos($max, 'M')) $limit <<= 20;
                    elseif (strpos($max, 'G')) $limit <<= 30;
                    while ($next <= $limit) {
                        // Select the closest, larger value (in case the
                        // current value is between two)
                        $diff = $next - $config['max_file_size'];
                        $selected = ($diff >= 0 && $diff < $next / 2)
                            ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?>
                        <option value="<?php echo $next; ?>" <?php echo $selected;
                             ?>><?php echo Format::file_size($next);
                        $next *= 2;
                    // Add extra option if top-limit in php.ini doesn't fall
                    // at a power of two
                    if ($next < $limit * 2) {
                        $selected = ($limit == $config['max_file_size'])
                            ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?>
                        <option value="<?php echo $limit; ?>" <?php echo $selected;
                             ?>><?php echo Format::file_size($limit);
                <font class="error">&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['max_file_size']; ?></font>
            <td width="180">Ticket Response Files:</td>
                <input type="checkbox" name="email_attachments" <?php echo $config['email_attachments']?'checked="checked"':''; ?> >Email attachments to the user
            <th colspan="2">
                <em><strong>Accepted File Types</strong>: Limit the type of files users are allowed to submit.
                <font class="error">&nbsp;<?php echo $errors['allowed_filetypes']; ?></font></em>
            <td colspan="2">
                <em>Enter allowed file extensions separated by a comma. e.g .doc, .pdf. To accept all files enter wildcard <b><i>.*</i></b>&nbsp;i.e dotStar (NOT Recommended).</em><br>
                <textarea name="allowed_filetypes" cols="21" rows="4" style="width: 65%;" wrap="hard" ><?php echo $config['allowed_filetypes']; ?></textarea>
<p style="padding-left:250px;">
    <input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Changes">
    <input class="button" type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset Changes">