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Commit 8a56e5ad authored by Jared Hancock's avatar Jared Hancock
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Add (beginnings of) a formal test suite

parent 9b7f66dc
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......@@ -47,3 +47,20 @@ Create your own fork of the project and use
[git-flow]( to create a new feature. Once
the feature is published in your fork, send a pull request to begin the
conversation of integrating your new feature into osTicket.
osTicket is released under the GPL2 license. See the included LICENSE.txt
file for the gory details of the General Public License.
osTicket is supported by several magical open source projects including:
* [HTMLawed](
* [PasswordHash](
* [PEAR](
* [PEAR/Auth_SASL](
* [PEAR/Mail](
* [PEAR/Net_SMTP](
* [PEAR/Net_Socket](
* [PEAR/Serivces_JSON](
* [phplint](
# Copyright (C) 2007 Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at gmail dot com>
# This software is released under the GPL license version 2
proc scan file {
set fd [open $file]
set infunc 0
set linenr 0
set fnre {(^\s*)((public|private|protected|static)\s*)*function\s+([^(]+)\s*\((.*)\).*}
while {[gets $fd line] != -1} {
incr linenr
if {[regexp $fnre $line - ind - - - fa]} {
# If $infunc is true we miss the end of the last function
# so we analyze it now.
if {$infunc} {
analyze $file $arglist $body
set body {}
set arglist {}
foreach arg [split $fa ,] {
# remove default value
regsub {=.*} $arg {} arg
# remove optional type spec
regsub {^.*\s+} [string trim $arg] {} arg
set arg [string trim $arg " $&"]
lappend arglist $arg
set infunc 1
} elseif {$infunc && [regexp "^$ind\}" $line]} {
set infunc 0
analyze $file $arglist $body
} elseif {$infunc} {
lappend body $linenr [string trim $line]
proc analyze {file arglist body} {
set initialized(this) 1
set linton 1
foreach arg $arglist {
set initialized($arg) 1
# Superglobals
set superglobals {
foreach sg $superglobals {
set initialized($sg) 1
# analyze body
foreach {linenr line} $body {
# Handle annotations
if {[string first {nolint} [string tolower $line]] != -1} continue
if {[string first {linton} [string tolower $line]] != -1} {
if {$linton == 1} {
puts "! Warning 'linton' annotation with lint already ON"
set linton 1
puts ". $skipped lines skipped in $file from line $skipstart"
if {[string first {lintoff} [string tolower $line]] != -1} {
if {$linton == 0} {
puts "! Warning 'lintoff' annotation with lint already OFF"
set linton 0
set skipped 0
set skipstart [expr {$linenr+1}]
if {$linton == 0} {
incr skipped
# Skip comments
if {[string index $line 0] eq {#}} continue
if {[string index $line 0] eq {/} && [string index $line 1] eq {/}} continue
# PHP variable regexp
set varre {\$[_A-Za-z]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*(\[[^\]]*\])*}
# Check for globals
set re {\s*(global|static)\s+((?:\$[^;,]+[ ,]*)+)(;|$)}
if {[regexp $re $line -> - g]} {
set g [split [string trim $g ";"] ,]
foreach v $g {
set v [string trim $v "$ "]
set initialized($v) 1
# Check for assignment via foreach ... as &$varname
set re {}
append re {foreach\s*\(.*\s+as\s+&?(} $varre {)\s*\)}
set l [regexp -all -inline -nocase $re $line]
foreach {- a -} $l {
set initialized([string trim $a "$ "]) 1
# Check for assignment via foreach ... as $key => &$val
set re {}
append re {foreach\s*\(.*\s+as\s+(} $varre {)\s*=>\s*&?(} $varre {)\s*\)}
set l [regexp -all -inline -nocase $re $line]
foreach {- a1 - a2 -} $l {
set initialized([string trim $a1 "$ "]) 1
set initialized([string trim $a2 "$ "]) 1
# Check for assigments in the form list($a,$b,$c) = ...
set re {list\s*\(([^=]*)\)\s*=}
set l [regexp -all -inline $re $line]
foreach {- vars} $l {
foreach v [split $vars ,] {
set v [string trim $v "$ "]
set initialized($v) 1
# Check for assigments via = operator
set re $varre
append re {\s*=}
set l [regexp -all -inline $re $line]
foreach {a -} $l {
set a [string trim $a "=$ "]
regsub -all {\[.*\]} $a {[]} a
#puts "assigmnent of $a"
set initialized($a) 1
regsub -all {\[\]} $a {} a
set initialized($a) 1
# Check for assignments via catch(Exception $e)
set re {}
append re {catch\s*\(.*\s+(} $varre {)}
set l [regexp -all -inline -nocase $re $line]
foreach {- a} $l {
set initialized([string trim $a "$ "]) 1
# Check for assignments by reference
# funclist format is {type funcname spos epos} where spos is the
# zero-based index of the first argument that can be considered
# an assignment, while epos is the last.
# name is the function name to match, and type is what
# to do with the args. "assignment" to consider them assigned
# or "ingore" to ingore them for the current line.
# The "ignore" is used for isset() and other functions that can
# deal with not initialized vars.
unset -nocomplain -- ignore
array set ignore {}
set funclist {
assignment scanf 2 100
assignment preg_match 2 100
assignment preg_match_all 2 100
assignment ereg 2 100
ignore isset 0 0
set cline $line
regsub -all {'[^']+'} $cline {''} cline
foreach {type name spos epos} $funclist {
set re {}
append re $name {\s*\(([^()]*)\)}
foreach {- fargs} [regexp -all -inline $re $cline] {
set argidx 0
foreach a [split $fargs ,] {
set a [string trim $a ", $"]
regsub -all {\[.*\]} $a {} a
if {$argidx >= $spos && $argidx <= $epos} {
if {$type eq {assignment}} {
set initialized($a) 1
} elseif {$type eq {ignore}} {
set ignore($a) 1
incr argidx
# Check for var accesses
set varsimplere {\$[_A-Za-z]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*}
set l [regexp -all -inline $varsimplere $line]
foreach a $l {
set a [string trim $a "=$ "]
regsub -all {\[.*\]} $a {} a
#puts "access of $a"
if {![info exists initialized($a)] &&
![info exists ignore($a)]} {
puts "* In $file line $linenr: access to uninitialized var '$a'"
proc main argv {
foreach file $argv {
scan $file
main $argv
#!/usr/bin/env php
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') exit();
function get_osticket_root_path() {
# Hop up to the root folder
$start = dirname(__file__);
for (;;) {
if (file_exists($start . '/')) break;
$start .= '/..';
return $start;
$root = get_osticket_root_path();
# Run phplint across all php files
# XXX: This won't run well on Windoze
system("$root/setup/test/lib/phplint.tcl $root/**/*.php 2>&1");
$lint_errors = ob_get_clean();
$lint_errors=str_replace("$root/", '', $lint_errors);
if (strlen($lint_errors)) {
echo "FAIL: Access to unitialized variables\n";
echo "-------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "$lint_errors";
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