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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.9.16
    osTicket v1.9.16
    Maintenance release for osTicket 1.9
    === Performance and Security
    * XSS: Encode html entities of cached form data (#3960, bcd58e8)
    * ORM: Addresses an SQL injection vulnerability in ORM lookup function
        (#3959, 1eaa6910)
  • v1.10
    Stable release for 1.10
    === Enhancements
     * Support Passive Email Threading (#3276)
     * Account for agents name format setting when sorting agents (#3274, 5c548c7)
     * Ticket Filters: Support Lookup By Name (#3274, ef9b743)
     * Enable preloaded canned responses by default (#3274, 7267531)
    === Improvements
     * Task: Missing Description on create (#3274, 865db9)
     * Save task due date on create (#3438)
     * Show overlay on forms submit (#3426, #3391)
     * upgrader: Fix crash on SequenceLoader (#3421)
     * upgrader: Fix undefined js function when upgrading due to stale JS file (#3424)
     * Use help topic as the subject line when issue summary is disabled (#3274, 74bdc02)
     * PEAR: Turn off peer name verification by default (SMTP) (#3274, 4f68aeb)
     * Cast orm objects to string when doing db_real_escape (#3274, e63ba58)
     * Save department on __create (#3274, c664c93)
     * Limit records to be indexed per cron run to 500 (#3274, 9174bab)
    === Performance and Security
     * Fix memory leak when applying 'Use Reply-To Email' ticket filter action (#3437, 84f085d)
     * XSS: Sanitize and validate HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header (#3439, b794c599)
     * XSS: Encode html chars on help desk title/name (#3439, a57de770)
  • v1.9.15
    osTicket v1.9.15
    Maintenance release for osTicket v1.9
    === Enhancements
     * Introduce the concept of Trusted Proxies and Local Networks (8ca6bc30)
    === Performance and Security
     * Fix memory leak when applying `Use Reply-To Email` ticket filter
     * action (8ca6bc30)
     * XSS: Sanitize and validate HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header (#3439,
            * b794c599)
     * XSS: Encode html chars on help desk title/name (#3439, a57de770)
  • v1.10-rc.3
    Third release candidate for osTicket v1.10
    === Enhancements
      * Compatibility with PHP7 (#2828)
      * Share tickets among organization members (#2405)
      * Add lock semantics compatible with v1.9 (lock on view) (f826189)
      * Staff login backdrop is customizable (#2468)
      * Add advanced search for closed date, thread last message, thread last
        response (#2444)
      * Disable auto-claim by department (#2591)
      * Properly flag SYSTEM thread postings (#2702)
      * Add option to use dept/agent name on replies (#2700)
      * Add a preference option to set the sort order of the thread entries in DESC
        or ASC order (#2700)
      * Thread dates can be shown as relative or absolute timestamps (#2700)
      * Make Avatars optional on thread view (#2701)
      * Make Authentication Tokens Optional (auto-login links in emails) (#2714)
      * Use icons for ticket and task actions (#2760)
      * role: Add option to use primary role on assignment (#2832)
    === Improvements
      * All improvements cited in v1.9.12 and v1.9.13
      * Fix deleting of custom logos (#2433)
      * Fix assignment setting on new tasks (#2452)
      * Fix subject display of non-short-answer fields on ticket view and ticket
        queue (#2463)
      * Fix advanced search of ticket source (#2479)
      * Forbid adding deleted forms via "Manage Forms" (#2483)
      * Use horizontal tabs for translatable article content rather than the left
        tabs in a table (#2484)
      * Fix lock expiration time if PHP and database have different time zones
      * Fix user class and ID matching from email headers (#2549)
      * Fix emission of `Content-Language` header in client portal for multiple
        system languages, thanks @t-oster (#2555)
      * Fix deployment of fresh git repo or download on PHP 5.6 (#2571)
      * Fix handling of abbreviated database timezones like `CDT` (#2570)
