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  • 1-POC-trust-chain-verification
  • main default protected
  • refactor-deployment
  • v1.2.2
  • 1.2.1
  • v1.1.2
6 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.05Jun5Feb15Jan19Dec12617Nov629Oct517Aug1419Jun1523Jan24Nov1110432111Oct719Sep144Aug225Jul191811130Jun282725232016151463128Feb2422refactor ci filerefactor-deploy…refactor-deploymentchore: fix linters configuration in ci/cd pipelinesUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml to include svdh-cicd.yml and update Docker file for CI buildUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml to prev version before Eclipse helm changesmainmainUpdate README.mdMerge branch 'edit-helm' into 'main'edit helm valuesMerge branch 'update-GDPR' into 'main'update GDPRMerge branch 'update-go-version' into 'main'Update Go to 1.21.5 and replace go-watcher with guardMerge branch 'argo-istio-integration' into 'main'Add Istio and ArgoCD templates to helmMerge branch 'feature/generalized-helm-chart' into 'main'Add functionality to externally supply sensitive values to Helm chartMerge branch 'dockerfile-arg' into 'main'add app version as dockerfile argMerge branch 'health-check-service-version' into 'main'Add service version to healtcheck responsesUpdate Go version to 1.21.3 and fix CI pipelinesMerge branch 'include-helm' into 'main'changes to ci filechanges to ci filechanges to ci fileintegrate helm in projectMerge branch 'trademark-cleanup' into 'main'Perform trademark cleanup on the repositoryMerge branch 'make-mongodb-auth-mechanism-configurable' into 'main'Update go version to 1.20.5Make mongodb auth mechanism configurableMerge branch '5-make-export-http-path-routes-case-insensitive' into 'main'v1.2.2v1.2.2Draft: make export http path routes case-insensitiveMerge branch 'oauth-client-is-not-required-by-default' into 'main'1.2.1 v1. v1.1.2Make oauth client not required by defaultMerge branch '2-use-JWT-middleware-with-configuration-option' into 'main'Use zap logger instead of log packageOAuth client MUST not be used when making requests to external hostsApply Authentication middleware to infohub service#2 Vendor dependenciesMerge branch '3-export-cfg-signing-key' into 'main'