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    Help topic helper

    Peter Rotich <>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket
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    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

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require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.sequence.php';
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require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.filter.php';
class Topic extends VerySimpleModel {

    static $meta = array(
        'table' => TOPIC_TABLE,
        'pk' => array('topic_id'),
        'ordering' => array('topic'),
        'joins' => array(
            'parent' => array(
                'list' => false,
                'constraint' => array(
                    'topic_pid' => 'Topic.topic_id',
            'faqs' => array(
                'list' => true,
                'reverse' => 'FaqTopic.topic'
            'page' => array(
                'null' => true,
                'constraint' => array(
                    'page_id' => '',
            'dept' => array(
                'null' => true,
                'constraint' => array(
                    'dept_id' => '',
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            'priority' => array(
                'null' => true,
                'constraint' => array(
                    'priority_id' => 'Priority.priority_id',
    var $form;
    const DISPLAY_DISABLED = 2;

    const FORM_USE_PARENT = 4294967295;

    const FLAG_CUSTOM_NUMBERS = 0x0001;

    function asVar() {
        return $this->getName();
    function getId() {
        return $this->topic_id;

    function getPid() {
        return $this->topic_pid;

    function getParent() {
        return $this->parent;

    function getName() {
        return $this->topic;

    function getLocalName() {
        return $this->getLocal('name');
    function getFullName() {
        return self::getTopicName($this->getId());

    static function getTopicName($id) {
        $names = static::getHelpTopics(false, true);
    function getDeptId() {
        return $this->dept_id;
    function getSLAId() {
        return $this->sla_id;
    function getPriorityId() {
        return $this->priority_id;
    function getStatusId() {
        return $this->status_id;
    function getStaffId() {
        return $this->staff_id;
    function getTeamId() {
        return $this->team_id;
        return $this->page_id;
    function getFormId() {
        return $this->form_id;

    function getForm() {
        $id = $this->getFormId();

        if ($id == self::FORM_USE_PARENT && ($p = $this->getParent()))
            $this->form = $p->getForm();
        elseif ($id && !$this->form)
            $this->form = DynamicForm::lookup($id);

        return $this->form;

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    function autoRespond() {
        return !$this->noautoresp;
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    function isEnabled() {
        return $this->isActive();

     * Determine if the help topic is currently enabled. The ancestry of
     * this topic will be considered to see if any of the parents are
     * disabled. If any are disabled, then this topic will be considered
     * disabled.
     * Parameters:
     * $chain - array<id:bool> recusion chain used to detect loops. The
     *      chain should be maintained and passed to a parent's ::isActive()
     *      method. When consulting a parent, if the local topic ID is a key
     *      in the chain, then this topic has already been considered, and
     *      there is a loop in the ancestry
    function isActive(array $chain=array()) {
        if (!$this->isactive)
        if (!isset($chain[$this->getId()]) && ($p = $this->getParent())) {
            $chain[$this->getId()] = true;
            return $p->isActive($chain);
        else {
            return $this->isactive;
    function isPublic() {
        return ($this->ispublic);
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    function getHashtable() {
        return $this->ht;

    function getInfo() {
        $base = $this->getHashtable();
        $base['custom-numbers'] = $this->hasFlag(self::FLAG_CUSTOM_NUMBERS);
        return $base;

    function hasFlag($flag) {
        return $this->flags & $flag != 0;

    function getNewTicketNumber() {
        global $cfg;

        if (!$this->hasFlag(self::FLAG_CUSTOM_NUMBERS))
            return $cfg->getNewTicketNumber();

        if ($this->sequence_id)
            $sequence = Sequence::lookup($this->sequence_id);
        if (!$sequence)
            $sequence = new RandomSequence();

        return $sequence->next($this->number_format ?: '######',
            array('Ticket', 'isTicketNumberUnique'));
    function getTranslateTag($subtag) {
        return _H(sprintf('topic.%s.%s', $subtag, $this->getId()));
    function getLocal($subtag) {
        $tag = $this->getTranslateTag($subtag);
        $T = CustomDataTranslation::translate($tag);
        return $T != $tag ? $T : $this->ht[$subtag];

    function setSortOrder($i) {
        if ($i != $this->sort) {
            $this->sort = $i;
            return $this->save();
    function delete() {
        global $cfg;

        if ($this->getId() == $cfg->getDefaultTopicId())
            return false;
        if (parent::delete()) {
                'topic_pid' => $this->getId()
                'topic_pid' => 0
                'topic_id' => $this->getId()
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            db_query('UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET topic_id=0 WHERE topic_id='.db_input($this->getId()));

    function __toString() {
        return $this->getFullName();

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    /*** Static functions ***/

    static function create($vars=array()) {
        $topic = parent::create($vars);
        $topic->created = SqlFunction::NOW();
        return $topic;

    static function __create($vars, &$errors) {
        $topic = self::create();
        $topic->update($vars, $errors);
    static function getHelpTopics($publicOnly=false, $disabled=false, $localize=true) {
        static $topics, $names = array();
        // If localization is specifically requested, then rebuild the list.
        if (!$names || $localize) {
            $objects = self::objects()->values_flat(
                'topic_id', 'topic_pid', 'ispublic', 'isactive', 'topic'

            // Fetch information for all topics, in declared sort order
            $topics = array();
            foreach ($objects as $T) {
                list($id, $pid, $pub, $act, $topic) = $T;
                $topics[$id] = array('pid'=>$pid, 'public'=>$pub,
                    'disabled'=>!$act, 'topic'=>$topic);
            $localize_this = function($id, $default) use ($localize) {
                if (!$localize)
                    return $default;

