require_once dirname(__file__) . "/unpack.php";
class Deployment extends Unpacker {
var $prologue = "Deploys osTicket into target install path";
var $epilog =
"Deployment is used from the continuous development model. If you
are following the upstream git repo, then you can use the deploy
script to deploy changes made by you or upstream development to your
installation target";
function __construct() {
$this->options['dry-run'] = array('-t','--dry-run',
'help'=>'Don\'t actually deploy new code. Just show the files
that would be copied');
$this->options['setup'] = array('-s','--setup',
'help'=>'Deploy the setup folder. Useful for deploying for new
$this->options['clean'] = array('-C','--clean',
'help'=>'Remove files from the destination that are no longer
included in this repository');
$this->options['git'] = array('-g','--git',
'help'=>'Use `git ls-files -s` as files source. Eliminates
possibility of deploying untracked files');
$this->options['force'] = array('-f', '--force',
'help'=>'Deploy all files, even if they have not changed');
# super(*args);
call_user_func_array(array('parent', '__construct'), func_get_args());
function find_root_folder() {
# Hop up to the root folder of this repo
$start = dirname(__file__);
for (;;) {
if (is_file($start . '/')) break;
$start .= '/..';
return self::realpath($start);
* Removes files from the deployment location that no longer exist in
* the local repository
function clean($local, $destination, $root, $recurse=0, $exclude=false) {
$dryrun = $this->getOption('dry-run', false);
$verbose = $dryrun || $this->getOption('verbose');
$destination = rtrim($destination, '/') . '/';
$contents = glob($destination.'{,.}*', GLOB_BRACE|GLOB_NOSORT);
foreach ($contents as $i=>$file) {
$relative = str_replace($root, "", $file);
if ($this->exclude($exclude, $relative))
if (is_file($file)) {
$ltarget = $local . '/' . basename($file);
if (is_file($ltarget))
if ($verbose)
$this->stdout->write("(delete): $file\n");
if (!$dryrun)
elseif (in_array(basename($file), array('.','..'))) {
// Doesn't indicate that the folder has contents
if ($recurse) {
$folders = glob(dirname($destination).'/'.basename($destination).'/*',
foreach ($folders as $dir) {
if (in_array(basename($dir), array('.','..')))
$relative = str_replace($root, "", $dir);
if ($this->exclude($exclude, "$relative/"))
$root, $recurse - 1, $exclude);
if (!$contents || !glob($destination.'{,.}*', GLOB_BRACE|GLOB_NOSORT)) {
if ($verbose)
$this->stdout->write("(delete-folder): $destination\n");
if (!$dryrun)
function writeManifest($root) {
$lines = array();
foreach ($this->manifest as $F=>$H)
$lines[] = "$H $F";
return file_put_contents($this->include_path.'/.MANIFEST', implode("\n", $lines));
function hashContents($file) {
$md5 = md5($file);
$sha1 = sha1($file);
return substr($md5, -20) . substr($sha1, -20);
function getEditedContents($src) {
static $short = false;
static $version = false;
if (substr($src, -4) != '.php')
return false;
if (!$short) {
$hash = exec('git rev-parse HEAD');
$short = substr($hash, 0, 7);
if (!$version)
return false;
$source = file_get_contents($src);
$original = crc32($source);
$source = preg_replace(':<script(.*) src="([^"]+)\.js"></script>:',
'<script$1 src="$2.js?'.$short.'"></script>',
$source = preg_replace(':<link(.*) href="([^"]+)\.css"([^/>]*)/?>:', # <?php
'<link$1 href="$2.css?'.$short.'"$3/>',
$source = preg_replace("/^(\s*)define\s*\(\s*'THIS_VERSION'.*$/m",
"$1define('THIS_VERSION', '".$version."'); // Set by installer",
$source = preg_replace("/^(\s*)define\s*\(\s*'GIT_VERSION'.*$/m",
"$1define('GIT_VERSION', '".$short."'); // Set by installer",
// Disable error display
$source = preg_replace("/^(\s*)ini_set\s*\(\s*'(display_errors|display_startup_errors)'.*$/m",
"$1ini_set('$2', '0'); // Set by installer",
