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    Simple ORM (Object Relational Mapper) for PHP5 based on Django's ORM,
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    except that complex filter operations are not supported. The ORM simply
    supports ANDed filter operations without any GROUP BY support.

    Jared Hancock <>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:

class OrmException extends Exception {}
class OrmConfigurationException extends Exception {}
// Database fields/tables do not match codebase
class InconsistentModelException extends OrmException {
    function __construct() {
        // Drop the model cache (just incase)
        call_user_func_array(array('parent', '__construct'), func_get_args());
 * Meta information about a model including edges (relationships), table
 * name, default sorting information, database fields, etc.
 * This class is constructed and built automatically from the model's
 * ::getMeta() method using a class's ::$meta array.
class ModelMeta implements ArrayAccess {

    static $base = array(
        'pk' => false,
        'table' => false,
        'defer' => array(),
        'select_related' => array(),
        'view' => false,
        'joins' => array(),
        'foreign_keys' => array(),
    static $model_cache;

    var $model;
    var $meta = array();
    var $new;
    var $subclasses = array();

    function __construct($model) {
        $this->model = $model;
        // Merge ModelMeta from parent model (if inherited)
        $parent = get_parent_class($this->model);
        $meta = $model::$meta;
        if ($model::$meta instanceof self)
            $meta = $meta->meta;
        if (is_subclass_of($parent, 'VerySimpleModel')) {
            $this->parent = $parent::getMeta();
            $meta = $this->parent->extend($this, $meta);
            $meta = $meta + self::$base;
        // Short circuit the meta-data processing if APCu is available.
        // This is preferred as the meta-data is unlikely to change unless
        // osTicket is upgraded, (then the upgrader calls the
        // flushModelCache method to clear this cache). Also, GIT_VERSION is
        // used in the APC key which should be changed if new code is
        // deployed.
        if (function_exists('apcu_store')) {
            $loaded = false;
            $apc_key = SECRET_SALT.GIT_VERSION."/orm/{$this->model}";
            $this->meta = apcu_fetch($apc_key, $loaded);
            if ($loaded)

        if (!$meta['view']) {
            if (!$meta['table'])
                throw new OrmConfigurationException(
                    sprintf(__('%s: Model does not define meta.table'), $this->model));
            elseif (!$meta['pk'])
                throw new OrmConfigurationException(
                    sprintf(__('%s: Model does not define'), $this->model));

        // Ensure other supported fields are set and are arrays
        foreach (array('pk', 'ordering', 'defer', 'select_related') as $f) {
            if (!isset($meta[$f]))
                $meta[$f] = array();
            elseif (!is_array($meta[$f]))
                $meta[$f] = array($meta[$f]);

        // Break down foreign-key metadata
        foreach ($meta['joins'] as $field => &$j) {
            if ($j['local'])
                $meta['foreign_keys'][$j['local']] = $field;

        if (function_exists('apcu_store')) {
            apcu_store($apc_key, $this->meta);
    function extend(ModelMeta $child, $meta) {
        $this->subclasses[$child->model] = $child;
        return $meta + $this->meta + self::$base;

    function isSuperClassOf($model) {
        if (isset($this->subclasses[$model]))
            return true;
        foreach ($this->subclasses as $M=>$meta)
            if ($meta->isSuperClassOf($M))
                return true;

    function isSubclassOf($model) {
        if (!isset($this->parent))
            return false;

        if ($this->parent->model === $model)
            return true;