      * Fix incorrect height display of avatars (#2580, #2609)
      * Sort help topic names case insensitively, thanks @jdelhome3578 (#2530)
      * Fix detection of looped emails (f2cac64)
      * Fix crash in ticket preview (popout) if ticket has no thread (bd9e9c5)
      * Fix javascript crash adding new ticket filter (d2af0eb)
      * Fix crash if the `name` field of a user is a drop-down (ec0b2c5)
      * Fix incorrect SQL query removing departments (cf6cd81)
      * Properly fallback to database file storage if system is misconfigured (1580136)
      * Fix crash handling fields with `__` in the name in the VisibilityConstraint
        class (b3d09b6)
      * Remove staff-dept records when removing an agent (ecf6931)
      * Avoid crashing processing ORM records with NULL select_related models (#2589)
      * Fix several full-text search related issues (#2588, #2603)
      * Fix crash sending registration link for a guest user (#2552)
      * Avoid showing lock icon for expired locks on ticket listing (#2617)
      * Fix incorrect redirect from SSO authentication, thanks @kevinoconnor7
      * Fix vertical overflow of uploaded image preview (#2616)
      * Fix unnecessary dropping of CDATA table on MySQL 5.6 (#2638)
      * Fix several issues on user directory ticket listing (#2626)
      * Fix encoding of attachment filenames in emails (#2586)
      * Fix warning rendering advanced search dialog, thanks @t-oster (#2594)
      * Fix bounce message loop for message alert to a bad agent email address
      * Make fulltext search optional on user lookup (#2657)
      * Add the [claim] feature again (#2681)
      * Fix agent's Signature & Timezone dropped on update (#2720)
      * Fix crash in user CSV import (#2708)
      * Fix crash in user ajax lookup (#2600)
      * Send Reference and In-Reply-To headers only for thread items pertinent to
        the receiving user (#2723)
      * Properly clean HTML custom fields (#2736)
      * Fix changing/saving properties on internal ticket statuses, with the
        exception of the state (#2767)
      * Fix CSV list import (#2738)
      * Fix late redirect header for single ticket typeahead result (#2830)
      * Add sortable column headers in the ticket and task queues (#2761)
      * Fix several issues with the file CLI app (#2808)
      * Fix config crash on install (#2827, #2844)
      * Set due date based on user's timezone (#2812, #2981)
      * Fix crash rendering some email addresses to string (#2844)
      * Fix crash rendering thread with invalid timestamps (#2844)
      * Log assignment note (comments), if any, when staff created ticket is
        assigned (#2944)
      * Change transient SLA, on transfer,  if target department has a valid SLA
      * Fix typo on task transfer modal dialog (#2944)
      * Fix ticket source on ticket edit (#2944)
      * Convert user time to database time when querying stats (#2944)
      * Fix date picker clearing input on invalid date format (#2944)
      * Show topic-specific thank-you page (#2915)
      * Department manager can be excluded from the new ticket alert (#2974)
      * Do not scrub iframe `@src` attribute (#2940)
      * Use full-text search for quick-search typeahead boxes (#2479)
      * Speed up a few slow and noisy queries (5c68eb3, 340fee7, 208fcc3)
      * Lower memory requirements processing attachments (#2491, #2492)
      * Ensure agent still has access when reopening a ticket (#2768)
      * Always perform validation server-side for ajax uploads (#2844)
      * Protect access to files shown in the FileUpload field (#2618)
      * Decode entities prior to HTML scrubbing (#2940)
    === Known Issues
      * Uploading multiple files simultaneous (via drag and drop) will cause some
        files to be dropped
  • v1.9.14
    osTicket v1.9.14
    Maintenance release for osTicket 1.9
    === Enhancements
      * alerts: Do not include the manager with the members (#2974)
    === Improvements
      * Only change SLA if target department has an SLA
      * Unify ticket source and preserve original (e.g Web) source on ticket
      * filedrop: Use jQuery to remove filenode
