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require_once dirname(__file__) . "/class.module.php";
require_once dirname(__file__) . "/../";

class FileManager extends Module {
    var $prologue = 'CLI file manager for osTicket';

    var $arguments = array(
        'action' => array(
            'help' => 'Action to be performed',
            'options' => array(
                'list' => 'List files matching criteria',
                'export' => 'Export files from the system',
                'import' => 'Load files exported via `export`',
                'zip' => 'Create a zip file of the matching files',
                'dump' => 'Dump file content to stdout',
                'load' => 'Load file contents from stdin',
                'migrate' => 'Migrate a file to another backend',
                'backends' => 'List configured storage backends',
                'expunge' => 'Remove matching files from the system',

    var $options = array(
        'ticket' => array('-T', '--ticket', 'metavar'=>'id',
            'help' => 'Search by internal ticket id'),
        'file-id' => array('-F', '--file-id', 'metavar'=>'id',
            'help' => 'Search by file id'),
        'name' => array('-N', '--name', 'metavar'=>'name',
            'help' => 'Search by file name (subsring match)'),
        'backend' => array('-b', '--backend', 'metavar'=>'BK',
            'help' => 'Search by file backend. See `backends` action
                for a list of available backends'),
        'status' => array('-S', '--status', 'metavar'=>'STATUS',
            'help' => 'Search on ticket state (`open` or `closed`)'),
        'min-size' => array('-z', '--min-size', 'metavar'=>'SIZE',
            'help' => 'Search for files larger than this. k, M, G are welcome'),
        'max-size' => array('-Z', '--max-size', 'metavar'=>'SIZE',
            'help' => 'Search for files smaller than this. k, M, G are welcome'),

        'limit' => array('-L', '--limit', 'metavar'=>'count',
            'help' => 'Limit search results to this count'),

        'to' => array('-m', '--to', 'metavar'=>'BK',
            'help' => 'Target backend for migration. See `backends` action
                for a list of available backends'),

        'file' => array('-f', '--file', 'metavar'=>'FILE',
            'help' => 'Filename used for import and export'),

        'verbose' => array('-v', '--verbose', 'action'=>'store_true',
            'help' => 'Be more verbose'),

    function run($args, $options) {

        switch ($args['action']) {
        case 'backends':
            // List configured backends
            foreach (FileStorageBackend::allRegistered() as $char=>$bk) {
                print "$char -- {$bk::$desc} ($bk)\n";

        case 'list':
            // List files matching criteria
            // ORM would be nice!
            $files = FileModel::objects();
            $this->_applyCriteria($options, $files);
            foreach ($files as $f) {
                printf("% 5d %s % 8d %s % 16s %s\n", $f->id, $f->bk,
                    $f->size, $f->created, $f->type, $f->name);
                if ($f->attrs) {
                    printf("        %s\n", $f->attrs);

        case 'dump':
            $files = FileModel::objects();
            $this->_applyCriteria($options, $files);
            if ($files->count() != 1)
                $this->fail('Criteria must select exactly 1 file');

            if (($f = AttachmentFile::lookup($files[0]->id))
                    && ($bk = $f->open()))
        case 'load':
            // Load file content from STDIN
            $files = FileModel::objects();
            $this->_applyCriteria($options, $files);
            if ($files->count() != 1)
                $this->fail('Criteria must select exactly 1 file');

            $f = AttachmentFile::lookup($files[0]->id);
            try {
                if ($bk = $f->open())
            catch (Exception $e) {}

            if ($options['to'])
                $bk = FileStorageBackend::lookup($options['to'], $f);
                // Use the system default
                $bk = AttachmentFile::getBackendForFile($f);

            $type = false;
            $signature = '';
            $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
            if ($options['file'] && $options['file'] != '-') {
                if (!file_exists($options['file']))
                    $this->fail($options['file'].': Cannot open file');
                if (!$bk->upload($options['file']))
                    $this->fail('Unable to upload file contents to backend');
                $type = $finfo->file($options['file']);
                list(, $signature) = AttachmentFile::_getKeyAndHash($options['file'], true);
            else {
                $stream = fopen('php://stdin', 'rb');
                while ($block = fread($stream, $bk->getBlockSize())) {
                    if (!$bk->write($block))
                        $this->fail('Unable to send file contents to backend');
                    if (!$type)
                        $type = $finfo->buffer($block);
                if (!$bk->flush())
                    $this->fail('Unable to commit file contents to backend');

            // TODO: Update file metadata
            $sql = 'UPDATE '.FILE_TABLE.' SET bk='.db_input($bk->getBkChar())
                .', created=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'
                .', type='.db_input($type)
                .', signature='.db_input($signature)
                .' WHERE id='.db_input($f->getId());

            if (!db_query($sql) || db_affected_rows()!=1)
                $this->fail('Unable to update file metadata');