                $tag = _H("{$id}");
                $T = CustomDataTranslation::translate($tag);
                return $T != $tag ? $T : $default;

            // Resolve parent names
            foreach ($topics as $id=>$info) {
                $name = $localize_this($id, $info['topic']);
                $loop = array($id=>true);
                $parent = false;
                while (($pid = $info['pid']) && ($info = $topics[$info['pid']])) {
                    $name = sprintf('%s / %s', $localize_this($pid, $info['topic']),
                    if ($parent && $parent['disabled'])
                        // Cascade disabled flag
                        $topics[$id]['disabled'] = true;
                    if (isset($loop[$info['pid']]))
                    $loop[$info['pid']] = true;
                    $parent = $info;
        // Apply requested filters
        $requested_names = array();
        foreach ($names as $id=>$n) {
            $info = $topics[$id];
            if ($publicOnly && !$info['public'])
            if (!$disabled && $info['disabled'])
            if ($disabled === self::DISPLAY_DISABLED && $info['disabled'])
                $n .= " &mdash; ".__("(disabled)");
            $requested_names[$id] = $n;
        // XXX: If localization requested and the current locale is not the
        // primary, the list may need to be sorted. Caching is ok here,
        // because the locale is not going to be changed within a single
        // request.

        return $requested_names;
    static function getPublicHelpTopics() {
        return self::getHelpTopics(true);

    static function getAllHelpTopics($localize=false) {
        return self::getHelpTopics(false, true, $localize);
    static function getIdByName($name, $pid=0) {
        $list = self::objects()->filter(array(
        if ($list)
            return $list[0];
    function update($vars, &$errors) {
        $vars['topic'] = Format::striptags(trim($vars['topic']));
        if (isset($this->topic_id) && $this->getId() != $vars['id'])
            $errors['err']=__('Internal error occurred');
        if (!$vars['topic'])
            $errors['topic']=__('Help topic name is required');
        elseif (strlen($vars['topic'])<5)
            $errors['topic']=__('Topic is too short. Five characters minimum');
        elseif (($tid=self::getIdByName($vars['topic'], $vars['topic_pid']))
                && (!isset($this->topic_id) || $tid!=$this->getId()))
            $errors['topic']=__('Topic already exists');
        if (!is_numeric($vars['dept_id']))
            $errors['dept_id']=__('Department selection is required');
        if ($vars['custom-numbers'] && !preg_match('`(?!<\\\)#`', $vars['number_format']))
            $errors['number_format'] =
                'Ticket number format requires at least one hash character (#)';

        if ($errors)
            return false;

        $this->topic = $vars['topic'];
        $this->topic_pid = $vars['topic_pid'] ?: 0;
        $this->dept_id = $vars['dept_id'];
        $this->priority_id = $vars['priority_id'] ?: 0;
        $this->status_id = $vars['status_id'] ?: 0;
        $this->sla_id = $vars['sla_id'] ?: 0;
        $this->form_id = $vars['form_id'] ?: 0;
        $this->page_id = $vars['page_id'] ?: 0;
        $this->isactive = !!$vars['isactive'];
        $this->ispublic = !!$vars['ispublic'];
        $this->sequence_id = $vars['custom-numbers'] ? $vars['sequence_id'] : 0;
        $this->number_format = $vars['custom-numbers'] ? $vars['number_format'] : '';
        $this->flags = $vars['custom-numbers'] ? self::FLAG_CUSTOM_NUMBERS : 0;
        $this->noautoresp = !!$vars['noautoresp'];
        $this->notes = Format::sanitize($vars['notes']);
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        //Auto assign ID is overloaded...
        if ($vars['assign'] && $vars['assign'][0] == 's') {
            $this->team_id = 0;
            $this->staff_id = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $vars['assign']);
        elseif ($vars['assign'] && $vars['assign'][0] == 't') {
            $this->staff_id = 0;
            $this->team_id = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $vars['assign']);
        else {
            $this->staff_id = 0;
            $this->team_id = 0;
        if ($this->__new__) {
            if (isset($this->topic_pid)
                    && ($parent = Topic::lookup($this->topic_pid))) {
                $this->sort = ($parent->sort ?: 0) + 1;
            if (!($rv = $this->save())) {
                $errors['err']=sprintf(__('Unable to create %s.'), __('this help topic'))
               .' '.__('Internal error occurred');
        elseif (!($rv = $this->save())) {
            $errors['err']=sprintf(__('Unable to update %s.'), __('this help topic'))
            .' '.__('Internal error occurred');
        if (!$cfg || $cfg->getTopicSortMode() == 'a') {
    function save($refetch=false) {
        if ($this->dirty)
            $this->updated = SqlFunction::NOW();
        return parent::save($refetch || $this->dirty);

    static function updateSortOrder() {
        if (!($names = static::getHelpTopics(false, true, false)))
        if ($cfg && function_exists('collator_create')) {
            $coll = Collator::create($cfg->getPrimaryLanguage());
            // UASORT is necessary to preserve the keys
            uasort($names, function($a, $b) use ($coll) {
                return $coll->compare($a, $b); });
        else {
            // Really only works on English names

        $update = array_keys($names);
        foreach ($update as $idx=>&$id) {
            $id = sprintf("(%s,%s)", db_input($id), db_input($idx+1));
        if (!count($update))

        // Thanks,
        $sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO `%s` (topic_id,`sort`) VALUES %s
            ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `sort`=VALUES(`sort`)',
            TOPIC_TABLE, implode(',', $update));

// Add fields from the standard ticket form to the ticket filterable fields
Filter::addSupportedMatches(/* @trans */ 'Help Topic', array('topicId' => 'Topic ID'), 100);