        return $this->parent->isSubclassOf($model);
     * Adds some more information to a declared relationship. If the
     * relationship is a reverse relation, then the information from the
     * reverse relation is loaded into the local definition
     * Compiled-Join-Structure:
     * 'constraint' => array(local => array(foreign_field, foreign_class)),
     *      Constraint used to construct a JOIN in an SQL query
     * 'list' => boolean
     *      TRUE if an InstrumentedList should be employed to fetch a list
     *      of related items
     * 'broker' => Handler for the 'list' property. Usually a subclass of
     *      'InstrumentedList'
     * 'null' => boolean
     *      TRUE if relation is nullable
     * 'fkey' => array(class, pk)
     *      Classname and field of the first item in the constraint that
     *      points to a PK field of a foreign model
     * 'local' => string
     *      The local field corresponding to the 'fkey' property
    function processJoin(&$j) {
        $constraint = array();
        if (isset($j['reverse'])) {
            list($fmodel, $key) = explode('.', $j['reverse']);
            // NOTE: It's ok if the forein meta data is not yet inspected.
            $info = $fmodel::$meta['joins'][$key];
            if (!is_array($info['constraint']))
                throw new OrmConfigurationException(sprintf(__(
                    // `reverse` here is the reverse of an ORM relationship
                    '%s: Reverse does not specify any constraints'),
            foreach ($info['constraint'] as $foreign => $local) {
                list($L,$field) = is_array($local) ? $local : explode('.', $local);
                $constraint[$field ?: $L] = array($fmodel, $foreign);
            if (!isset($j['list']))
                $j['list'] = true;
            if (!isset($j['null']))
                // By default, reverse releationships can be empty lists
                $j['null'] = true;
        else {
            foreach ($j['constraint'] as $local => $foreign) {
                list($class, $field) = $constraint[$local]
                    = is_array($foreign) ? $foreign : explode('.', $foreign);
        if ($j['list'] && !isset($j['broker'])) {
            $j['broker'] = 'InstrumentedList';
        if ($j['broker'] && !class_exists($j['broker'])) {
            throw new OrmException($j['broker'] . ': List broker does not exist');
        foreach ($constraint as $local => $foreign) {
            list($class, $field) = $foreign;
            if ($local[0] == "'" || $field[0] == "'" || !class_exists($class))
            $j['fkey'] = $foreign;
            $j['local'] = $local;
        $j['constraint'] = $constraint;
    function addJoin($name, array $join) {
        $this->meta['joins'][$name] = $join;
    function offsetGet($field) {
        return $this->meta[$field];
    function offsetSet($field, $what) {
        $this->meta[$field] = $what;
    function offsetExists($field) {
        return isset($this->meta[$field]);
    function offsetUnset($field) {
        throw new Exception('Model MetaData is immutable');

     * Fetch the column names of the table used to persist instances of this
     * model in the database.
    function getFieldNames() {
        if (!isset($this->fields))
            $this->fields = self::inspectFields();
        return $this->fields;

     * Create a new instance of the model, optionally hydrating it with the
     * given hash table. The constructor is not called, which leaves the
     * default constructor free to assume new object status.
     * Three methods were considered, with runtime for 10000 iterations
     *   * unserialze('O:9:"ModelBase":0:{}') - 0.0671s
     *   * new ReflectionClass("ModelBase")->newInstanceWithoutConstructor()
     *      - 0.0478s
     *   * and a hybrid by cloning the reflection class instance - 0.0335s
    function newInstance($props=false) {
        if (!isset($this->new)) {
            $rc = new ReflectionClass($this->model);
            $this->new = $rc->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
        $instance = clone $this->new;
        // Hydrate if props were included
        if (is_array($props)) {
            $instance->ht = $props;
        return $instance;
        if (!isset(self::$model_cache))
            self::$model_cache = function_exists('apc_fetch');
        if (self::$model_cache) {
            $key = md5(SECRET_SALT . GIT_VERSION . $this['table']);
            if ($fields = apc_fetch($key)) {
                return $fields;
        $fields = DbEngine::getCompiler()->inspectTable($this['table']);
        if (self::$model_cache) {
            apc_store($key, $fields);
        return $fields;

    static function flushModelCache() {
        if (self::$model_cache)
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class VerySimpleModel {
    static $meta = array(
        'table' => false,
        'ordering' => false,
        'pk' => false

