mail fetcher class. Uses IMAP ext for now.
Peter Rotich <>
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 osTicket
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
class MailFetcher {
var $charset = 'UTF-8';
var $encodings =array('UTF-8','WINDOWS-1251', 'ISO-8859-5', 'ISO-8859-1','KOI8-R');
if($email && is_numeric($email)) //email_id
$this->ht = $email->getMailAccountInfo();
elseif(is_array($email) && $email['host']) //hashtable of mail account info
$this->ht = $email;
$this->ht = null;
$this->charset = $charset;
if($this->ht) {
if(!strcasecmp($this->ht['protocol'],'pop')) //force pop3
$this->ht['protocol'] = 'pop3';
$this->ht['protocol'] = strtolower($this->ht['protocol']);
//Max fetch per poll
if(!$this->ht['max_fetch'] || !is_numeric($this->ht['max_fetch']))
$this->ht['max_fetch'] = 20;
//Mail server string
$this->srvstr=sprintf('{%s:%d/%s', $this->getHost(), $this->getPort(), $this->getProtocol());
if(!strcasecmp($this->getEncryption(), 'SSL'))
if(function_exists('imap_timeout')) imap_timeout(1,20);
function getEmailId() {
return $this->ht['email_id'];
function getHost() {
return $this->ht['host'];
function getPort() {
return $this->ht['port'];
function getProtocol() {
return $this->ht['protocol'];
function getEncryption() {
return $this->ht['encryption'];
function getUsername() {
return $this->ht['username'];
function getPassword() {
return $this->ht['password'];
/* osTicket Settings */
function canDeleteEmails() {
return ($this->ht['delete_mail']);
function getMaxFetch() {
return $this->ht['max_fetch'];
function getArchiveFolder() {
return $this->ht['archive_folder'];
/* Core */
return ($this->mbox && $this->ping())?$this->mbox:$this->open();
function ping() {
return ($this->mbox && imap_ping($this->mbox));
/* Default folder is inbox - TODO: provide user an option to fetch from diff folder/label */
function open($box='INBOX') {
$this->mbox = imap_open($this->srvstr.$box, $this->getUsername(), $this->getPassword());
function close($flag=CL_EXPUNGE) {
imap_close($this->mbox, $flag);
return count(imap_headers($this->mbox));
//Get mail boxes.
if(!($folders=imap_list($this->mbox, $this->srvstr, "*")) || !is_array($folders))
return null;
$list[]= str_replace($this->srvstr, '', imap_utf7_decode(trim($folder)));
return $list;
//Create a folder.
return imap_createmailbox($this->mbox, imap_utf7_encode($this->srvstr.trim($folder)));
/* check if a folder exists - create one if requested */
function checkMailbox($folder, $create=false) {
if(($mailboxes=$this->getMailboxes()) && in_array(trim($folder), $mailboxes))
return true;
return ($create && $this->createMailbox($folder));
switch($encoding) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
return $text;
//Convert text to desired encoding..defaults to utf8
function mime_encode($text, $charset=null, $enc='utf-8') { //Thank in part to afterburner
if(function_exists('iconv') and ($charset or function_exists('mb_detect_encoding'))) {
return iconv($charset, $enc.'//IGNORE', $text);
return iconv(mb_detect_encoding($text, $this->encodings), $enc, $text);
} elseif(function_exists('iconv_mime_decode')) {
return iconv_mime_decode($text, 0, $enc);
return utf8_encode($text);
//Generic decoder - resuting text is utf8 encoded -> mirrors imap_utf8
function mime_decode($text) {
$str = '';
$str.= $this->mime_encode($part->text, ($part->charset=='default'?'ASCII':$part->charset), 'utf-8');
return $str?$str:imap_utf8($text);
return imap_last_error();
function getMimeType($struct) {
if(!$struct || !$struct->subtype)
return 'TEXT/PLAIN';
return $mimeType[(int) $struct->type].'/'.$struct->subtype;
function getHeaderInfo($mid) {
if(!($headerinfo=imap_headerinfo($this->mbox, $mid)) || !$headerinfo->from)
return null;
//Just what we need...
