Sending emails failing after few(undefined) successful attempts
Sending emails fails from time to time and it keeps failing for about a minute.
Seen on:
Staging env with bug fixed chrome extension
Production with prod chrome extension
Boris env with latest Chrome master
Debug info from Chrome extension failier (not sure if relevant) :
[ERROR:signEmail(passport, sender, emailBody)] Error while trying to sign email :+1 \"{\\\"error\\\":\\\"{\\\\\\\"stack\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0\\\\\\\\n at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)\\\\\\\\n at r.set (\\\\\\\\n at\\\\\\\\n at new Promise (<anonymous>)\\\\\\\\n at j (\\\\\\\\n at Object.<anonymous> (\\\\\\\\n at S (\\\\\\\\n at Generator._invoke (\\\\\\\\n at Generator.e.(anonymous function) [as next] (\\\\\\\\n at u (\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"name\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"SyntaxError\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"message\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0\\\\\\\"}\\\"}\" \n","Tue Feb 26 2019 13:02:42 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)][VEREIGN INFO]>> [ERROR] -> sendComposedMessage :+1 \"{\\\"error\\\":{\\\"name\\\":\\\"SyntaxError\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0\\\"}}\" \n","Tue Feb 26 2019 13:02:43 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)][VEREIGN INFO]>> [EVENT] -> getAuthToken :+1 \"{}\" \n","Tue Feb 26 2019 13:02:43 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)][VEREIGN INFO]>> [SUCCESS] -> getAuthToken :+1 \"{\\\"data\\\":\\\"ya29.Gly8BtTLGmeaEMlUjUhfeZ9WNQRkVadRs2Lm92v-k6IQtkADZzPQSSWvuwtUxmEI8DzzSDF8UeFTfLWivOqpII4ufk2Sh6hiNAQQeIRphSlJkHY0uDgTbYT9UibKiA\\\"}\" \n","Tue Feb 26 2019 13:02:43 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)][VEREIGN INFO]>> [EVENT:vereign()] event.type: QRCodeUpdated :+1 \"{\\\"actionID\\\":\\\"dd53491f-9f87-495e-bc75-e26833226c49\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"QRCodeUpdated\\\",\\\"payloads\\\":[\\\"22375589\\\",\\\"
Steps to reproduce:
1.Log into vereign
2.Log into chrome extension
3.Log into Gmail
4.Send verified email - message is displayed "Email has been sent!"
5.Send another verified email - Message is displayed "Can't send email!"
Expected - message to be displayed "Email has been sent!"
Actual - message displayed "Can't send email!"
When the issue is seen(meaning you cant send an email), and you logout/login on Vereign extension, then you will be able to send successfully few emails. And again after few successful attempts the issue occur again.