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class.faq.php 16 KiB
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    Backend support for article creates, edits, deletes, and attachments.

    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket
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    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
class FAQ extends VerySimpleModel {

    static $meta = array(
        'table' => FAQ_TABLE,
        'pk' => array('faq_id'),
        'ordering' => array('question'),
        'defer' => array('answer'),
        'select_related'=> array('category'),
        'joins' => array(
            'category' => array(
                'constraint' => array(
                    'category_id' => 'Category.category_id'
            ), /* XXX: Not yet implemented
            'attachments' => array(
                'constraint' => array(
                    "'F'" => 'GenericAttachment.type',
                    'faq_id' => 'GenericAttachment.object_id',
                'list' => true,
            'topics' => array(
                'constraint' => array(
                    'faq_id' => 'FaqTopic.faq_id'
                'null' => true,
    const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 1;

    function __onload() {
        if (isset($this->faq_id))
            $this->attachments = new GenericAttachments($this->getId(), 'F');
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    /* ------------------> Getter methods <--------------------- */
    function getId() { return $this->faq_id; }
    function getHashtable() {
        $base = $this->ht;
        return $base;
    function getKeywords() { return $this->keywords; }
    function getQuestion() { return $this->question; }
    function getAnswer() { return $this->answer; }
    function getAnswerWithImages() {
        return Format::viewableImages($this->answer, ROOT_PATH.'image.php');
    function getTeaser() {
        return Format::truncate(Format::striptags($this->answer), 150);
    function getSearchableAnswer() {
        return ThreadEntryBody::fromFormattedText($this->answer, 'html')
    function getNotes() { return $this->notes; }
    function getNumAttachments() { return $this->attachments->count(); }
    function isPublished() {
        return $this->ispublished != self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
            && $this->category->isPublic();
    function getVisibilityDescription() {
        switch ($this->ispublished) {
        case self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE:
            return __('Internal');
        case self::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC:
            return __('Public');
        case self::VISIBILITY_FEATURED:
            return __('Featured');
    function getCreateDate() { return $this->created; }
    function getUpdateDate() { return $this->updated; }
    function getCategoryId() { return $this->category_id; }
    function getCategory() { return $this->category; }
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    function getHelpTopicsIds() {
        $ids = array();
        foreach ($this->getHelpTopics() as $topic)
            $ids[] = $topic->getId();
        return $ids;
    function getHelpTopicNames() {
        $names = array();
        foreach ($this->getHelpTopics() as $topic)
            $names[] = $topic->getFullName();
        return $names;

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    function getHelpTopics() {
        //XXX: change it to obj (when needed)!
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        if (!isset($this->topics)) {
            $this->topics = Topic::objects()->filter(array(
                'topic_id__in' => FaqTopic::objects()->filter(array(
                        'faq_id' => $this->getId(),
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        return $this->topics;

    /* ------------------> Setter methods <--------------------- */
    function setPublished($val) { $this->ispublished = !!$val; }
    function setQuestion($question) { $this->question = Format::striptags(trim($question)); }
    function setAnswer($text) { $this->answer = $text; }
    function setKeywords($words) { $this->keywords = $words; }
    function setNotes($text) { $this->notes = $text; }
    /* For ->attach() and ->detach(), use $this->attachments() (nolint) */
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    function attach($file) { return $this->_attachments->add($file); }
    function detach($file) { return $this->_attachments->remove($file); }

    function publish() {
        return $this->save();
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    function unpublish() {
        return $this->save();
    function logView() {

    function printPdf() {
        global $thisstaff;

        $paper = 'Letter';
        if ($thisstaff)
            $paper = $thisstaff->getDefaultPaperSize();

        $faq = $this;
        include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/faq-print.tmpl.php';
        $html = ob_get_clean();

        $pdf = new mPDF('', $paper);
        // Setup HTML writing and load default thread stylesheet
            .bleed { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
            .faded { color: #666; }
            .faq-title { font-size: 170%; font-weight: bold; }
            .thread-body { font-family: serif; }'