$header=array('name' =>@$sender->personal,
'email' =>(strtolower($sender->mailbox).'@'.$sender->host),
function getAttachment($part) {
if(!$part) return null;
if($part->ifdisposition && in_array(strtolower($part->disposition), array('attachment', 'inline')))
return $part->dparameters[0]->value;
if($part->ifparameters && $part->type == 5)
return $part->parameters[0]->value;
return null;
//search for specific mime type parts....encoding is the desired encoding.
function getPart($mid, $mimeType, $encoding=false, $struct=null, $partNumber=false) {
if(!$struct && $mid)
$struct=@imap_fetchstructure($this->mbox, $mid);
if($struct && !$struct->ifdparameters && strcasecmp($mimeType, $this->getMimeType($struct))==0) {
if(($text=imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $mid, $partNumber))) {
if($struct->encoding==3 or $struct->encoding==4) //base64 and qp decode.
if($encoding) { //Convert text to desired mime encoding...
if(!strcasecmp($struct->parameters[0]->attribute,'CHARSET') && strcasecmp($struct->parameters[0]->value,'US-ASCII'))
$text=$this->mime_encode($text, $charset, $encoding);
while(list($i, $substruct) = each($struct->parts)) {
$prefix = $partNumber . '.';
if(($result=$this->getPart($mid, $mimeType, $encoding, $substruct, $prefix.($i+1))))
search and return a hashtable of attachments....
NOTE: We're not actually fetching the body of the attachment - we'll do it on demand to save some memory.
function getAttachments($part, $index=0) {
if($part && !$part->parts) {
//Check if the part is an attachment.
$filename = '';
if($part->ifdisposition && in_array(strtolower($part->disposition), array('attachment', 'inline'))) {
//Some inline attachments have multiple parameters.
if(count($part->dparameters)>1) {
foreach($part->dparameters as $dparameter) {
if(strcasecmp($dparameter->attribute, 'FILENAME')) continue;
$filename = $dparameter->value;
} elseif($part->ifparameters && $part->type == 5) { //inline image without disposition.
if(count($part->parameters)>1) {
foreach($part->parameters as $parameter) {
if(strcasecmp($parameter->attribute, 'FILENAME')) continue;
$filename = $parameter->value;
'name' => $this->mime_decode($filename),
'mime' => $this->getMimeType($part),
'encoding' => $part->encoding,
'index' => ($index?$index:1)
//Recursive attachment search!
$attachments = array();
if($part && $part->parts) {
foreach($part->parts as $k=>$struct) {
if($index) $prefix = $index.'.';
$attachments = array_merge($attachments, $this->getAttachments($struct, $prefix.($k+1)));
return $attachments;
function getHeader($mid) {
return imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, $mid,FT_PREFETCHTEXT);
return Mail_Parse::parsePriority($this->getHeader($mid));
function getBody($mid) {
$body ='';
if(!($body = $this->getPart($mid,'TEXT/PLAIN', $this->charset))) {
if(($body = $this->getPart($mid,'TEXT/HTML', $this->charset))) {
//Convert tags of interest before we striptags
$body=str_replace("</DIV><DIV>", "\n", $body);
$body=str_replace(array("<br>", "<br />", "<BR>", "<BR />"), "\n", $body);
$body=Format::html($body); //Balance html tags before stripping.
$body=Format::striptags($body); //Strip tags??
//email to ticket
function createTicket($mid) {
global $ost;
if(!($mailinfo = $this->getHeaderInfo($mid)))
return false;
//Make sure the email is NOT already fetched... (undeleted emails)
if($mailinfo['mid'] && ($id=Ticket::getIdByMessageId(trim($mailinfo['mid']), $mailinfo['email'])))
return true; //Reporting success so the email can be moved or deleted.
//Is the email address banned?
if($mailinfo['email'] && TicketFilter::isBanned($mailinfo['email'])) {
//We need to let admin know...
$ost->logWarning('Ticket denied', 'Banned email - '.$mailinfo['email'], false);
$emailId = $this->getEmailId();
$var['subject']=$mailinfo['subject']?$this->mime_decode($mailinfo['subject']):'[No Subject]';
$var['emailId']=$emailId?$emailId:$ost->getConfig()->getDefaultEmailId(); //ok to default?
$var['name']=$var['name']?$var['name']:$var['email']; //No name? use email
if(!$var['message']) //An email with just attachments can have empty body.