    var $ht;
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    var $__new__ = false;
    var $__deleted__ = false;
    var $__deferred__ = array();
    function __construct($row=false) {
        if (is_array($row))
            foreach ($row as $field=>$value)
                if (!is_array($value))
                    $this->set($field, $value);
        $this->__new__ = true;
    function get($field, $default=false) {
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        if (array_key_exists($field, $this->ht))
            return $this->ht[$field];
        elseif (($joins = static::getMeta('joins')) && isset($joins[$field])) {
            $j = $joins[$field];
            // Support instrumented lists and such
            if (isset($j['list']) && $j['list']) {
                $class = $j['fkey'][0];
                $fkey = array();
                // Localize the foreign key constraint
                foreach ($j['constraint'] as $local=>$foreign) {
                    list($_klas,$F) = $foreign;
                    $fkey[$F ?: $_klas] = ($local[0] == "'")
                        ? trim($local, "'") : $this->ht[$local];
                $v = $this->ht[$field] = new $j['broker'](
                    // Send Model, [Foriegn-Field => Local-Id]
                    array($class, $fkey)
                return $v;
            // Support relationships
            elseif (isset($j['fkey'])) {
                $criteria = array();
                foreach ($j['constraint'] as $local => $foreign) {
                    list($klas,$F) = $foreign;
                    if (class_exists($klas))
                        $class = $klas;
                    if ($local[0] == "'") {
                        $criteria[$F] = trim($local,"'");
                    elseif ($F[0] == "'") {
                        // Does not affect the local model
                    else {
                        $criteria[$F] = $this->ht[$local];
                    $v = $this->ht[$field] = $class::lookup($criteria);
                catch (DoesNotExist $e) {
                    $v = null;
                return $v;
        elseif (isset($this->__deferred__[$field])) {
            // Fetch deferred field
            $row = static::objects()->filter($this->getPk())
                // XXX: Seems like all the deferred fields should be fetched
            if ($row)
                return $this->ht[$field] = $row[0];
        elseif ($field == 'pk') {
            return $this->getPk();

        if (isset($default))
            return $default;

        // For new objects, assume the field is NULLable
        if ($this->__new__)
            return null;

        // Check to see if the column referenced is actually valid
        if (in_array($field, static::getMeta()->getFieldNames()))
        throw new OrmException(sprintf(__('%s: %s: Field not defined'),
            get_class($this), $field));
    function __get($field) {
        return $this->get($field, null);
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    function getByPath($path) {
        if (is_string($path))
            $path = explode('__', $path);
        $root = $this;
        foreach ($path as $P)
            $root = $root->get($P);
        return $root;

    function __isset($field) {
        return array_key_exists($field, $this->ht)
            || isset(static::$meta['joins'][$field]);
        if ($this->__isset($field))
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    function set($field, $value) {
        // Update of foreign-key by assignment to model instance
        $related = false;
        $joins = static::getMeta('joins');
        if (isset($joins[$field])) {
            $j = $joins[$field];
            if ($j['list'] && ($value instanceof InstrumentedList)) {
                // Magic list property
                $this->ht[$field] = $value;
            if ($value === null) {
                $this->ht[$field] = $value;
                if (in_array($j['local'], static::$meta['pk'])) {
                    // Reverse relationship — don't null out local PK
                // Pass. Set local field to NULL in logic below
            elseif ($value instanceof VerySimpleModel) {
                // Ensure that the model being assigned as a relationship is
                // an instance of the foreign model given in the
                // relationship, or is a super class thereof. The super
                // class case is used primary for the xxxThread classes
                // which all extend from the base Thread class.
                if (!$value instanceof $j['fkey'][0]
                    && !$value::getMeta()->isSuperClassOf($j['fkey'][0])
                ) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                        sprintf(__('Expecting NULL or instance of %s. Got a %s instead'),
                        $j['fkey'][0], is_object($value) ? get_class($value) : gettype($value)));
                // Capture the object under the object's field name
                $this->ht[$field] = $value;
                if ($value->__new__)
                    // save() will be performed when saving this object
                    $value = null;
                    $value = $value->get($j['fkey'][1]);
                // Fall through to the standard logic below
            // Capture the foreign key id value
            $field = $j['local'];
        // elseif $field is in a relationship, adjust the relationship
        elseif (isset(static::$meta['foreign_keys'][$field])) {
            // meta->foreign_keys->{$field} points to the property of the
            // foreign object. For instance 'object_id' points to 'object'
            $related = static::$meta['foreign_keys'][$field];
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        $old = isset($this->ht[$field]) ? $this->ht[$field] : null;
        if ($old != $value) {
            // isset should not be used here, because `null` should not be
            // replaced in the dirty array
            if (!array_key_exists($field, $this->dirty))
                $this->dirty[$field] = $old;
            if ($related)
                // $related points to a foreign object propery. If setting a
                // new object_id value, the relationship to object should be
                // cleared and rebuilt
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    function __set($field, $value) {
        return $this->set($field, $value);

    function setAll($props) {
        foreach ($props as $field=>$value)
            $this->set($field, $value);

    function __onload() {}

    static function getMeta($key=false) {
        if (!static::$meta instanceof ModelMeta
            || get_called_class() != static::$meta->model
        ) {
            static::$meta = new ModelMeta(get_called_class());
        $M = static::$meta;
        return ($key) ? $M->offsetGet($key) : $M;
     * objects
     * Retrieve a QuerySet for this model class which can be used to fetch
     * models from the connected database. Subclasses can override this
     * method to apply forced constraints on the QuerySet.
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    static function objects() {
        return new QuerySet(get_called_class());