            $this->stdout->write("Successfully saved contents\n");

        case 'migrate':
            if (!$options['to'])
                $this->fail('Please specify a target backend for migration');

            if (!FileStorageBackend::isRegistered($options['to']))
                $this->fail('Target backend is not installed. See `backends` action');

            $files = FileModel::objects();
            $this->_applyCriteria($options, $files);

            $count = 0;
            foreach ($files as $m) {
                $f = AttachmentFile::lookup($m->id);
                if ($f->getBackend() == $options['to'])
                if ($options['verbose'])
                    $this->stdout->write('Migrating '.$m->name."\n");
                try {
                    if (!$f->migrate($options['to']))
                        $this->stderr->write('Unable to migrate '.$m->name."\n");
                catch (IOException $e) {
                    $this->stderr->write('IOError: '.$e->getMessage());
            $this->stdout->write("Migrated $count files\n");

         * export
         * Export file contents to a stream file. The format of the stream
         * will be a continuous stream of file information in the following
         * format:
         * AFIL<meta-length><data-length><meta><data>EOF\x1c
         *   A              is the version code of the export
         *   "FIL"          is the literal text 'FIL'
         *   meta-length    is 'V' packed header length (bytes)
         *   data-length    is 'V' packed data length (bytes)
         *   meta           is the %file record, php serialized
         *   data           is the raw content of the file
         *   "EOF"          is the literal text 'EOF'
         *   \x1c           is an ASCII 0x1c byte (file separator)
         * Options:
         * --file       File to which to direct the stream output, default
         *              is stdout
        case 'export':
            $files = FileModel::objects();
            $this->_applyCriteria($options, $files);

            if (!$options['file'] || $options['file'] == '-')
                $options['file'] = 'php://stdout';
            if (!($stream = fopen($options['file'], 'wb')))
                $this->fail($options['file'].': Unable to open file for export stream');

            foreach ($files as $m) {
                $f = AttachmentFile::lookup($m->id);
                if ($options['verbose'])

                // TODO: Log %attachment and %ticket_attachment entries
                $info = array('file' => $f->getInfo());
                $header = serialize($info);
                fwrite($stream, 'AFIL'.pack('VV', strlen($header), $f->getSize()));
                fwrite($stream, $header);
                $FS = $f->open();
                while ($block = $FS->read())
                    fwrite($stream, $block);
                fwrite($stream, "EOF\x1c");

         * import
         * Import a collection of file contents exported by the `export`.
         * See the export function above for details about the stream
         * format.
         * Options:
         * --file       File from which to read the export stream, default
         *              is stdin
         * --to         Backend to receive the contents (@see `backends`)
         * --verbose    Show file names while importing
        case 'import':
            if (!$options['file'] || $options['file'] == '-')
                $options['file'] = 'php://stdin';

            if (!($stream = fopen($options['file'], 'rb')))
                $this->fail($options['file'].': Unable to open import stream');

            while (true) {
                // Read the file header
                // struct file_data_header {
                //   char[4] marker; // Four chars, 'AFIL'
                //   int     lenMeta;
                //   int     lenData;
                // };
                if (!($header = fread($stream, 12)))
                    break; // EOF

                list(, $mark, $hlen, $dlen) = unpack('V3', $header);

                // AFIL written as little-endian 4-byte int is 0x4c4946xx (LIFA),
                // where 'A' is the version code of the export
                $version = $mark & 0xff;
                if (($mark >> 8) != 0x4c4946)
                    $this->fail('Bad file record');

                // Read the header
                $header = fread($stream, $hlen);
                if (strlen($header) != $hlen)
                    $this->fail('Short read getting header info');

                $header = unserialize($header);
                if (!$header)
                    $this->fail('Unable to decipher file header');

                // Find or create the file record
                $finfo = $header['file'];
                // TODO: Consider the $version code
                $f = AttachmentFile::lookup($finfo['id']);
                if ($f) {
                    // Verify file information
                    if ($f->getSize() != $finfo['size']
                        || $f->getSignature() != $finfo['signature']
                    ) {
                            '%s: File data does not match existing file record',
                    // Drop existing file contents, if any
                    try {
                        if ($bk = $f->open())
                    catch (Exception $e) {}
                // Create a new file
                else {
                    $fm = FileModel::create($finfo);
                    if (!$fm->save() || !($f = AttachmentFile::lookup($fm->id))) {
                            '%s: Unable to create new file record',

                // Determine the backend to recieve the file contents
                if ($options['to']) {
                    $bk = FileStorageBackend::lookup($options['to'], $f);
                // Use the system default
                else {
                    $bk = AttachmentFile::getBackendForFile($f);

                if ($options['verbose'])
                    $this->stdout->write('Importing '.$f->getName()."\n");