      * pjax: Do not assume href attribute is set
      * Default to system default, if staff does not have page limit set, thanks
        @antriver (#2951)
      * plugins: Assume plugins might not have configuration
      * oops: Make sure __toString returns a string
      * autoresponse: Do not send out new message auto-response to ticket owner
        as well as collaborators on new ticket (#2639)
      * auth: Consider the destination clicked prior to SSO authentication,
        thanks @jdelhome3578 (#2916)
      * config: Add error message and default for max_open_tickets setting (#2914)
      * auth: This issue only impacts SSO auth plugins, @thanks kevinoconnor7
      * i18n: Support language pack compilation with new support for parallel
        releases with v1.10.x
  • v1.9.13
    Maintenance release for osTicket 1.9.x branch
    === Enhancements
      * Help topic can be specified by the ID number in the URL for client new
        ticket page (#2735)
    === Improvements
      * Fix crash requesting registration email as a guest, thanks @bailey86
      * Fix attachment filename encoding (#2586)
      * Fix bounce message loop for message alert to a bad agent email address
      * Sort help topic names case insensitively (#2350)
      * Fix redactor toolbar appearing over the overlay (#2697)
      * Add help tip for primary role, thanks @colonelpopcorn (#2680)
      * Add icons to assigned-to column, thanks @antriver (#2695)
      * Upgrade to htmLawed 1.20 (#2935)
      * Fix stripping of `src` attribute in `iframe` elements (#2940)
    === Performance and Security
      * Reduce memory usage processing attachments, thanks @ericLemanissier
      * Protect access to files shown in the FileUpload field (#2618)
      * Always perform validation server-side for ajax uploads (e3c9e0f)
      * Decode html entities before scrubbing (#2940)
  • v1.9.12
    Maintenance release for the osTicket v1.9 series
    === Improvements
    * Fix missing search box adding user to organization (#2431)
    * Fix incorrect update time on FAQ view in staff portal (194f890)
    * Fix incorrect parsing of some multi-part MIME messages (fe62226)
    * Fix auto-claim for new ticket by staff if a filter added a canned response (eca531f)
    * Fix malformed results on remote user search when adding users (#2335)
    * Fix search by ticket number on client portal (#2294)
    * Fix association of user email without a domain to an organization without an email domain setting (#2293)
    === Performance and Security
    * Revert poor performing ticket stats query (#2318)
  • v1.10-rc.2
    Second release candidate for the v1.10 series of osTicket
    === Enhancements
    * Lazy locking system for ticket locking (#2325, #2351, 37cdf25, de92ec5, 37a0676)
    * Add settings for avatars and local "Oscar's A-Team" avatars (#2334)
    * Several UI tweaks (7436195, #2426)
    * Add transfer and assign mass actions to tickets (#2375)
    * Import agents from the command line (#2323)
    * User select dialog can be opened after closing in new ticket by staff (605c313)
    * Deadband new message alert and autoresponse to once per five minutes per user per thread (598dedc)
    * [Add Rule] button to add many new rules at one to a ticket filter (c03279d)
    === Improvements
    * Fix several install and upgrade-related issues (fc10dcb, e1ca975, b709139, abc8619, #2411, 832ea94, abb9a08, e3bb6c2, 8e373d4)
    * Fix database timezone detection on Windows (#2297)
    * Fix several tasks related issues (#2311, #2344, #2376, #2400, #2421, c3d48a9)
    * Fix hiding of department-specific canned responses (#2315)
    * Fix add and edit of ticket status list items (#2314)
    * Fix incorrect definition of some ORM tables (#2324, 69839af)
    * Fix crash rendering a closed ticket (#2328)
    * Fix case-insensitive sorting of help topics (#2357)
    * Fix several advanced search related issues (#2317, 3d4313f, ce3ceae, b5e6d4e, 5a935ca)
    * Fix incorrect SQL deleting a department (#2359)
    * Fix incorrect array usage of department members for alerts (#2356)
    * Add missing perm for view all agents' stats (#2358)
