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    Backend support for article creates, edits, deletes, and attachments.

    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket
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    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:

class FAQ {

    var $id;
    var $ht;
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    var $category;
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    function FAQ($id) {
        $this->ht = array();

    function load($id) {

        $sql='SELECT faq.*,cat.ispublic, count(attach.file_id) as attachments '
            .' FROM '.FAQ_TABLE.' faq '
            .' LEFT JOIN '.FAQ_CATEGORY_TABLE.' cat ON(cat.category_id=faq.category_id) '
            .' LEFT JOIN '.ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach
                 ON(attach.object_id=faq.faq_id AND attach.`type`=\'F\' AND attach.inline=0) '
            .' WHERE faq.faq_id='.db_input($id)
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            .' GROUP BY faq.faq_id';

        if (!($res=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res))
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            return false;

        $this->ht = db_fetch_array($res);
        $this->ht['id'] = $this->id = $this->ht['faq_id'];
        $this->category = null;
        $this->attachments = new GenericAttachments($this->id, 'F');
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        return true;

    function reload() {
        return $this->load($this->getId());

    /* ------------------> Getter methods <--------------------- */
    function getId() { return $this->id; }
    function getHashtable() { return $this->ht; }
    function getKeywords() { return $this->ht['keywords']; }
    function getQuestion() { return $this->ht['question']; }
    function getAnswer() { return $this->ht['answer']; }
    function getAnswerWithImages() {
        return Format::viewableImages($this->ht['answer'], ROOT_PATH.'image.php');
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    function getNotes() { return $this->ht['notes']; }
    function getNumAttachments() { return $this->ht['attachments']; }

    function isPublished() { return (!!$this->ht['ispublished'] && !!$this->ht['ispublic']); }

    function getCreateDate() { return $this->ht['created']; }
    function getUpdateDate() { return $this->ht['updated']; }
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    function getCategoryId() { return $this->ht['category_id']; }
    function getCategory() {
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        if(!$this->category && $this->getCategoryId())
            $this->category = Category::lookup($this->getCategoryId());

        return $this->category;

    function getHelpTopicsIds() {

        if (!isset($this->ht['topics']) && ($topics=$this->getHelpTopics())) {
            $this->ht['topics'] = array_keys($topics);

        return $this->ht['topics'];

    function getHelpTopics() {
        //XXX: change it to obj (when needed)!
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        if (!isset($this->topics)) {
            $this->topics = array();
            $sql='SELECT t.topic_id, CONCAT_WS(" / ", pt.topic, t.topic) as name  FROM '.TOPIC_TABLE.' t '
                .' INNER JOIN '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE.' ft ON(ft.topic_id=t.topic_id AND ft.faq_id='.db_input($this->id).') '
                .' LEFT JOIN '.TOPIC_TABLE.' pt ON(pt.topic_id=t.topic_pid) '
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                .' ORDER BY t.topic';
            if (($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) {
                while(list($id,$name) = db_fetch_row($res))

        return $this->topics;

    /* ------------------> Setter methods <--------------------- */
    function setPublished($val) { $this->ht['ispublished'] = !!$val; }
    function setQuestion($question) { $this->ht['question'] = Format::striptags(trim($question)); }
    function setAnswer($text) { $this->ht['answer'] = $text; }
    function setKeywords($words) { $this->ht['keywords'] = $words; }
    function setNotes($text) { $this->ht['notes'] = $text; }

    /* For ->attach() and ->detach(), use $this->attachments() (nolint) */
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    function attach($file) { return $this->_attachments->add($file); }
    function detach($file) { return $this->_attachments->remove($file); }

    function publish() {

        return $this->apply();

    function unpublish() {

        return $this->apply();

    /* Same as update - but mainly called after one or more setters are changed. */
    function apply() {
        $errors = array();
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        //XXX: set errors and add ->getErrors() & ->getError()
        return $this->update($this->ht, $errors);
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    function updateTopics($ids){

        if($ids) {
            $topics = $this->getHelpTopicsIds();
            foreach($ids as $id) {
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                if($topics && in_array($id,$topics)) continue;
                $sql='INSERT IGNORE INTO '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE
                    .' SET faq_id='.db_input($this->getId())
                    .', topic_id='.db_input($id);