// return FALSE if the edited contents do not differ from the
// original contents
return $original != crc32($source) ? $source : false;
function isChanged($source, $hash=false) {
$local = str_replace($this->source.'/', '', $source);
$hash = $hash ?: $this->hashFile($source);
list($shash, $flag) = explode(':', $this->readManifest($local));
return ($flag === 'rewrite') ? $flag : $shash != $hash;
function copyFile($source, $dest, $hash=false, $mode=0644, $contents=false) {
$contents = $contents ?: $this->getEditedContents($source);
if ($contents === false)
// Regular file
return parent::copyFile($source, $dest, $hash, $mode);
if (!file_put_contents($dest, $contents))
$this->fail($dest.": Unable to apply rewrite rules");
$this->updateManifest($source, "$hash:rewrite");
return chmod($dest, $mode);
function unpackage($folder, $destination, $recurse=0, $exclude=false) {
$use_git = $this->getOption('git', false);
if (!$use_git)
return parent::unpackage($folder, $destination, $recurse, $exclude);
// Attempt to read from git using `git ls-files` for deployment
if (substr($destination, -1) !== '/')
$destination .= '/';
$source = $this->source;
if (substr($source, -1) != '/')
$source .= '/';
$local = str_replace(array($source, '{,.}*'), array('',''), $folder);
$pipes = array();
$patterns = array();
foreach ((array) $exclude as $x) {
$patterns[] = str_replace($source, '', $x);
$X = implode(' --exclude-per-directory=', $patterns);
if (!($files = proc_open(
"git ls-files -zs --exclude-standard --exclude-per-directory=$X -- .",
array(1 => array('pipe', 'w')),
))) {
return parent::unpackage($folder, $destination, $recurse, $exclude);
$dryrun = $this->getOption('dry-run', false);
$verbose = $this->getOption('verbose') || $dryrun;
$force = $this->getOption('force');
while ($line = stream_get_line($pipes[1], 255, "\x00")) {
list($mode, $hash, , $path) = preg_split('/\s+/', $line);
$src = $source.$local.$path;
if ($this->exclude($exclude, $src))
if (!$force && false === ($flag = $this->isChanged($src, $hash)))
$dst = $destination.$path;
if ($verbose) {
$msg = $dst;
if (is_string($flag))
$msg = "$msg ({$flag})";
if ($dryrun)
if (!is_dir(dirname($dst)))
$this->copyFile($src, $dst, $hash, octdec($mode));
function run($args, $options) {
$this->destination = $args['install-path'];
if (!is_dir($this->destination))
if (!@mkdir($this->destination, 0751, true))
die("Destination path does not exist and cannot be created");
$this->destination = self::realpath($this->destination).'/';
# Determine if this is an upgrade, and if so, where the include/
# folder is currently located
$upgrade = file_exists("{$this->destination}/");
# Get the current value of the INCLUDE_DIR before overwriting
$include = ($upgrade) ? $this->get_include_dir()
: ($options['include'] ? $options['include']
: rtrim($this->destination, '/')."/include");
$this->include_path = $include = rtrim($include, '/').'/';
$root = $this->source = $this->find_root_folder();
$rootPattern = str_replace("\\","\\\\", $root); //need for windows case
# Prime the manifest system
$exclusions = array("$rootPattern/include/*", "$rootPattern/.git*",
"*.sw[a-z]","*.md", "*.txt");
if (!$options['setup'])
$exclusions[] = "$rootPattern/setup/*";
$this->unpackage("$root/{,.}*", $this->destination, -1,
$this->unpackage("$root/include/{,.}*", $include, -1,
array("*/include/ost-config.php", "*.sw[a-z]"));
if (!$options['dry-run']) {
if ($include != "{$this->destination}/include/")
if ($options['clean']) {
// Clean everything but include folder first
$local_include = str_replace($this->destination, "", $include);
$this->clean($root, $this->destination, $this->destination, -1,
array($local_include, "setup/"));
$this->clean("$root/include", $include, $include, -1,
"*/.htaccess", ".MANIFEST"));
if (!$options['dry-run'])
Module::register('deploy', 'Deployment');