Thane de Loth authored
Multilanguage Support via gettext - added gettext encapsulations to all texts i thought necessary - added fallback function for the case that the gettext extension isn't loaded - added browser language detection - added gettext to the list of optional extensions in setup - rewritten some of the texts to use sprintf instead of appending strings - added german translation file - removed mark_overdue-confirm from cannedresponses.inc.php extend multi language support and a fex fixes - Better detection of translation files - Added functionality to redirect language codes (see redirecting language codes) - Ticket Status can be translated - The Datepicker can be translated - Extended functionality of 'testlang.php' to show what language code is used to translate Forgotten to apply a patch from RC5 to RC6 - Forgotten to change $var to $vars in line 380 of class.mailfetch.php - Removed unneeded comment Added php_gettext as primary translation engine - Added php_gettext support (thanks to Danilo Segan and Steven Armstrong) - php_gettext is now the primary translation engine - Extended language detection functionality Add error/misconfiguration checks and fix undefined variables
main.inc.php 1.37 KiB
Master include file which must be included at the start of every file.
The brain of the whole sytem. Don't monkey with it.
Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
#Disable direct access.
&& !strcasecmp(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),basename(__FILE__)))
die('kwaheri rafiki!');
if(!($ost=osTicket::start()) || !($cfg = $ost->getConfig()))
Bootstrap::croak(__('Unable to load config info from DB. Get tech support.'));
$session = $ost->getSession();
//System defaults we might want to make global//
#pagenation default - user can override it!
define('DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT', $cfg->getPageSize()?$cfg->getPageSize():25);
#Cleanup magic quotes crap.
if(function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {