- Sep 28, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
- May 14, 2015
Jared Hancock authored
- May 13, 2015
Peter Rotich authored
Move collaboration implementation to thread level
- Dec 20, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
Allow for permissions to be registered dynamically. This will allow for the ability for models and plugins to register permissions.
- Dec 11, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
- Dec 09, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
- Dec 08, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
This patch adds support for automatic date and time formatting based on a selection of locale. The locale can default to the system or user specified language+locale, or can be elected separately. For instance, English speakers can pick between US, GB, and many other English speaking locales. This also removes the need of the %timezone table and uses the timezonedb built into PHP 5.3+. User's can now select from a much longer list of database and no longer need to deal with the DST checkbox.
Jared Hancock authored
This reworks the tabs CSS and javascript coding to be more flexible and to support vertical tabs. (Bootstrap calls this stacked.) The javascript also allows the URL to include the hash-tag of the last-clicked tab so that the tab can be automatically shown when the page is reloaded.
- Oct 29, 2014
Chefkeks authored
After testing 1.9.4 I noticed that these strings are not yet included in the translation. So this is the (hopefully correct) pull request to add them ;)
- Jun 30, 2014
Jared Hancock authored
- Apr 29, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
Link to org & user landing pages & kill pjax on internal pages
- Feb 04, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
Change z-index to overlay popup windows correctly
- Feb 03, 2014
Peter Rotich authored
Show ticket prview when a ticket number is clicked as opposed to ticket view. Add collaborator preview tab on ticket preview tool tip.