                // Write file contents to the backend
                $md5 = hash_init('md5');
                $sha1 = hash_init('sha1');
                // Handle exceptions by dropping imported file contents and
                // then returning the error to the error output stream.
                try {
                    while ($dlen > 0) {
                        $read_size = min($dlen, $bk->getBlockSize());
                        $contents = '';
                        // reading from the stream will likely return an amount of
                        // data different from the backend requested block size. Loop
                        // until $read_size bytes are recieved.
                        while ($read_size > 0 && ($block = fread($stream, $read_size))) {
                            $contents .= $block;
                            $read_size -= strlen($block);
                        if ($read_size != 0) {
                            // short read
                            throw new Exception(sprintf(
                                '%s: Some contents are missing from the stream',
                        // Calculate MD5 and SHA1 hashes of the file to verify
                        // contents after successfully written to backend
                        if (!$bk->write($contents))
                            throw new Exception(
                                'Unable to send file contents to backend');
                        hash_update($md5, $contents);
                        hash_update($sha1, $contents);
                        $dlen -= strlen($contents);
                        $written += strlen($contents);
                    // Some backends cannot handle flush() without a
                    // corresponding write() call.
                    if ($written && !$bk->flush())
                        throw new Exception(
                            'Unable to commit file contents to backend');

                    // Check the signature hash
                    if ($finfo['signature']) {
                        $md5 = base64_encode(hash_final($md5, true));
                        $sha1 = base64_encode(hash_final($sha1, true));
                        $sig = str_replace(
                            substr($sha1, 0, 16) . substr($md5, 0, 16));
                        if ($sig != $finfo['signature']) {
                            throw new Exception(sprintf(
                                '%s: Signature verification failed',
                } // end try
                catch (Exception $ex) {
                    if ($bk) $bk->unlink();
                // Read file record footer
                $footer = fread($stream, 4);
                if (strlen($footer) != 4)
                    $this->fail('Unable to read file EOF marker');
                list(, $footer) = unpack('N', $footer);
                // Footer should be EOF\x1c as an int
                if ($footer != 0x454f461c)
                    $this->fail('Incorrect file EOF marker');
        case 'zip':
            // Create a temporary ZIP file
            $files = FileModel::objects();
            $this->_applyCriteria($options, $files);
            if (!$options['file'])
                $this->fail('Please specify zip file with `-f`');

            $zip = new ZipArchive();
            if (true !== ($reason = $zip->open($options['file'],
                $this->fail($reason.': Unable to create zip file');

            foreach ($files as $m) {
                $f = AttachmentFile::lookup($m->id);
                if ($options['verbose'])
                $name = Format::encode(sprintf(
                    '%d-%s', $f->getId(), $f->getName()
                    ), 'utf-8', 'cp437');
                $zip->addFromString($name, $f->getData());

        case 'expunge':
            $files = FileModel::objects();
            $this->_applyCriteria($options, $files);

            foreach ($files as $m) {
                // Drop associated attachment links
                $f = AttachmentFile::lookup($m->id);

                // Drop file contents
                if ($bk = $f->open())

                // Drop file record

    function _applyCriteria($options, $qs) {
        foreach ($options as $name=>$val) {
            if (!$val) continue;
            switch ($name) {
            case 'ticket':
            case 'file-id':
            case 'name':
            case 'backend':
            case 'status':
                if (!in_array($val, array('open','closed')))
                    $this->fail($val.': Unknown ticket status');


            case 'min-size':
            case 'max-size':
                $info = array();
                if (!preg_match('/([\d.]+)([kmgbi]+)?/i', $val, $info))
                    $this->fail($val.': Invalid file size');
                if ($info[2]) {
                    $info[2] = str_replace(array('b','i'), array('',''), $info[2]);
                    $sizes = array('k'=>1<<10,'m'=>1<<20,'g'=>1<<30);
                    $val = (float) $val * $sizes[strtolower($info[2])];
                if ($name == 'min-size')

            case 'limit':
                if (!is_numeric($val))
                    $this->fail('Provide an result count number to --limit');

require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.orm.php';

class FileModel extends VerySimpleModel {
    static $meta = array(
        'table' => FILE_TABLE,
        'pk' => 'id',
        'joins' => array(
            'tickets' => array(
                'null' => true,
                'constraint' => array('id' => 'TicketAttachmentModel.file_id')
class TicketAttachmentModel extends VerySimpleModel {
    static $meta = array(
        'table' => TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE,
        'pk' => 'attach_id',
        'joins' => array(
            'ticket' => array(
                'null' => false,
                'constraint' => array('ticket_id' => 'TicketModel.ticket_id'),

class AttachmentModel extends VerySimpleModel {
    static $meta = array(
        'table' => ATTACHMENT_TABLE,
        'pk' => array('object_id', 'type', 'file_id'),

Module::register('file', 'FileManager');