    * Fix missing thread inline images from redactor image manager (be77da4)
    * Fix updating configuration for file upload fields (2f4f9c1)
    * Fix crash creating tickets with canned attachments (a156bba)
    * Fix missing inline images in mailouts (84c9b54)
    * Prefer submitted text over last-saved draft (46ab79b)
    * Fix incorrect FAQ link in front-page sidebar (ea9dd5f)
    * Fix missing assignee selection on new ticket by staff (7865eee)
    * Fix issue details showing up on ticket edit (a183a98, 7fbd0f6)
    * Fix inability to change SLA on some tickets (#2392)
    * Fix auto-claim on new ticket by staff if a filter added a canned reply (c2ce2e9)
    * Fix Dept::getMembersForAlerts() missing primary members (abc93efd)
    * Fix inability to create tickets if missing the ASSIGN permission on all depts (0c49e62)
    * Fix inability as staff to reset a user's password (0006dd8)
    * Render fields marked !visible and !editable, but required on the client portal (7f55a0b)
    * Fix sorting of help topics (a7cc49f, 08a32a4)
    * Fix new message alert to a random staff member (d3685a9)
    * Fix saving abbreviations on new list items (538087b)
    * Fix parsing of some multi-part MIME messages (c57c22a)
    * Fix numerous crashes
    === Performance and Security
    * Improve performance loading the ticket view (6bba226, 4b12d54)
    * Improve performance loading queue statistics (0a89510, 6b76402)
    * Dramatically improve full-text search performance (167287d)
  • v1.10-rc.1
    07c1d79f · oops: Fix upgrade crash ·
    First release candidate for osTicket v1.10
  • v1.8.12
    Maintenance release for the osTicket v1.8 series
    === Improvements
      * Out-of-office notification does not clear closing agent (#2181)
      * Fix signal data pass by reference (#2195)
      * Fix incorrect message body when fetching TNEF emails (ef1d7df)
      * Fix layout of some tables in PDF export (aabe4aa)
    === Performance and Security
      * Fix XSS issue on choices field type (#2271)
  • v1.9.11
    Maintenance release for osTicket v1.9 series
    We skipped v1.9.10 to avoid confusion with v1.10 (the major release coming out
    at the same time)
    === Enhancements
    * Log to syslog on php mail() error (#2128)
    * Full path of help topics shown in filter management (3d98dff)
    * Auto rebuild the search index if %_search table is dropped (#2250)
    * New version available message in system information (c1b5a33)
    === Improvements
    * Fix appearance of ` <div>` in user names (*regression in v1.9.9*) (be2f138)
    * Out-of-office notification does not clear closing agent (#2181)
    * Fix check for departments limiting assignees to members only (#2143)
    * Fix signal data pass by reference (#2195)
    * Fix template variables not rendering in href attributes (#2223)
    * Fix missing custom data for new users (#2203)
    * Fix incorrect cli option expansion (#2199)
    * Properly encode `To` header for php mail() sends (857dd22)
    * Fix incorrect message body when fetching TNEF emails (0ec7cf6)
    * Fix layout of some tables in PDF export (cef3dd3)
    === Performance and Security
    * Fix XSS issue on choices field type (#2271)
  • v1.9.9
    Maintenance release for the osTicket v1.9.x series
    === Enhancements
      * Properly balance stripped and invalid HTML (#2145)
      * Add MANIFEST file to deployment process and retire duplicate code for packaging (#2052)
    === Improvements
      * Fix inability to configure LDAP and S3 plugins (*regression*) (59337b3)
      * Fix incorrect whitespace in search indexed HTML content (#2111)
      * Add support for invalid `multipart/relative` content type (aaf1b74)
      * Force line breaks for very long HTML lines (56cc709)
    === Performance and Security
      * Fix slow query for ticket counts for large datasets (c4ace2d)
      * Fix slow thread load query (thanks @torohill) (7b7e855)
  • v1.8.11
    Maintenance release for osTicket 1.8.x series
    === Improvements
      * Add support for invalid `multipart/relative` content type (aaf1b74)
      * Force line breaks for very long HTML lines (56cc709)
