AJAX interface for users (based on submitted tickets)
XXX: osTicket doesn't support user accounts at the moment.
Peter Rotich <>
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
if(!defined('INCLUDE_DIR')) die('403');
require_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.note.php';
class UsersAjaxAPI extends AjaxController {
/* Assumes search by emal for now */
function search($type = null) {
Http::response(400, __('Query argument is required'));
$q = $_REQUEST['q'];
$limit = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['limit']:25;
if (!$type || !strcasecmp($type, 'remote')) {
foreach (AuthenticationBackend::searchUsers($q) as $u) {
$name = new UsersName(array('first' => $u['first'], 'last' => $u['last']));
$users[] = array('email' => $u['email'], 'name'=>(string) $name,
'info' => "{$u['email']} - $name (remote)",
'id' => "auth:".$u['id'], "/bin/true" => $q);
$emails[] = $u['email'];
if (!$type || !strcasecmp($type, 'local')) {
$users = User::objects()
->values_flat('id', 'emails__address', 'name')
global $ost;
$users = $ost->searcher->find($q, $users);
$users->order_by(new SqlCode('__relevance__'), QuerySet::DESC)
if (!count($emails) && !count($users) && preg_match('`\w$`u', $q)) {
// Do wildcard full-text search
$_REQUEST['q'] = $q."*";
return $this->search($type);
if ($emails = array_filter($emails)) {
'emails__address__in' => $emails
$matches = array();
foreach ($users as $U) {
list($id,$email,$name) = $U;
foreach ($matches as $i=>$u) {
if ($u['email'] == $email) {
$name = Format::htmlchars(new UsersName($name));
$matches[] = array('email'=>$email, 'name'=>$name, 'info'=>"$email - $name",
"id" => $id, "/bin/true" => $_REQUEST['q']);
usort($matches, function($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']); });
return $this->json_encode(array_values($matches));
function preview($id) {
global $thisstaff;
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
elseif(!($user = User::lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'Unknown user');
$info = array(
'title' => '',
'useredit' => sprintf('#users/%d/edit', $user->getId()),
echo sprintf('<div style="width:650px; padding: 2px 2px 0 5px;"
id="u%d">', $user->getId());
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user.tmpl.php');
echo '</div>';
$resp = ob_get_contents();
return $resp;
function editUser($id) {
global $thisstaff;
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
elseif(!($user = User::lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'Unknown user');
$info = array(
'title' => sprintf(__('Update %s'), Format::htmlchars($user->getName()))
$forms = $user->getForms();
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user.tmpl.php');
function updateUser($id) {
global $thisstaff;
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
elseif(!($user = User::lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'Unknown user');
$errors = array();
if ($user->updateInfo($_POST, $errors, true) && !$errors)
Http::response(201, $user->to_json());
$forms = $user->getForms();
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user.tmpl.php');
function register($id) {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$thisstaff)
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
elseif (!($user = User::lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'Unknown user');
$errors = $info = array();
if ($_POST) {
// Register user on post
if ($user->getAccount())
$info['error'] = __('User already registered');
elseif ($user->register($_POST, $errors))
Http::response(201, 'Account created successfully');
// Unable to create user.
$info = Format::htmlchars($_POST);
if ($errors['err'])
$info['error'] = $errors['err'];
$info['error'] = __('Unable to register user - try again!');
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user-register.tmpl.php');
global $thisstaff;
if (!$thisstaff)
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
elseif (!($user = User::lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'Unknown user');
if (!($account = $user->getAccount()))
return self::register($id);
$errors = array();
$info = $account->getInfo();
if ($_POST) {
if ($account->update($_POST, $errors))
Http::response(201, 'Account updated successfully');
// Unable to update account
$info = Format::htmlchars($_POST);
if ($errors['err'])
$info['error'] = $errors['err'];
$info['error'] = __('Unable to update account - try again!');
$info['_target'] = $target;
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user-account.tmpl.php');
function delete($id) {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$thisstaff)
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
elseif (!($user = User::lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'Unknown user');
$info = array();
if ($_POST) {
if ($user->tickets->count()) {
if ($_POST['deletetickets']) {
if (!$user->deleteAllTickets())
$info['error'] = __('You do not have permission to delete a user with tickets!');
$info['error'] = __('You cannot delete a user with tickets!');
if (!$info['error'] && $user->delete())
Http::response(204, 'User deleted successfully');
$info['error'] = __('Unable to delete user - try again!');
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user-delete.tmpl.php');
function getUser($id=false) {
if(($user=User::lookup(($id) ? $id : $_REQUEST['id'])))
Http::response(201, $user->to_json());
$info = array('error' => sprintf(__('%s: Unknown or invalid ID.'), _N('end user', 'end users', 1)));
