# Default (dynamic) form configuration. This data is used as the initial,
# minimal data for dynamic forms that ships with the system.
# id: Used only if associated with a help topic
# title: Bold section title of the form
# instructions: Title deck, detailed instructions on entering form data
# notes: Notes for the form, shown under the fields
# deletable: True if the form can be removed from the system
# fields: List of fields for the form
# type: Field type (short name) (eg. 'text', 'memo', 'phone', ...)
# label: Field label shown to the user
# name: Name used with the data internally. This is especially
# useful for page and email templates, where %{ ticket.<name> }
# will be used to retrieve the data from the field.
# hint: Help text shown with the field
# edit_mask: Mask out edits to the field (1=>delete, 2=>change name,
# 4=>privacy setting, 8=>requirement setting)
# private: True if the field should be hidden from the client
# required: True if entry for the field is required
# configuration: Field-specific configuration
# size: (text) width of the field
# length: (text) maximum size of the data in the field
# cols: (memo) width of the textarea
# rows: (memo) height of the textarea
title: Contact Information
- type: text # notrans
name: email # notrans
label: Email Address
required: true
sort: 1
edit_mask: 15
size: 40
length: 64
validator: email # notrans
- type: text # notrans
name: name # notrans
label: Full Name
required: true
sort: 2
edit_mask: 15
size: 40
length: 64
- type: phone # notrans
name: phone # notrans
label: Phone Number
required: false
- type: memo # notrans
name: notes
label: Internal Notes
required: false
private: true
rows: 4
cols: 40
title: Ticket Details
instructions: Please Describe Your Issue
notes: |
This form will be attached to every ticket, regardless of its source.
You can add any fields to this form and they will be available to all
tickets, and will be searchable with advanced search and filterable.
deletable: false
- type: text # notrans
name: subject # notrans
required: true
edit_mask: 15
sort: 1
size: 40
length: 50
- type: thread # notrans
name: message # notrans
hint: Details on the reason(s) for opening the ticket.
required: true
edit_mask: 15
sort: 2
- type: priority # notrans
name: priority # notrans
label: Priority Level
required: false