    === Performance and Security
      * Fix slow query for ticket counts for large datasets (c4ace2d)
      * Fix slow thread load query (thanks @torohill) (7b7e855)
  • v1.9.8.1
    Hotfix release for osTicket v1.9 series
    === Enhancements
      * Add option to disable email address verification
    === Improvements
      * Fix crash upgrading from osTicket v1.6
  • v1.10-dpr
    First preview of the major release of osTicket v1.10
    (see release notes on GitHub)
  • v1.9.8
    Maintenance release for the osTicket 1.9 series
    === Enhancements
      * Update user information for existing users when importing CSV (#1993)
      * Agent names are consistently formatted and sorted throughout the system (#1972)
      * Memcache session backend support. (See `include/ost-sampleconfig.php`) (#2031)
      * Email domain validation includes DNS record verification (#2042)
      * Make ticket queue selection sticky (aa2dc85)
    === Improvements
      * Fix incorrect mapping of ISO charsets to ISO-8859-1, thanks @nerull7
      * Fix unnecessary drop of ticket CDATA table because of update to deleted
        field (#1932)
      * Fix inability to create or update organization custom data (#1942)
      * Fix inability to update some fields of user custom data (#1942)
      * Fix filtering user custom data for email tickets (#1943)
      * Fix missing email headers resulting in incorrectly threaded emails when
        delivered (#1947)
      * Cleanup file data when removing custom file uploads (#1942)
      * Fix crash when exporting PDF and PHAR extension is not enabled
      * Fix crash processing some TNEF documents (89f3ed7, #1956)
      * Fix handling of GBK charset when gb2312 is advertised (#2000)
      * Fix link to client ticket listing when logged in, thanks @neewy (#1952)
      * Disambiguate staff and collaborators when processing a some emails (#1983)
      * Fix several i18n phrase and layout issues (#1958, #1962, #2039)
      * Improve detection of some bounce notices with alternative content (#1994)
      * Fix image URL rewrite when pasting existing images, from a KB article for
        instance (#1960)
      * Preserve internal note formatting on new ticket by staff if HTML is
        disabled (#2001)
      * Touch organization `updated` timestamp on custom data update (#2007)
      * Fix deployment on Windows® platforms, thanks @yadimon (#2033)
      * Fix upgrade crash if retrying an old, failed upgrade from v1.6 (#1995)
      * Fix corruption of some html content (9ae01bf)
  • v1.8.10
    0ce50e3d · Update ·
    Maintenance release for the osTicket 1.8 series
    === Improvements
      * Fix crash processing some TNEF documents (85053e8)
      * Fix incorrect mapping of ISO charsets to ISO-8859-1, thanks @nerull7
      * Fix handling of GBK charset when gb2312 is advertised (#2000)
      * Disambiguate staff and collaborators when processing a some emails (#1983)
      * Improve detection of some bounce notices with alternative content (#1994)
      * Fix upgrade crash if retrying an old, failed upgrade from v1.6 (#1995)
      * Preserve internal note formatting on new ticket by staff if HTML is
        disabled (#2001)
      * Fix deployment on Windows® platforms, thanks @yadimon (#2033)
      * Fix corruption of some html content (0072c46)
  • v1.9.7
    Maintenance release for osTicket 1.9.x series
      * Remote IP is logged for staff replies (#1846)
      * Add option to require client login to view knowledge base (#1851)
      * Internal activity alert, replacing the internal note alert, includes alerts
        of responses made by other agents (#1865)
      * Email system now uses LF instead of CRLF as the default (#1909)
      * Mass actions for user directory (#1924)
      * Unassign tickets on transfer if current assignee is not a member of the new
        department and the department has "Restrict assignment to members" enabled
      * Clear overdue flag when a ticket is closed, thanks @A-Lawrence (#1739)
      * Clear attached file listing on client post (regression) (#1845)
      * Delete ticket custom data on delete (#1840)