$var['message'] = '(EMPTY)';
//Check the subject line for possible ID.
if($var['subject'] && preg_match ("[[#][0-9]{1,10}]", $var['subject'], $regs)) {
$tid=trim(preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $regs[0]));
if(!($ticket=Ticket::lookupByExtId($tid)) || strcasecmp($ticket->getEmail(), $var['email']))
if($ticket) {
if(!($msgid=$ticket->postMessage($var['message'], 'Email', $var['mid'], $var['header'])))
return false;
} elseif (($ticket=Ticket::create($var, $errors, 'Email'))) {
$msgid = $ticket->getLastMsgId();
} else {
//Report success if the email was absolutely rejected.
if(isset($errors['errno']) && $errors['errno'] == 403)
return true;
# check if it's a bounce!
if($var['header'] && TicketFilter::isAutoBounce($var['header'])) {
$ost->logWarning('Bounced email', $var['message'], false);
return true;
//Save attachments if any.
&& $ost->getConfig()->allowEmailAttachments()
&& ($struct = imap_fetchstructure($this->mbox, $mid))
&& $struct->parts
&& ($attachments=$this->getAttachments($struct))) {
//We're just checking the type of file - not size or number of attachments...
// Restrictions are mainly due to PHP file uploads limitations
foreach($attachments as $a ) {
if($ost->isFileTypeAllowed($a['name'], $a['mime'])) {
$file = array(
'name' => $a['name'],
'type' => $a['mime'],
'data' => $this->decode($a['encoding'], imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $mid, $a['index']))
$ticket->saveAttachment($file, $msgid, 'M');
} else {
//This should be really a comment on message - NoT an internal note.
//TODO: support comments on Messages and Responses.
$error = sprintf('Attachment %s [%s] rejected because of file type', $a['name'], $a['mime']);
$ticket->postNote('Email Attachment Rejected', $error, 'SYSTEM', false);
$ost->logDebug('Email Attachment Rejected (Ticket #'.$ticket->getExtId().')', $error);
$archiveFolder = $this->getArchiveFolder();
$delete = $this->canDeleteEmails();
$max = $this->getMaxFetch();
//echo "New Emails: $nummsgs\n";
for($i=$nummsgs; $i>0; $i--) { //process messages in reverse.
if($this->createTicket($i)) {
imap_setflag_full($this->mbox, imap_uid($this->mbox, $i), "\\Seen", ST_UID); //IMAP only??
if((!$archiveFolder || !imap_mail_move($this->mbox, $i, $archiveFolder)) && $delete)
imap_delete($this->mbox, $i);
$errors=0; //We are only interested in consecutive errors.
if($max && ($msgs>=$max || $errors>($max*0.8)))
//Warn on excessive errors
if($errors>$msgs) {
$warn=sprintf('Excessive errors processing emails for %s/%s. Please manually check the inbox.',
$this->getHost(), $this->getUsername());
return $msgs;
function log($error) {
global $ost;
$ost->logWarning('Mail Fetcher', $error);
Static function called to initiate email polling
function run() {
global $ost;
//We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
//We check here just in case the extension gets disabled post email config...
$msg='osTicket requires PHP IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 email fetch to work!';
$ost->logWarning('Mail Fetch Error', $msg);
//Hardcoded error control...
$MAXERRORS = 5; //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts
$TIMEOUT = 10; //Timeout in minutes after max errors is reached.
$sql=' SELECT email_id, mail_errors FROM '.EMAIL_TABLE
.' WHERE mail_active=1 '
.' AND (mail_errors<='.$MAXERRORS.' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), mail_lasterror))>'.($TIMEOUT*60).') )'
.' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60)'
.' ORDER BY mail_lastfetch DESC'
.' LIMIT 10'; //Processing up to 10 emails at a time.
// echo $sql;
if(!($res=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res))
return; /* Failed query (get's logged) or nothing to do... */
while(list($emailId, $errors)=db_fetch_row($res)) {
$fetcher = new MailFetcher($emailId);
if($fetcher->connect()) {
db_query('UPDATE '.EMAIL_TABLE.' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id='.db_input($emailId));
} else {
db_query('UPDATE '.EMAIL_TABLE.' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id='.db_input($emailId));
if(++$errors>=$MAXERRORS) {
//We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
$msg="\nosTicket is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account: \n".
"\nUser: ".$fetcher->getUsername().
"\nHost: ".$fetcher->getHost().
"\n\n ".$errors.' consecutive errors. Maximum of '.$MAXERRORS. ' allowed'.
"\n\n This could be connection issues related to the mail server. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. $TIMEOUT minutes";
$ost->alertAdmin('Mail Fetch Failure Alert', $msg, true);