return self::_lookupform(null, $info);
function lookup() {
return self::addUser();
if (!AuthenticationBackend::getSearchDirectories())
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
$info['title'] = __('Add New User');
$form = UserForm::getUserForm()->getForm($_POST);
if (($user = User::fromForm($form)))
Http::response(201, $user->to_json());
$info['error'] = __('Error adding user - try again!');
return self::_lookupform($form, $info);
function addRemoteUser($bk, $id) {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$thisstaff)
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
elseif (!$bk || !$id)
Http::response(422, 'Backend and user id required');
elseif (!($backend = AuthenticationBackend::getSearchDirectoryBackend($bk))
|| !($user_info = $backend->lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'User not found');
$form = UserForm::getUserForm()->getForm($user_info);
$info = array('title' => __(
/* `remote` users are those in a remore directory such as LDAP */
'Import Remote User'));
$info['error'] = __('Unable to find user in directory');
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user-lookup.tmpl.php');
function importUsers() {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$thisstaff)
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
$info = array(
'title' => __('Import Users'),
'action' => '#users/import',
'upload_url' => "users.php?do=import-users",
if ($_POST) {
$status = User::importFromPost($_POST['pasted']);
if (is_string($status))
$info['error'] = $status;
Http::response(201, "{\"count\": $status}");
$info += Format::input($_POST);
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user-import.tmpl.php';
if ($id)
$user = User::lookup($id);
$info = array('title' => __('Select User'));
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user-lookup.tmpl.php');
$resp = ob_get_contents();
return $resp;
static function _lookupform($form=null, $info=array()) {
if (!$info or !$info['title']) {
$info += array('title' => __('Lookup or create a user'));
$info += array('title' => __('Lookup a user'));
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user-lookup.tmpl.php');
$resp = ob_get_contents();
return $resp;
function searchStaff() {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$thisstaff)
Http::response(403, 'Login required for searching');
elseif (!$thisstaff->isAdmin())
'Administrative privilege is required for searching');
elseif (!isset($_REQUEST['q']))
Http::response(400, 'Query argument is required');
$users = array();
foreach (AuthenticationBackend::getSearchDirectories() as $ab) {
foreach ($ab->search($_REQUEST['q']) as $u)
$users[] = $u;
function updateOrg($id, $orgId = 0) {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$thisstaff)
Http::response(403, 'Login Required');
elseif (!($user = User::lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'Unknown user');
$info['title'] = sprintf(__('Organization for %s'),
$info['action'] = '#users/'.$user->getId().'/org';
$info['onselect'] = 'ajax.php/users/'.$user->getId().'/org';
if ($_POST) {
if ($_POST['orgid']) { //Existing org.
if (!($org = Organization::lookup($_POST['orgid'])))
$info['error'] = __('Unknown organization selected');
} else { //Creating new org.
$form = OrganizationForm::getDefaultForm()->getForm($_POST);
if (!($org = Organization::fromForm($form)))
$info['error'] = __('Unable to create organization.')
.' '.__('Correct error(s) below and try again.');
if ($org && $user->setOrganization($org))
Http::response(201, $org->to_json());
elseif (! $info['error'])
$info['error'] = __('Unable to add user to organization.')
.' '.__('Correct error(s) below and try again.');
} elseif ($orgId)
$org = Organization::lookup($orgId);
elseif ($org = $user->getOrganization()) {
$info['title'] = sprintf(__('%s — Organization'), Format::htmlchars($user->getName()));
$info['action'] = $info['onselect'] = '';
$tmpl = 'org.tmpl.php';
if ($org && $user->getOrgId() && $org->getId() != $user->getOrgId())
$info['warning'] = __("Are you sure you want to change user's organization?");
$tmpl = $tmpl ?: 'org-lookup.tmpl.php';
include(STAFFINC_DIR . "templates/$tmpl");
$resp = ob_get_contents();
return $resp;
function createNote($id) {
if (!($user = User::lookup($id)))
Http::response(404, 'Unknown user');
require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'ajax.note.php';
$ajax = new NoteAjaxAPI();
return $ajax->createNote('U'.$id);
$forms = DynamicFormEntry::forObject($user_id, 'U');
$info = array('action' => '#users/'.Format::htmlchars($user_id).'/forms/manage');
include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/form-manage.tmpl.php');
function updateForms($user_id) {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$thisstaff)
Http::response(403, "Login required");
Http::response(403, 'Permission Denied');
elseif (!($user = User::lookup($user_id)))
Http::response(404, "No such user");
elseif (!isset($_POST['forms']))
Http::response(422, "Send updated forms list");
// Add new forms
$forms = DynamicFormEntry::forObject($user_id, 'U');
foreach ($_POST['forms'] as $sort => $id) {
$found = false;
foreach ($forms as $e) {
if ($e->get('form_id') == $id) {
$e->set('sort', $sort);
$found = true;
// New form added
if (!$found && ($new = DynamicForm::lookup($id))) {
$user->addForm($new, $sort);
// Deleted forms
foreach ($forms as $idx => $e) {
if (!in_array($e->get('form_id'), $_POST['forms']))
Http::response(201, 'Successfully managed');