     * lookup
     * Retrieve a record by its primary key. This method may be short
     * circuited by model caching if the record has already been loaded by
     * the database. In such a case, the database will not be consulted for
     * the model's data.
     * This method can be called with an array of keyword arguments matching
     * the PK of the object or the values of the primary key. Both of these
     * usages are correct:
     * >>> User::lookup(1)
     * >>> User::lookup(array('id'=>1))
     * For composite primary keys and the first usage, pass the values in
     * the order they are given in the Model's 'pk' declaration in its meta
     * data.
     * Parameters:
     * $criteria - (mixed) primary key for the sought model either as
     *      arguments or key/value array as the function's first argument
     * Returns:
     * (Object<Model>|null) a single instance of the sought model or null if
     * no such instance exists.
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    static function lookup($criteria) {
        // Model::lookup(1), where >1< is the pk value
        $args = func_get_args();
        if (!is_array($criteria)) {
            $criteria = array();
            $pk = static::getMeta('pk');
            foreach ($args as $i=>$f)
                $criteria[$pk[$i]] = $f;

            // Only consult cache for PK lookup, which is assumed if the
            // values are passed as args rather than an array
            if ($cached = ModelInstanceManager::checkCache(get_called_class(),
                return $cached;
        try {
            return static::objects()->filter($criteria)->one();
        catch (DoesNotExist $e) {
            return null;
        $ex = DbEngine::delete($this);
        try {
            if ($ex->affected_rows() != 1)
                return false;
            $this->__deleted__ = true;
            Signal::send('model.deleted', $this);
        catch (OrmException $e) {
            return false;
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    function save($refetch=false) {
        if ($this->__deleted__)
            throw new OrmException('Trying to update a deleted object');

        $pk = static::getMeta('pk');
        $wasnew = $this->__new__;

        // First, if any foreign properties of this object are connected to
        // another *new* object, then save those objects first and set the
        // local foreign key field values
        foreach (static::getMeta('joins') as $prop => $j) {
            if (isset($this->ht[$prop])
                && ($foreign = $this->ht[$prop])
                && $foreign instanceof VerySimpleModel
                && !in_array($j['local'], $pk)
                && null === $this->get($j['local'])
            ) {
                if ($foreign->__new__ && !$foreign->save())
                    return false;
                $this->set($j['local'], $foreign->get($j['fkey'][1]));

        // If there's nothing in the model to be saved, then we're done
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        if (count($this->dirty) === 0)
            return true;

        $ex = DbEngine::save($this);
        try {
            if ($ex->affected_rows() != 1) {
                // This doesn't really signify an error. It just means that
                // the database believes that the row did not change. For
                // inserts though, it's a deal breaker
                if ($this->__new__)
                    return false;
                    // No need to reload the record if requested — the
                    // database didn't update anything
                    $refetch = false;
        catch (OrmException $e) {
            return false;
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            if (count($pk) == 1)
                // XXX: Ensure AUTO_INCREMENT is set for the field
                $this->ht[$pk[0]] = $ex->insert_id();
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            $this->__new__ = false;
            Signal::send('model.created', $this);
        else {
            $data = array('dirty' => $this->dirty);
            Signal::send('model.updated', $this, $data);
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        # Refetch row from database
        if ($refetch) {
            // Preserve non database information such as list relationships
            // across the refetch
                + $this->ht;
        if ($wasnew) {
            // Attempt to update foreign, unsaved objects with the PK of
            // this newly created object
            foreach (static::getMeta('joins') as $prop => $j) {
                if (isset($this->ht[$prop])
                    && ($foreign = $this->ht[$prop])
                    && in_array($j['local'], $pk)
                ) {
                    if ($foreign instanceof VerySimpleModel
                        && null === $foreign->get($j['fkey'][1])
                    ) {
                        $foreign->set($j['fkey'][1], $this->get($j['local']));
                    elseif ($foreign instanceof InstrumentedList) {
                        foreach ($foreign as $item) {
                            if (null === $item->get($j['fkey'][1]))
                                $item->set($j['fkey'][1], $this->get($j['local']));
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        $this->dirty = array();
    private function getPk() {
        $pk = array();
        foreach ($this::getMeta('pk') as $f)
            $pk[$f] = $this->ht[$f];
        return $pk;
 * AnnotatedModel
 * Simple wrapper class which allows wrapping and write-protecting of
 * annotated fields retrieved from the database. Instances of this class
 * will delegate most all of the heavy lifting to the wrapped Model instance.
class AnnotatedModel {

