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Commit 20e5b7fb authored by Peter Rotich's avatar Peter Rotich
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Move Upgrader & Installer to indep. files

parent cc4cd97a
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osTicket Intaller - installs the latest version.
Peter Rotich <>
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 osTicket
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
require_once INC_DIR.'class.setup.php';
class Installer extends SetupWizard {
var $config;
function Installer($configfile) {
$this->config =$configfile;
function getConfigFile() {
return $this->config;
function config_exists() {
return ($this->getConfigFile() && file_exists($this->getConfigFile()));
function config_writable() {
return ($this->getConfigFile() && is_writable($this->getConfigFile()));
function check_config() {
return ($this->config_exists() && $this->config_writable());
//XXX: Latest version insall carry over.
function install($vars) {
$f['name'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Name required');
$f['email'] = array('type'=>'email', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Valid email required');
$f['fname'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'First name required');
$f['lname'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Last name required');
$f['admin_email'] = array('type'=>'email', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Valid email required');
$f['username'] = array('type'=>'username', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Username required');
$f['passwd'] = array('type'=>'password', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Password required');
$f['passwd2'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Confirm password');
$f['prefix'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Table prefix required');
$f['dbhost'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Hostname required');
$f['dbname'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Database name required');
$f['dbuser'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Username required');
$f['dbpass'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'password required');
if(!Validator::process($f,$vars,$this->errors) && !$this->errors['err'])
$this->errors['err']='Missing or invalid data - correct the errors and try again.';
//Staff's email can't be same as system emails.
if($vars['admin_email'] && $vars['email'] && !strcasecmp($vars['admin_email'],$vars['email']))
$this->errors['admin_email']='Conflicts with system email above';
//Admin's pass confirmation.
if(!$this->errors && strcasecmp($vars['passwd'],$vars['passwd2']))
$this->errors['passwd2']='passwords to not match!';
//Check table prefix underscore required at the end!
if($vars['prefix'] && substr($vars['prefix'], -1)!='_')
$this->errors['prefix']='Bad prefix. Must have underscore (_) at the end. e.g \'ost_\'';
//Make sure admin username is not very predictable. XXX: feels dirty but necessary
if(!$this->errors['username'] && in_array(strtolower($vars['username']),array('admin','admins','username','osticket')))
$this->errors['username']='Bad username';
//MYSQL: Connect to the DB and check the version & database (create database if it doesn't exist!)
if(!$this->errors) {
$this->errors['db']='Unable to connect to MySQL server. Possibly invalid login info.';
elseif(db_version()< $this->getMySQLVersion())
$this->errors['db']=sprintf('osTicket requires MySQL %s or better!',$this->getMySQLVersion());
elseif(!db_select_database($vars['dbname']) && !db_create_database($vars['dbname'])) {
$this->errors['dbname']='Database doesn\'t exist';
$this->errors['db']='Unable to create the database.';
} elseif(!db_select_database($vars['dbname'])) {
$this->errors['dbname']='Unable to select the database';
//bailout on errors.
if($this->errors) return false;
/*************** We're ready to install ************************/
define('ADMIN_EMAIL',$vars['admin_email']); //Needed to report SQL errors during install.
define('PREFIX',$vars['prefix']); //Table prefix
$schemaFile =INC_DIR.'sql/osticket-v1.7-mysql.sql'; //DB dump.
$debug = true; //XXX:Change it to true to show SQL errors.
//Last minute checks.
$this->errors['err']='Internal Error - please make sure your download is the latest (#1)';
elseif(!file_exists($this->getConfigFile()) || !($configFile=file_get_contents($this->getConfigFile())))
$this->errors['err']='Unable to read config file. Permission denied! (#2)';
elseif(!($fp = @fopen($this->getConfigFile(),'r+')))
$this->errors['err']='Unable to open config file for writing. Permission denied! (#3)';
elseif(!$this->load_sql_file($schemaFile,$vars['prefix'], true, $debug))
$this->errors['err']='Error parsing SQL schema! Get help from developers (#4)';
if(!$this->errors) {
//Create admin user.
$sql='INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'staff SET created=NOW() '
.', isactive=1, isadmin=1, group_id=1, dept_id=1, timezone_id=8, max_page_size=25 '
.', email='.db_input($_POST['admin_email'])
.', firstname='.db_input($vars['fname'])
.', lastname='.db_input($vars['lname'])
.', username='.db_input($vars['username'])
.', passwd='.db_input(Passwd::hash($vars['passwd']));
if(!mysql_query($sql) || !($uid=mysql_insert_id()))
$this->errors['err']='Unable to create admin user (#6)';
if(!$this->errors) {
//Create config settings---default settings!
//XXX: rename ostversion helpdesk_* ??