        $pdf->Output(Format::slugify($faq->getQuestion()) . '.pdf', 'I');

    // Internationalization of the knowledge base

    function getTranslateTag($subtag) {
        return _H(sprintf('faq.%s.%s', $subtag, $this->getId()));
    function getLocal($subtag) {
        $tag = $this->getTranslateTag($subtag);
        $T = CustomDataTranslation::translate($tag);
        return $T != $tag ? $T : $this->ht[$subtag];
    function getAllTranslations() {
        if (!isset($this->_local)) {
            $tag = $this->getTranslateTag('q:a');
            $this->_local = CustomDataTranslation::allTranslations($tag, 'article');
        return $this->_local;
    function getLocalQuestion($lang=false) {
        return $this->_getLocal('question', $lang);
    function getLocalAnswerWithImages($lang=false) {
        return $this->_getLocal('answer', $lang);
    function _getLocal($what, $lang=false) {
        if (!$lang) {
            $lang = $this->getDisplayLang();
        $translations = $this->getAllTranslations();
        foreach ($translations as $t) {
            if (0 === strcasecmp($lang, $t->lang)) {
                $data = $t->getComplex();
                if (isset($data[$what]))
                    return $data[$what];
        return $this->ht[$what];
    function getDisplayLang() {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['kblang']))
            $lang = $_REQUEST['kblang'];
            $lang = Internationalization::getCurrentLanguage();
        return $lang;
    function getLocalAttachments($lang=false) {
        return $this->attachments->getSeparates(
            $lang ?: $this->getDisplayLang());
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    function updateTopics($ids){

        if($ids) {
            $topics = $this->getHelpTopicsIds();
            foreach($ids as $id) {
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                if($topics && in_array($id,$topics)) continue;
                $sql='INSERT IGNORE INTO '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE
                    .' SET faq_id='.db_input($this->getId())
                    .', topic_id='.db_input($id);

        $sql='DELETE FROM '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE.' WHERE faq_id='.db_input($this->getId());
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            $sql.=' AND topic_id NOT IN('.implode(',', db_input($ids)).')';
        if (!db_query($sql))
            return false;
        Signal::send('model.updated', $this);
    function saveTranslations($vars) {
        global $thisstaff;

        foreach ($this->getAllTranslations() as $t) {
            $trans = @$vars['trans'][$t->lang];
            if (!$trans || !array_filter($trans))
                // Not updating translations

            // Content is not new and shouldn't be added below
            $content = array('question' => $trans['question'],
                'answer' => Format::sanitize($trans['answer']));

            // Don't update content which wasn't updated
            if ($content == $t->getComplex())

            $t->text = $content;
            $t->agent_id = $thisstaff->getId();
            $t->updated = SqlFunction::NOW();
            if (!$t->save())
                return false;
        // New translations (?)
        $tag = $this->getTranslateTag('q:a');
        foreach ($vars['trans'] as $lang=>$parts) {
            $content = array('question' => @$parts['question'],
                'answer' => Format::sanitize(@$parts['answer']));
            if (!array_filter($content))
            $t = CustomDataTranslation::create(array(
                'type'      => 'article',
                'object_hash' => $tag,
                'lang'      => $lang,
                'text'      => $content,
                'revision'  => 1,
                'agent_id'  => $thisstaff->getId(),
                'updated'   => SqlFunction::NOW(),
            if (!$t->save())
                return false;
        return true;

    function getVisibleAttachments() {
        return array_merge(
            $this->attachments->getSeparates() ?: array(),

