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$search = SavedSearch::create();
$tickets = TicketModel::objects();
$clear_button = false;
$date_header = $date_col = false;

// Figure out REFRESH url — which might not be accurate after posting a
// response
list($path,) = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2);
$args = array();
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $args);

// Remove commands from query

$refresh_url = $path . '?' . http_build_query($args);

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Jared Hancock committed

switch(strtolower($_REQUEST['status'])){ //Status is overloaded
case 'closed':
    $results_type=__('Closed Tickets');
    $showassigned=true; //closed by.
    $tickets->values('staff__firstname', 'staff__lastname', 'team__name', 'team_id');
case 'overdue':
    $results_type=__('Overdue Tickets');
case 'assigned':
    $results_type=__('My Tickets');
case 'answered':
    $results_type=__('Answered Tickets');
    // Consider basic search
    if ($_REQUEST['query']) {
        $results_type=__('Search Results');
        // Use an index if possible
        if (Validator::is_email($_REQUEST['query'])) {
            $tickets = $tickets->filter(array(
                'user__emails__address' => $_REQUEST['query'],
        else {
            $tickets = $tickets->filter(Q::any(array(
                'number__startswith' => $_REQUEST['query'],
                'user__emails__address__contains' => $_REQUEST['query'],
    elseif (isset($_SESSION['advsearch'])) {
        // XXX: De-duplicate and simplify this code
        $form = $search->getFormFromSession('advsearch');
        $tickets = $search->mangleQuerySet($tickets, $form);
        $results_type=__('Advanced Search')
            . '<a class="action-button" href="?clear_filter"><i class="icon-ban-circle"></i> <em>' . __('clear') . '</em></a>';
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Jared Hancock committed
    // Fall-through and show open tickets
case 'open':
    $results_type=__('Open Tickets');
    if (!$cfg->showAnsweredTickets())
    if (!$cfg || !($cfg->showAssignedTickets() || $thisstaff->showAssignedTickets()))
        $tickets->filter(Q::any(array('staff_id'=>0, 'team_id'=>0)));
// Apply primary ticket status
if ($status)

// Impose visibility constraints
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Open and assigned to me
$visibility = array(
    new Q(array('status__state'=>'open', 'staff_id' => $thisstaff->getId()))
// -- Routed to a department of mine
if (!$thisstaff->showAssignedOnly() && ($depts=$thisstaff->getDepts()))
    $visibility[] = new Q(array('dept_id__in' => $depts));
// -- Open and assigned to a team of mine
if (($teams = $thisstaff->getTeams()) && count(array_filter($teams)))
    $visibility[] = new Q(array(
        'team_id__in' => array_filter($teams), 'status__state'=>'open'

// Add in annotations
    'collab_count' => SqlAggregate::COUNT('collaborators')

// Select pertinent columns
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$tickets->values('lock__lock_id', 'staff_id', 'isoverdue', 'team_id', 'ticket_id', 'number', 'cdata__subject', 'user__default_email__address', 'source', 'cdata__:priority__priority_color', 'cdata__:priority__priority_desc', 'status_id', 'status__name', 'status__state', 'dept_id', 'dept__name', 'user__name', 'lastupdate', 'collab_count');

// Apply requested quick filter

// Apply requested sorting
switch ($_REQUEST['sort']) {
case 'number':
        'order_by'=>array(SqlExpression::times(new SqlField('number'), 1))
case 'created':

case 'priority,due':
    // Fall through to add in due date filter
case 'due':
    $date_header = __('Due Date');
    $date_col = 'est_duedate';

case 'updated':
    $tickets->order_by('cdata__:priority__priority_urgency', '-lastupdate');

// Apply requested pagination
$pagelimit=($_GET['limit'] && is_numeric($_GET['limit']))?$_GET['limit']:PAGE_LIMIT;
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Jared Hancock committed
$page=($_GET['p'] && is_numeric($_GET['p']))?$_GET['p']:1;
$pageNav=new Pagenate($tickets->count(), $page,$pagelimit);
$tickets = $pageNav->paginate($tickets);