      * Trim whitespace from filter match data on update (#1844)
      * Fix dropping of custom data on API post (#1839)
      * Fix advanced search on create date (#1848)
      * Fix initial load and pagination of dashboard page (#1856)
      * Fix incorrect internal/public category setting in drop down for new FAQ
      * Add UTF-8 BOM to CSV export for correct Unicode detection (#1869)
      * Fix not considering the setting for alert assigned on new message (#1850)
      * Skip new activity notice if collaborator(s) included in email To or Cc
        header (#1871)
      * Fix inability to uncheck a custom data checkbox (#1866)
      * Fix advanced search for unassigned tickets (#1857)
      * Fix navigation warning if not using the lock feature (#1898)
      * Fix detection of message of some bounce notices (#1914)
      * Fix SQL alert with multiple Message-ID headers (#1920)
      * Add a warning if attempting to configure archiving for POP accounts (#1921)
      * Fix missing UTF-8 output encoding header for staff control panel (#1918)
      * Fix z-index issue between popup previews and modal dialogs (#1919)
      * Record imported file backend when importing files (f1e31ba)
    Performance and Security
      * Fix XSS vulnerability in sequence management (88bedbd)
      * Defer loading of thread email header information when loading ticket thread
  • v1.8.9
    Maintenance release for osTicket 1.8.x series
      * Remote IP is logged for staff replies (#1846)
      * Email system now uses LF instead of CRLF as the default (#1909)
      * Delete ticket custom data on delete (#1840)
      * Trim whitespace from filter match data on update (#1844)
      * Fix not considering the setting for alert assigned on new message (#1850)
      * Fix advanced search for unassigned tickets (#1857)
      * Fix incorrect internal/public category setting in drop down for new FAQ
      * Fix navigation warning if not using the lock feature (#1898)
      * Fix SQL alert with multiple Message-ID headers (#1920)
      * Fix missing UTF-8 output encoding header for staff control panel (#1918)
    Performance and Security
      * Defer loading of thread email header information when loading ticket thread
  • v1.9.6
    Maintenance release for the osTicket 1.9 series
      * New Message-Id system allowing for better threading in mail clients (#1549, #1730)
      * Fix forced session expiration after 24 hours (#1677)
      * Staff panel logo is customizable (#1718)
      * Priority fields have a selectable default (instead of system default) (#1732)
      * Import/Export support for file contents via cli (#1661)
      * Fix broken links in documentation, thanks @Chefkeks (#1675)
      * Fix handling of some Redmond-specific character set encoding names (#1698)
      * Include the user's name in the "To" field of outbound email (#1549)
      * Delete collaborators when deleting tickets (#1709)
      * Fix regression preventing auto-responses for staff new tickets (#1712)
      * Fix empty export if ticket details form has multiple priority fields (#1732)
      * Fix filtering by list item properties in ticket filters (#1741)
      * Fix missing icon for "add new filter", thanks @Chefkeks (#1735)
      * Support Firefox v6 - v12 on the file drop widget (#1776)
      * Show update errors on access templates (#1778)
      * Allow empty staff login banner on update (#1778)
      * Fix corruption of text thread bodies for third-party collaborator email posts (#1794)
      * Add some hidden template variables to pop out content (#1781)
      * Fix missing validation for user name and email address (#1816, eb8858e)
      * Turn off search indexing when complete, disable incorrectly implemented work breaking, squelch error 1062 email from search backend (afa9692)
      * Fix possible out of memory crash in custom forms (#1707, 0440111)
    Performance and Security
      * Fix generation of random data on Windows® platforms (#1672)
      * Fix possible DoS and brute force on login pages (#1727)
      * Fix possible redirect away from HTTPS on client login page, thanks @ldrumm (#1782)