        $sql='DELETE FROM '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE.' WHERE faq_id='.db_input($this->getId());
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            $sql.=' AND topic_id NOT IN('.implode(',', db_input($ids)).')';
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        return true;

    function update($vars, &$errors) {

        if(!$this->save($this->getId(), $vars, $errors))
            return false;

        //Delete removed attachments.
        $keepers = $vars['files']?$vars['files']:array();
        if(($attachments = $this->attachments->getSeparates())) {
            foreach($attachments as $file) {
                if($file['id'] && !in_array($file['id'], $keepers))
        if($_FILES['attachments'] && ($files=AttachmentFile::format($_FILES['attachments'])))

        // Inline images (attached to the draft)
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        return true;

    function getAttachmentsLinks($separator=' ',$target='') {

        if(($attachments=$this->attachments->getSeparates())) {
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            foreach($attachments as $attachment ) {
            /* The h key must match validation in file.php */
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            $str.=sprintf('<a class="Icon file no-pjax" href="file.php?h=%s" target="%s">%s</a>%s&nbsp;%s',
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                    $hash, $target, Format::htmlchars($attachment['name']), $size, $separator);
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        return $str;
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    function delete() {
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        $sql='DELETE FROM '.FAQ_TABLE
            .' WHERE faq_id='.db_input($this->getId())
            .' LIMIT 1';
        if(!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows())
            return false;
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        //Cleanup help topics.
        db_query('DELETE FROM '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE.' WHERE faq_id='.db_input($this->id));
        //Cleanup attachments.
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        return true;

    /* ------------------> Static methods <--------------------- */
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    function add($vars, &$errors) {
        if(!($id=self::create($vars, $errors)))
            return false;

        if(($faq=self::lookup($id))) {
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            if($_FILES['attachments'] && ($files=AttachmentFile::format($_FILES['attachments'])))

            // Inline images (attached to the draft)
            if (isset($vars['draft_id']) && $vars['draft_id'])
                if ($draft = Draft::lookup($vars['draft_id']))
                    $faq->attachments->upload($draft->getAttachmentIds(), true);
    function create($vars, &$errors) {
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        return self::save(0, $vars, $errors);

    function lookup($id) {
        return ($id && is_numeric($id) && ($obj= new FAQ($id)) && $obj->getId()==$id)? $obj : null;

    function countPublishedFAQs() {
        $sql='SELECT count(faq.faq_id) '
            .' FROM '.FAQ_TABLE.' faq '
            .' INNER JOIN '.FAQ_CATEGORY_TABLE.' cat ON(cat.category_id=faq.category_id AND cat.ispublic=1) '
            .' WHERE faq.ispublished=1';

        return db_result(db_query($sql));

    function findIdByQuestion($question) {
        $sql='SELECT faq_id FROM '.FAQ_TABLE
            .' WHERE question='.db_input($question);

        list($id) =db_fetch_row(db_query($sql));

        return $id;

    function findByQuestion($question) {

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            return self::lookup($id);

        return false;
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    function save($id, $vars, &$errors, $validation=false) {


        if($id && $id!=$vars['id'])
            $errors['err'] = 'Internal error. Try again';

            $errors['question'] = 'Question required';
        elseif(($qid=self::findIdByQuestion($vars['question'])) && $qid!=$id)
            $errors['question'] = 'Question already exists';

        if(!$vars['category_id'] || !($category=Category::lookup($vars['category_id'])))
            $errors['category_id'] = 'Category is required';

            $errors['answer'] = 'FAQ answer is required';

        if($errors || $validation) return (!$errors);

        $sql=' updated=NOW() '
            .', question='.db_input($vars['question'])
            .', answer='.db_input(Format::sanitize($vars['answer'], false))
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            .', category_id='.db_input($vars['category_id'])
            .', ispublished='.db_input(isset($vars['ispublished'])?$vars['ispublished']:0)
            .', notes='.db_input(Format::sanitize($vars['notes']));
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        if($id) {
            $sql='UPDATE '.FAQ_TABLE.' SET '.$sql.' WHERE faq_id='.db_input($id);
                return true;
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            $errors['err']='Unable to update FAQ.';

        } else {
            $sql='INSERT INTO '.FAQ_TABLE.' SET '.$sql.',created=NOW()';
            if(db_query($sql) && ($id=db_insert_id()))
                return $id;

            $errors['err']='Unable to create FAQ. Internal error';

        return false;