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    function getAttachmentsLinks($separator=' ',$target='') {

        if ($attachments = $this->getVisibleAttachments()) {
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            foreach($attachments as $attachment ) {
            /* The h key must match validation in file.php */
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            $str.=sprintf('<a class="Icon file no-pjax" href="file.php?h=%s" target="%s">%s</a>%s&nbsp;%s',
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                    $hash, $target, Format::htmlchars($attachment['name']), $size, $separator);
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        return $str;
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    function delete() {
        try {
            // Cleanup help topics.
            db_query('DELETE FROM '.FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE.' WHERE faq_id='.db_input($this->getId()));
            // Cleanup attachments.
        catch (OrmException $ex) {
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            return false;
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        return true;

    /* ------------------> Static methods <--------------------- */
    static function add($vars, &$errors) {
        if(!($faq = self::create($vars)))
    static function create($vars=false) {
        $faq = parent::create($vars);
        $faq->created = SqlFunction::NOW();
        return $faq;
    static function allPublic() {
        return static::objects()->exclude(array(

    static function countPublishedFAQs() {
        static $count;
        if (!isset($count)) {
            $count = self::allPublic()->count();
        return $count;

    static function getFeatured() {
        return self::objects()
            ->filter(array('ispublished__in'=>array(1,2), 'category__ispublic'=>1))
    static function findIdByQuestion($question) {
        $row = self::objects()->filter(array(
        return ($row) ? $row[0] : null;
    static function findByQuestion($question) {
        return self::objects()->filter(array(
    function update($vars, &$errors) {
        global $cfg;
        // Cleanup.
        $vars['question'] = Format::striptags(trim($vars['question']));
        // Validate
        if ($vars['id'] && $this->getId() != $vars['id'])
            $errors['err'] = __('Internal error occurred');
        elseif (!$vars['question'])
            $errors['question'] = __('Question required');
        elseif (($qid=self::findIdByQuestion($vars['question'])) && $qid != $vars['id'])
            $errors['question'] = __('Question already exists');
        if (!$vars['category_id'] || !($category=Category::lookup($vars['category_id'])))
            $errors['category_id'] = __('Category is required');
        if (!$vars['answer'])
            $errors['answer'] = __('FAQ answer is required');
        if ($errors)
            return false;
        $this->question = $vars['question'];
        $this->answer = Format::sanitize($vars['answer']);
        $this->category = $category;
        $this->ispublished = $vars['ispublished'];
        $this->notes = Format::sanitize($vars['notes']);
        $this->keywords = ' ';
        if (!$this->save())
            return false;
        // General attachments (for all languages)
        // ---------------------
        // Delete removed attachments.
        if (isset($vars['files'])) {
            $keepers = $vars['files'];
            if (($attachments = $this->attachments->getSeparates())) {
                foreach($attachments as $file) {
                    if($file['id'] && !in_array($file['id'], $keepers))
        // Upload new attachments IF any.

        // Handle language-specific attachments
        // ----------------------
        $langs = $cfg ? $cfg->getSecondaryLanguages() : false;
        if ($langs) {
            $langs[] = $cfg->getPrimaryLanguage();
            foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                if (!isset($vars['files_'.$lang]))
                    // Not updating the FAQ
                $keepers = $vars['files_'.$lang];

                // Delete removed attachments.
                if (($attachments = $this->attachments->getSeparates($lang))) {
                    foreach ($attachments as $file) {
                        if ($file['id'] && !in_array($file['id'], $keepers))
                // Upload new attachments IF any.
                $this->attachments->upload($keepers, false, $lang);
        // Inline images (attached to the draft)

        if (isset($vars['trans']) && !$this->saveTranslations($vars))
            return false;

        return true;

    function save($refetch=false) {
        if ($this->dirty)
            $this->updated = SqlFunction::NOW();
        return parent::save($refetch || $this->dirty);

class FaqTopic extends VerySimpleModel {

    static $meta = array(
        'table' => FAQ_TOPIC_TABLE,
        'pk' => array('faq_id', 'topic_id'),
        'joins' => array(
            'faq' => array(
                'constraint' => array(
                    'faq_id' => 'FAQ.faq_id',
            'topic' => array(
                'constraint' => array(
                    'topic_id' => 'Topic.topic_id',