Jared Hancock authored
Which will allow for a modular approach to command-line scripting of the osTicket system. Hopefully, it will alleviate the need to copy+paste code between scripts and otherwise duplicate functionality between locations. It will also allow for easier administration of osTicket by shipping scripts to do things like database maintenance, statistics exports (collectd), data exports, etc. The first example script include the capability to unpack the osTicket installation/upgrade tarball to the destination install path with optionally placing the include folder in a different location. The script will monkey patch main.inc.php so that the INCLUDE_DIR define will point to the installed location of the include/ folder.
unpack.php 5.97 KiB
require_once dirname(__file__) . "/class.module.php";
class Unpacker extends Module {
var $prologue = "Unpacks osTicket into target install path";
var $epilog =
"Copies an unpacked osticket tarball or zipfile into a production
location, optionally placing the include/ folder in a separate
location if requested";
var $options = array(
'include' => array('-i','--include', 'metavar'=>'path', 'help'=>
"The include/ folder, which contains the bulk of osTicket's source
code can be located outside of the install path. This is recommended
for better security. If you would like to install the include/
folder somewhere else, give the path here. Note that the full
path is assumed, so give path/to/include/ to unpack the source
code in that folder. The folder will be automatically created if
it doesn't already exist."
var $arguments = array(
'install-path' =>
"The destination for osTicket to reside. Use the --include
option to specify destination of the include/ folder, if the
administrator should chose to locate it separate from the
main installation path.",
function find_upload_folder() {
# Hop up to the root folder
$start = dirname(__file__);
for (;;) {
if (is_dir($start . '/upload')) break;
$start .= '/..';
return realpath($start.'/upload');
function change_include_dir($include_path) {
# Read the main.inc.php script
$main_inc_php = $this->destination . '/main.inc.php';
$lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($main_inc_php));
# Try and use ROOT_PATH
if (strpos($include_path, $this->destination) === 0)
$include_path = "ROOT_PATH . '" .
str_replace($this->destination, '', $include_path) . "'";
$include_path = "'$include_path'";
# Find the line that defines INCLUDE_DIR
foreach ($lines as &$line) {
if (preg_match("/(\s*)define\s*\(\s*'INCLUDE_DIR'/", $line, $match)) {
# Replace the definition with the new locatin
$line = $match[1] . "define('INCLUDE_DIR', "
. $include_path
. "); // Set by installer";
if (!file_put_contents($main_inc_php, implode("\n", $lines)))
die("Unable to configure location of INCLUDE_DIR in main.inc.php\n");
function exclude($pattern, $match) {
if (!$pattern) {
return false;
} elseif (is_array($pattern)) {
foreach ($pattern as $p)
if (fnmatch($p, $match))
return true;
} else {
return fnmatch($pattern, $match);
return false;
function unpackage($folder, $destination, $recurse=true, $exclude=false) {
foreach (glob($folder, GLOB_BRACE|GLOB_NOSORT) as $file) {
if ($this->exclude($exclude, $file))
if (is_file($file)) {
if (!is_dir($destination))
mkdir($destination, 0751, true);
copy($file, $destination . '/' . basename($file));
if ($recurse) {
foreach (glob(dirname($folder).'/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR|GLOB_NOSORT) as $dir) {
if ($this->exclude($exclude, $dir))
$recurse - 1, $exclude);
function get_include_dir() {
$main_inc_php = $this->destination . '/main.inc.php';
$lines = preg_grep("/define\s*\(\s*'INCLUDE_DIR'/",
explode("\n", file_get_contents($main_inc_php)));
// NOTE: that this won't work for crafty folks who have a define or some
// variable in the value of their include path
if (!defined('ROOT_DIR')) define('ROOT_DIR', $this->destination . '/');
foreach ($lines as $line)
function run() {
$this->destination = $this->getArgument('install-path');
if (!is_dir($this->destination))
if (!mkdir($this->destination, 0751, true))
$this->die("Destination path does not exist and cannot be created");
# Determine if this is an upgrade, and if so, where the include/
# folder is currently located
$upgrade = file_exists("{$this->destination}/main.inc.php");
# Locate the upload folder
$upload = $this->find_upload_folder();
# Unpack the upload folder to the destination, except the include folder
if ($upgrade)
# Get the current value of the INCLUDE_DIR before overwriting
# main.inc.php
$include = $this->get_include_dir();
$this->unpackage("$upload/*", $this->destination, -1, "*include");
if (!$upgrade) {
if ($this->getOption('include')) {
$location = $this->getOption('include');
if (!is_dir("$location/"))
if (!mkdir("$location/", 0751, true))
die("Unable to create folder for include/ files\n");
$this->unpackage("$upload/include/*", $location, -1);
$this->unpackage("$upload/include/*", "{$this->destination}/include", -1);
else {
$this->unpackage("$upload/include/*", $include, -1);
# Change the new main.inc.php to reflect the location of the
# include/ directory
Module::register('unpack', 'Unpacker');