$sql='INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'config SET updated=NOW(), isonline=0 '
.', default_email_id=1, alert_email_id=2, default_dept_id=1 '
.', default_sla_id=1, default_timezone_id=8, default_template_id=1 '
.', admin_email='.db_input($vars['admin_email'])
.', schema_signature='.db_input(md5_file($schemaFile))
.', helpdesk_url='.db_input(URL)
.', helpdesk_title='.db_input($vars['name']);
if(!mysql_query($sql) || !($cid=mysql_insert_id()))
$this->errors['err']='Unable to create config settings (#7)';
if($this->errors) return false; //Abort on internal errors.
//Rewrite the config file - MUST be done last to allow for installer recovery.
$configFile= str_replace("define('OSTINSTALLED',FALSE);","define('OSTINSTALLED',TRUE);",$configFile);
$configFile= str_replace('%ADMIN-EMAIL',$vars['admin_email'],$configFile);
$configFile= str_replace('%CONFIG-DBHOST',$vars['dbhost'],$configFile);
$configFile= str_replace('%CONFIG-DBNAME',$vars['dbname'],$configFile);
$configFile= str_replace('%CONFIG-DBUSER',$vars['dbuser'],$configFile);
$configFile= str_replace('%CONFIG-DBPASS',$vars['dbpass'],$configFile);
$configFile= str_replace('%CONFIG-PREFIX',$vars['prefix'],$configFile);
$configFile= str_replace('%CONFIG-SIRI',Misc::randcode(32),$configFile);
if(!$fp || !ftruncate($fp,0) || !fwrite($fp,$configFile)) {
$this->errors['err']='Unable to write to config file. Permission denied! (#5)';
return false;
/************* Make the system happy ***********************/
//Create default emails!
$email = $vars['email'];
$sql='INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'email (`email_id`, `dept_id`, `name`,`email`,`created`,`updated`) VALUES '
." (1,1,'Support','$email',NOW(),NOW())"
.",(2,1,'osTicket Alerts','alerts@$domain',NOW(),NOW())"
//Create a ticket to make the system warm and happy.
$sql='INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'ticket SET created=NOW(), status="open", source="Web" '
.' ,priority_id=2, dept_id=1, topic_id=1 '
.' ,ticketID='.db_input(Misc::randNumber(6))
.' ,email="" '
.' ,name="osTicket Support" '
.' ,subject="osTicket Installed!"';
if(mysql_query($sql) && ($tid=mysql_insert_id())) {
$msg='Congratulations and Thank you for choosing osTicket!';
$sql='INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'ticket_message SET created=NOW(),source="Web" '
.', ticket_id='.db_input($tid)
.', message='.db_input($msg);
//TODO: create another personalized ticket and assign to admin??
//Log a message.
$msg="Congratulations osTicket basic installation completed!\n\nThank you for choosing osTicket!";
$sql='INSERT INTO '.PREFIX.'syslog SET created=NOW(),updated=NOW(),log_type="Debug" '
.', title="osTicket installed!"'
.', log='.db_input($msg)
.', ip_address='.db_input($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
return true;
osTicket Upgrader
Peter Rotich <>
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 osTicket
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
require_once INC_DIR.'class.setup.php';
class Upgrader extends SetupWizard {
var $prefix;
var $sqldir;
var $signature;
function Upgrader($signature, $prefix, $sqldir) {
$this->signature = $signature;
$this->shash = substr($signature, 0, 8);
$this->prefix = $prefix;
$this->sqldir = $sqldir;
$this->errors = array();
//Init persistent state of upgrade.
$this->state = &$_SESSION['ost_upgrader'][$this->getShash()]['state'];
//Init the task Manager.
//Tasks to perform - saved on the session.
$this->tasks = &$_SESSION['ost_upgrader'][$this->getShash()]['tasks'];
$this->migrater = DatabaseMigrater($this->sqldir);
function getStops() {
return array('7be60a84' => 'migrateAttachments2DB');
function onError($error) {
function isUpgradable() {
return (!$this->isAborted() && $this->getNextPatch());
function isAborted() {
return !strcasecmp($this->getState(), 'aborted');
function getSchemaSignature() {
return $this->signature;
function getShash() {
return $this->shash;
function getTablePrefix() {
return $this->prefix;
function getSQLDir() {
return $this->sqldir;
function getState() {
return $this->state;
function setState($state) {
$this->state = $state;
function getPatches() {
return $this->migrater->getRollup($this->getStops());
function getNextPatch() {
$p = $this->getPatches();
return (count($p)) ? $p[0] : false;
function getNextVersion() {
return '(Latest)';
$info = $this->readPatchInfo($patch);
return $info['version'];
function readPatchInfo($patch) {
$info = array();
if (preg_match('/\*(.*)\*/', file_get_contents($patch), $matches)) {
if (preg_match('/@([\w\d_-]+)\s+(.*)$/', $matches[0], $matches2))
foreach ($matches2 as $match)
$info[$match[0]] = $match[1];
if (!isset($info['version']))
$info['version'] = substr(basename($patch), 9, 8);
return $info;
function getNextAction() {
$action='Upgrade osTicket to '.$this->getVersion();
if($this->getNumPendingTasks() && ($task=$this->getNextTask())) {
$action = $task['desc'];
if($task['status']) //Progress report...