    var $model;
    var $annotations;

    function __construct($model, $annotations) {
        $this->model = $model;
        $this->annotations = $annotations;

    function __get($what) {
        return $this->get($what);
    function get($what) {
        if (isset($this->annotations[$what]))
            return $this->annotations[$what];
        return $this->model->get($what, null);
    function __set($what, $to) {
        return $this->set($what, $to);
    function set($what, $to) {
        if (isset($this->annotations[$what]))
            throw new OrmException('Annotated fields are read-only');
        return $this->model->set($what, $to);

    function __isset($what) {
        return isset($this->annotations[$what]) || $this->model->__isset($what);

    // Delegate everything else to the model
    function __call($what, $how) {
        return call_user_func_array(array($this->model, $what), $how);

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class SqlFunction {
    function __construct($name) {
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        $this->func = $name;
        $this->args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);

    function input($what, $compiler, $model) {
        if ($what instanceof SqlFunction)
            $A = $what->toSql($compiler, $model);
        elseif ($what instanceof Q)
            $A = $compiler->compileQ($what, $model);
            $A = $compiler->input($what);
        return $A;

    function toSql($compiler, $model=false, $alias=false) {
        $args = array();
        foreach ($this->args as $A) {
            $args[] = $this->input($A, $compiler, $model);
        return sprintf('%s(%s)%s', $this->func, implode(', ', $args),
            $alias && $this->alias ? ' AS '.$compiler->quote($this->alias) : '');

    function getAlias() {
        return $this->alias;
    function setAlias($alias) {
        $this->alias = $alias;

    static function __callStatic($func, $args) {
        $I = new static($func);
        $I->args = $args;
        return $I;

    function __call($operator, $other) {
        array_unshift($other, $this);
        return SqlExpression::__callStatic($operator, $other);
class SqlCase extends SqlFunction {
    var $cases = array();
    var $else = false;

    static function N() {
        return new static('CASE');

    function when($expr, $result) {
        if (is_array($expr))
            $expr = new Q($expr);
        $this->cases[] = array($expr, $result);
        return $this;
    function otherwise($result) {
        $this->else = $result;
        return $this;

    function toSql($compiler, $model=false, $alias=false) {
        $cases = array();
        foreach ($this->cases as $A) {
            list($expr, $result) = $A;
            $expr = $this->input($expr, $compiler, $model);
            $result = $this->input($result, $compiler, $model);
            $cases[] = "WHEN {$expr} THEN {$result}";
        if ($this->else) {
            $else = $this->input($this->else, $compiler, $model);
            $cases[] = "ELSE {$else}";
        return sprintf('CASE %s END%s', implode(' ', $cases),
            $alias && $this->alias ? ' AS '.$compiler->quote($this->alias) : '');

class SqlExpr extends SqlFunction {
    function __construct($args) {
        $this->args = $args;

    function toSql($compiler, $model=false, $alias=false) {
        $O = array();
        foreach ($this->args as $field=>$value) {
            list($field, $op) = $compiler->getField($field, $model);
            if (is_callable($op))
                $O[] = call_user_func($op, $field, $value, $model);
                $O[] = sprintf($op, $field, $compiler->input($value));
        return implode(' ', $O) . ($alias ? ' AS ' . $alias : '');

class SqlExpression extends SqlFunction {
    var $operator;
    var $operands;

    function toSql($compiler, $model=false, $alias=false) {
        $O = array();
        foreach ($this->args as $operand) {
            if ($operand instanceof SqlFunction)
                $O[] = $operand->toSql($compiler, $model);
                $O[] = $compiler->input($operand);
        return implode(' '.$this->func.' ', $O)
            . ($alias ? ' AS '.$compiler->quote($alias) : '');

