- Oct 23, 2013
Peter Rotich authored
Peter Rotich authored
Remove accidental inclusion of remote web page Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
- Oct 22, 2013
Jared Hancock authored
The XKCD index page was accidentally added when testing a new feature for osTicket-1.8
- Oct 18, 2013
Jared Hancock authored
Include category when searching the knowledge base Reviewed-By:
Jared Hancock <jared@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Support non-standard port numbers for MySQLi Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
- Oct 17, 2013
Peter Rotich authored
Peter Rotich authored
Mark tickets overdue which have no SLA Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Make Crypto::random() more reliable on Windows Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Handle parsing email if Reply-To header is missing Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Reduce cost of deleting orphaned files Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Support updating the source of the ticket Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Jared Hancock authored
Jared Hancock authored
Die on redirect Reviewed-By:
Jared Hancock <jared@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Jared Hancock authored
Validate port during installation Add help information about the non-standard port number to the popup tips in the install screen. Support MySQL 'localhost' connections using a non-standard port number. Ordinarily, MySQL will ignore the port setting on *nix systems if the host is specified as 'localhost' Implements/Fixes #769
Jared Hancock authored
This patch makes openssl the preferred source of random data on Windows and will only use mcrypt_create_iv on PHP 5.3.7 and newer. Fixes #771
Jared Hancock authored
Fixes #772
Jared Hancock authored
Previous explain included a nested sub-select, which exponentially increased the count of the rows to be examined. This patch eliminates one layer of nesting on the sub-select and dramatically increases the performance finding orphaned files. Fixes #773 References: http://www.osticket.com/forums/forum/osticket-1-7-latest-release/troubleshooting-and-problems-aa/9446-version-1-7-much-slower-than-1-6
- Oct 16, 2013
Peter Rotich authored
Support incorrectly labeled us-ascii charsets Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
- Oct 11, 2013
Jared Hancock authored
Some email clients (names omitted to protect the innocent) advertise the encoding as us-ascii when iso-8859-1 was really implied. This patch allows the two charsets to be interchangable.
- Oct 09, 2013
Jared Hancock authored
If a ticket has a due date and does not have an SLA set, the ticket would never transition to overdue. This patch addresses an SQL flaw preventing the ticket from being transitioned. Fixes #757
- Oct 07, 2013
Jared Hancock authored
Peter Rotich authored
Change PDF print to show custom logo Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Jared Hancock authored
If the GD extension is not available for the PHP installation, then use a copy of the default client-site logo with the alpha channel removed.
Peter Rotich authored
Crazy performance penalty scanning blob tables Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Better converting from ticket thread to PDF Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Die with internal server error on misconfiguration Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Fix parsing of attachments Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Use base64 encoding for text version of emails Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Jared Hancock authored
Assume that text in the database is encoded in UTF-8 and assume that it is HTML text and the entities should be decoded prior to display in the PDF. Fixes #756
- Oct 06, 2013
Jared Hancock authored
When scanning the file_chunk table for orphaned file chunks that can be deleted, apparently, MySQL will read (at least part of) the blob data from the disk. For databases with lots of large attachments, this can take considerable time. Considering that it is triggered from the autocron and will run everytime the cron is run, the database will spend considerable time scanning for rows to be cleaned. This patch changes the orphan cleanup into two phases. The first will search just for the pk's of file chunks to be deleted. If any are found, then the chunks are deleted by the file_id and chunk_id, which is the primary key of the table. The SELECT query seems to run at least 20 times faster than the delete statement, and DELETEing against the primary key of the blob table should be the fastest possible operation. Somehow, both queries required a full table scan; however, because the SELECT statement is explictly only interested in two fields, it is more clear to the query optimizer that the blob data should not be scanned. References: http://stackoverflow.com/q/9511476
- Oct 04, 2013
Jared Hancock authored
Or internal server (database) outage
Jared Hancock authored
Some mail clients and mail brokers do not properly handle quoted-printable encoding, used in osTicket outgoing emails. Oddly, the end mail clients render the email with trailing equal signs (=) at the end of every line, where it was added due to QP encoding. References: http://www.osticket.com/forums/forum/osticket-1-7-latest-release/troubleshooting-and-problems-aa/10708-solved-microsoft-exchange-internet-mail-lines-end-with RFC 2045 section 6.7, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt
Jared Hancock authored
If the body is declared with inline disposition and no filename, the parser engine would create an incorrect attachments list.
- Sep 30, 2013
Peter Rotich authored
Record message-id's for rejected emails Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Jared Hancock authored
Limit admin alerts to logged messages. Reviewed-By:
Jared Hancock <jared@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Forbid empty reply separators Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Peter Rotich authored
Expose fail count to shell environment Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Jared Hancock authored
Also, run the tests in the packager. The packager will automatically run the regression test suite prior to packaging a release. The package will not build if there is at least one fail from the regression tests.
Peter Rotich authored
Allow deployment of setup/ Reviewed-By:
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>