// Save the query to the session for exporting
$_SESSION[':Q:tickets'] = $tickets;
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Jared Hancock committed
<div id='basic_search'>
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    <form action="tickets.php" method="get">
    <input type="hidden" name="status" value="search">
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Peter Rotich's avatar
Peter Rotich committed
            <td><input type="text" id="basic-ticket-search" name="query" size=30 value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($_REQUEST['query']); ?>"
                autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"></td>
            <td><input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php echo __('Search'); ?>"></td>
            <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="javascript:
                $.dialog('ajax.php/tickets/search', 201);"
                >[<?php echo __('advanced'); ?>]</a>&nbsp;<i class="help-tip icon-question-sign" href="#advanced"></i></td>
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<div class="clear"></div>
<div style="margin-bottom:20px; padding-top:10px;">
        <div class="pull-left flush-left">
            <h2><a href="<?php echo $refresh_url; ?>"
                title="<?php echo __('Refresh'); ?>"><i class="icon-refresh"></i> <?php echo
                $results_type.$showing; ?></a></h2>
        <div class="pull-right flush-right">
            <span style="display:inline-block">
                <span style="vertical-align: baseline">Sort:</span>
            <select name="sort" onchange="javascript:addSearchParam('sort', $(this).val());">
<?php foreach (array(
    'updated' =>    __('Most Recently Updated'),
    'created' =>    __('Most Recently Created'),
    'due' =>        __('Due Soon'),
    'priority,due' => __('Priority + Due Soon'),
    'number' =>     __('Ticket Number'),
) as $mode => $desc) { ?>
            <option value="<?php echo $mode; ?>" <?php if ($mode == $_REQUEST['sort']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>><?php echo $desc; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
            if ($thisstaff->canManageTickets()) {
                echo TicketStatus::status_options();
            if ($thisstaff->canDeleteTickets()) { ?>
            <a id="tickets-delete" class="action-button tickets-action"
            class="icon-trash"></i> <?php echo __('Delete'); ?></a>
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Peter Rotich committed
<div class="clear" style="margin-bottom:10px;"></div>
Peter Rotich's avatar
Peter Rotich committed
<form action="tickets.php" method="POST" name='tickets' id="tickets">
<?php csrf_token(); ?>
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Jared Hancock committed
 <input type="hidden" name="a" value="mass_process" >
 <input type="hidden" name="do" id="action" value="" >
Peter Rotich's avatar
Peter Rotich committed
 <input type="hidden" name="status" value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($_REQUEST['status']); ?>" >
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Jared Hancock committed
 <table class="list" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" width="940">
            <?php if($thisstaff->canManageTickets()) { ?>
	        <th width="8px">&nbsp;</th>
            <?php } ?>
	        <th width="70">
                <?php echo __('Ticket'); ?></th>
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	        <th width="70">
                <?php echo $date_header ?: __('Date'); ?></th>
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Jared Hancock committed
	        <th width="280">
                <?php echo __('Subject'); ?></th>
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            <th width="170">
                <?php echo __('From');?></th>
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            if($search && !$status) { ?>
                <th width="60">
                    <?php echo __('Status');?></th>
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Jared Hancock committed
            } else { ?>
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Peter Rotich committed
                <th width="60" <?php echo $pri_sort;?>>
                    <?php echo __('Priority');?></th>
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            if($showassigned ) {
                //Closed by
                if(!strcasecmp($status,'closed')) { ?>
                    <th width="150">
                        <?php echo __('Closed By'); ?></th>
                } else { //assigned to ?>
                    <th width="150">
                        <?php echo __('Assigned To'); ?></th>
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Peter Rotich committed
            } else { ?>
                    <?php echo __('Department');?></th>
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Peter Rotich committed
            } ?>
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Jared Hancock committed
        // Setup Subject field for display
        $subject_field = TicketForm::objects()->one()->getField('subject');
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Jared Hancock committed
        $class = "row1";
        $ids=($errors && $_POST['tids'] && is_array($_POST['tids']))?$_POST['tids']:null;
        $subject_field = TicketForm::objects()->one()->getField('subject');
        foreach ($tickets as $T) {
            $total += 1;
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Jared Hancock's avatar
Jared Hancock committed
Jared Hancock's avatar
Jared Hancock committed

                $dept = Dept::getLocalById($T['dept_id'], 'name', $T['dept__name']);
                        $lc=sprintf('<span class="Icon staffAssigned">%s</span>',Format::truncate((string) new PersonsName($T['staff__firstname'], $T['staff__lastname']),40));
                        $lc=sprintf('<span class="Icon teamAssigned">%s</span>',
                            Format::truncate(Team::getLocalById($T['team_id'], 'name', $T['team__name']),40));
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Jared Hancock committed
                        $lc=' ';
                $subject = Format::truncate($subject_field->display($subject_field->to_php($T['cdata__subject'])),40);
Peter Rotich's avatar
Peter Rotich committed
                if(!strcasecmp($T['status__state'],'open') && !$T['isanswered'] && !$T['lock__lock_id']) {
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            <tr id="<?php echo $T['ticket_id']; ?>">
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                <?php if($thisstaff->canManageTickets()) {

