$entryTypes = array('M'=>'message', 'R'=>'response', 'N'=>'note');
$user = $entry->getUser() ?: $entry->getStaff();
$name = $user ? $user->getName() : $entry->poster;
if ($user)
$avatar = $user->getAvatar();
<div class="thread-entry <?php echo $entryTypes[$entry->type]; ?> <?php if ($avatar) echo 'avatar'; ?>">
<?php if ($avatar) { ?>
<span class="<?php echo ($entry->type == 'M') ? 'pull-right' : 'pull-left'; ?> avatar">
<?php echo $avatar; ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="header">
<?php if ($entry->hasActions()) {
<span class="muted-button pull-right" data-dropdown="#entry-action-more-<?php echo $entry->getId(); ?>">
<i class="icon-caret-down"></i>
<div id="entry-action-more-<?php echo $entry->getId(); ?>" class="action-dropdown anchor-right">
<ul class="title">
<?php foreach ($actions as $group => $list) {
<a class="no-pjax" href="#" onclick="javascript:
<?php echo str_replace('"', '\\"', $action->getJsStub()); ?>; return false;">
<i class="<?php echo $action->getIcon(); ?>"></i> <?php
<span class="textra light">
<?php if ($entry->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_EDITED) { ?>
<span class="label label-bare" title="<?php
echo sprintf(__('Edited on %s by %s'), Format::datetime($entry->updated),
($editor = $entry->getEditor()) ? $editor->getName() : '');
<?php }
if ($entry->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_RESENT) { ?>
<span class="label label-bare"><?php echo __('Resent'); ?></span>
<?php }
if ($entry->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_COLLABORATOR) { ?>
<span class="label label-bare"><?php echo __('Collaborator'); ?></span>
echo sprintf(__('<b>%s</b> posted %s'), $name,
sprintf('<a name="entry-%d" href="#entry-%1$s"><time class="relative" datetime="%s" title="%s">%s</time></a>',
date(DateTime::W3C, Misc::db2gmtime($entry->created)),
); ?>
<span style="max-width:500px" class="faded title truncate"><?php
echo $entry->title; ?></span>
<div class="thread-body no-pjax">
<div><?php echo $entry->getBody()->toHtml(); ?></div>
// The strangeness here is because .has_attachments is an annotation from
// Thread::getEntries(); however, this template may be used in other
// places such as from thread entry editing
if (isset($entry->has_attachments) ? $entry->has_attachments
: $entry->attachments->filter(array('inline'=>0))->count()) { ?>
<div class="attachments"><?php
foreach ($entry->attachments as $A) {
if ($A->inline)
$size = '';
if ($A->file->size)
$size = sprintf('<small class="filesize faded">%s</small>', Format::file_size($A->file->size));
<span class="attachment-info">
<i class="icon-paperclip icon-flip-horizontal"></i>
<a class="no-pjax truncate filename" href="<?php echo $A->file->getDownloadUrl();
?>" download="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($A->getFilename()); ?>"
target="_blank"><?php echo Format::htmlchars($A->getFilename());
?></a><?php echo $size;?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
if ($urls = $entry->getAttachmentUrls()) { ?>
$('#thread-entry-<?php echo $entry->getId(); ?>')
.data('urls', <?php
echo JsonDataEncoder::encode($urls); ?>)
.data('id', <?php echo $entry->getId(); ?>);
} ?>