To load the data in bulk, use the data loader binary in dgraph/server/loader.
Loader needs 2 directories:
- mutations, where mutation commit logs are stored and
- postings, where posting lists are stored.
Loader needs a postings directory, where posting lists are stored.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go build . && ./loader --rdfgzips=path_of_benchmarks_dir/data/rdf-films.gz,path_of_benchmarks_dir/data/names.gz --postings DIRPATH/p
### Loading performance
Loader is memory bound. Every mutation loads a posting list in memory, where mutations
are applied in layers above posting lists.
While loader doesn't write to disk every time a mutation happens, it does periodically
merge all the mutations to posting lists, and writes them to rocksdb which persists them.
How often this merging happens can be fine tuned by specifying `max_ram_mb`.
Every time loader determines it exceeds this threshold, it would *stop the world*, and start the merge process.
The more memory is available for loader to work with, the less merging needs to be done, the faster the loading.
Thus, loader performance is highly dependent on merging performance, which depends on how fast the underlying persistent storage is.
So, *RAMFS/TMPFS > SSD > Hard disk*, when it comes to loading performance.
As a reference point, it takes 220 seconds to load 4.1M RDFs from `names.gz`(from benchmarks repository) on my 6-core Intel Xeon Dell Precision T3500, using 1G TMPFS for postings directory, and with `max_ram_mb=3000` flag set.
## Querying
Once data is loaded, point the dgraph server to the postings and mutations directory.