include_once "include/class.api.php";
include_once "include/class.ticket.php";
class TicketController extends ApiController {
# Supported arguments -- anything else is an error. These items will be
# inspected _after_ the fixup() method of the ApiXxxDataParser classes
# so that all supported input formats should be supported
function getRequestStructure($format) {
$supported = array(
"alert", "autorespond", "source", "topicId",
"name", "email", "subject", "phone", "phone_ext",
"attachments" => array("*" =>
array("name", "type", "data", "encoding")
"message", "ip", "priorityId"
if ($format == "xml") return array("ticket" => $supported);
else return $supported;
function create($format) {
Peter Rotich
if(!($key=$this->getApiKey()) || !$key->canCreateTickets())
Http::response(401, 'API key not authorized');
# Parse request body
$data = $this->getRequest($format);
if ($format == "xml") $data = $data["ticket"];
# Pull off some meta-data
$alert = $data['alert'] ? $data['alert'] : true;
$autorespond = $data['autorespond'] ? $data['autorespond'] : true;
$source = $data['source'] ? $data['source'] : 'API';
$attachments = $data['attachments'] ? $data['attachments'] : array();
# TODO: Handle attachment encoding (base64)
foreach ($attachments as $filename=>&$info) {
if ($info["encoding"] == "base64") {
# XXX: May fail on large inputs. See
if (!($info["data"] = base64_decode($info["data"], true)))
Http::response(400, sprintf(
"%s: Poorly encoded base64 data",
$info['size'] = strlen($info['data']);
# Create the ticket with the data (attempt to anyway)
$errors = array();
$ticket = Ticket::create($data, $errors, $source, $autorespond,
# Return errors (?)
if (count($errors)) {
Http::response(400, "Unable to create new ticket: validation errors:\n"
. Format::array_implode(": ", "\n", $errors));
} elseif (!$ticket) {
Http::response(500, "Unable to create new ticket: unknown error");
# Save attachment(s)
foreach ($attachments as &$info)
$ticket->saveAttachment($info, $ticket->getLastMsgId(), "M");
# All done. Return HTTP/201 --> Created
Http::response(201, $ticket->getExtId());