                    if($ids && in_array($T['ticket_id'], $ids))
Jared Hancock's avatar
Jared Hancock committed
                <td align="center" class="nohover">
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Peter Rotich committed
                    <input class="ckb" type="checkbox" name="tids[]"
                        value="<?php echo $T['ticket_id']; ?>" <?php echo $sel?'checked="checked"':''; ?>>
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Jared Hancock committed
                <?php } ?>
                <td title="<?php echo $T['user__default_email__address']; ?>" nowrap>
                  <a class="Icon <?php echo strtolower($T['source']); ?>Ticket ticketPreview" title="Preview Ticket"
                    href="tickets.php?id=<?php echo $T['ticket_id']; ?>"><?php echo $tid; ?></a></td>
                <td align="center" nowrap><?php echo Format::datetime($T[$date_col ?: 'lastupdate']); ?></td>
                <td><a <?php if ($flag) { ?> class="Icon <?php echo $flag; ?>Ticket" title="<?php echo ucfirst($flag); ?> Ticket" <?php } ?>
                    href="tickets.php?id=<?php echo $T['ticket_id']; ?>"><?php echo $subject; ?></a>
                        if ($threadcount>1)
                            echo "<small>($threadcount)</small>&nbsp;".'<i
                                class="icon-fixed-width icon-comments-alt"></i>&nbsp;';
                        if ($T['collab_count'])
                            echo '<i class="icon-fixed-width icon-group faded"></i>&nbsp;';
                        if ($row['attachments'])
                            echo '<i class="icon-fixed-width icon-paperclip"></i>&nbsp;';
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Jared Hancock committed
                <td nowrap>&nbsp;<?php $un = new PersonsName($T['user__name']); echo Format::htmlchars(
                        Format::truncate($un, 22, strpos($un, '@'))); ?>&nbsp;</td>
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Jared Hancock's avatar
Jared Hancock committed
                if($search && !$status){
                    $displaystatus=TicketStatus::getLocalById($T['status_id'], 'value', $T['status__name']);
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                    echo "<td>$displaystatus</td>";
                } else { ?>
                <td class="nohover" align="center" style="background-color:<?php echo $T['cdata__:priority__priority_color']; ?>;">
                    <?php echo $T['cdata__:priority__priority_desc']; ?></td>
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Jared Hancock's avatar
Jared Hancock committed
                <td nowrap>&nbsp;<?php echo $lc; ?></td>
            } //end of foreach
        if (!$total)
            $ferror=__('There are no tickets matching your criteria.');
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Jared Hancock committed
        <td colspan="7">
            <?php if($total && $thisstaff->canManageTickets()){ ?>
            <?php echo __('Select');?>:&nbsp;
            <a id="selectAll" href="#ckb"><?php echo __('All');?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <a id="selectNone" href="#ckb"><?php echo __('None');?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <a id="selectToggle" href="#ckb"><?php echo __('Toggle');?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
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Jared Hancock committed
            <?php }else{
                echo $ferror?Format::htmlchars($ferror):__('Query returned 0 results.');
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            } ?>
    if($total>0){ //if we actually had any tickets returned.
        echo '<div>&nbsp;'.__('Page').':'.$pageNav->getPageLinks().'&nbsp;';
        echo '<a class="export-csv no-pjax" href="?a=export&status='
            .$_REQUEST['status'] .'">'.__('Export').'</a>&nbsp;<i class="help-tip icon-question-sign" href="#export"></i></div>';
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Jared Hancock committed
    } ?>
<div style="display:none;" class="dialog" id="confirm-action">
    <h3><?php echo __('Please Confirm');?></h3>
    <a class="close" href=""><i class="icon-remove-circle"></i></a>
    <p class="confirm-action" style="display:none;" id="mark_overdue-confirm">
        <?php echo __('Are you sure want to flag the selected tickets as <font color="red"><b>overdue</b></font>?');?>
    <div><?php echo __('Please confirm to continue.');?></div>
    <hr style="margin-top:1em"/>
    <p class="full-width">
        <span class="buttons pull-left">
            <input type="button" value="<?php echo __('No, Cancel');?>" class="close">
        <span class="buttons pull-right">
            <input type="button" value="<?php echo __('Yes, Do it!');?>" class="confirm">
    <div class="clear"></div>
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Peter Rotich committed
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    $(document).on('', '', function(e) {
        var count = checkbox_checker($('form#tickets'), 1);
        if (count) {
            var url = 'ajax.php/'
            +'&_uid='+new Date().getTime();
            $.dialog(url, [201], function (xhr) {
                window.location.href = window.location.href;
        return false;