    static function __callStatic($operator, $operands) {
        switch ($operator) {
            case 'minus':
                $operator = '-'; break;
            case 'plus':
                $operator = '+'; break;
            case 'times':
                $operator = '*'; break;
            case 'bitand':
                $operator = '&'; break;
            case 'bitor':
                $operator = '|'; break;
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid operator specified');
        return parent::__callStatic($operator, $operands);

class SqlInterval extends SqlFunction {
    var $type;

    function toSql($compiler, $model=false, $alias=false) {
        $A = $this->args[0];
        if ($A instanceof SqlFunction)
            $A = $A->toSql($compiler, $model);
            $A = $compiler->input($A);
        return sprintf('INTERVAL %s %s',
            . ($alias ? ' AS '.$compiler->quote($alias) : '');

    static function __callStatic($interval, $args) {
        if (count($args) != 1) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Interval expects a single interval value");
        return parent::__callStatic($interval, $args);

class SqlField extends SqlFunction {
    var $level;

    function __construct($field, $level=0) {
        $this->field = $field;
        $this->level = $level;

    function toSql($compiler, $model=false, $alias=false) {
        $L = $this->level;
        while ($L--)
            $compiler = $compiler->getParent();
        list($field) = $compiler->getField($this->field, $model);
        return $field;

class SqlCode extends SqlFunction {
    function __construct($code) {
        $this->code = $code;

    function toSql($compiler, $model=false, $alias=false) {
        return $this->code.($alias ? ' AS '.$alias : '');
class SqlAggregate extends SqlFunction {

    var $func;
    var $expr;
    var $distinct=false;
    var $constraint=false;

    function __construct($func, $expr, $distinct=false, $constraint=false) {
        $this->func = $func;
        $this->expr = $expr;
        $this->distinct = $distinct;
        if ($constraint instanceof Q)
            $this->constraint = $constraint;
        elseif ($constraint)
            $this->constraint = new Q($constraint);

    static function __callStatic($func, $args) {
        $distinct = @$args[1] ?: false;
        $constraint = @$args[2] ?: false;
        return new static($func, $args[0], $distinct, $constraint);

    function toSql($compiler, $model=false, $alias=false) {
        $options = array('constraint' => $this->constraint, 'model' => true);

        // For DISTINCT, require a field specification — not a relationship
        // specification.
        $E = $this->expr;
        if ($E instanceof SqlFunction) {
            $field = $E->toSql($compiler, $model);
        else {
        list($field, $rmodel) = $compiler->getField($E, $model, $options);
        if ($this->distinct) {
            $pk = false;
            $fpk  = $rmodel::getMeta('pk');
            foreach ($fpk as $f) {
                $pk |= false !== strpos($field, $f);
            if (!$pk) {
                // Try and use the foriegn primary key
                if (count($fpk) == 1) {
                    list($field) = $compiler->getField(
                        $this->expr . '__' . $fpk[0],
                        $model, $options);
                else {
                    throw new OrmException(
                        sprintf('%s :: %s', $rmodel, $field) .
                        ': DISTINCT aggregate expressions require specification of a single primary key field of the remote model'
        return sprintf('%s(%s%s)%s', $this->func,
            $this->distinct ? 'DISTINCT ' : '', $field,
            $alias && $this->alias ? ' AS '.$compiler->quote($this->alias) : '');

    function getFieldName() {
        return strtolower(sprintf('%s__%s', $this->args[0], $this->func));

class QuerySet implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, Serializable, Countable {
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    var $model;

    var $constraints = array();
    var $path_constraints = array();
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Jared Hancock committed
    var $ordering = array();
    var $limit = false;
    var $offset = 0;
    var $related = array();
    var $values = array();
    var $aggregated = false;
    var $annotations = array();
    var $extra = array();
    var $distinct = array();
    var $lock = false;
    var $chain = array();

    const LOCK_EXCLUSIVE = 1;
    const LOCK_SHARED = 2;
    const ASC = 'ASC';
    const DESC = 'DESC';

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    var $compiler = 'MySqlCompiler';
    var $iterator = 'ModelInstanceManager';
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    var $query;
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    function __construct($model) {
        $this->model = $model;

    function filter() {
        // Multiple arrays passes means OR
        foreach (func_get_args() as $Q) {
            $this->constraints[] = $Q instanceof Q ? $Q : new Q($Q);
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        return $this;

    function exclude() {