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class.format.php 35.8 KiB
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    Collection of helper function used for formatting
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    Peter Rotich <>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket
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    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:

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include_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.charset.php';
require_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.variable.php';
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class Format {

    function file_size($bytes) {
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            return $bytes;
        if($bytes < (900<<10))
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            return round(($bytes/1024),1).' kb';

        return round(($bytes/1048576),1).' mb';
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    function filesize2bytes($size) {
        switch (substr($size, -1)) {
        case 'M': case 'm': return (int)$size <<= 20;
        case 'K': case 'k': return (int)$size <<= 10;
        case 'G': case 'g': return (int)$size <<= 30;

        return $size;

    function mimedecode($text, $encoding='UTF-8') {

                && ($parts = imap_mime_header_decode($text))) {
            $str ='';
            foreach ($parts as $part)
                $str.= Charset::transcode($part->text, $part->charset, $encoding);

            $text = $str;
        } elseif($text[0] == '=' && function_exists('iconv_mime_decode')) {
            $text = iconv_mime_decode($text, 0, $encoding);
        } elseif(!strcasecmp($encoding, 'utf-8')
                && function_exists('imap_utf8')) {
            $text = imap_utf8($text);

        return $text;

     * Decodes filenames given in the content-disposition header according
     * to RFC5987, such as filename*=utf-8''filename.png. Note that the
     * language sub-component is defined in RFC5646, and that the filename
     * is URL encoded (in the charset specified)
    function decodeRfc5987($filename) {
        $match = array();
        if (preg_match("/([\w!#$%&+^_`{}~-]+)'([\w-]*)'(.*)$/",
                $filename, $match))
            // XXX: Currently we don't care about the language component.
            //      The  encoding hint is sufficient.
            return Charset::utf8(urldecode($match[3]), $match[1]);
            return $filename;

     * Json Encoder
    function json_encode($what) {
        require_once (INCLUDE_DIR.'class.json.php');
        return JsonDataEncoder::encode($what);

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	function phone($phone) {

		$stripped= preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $phone);
		if(strlen($stripped) == 7)
			return preg_replace("/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/", "$1-$2",$stripped);
		elseif(strlen($stripped) == 10)
			return preg_replace("/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/", "($1) $2-$3",$stripped);
			return $phone;

    function truncate($string,$len,$hard=false) {
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        if(!$len || $len>strlen($string))
            return $string;
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        $string = substr($string,0,$len);

        return $hard?$string:(substr($string,0,strrpos($string,' ')).' ...');

    function strip_slashes($var) {
        return is_array($var)?array_map(array('Format','strip_slashes'),$var):stripslashes($var);

    function wrap($text, $len=75) {
        return $len ? wordwrap($text, $len, "\n", true) : $text;
    function html_balance($html, $remove_empty=true) {
        if (!extension_loaded('dom'))
            return $html;

        if (!trim($html))
            return $html;

        $doc = new DomDocument();
        $xhtml = '<?xml encoding="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>'
            // Wrap the content in a <div> because libxml would use a <p>
            . "<div>$html</div>";
        $doc->encoding = 'utf-8';
        $doc->preserveWhitespace = false;
        $doc->recover = true;
        if (false === @$doc->loadHTML($xhtml))
            return $html;

        if ($remove_empty) {
            // Remove empty nodes
            $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
            static $eE = array('area'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'embed'=>1,
                    'iframe' => 1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1,
                    'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1);
            do {
                $done = true;
                $nodes = $xpath->query('//*[not(text()) and not(node())]');
                foreach ($nodes as $n) {
                    if (isset($eE[$n->nodeName]))
                    $done = false;
            } while (!$done);

        static $phpversion;
        if (!isset($phpversion))
            $phpversion = phpversion();

        $body = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body');
        if (!$body->length)
            return $html;

        if ($phpversion > '5.3.6') {
            $html = $doc->saveHTML($doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->firstChild);
        else {
            $html = $doc->saveHTML();
            $html = preg_replace('`^<!DOCTYPE.+?>|<\?xml .+?>|</?html>|</?body>|</?head>|<meta .+?/?>`', '', $html); # <?php
        return preg_replace('`^<div>|</div>$`', '', trim($html));

    function html($html, $config=array()) {
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        $spec = false;
        if (isset($config['spec']))
            $spec = $config['spec'];

        // Add in htmLawed defaults
        $config += array(
            'balance' => 1,

        // Attempt to balance using libxml. htmLawed will corrupt HTML with
        // balancing to fix improper HTML at the same time. For instance,
        // some email clients may wrap block elements inside inline
        // elements. htmLawed will change such block elements to inlines to
        // make the HTML correct.
        if ($config['balance'] && extension_loaded('dom')) {
            $html = self::html_balance($html);
            $config['balance'] = 0;

        return htmLawed($html, $config, $spec);
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    function html2text($html, $width=74, $tidy=true) {

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        if (!$html)
            return $html;

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