$action.=' ('.$task['status'].')';
} elseif($this->isUpgradable() && ($nextversion = $this->getNextVersion())) {
$action = "Upgrade to $nextversion";
return $action;
function getNextStepInfo() {
return $patches[0];
return $hooks[0]['desc'];
return null;
function getNumPendingTasks() {
return count($this->getPendingTasks());
function getPendingTasks() {
if(($tasks=$this->getTasks())) {
foreach($tasks as $k => $task) {
$pending[$k] = $task;
return $pending;
function getTasks() {
return $this->tasks;
function getNextTask() {
return null;
return current($tasks);
function removeTask($tId) {
return (!$this->tasks[$tId]);
function setTaskStatus($tId, $status) {
$this->tasks[$tId]['status'] = $status;
function doTasks() {
return true; //Nothing to do.
foreach($tasks as $k => $task) {
if(call_user_func(array($this, $task['func']), $k)===0) {
$this->tasks[$k]['done'] = true;
} else { //Task has pending items to process.
return (!$this->getPendingTasks());
function upgrade() {
if($this->getPendingTasks() || !($patches=$this->getPatches()))
return false;
foreach ($patches as $patch)
if (!$this->load_sql_file($patch, $this->getTablePrefix()))
return false;
//TODO: Log the upgrade
//Load up post install tasks.
$shash = substr(basename($patch), 9, 8);
$phash = substr(basename($patch), 0, 17);
$tasks[] = array('func' => 'sometask',
'desc' => 'Some Task.... blah');
switch($phash) { //Add patch specific scripted tasks.
case 'xxxx': //V1.6 ST- 1.7 *
$tasks[] = array('func' => 'migrateAttachments2DB',
'desc' => 'Migrating attachments to database, it might take a while depending on the number of files.');
$tasks[] = array('func' => 'cleanup',
'desc' => 'Post-upgrade cleanup!');
//Load up tasks - NOTE: writing directly to the session - back to the future majic.
$_SESSION['ost_upgrader'][$shash]['tasks'] = $tasks;
$_SESSION['ost_upgrader'][$shash]['state'] = 'upgrade';
//clear previous patch info -
return true;
/************* TASKS **********************/
function sometask($tId) {
$this->setTaskStatus($tId, 'Doing... '.time(). ' #'.$_SESSION['sometask']);
return 22;
return 0; //Change to 1 for testing...
function cleanup($tId=0) {
if(!file_exists($file)) //No cleanup script.
return 0;
//We have a cleanup script ::XXX: Don't abort on error?
if($this->load_sql_file($file, $this->getTablePrefix(), false, true))
return 0;
//XXX: ???
return false;
function migrateAttachments2DB($tId=0) {
echo "Process attachments here - $tId";
$att_migrater = new AttachmentMigrater();
# XXX: Loop here (with help of task manager)
return 0;
......@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
require_once INC_DIR.'class.installer.php';
//define('OSTICKET_CONFIGFILE','../include/ost-config.php'); //osTicket config file full path.
define('OSTICKET_CONFIGFILE','../include/ost-config.php'); //XXX: Make sure the path is corrent b4 releasing.
......@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ if(!$thisstaff or !$thisstaff->isadmin()) {
define('SETUPINC', true);
define('INC_DIR', './inc/');
define('SQL_DIR', INC_DIR.'sql/');
require_once INC_DIR.'class.setup.php';
require_once INC_DIR.'class.upgrader.php';
$upgrader = new Upgrader($cfg->getSchemaSignature(), TABLE_PREFIX, SQL_DIR);
......@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ ini_set('include_path', './'.PATH_SEPARATOR.INC_DIR.PATH_SEPARATOR.INCLUDE_DIR.P
#required files
......@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ if(!$thisstaff or !$thisstaff->isadmin()) {
define('SETUPINC', true);
define('INC_DIR', './inc/');
define('SQL_DIR', INC_DIR.'sql/');
require_once INC_DIR.'class.setup.php';
require_once INC_DIR.'class.upgrader.php';
$upgrader = new Upgrader($cfg->getSchemaSignature(), TABLE_PREFIX, SQL_DIR);
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