	"info": {
		"_postman_id": "db24c889-0f25-4851-b3a6-c8f036119252",
		"name": "OCM Gateway",
		"description": "OCM ENGINE GATEWAY API",
		"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json",
		"_exporter_id": "1453906",
		"_collection_link": "https://interstellar-resonance-579562.postman.co/workspace/My-Workspace~0fb5d194-7df6-48c6-8d80-b735c624826a/collection/1453906-db24c889-0f25-4851-b3a6-c8f036119252?action=share&creator=1453906&source=collection_link"
	"item": [
			"name": "api",
			"item": [
					"name": "v1",
					"item": [
							"name": "schemas-by-id",
							"item": [
									"name": "Get schema by id",
									"request": {
										"method": "POST",
										"header": [
												"key": "Content-Type",
												"value": "application/json"
												"key": "Accept",
												"value": "application/json"
										"body": {
											"mode": "raw",
											"raw": "{\n  \"schemaId\": \"did:indy:LEDNGER:SXM76gQwRnjkgoz2oBnGjd/anoncreds/v0/SCHEMA/test schema/1.0.2\"\n}",
											"options": {
												"raw": {
													"headerFamily": "json",
													"language": "json"
										"url": {
											"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas-by-id",
											"host": [
											"path": [
										"description": "Method will fetch specific schema or return null. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
									"response": [
											"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"schemaId\": \"did:indy:LEDNGER:SXM76gQwRnjkgoz2oBnGjd/anoncreds/v0/SCHEMA/test schema/1.0.2\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas-by-id",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Created",
											"code": 201,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
											"name": "Validation error",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"schemaId\": \"did:indy:LEDNGER:SXM76gQwRnjkgoz2oBnGjd/anoncreds/v0/SCHEMA/test schema/1.0.2\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas-by-id",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Bad Request",
											"code": 400,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 400,\n  \"message\": [\n    \"schemaId must be a string\",\n    \"schemaId should not be empty\"\n  ],\n  \"error\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"
											"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"schemaId\": \"did:indy:LEDNGER:SXM76gQwRnjkgoz2oBnGjd/anoncreds/v0/SCHEMA/test schema/1.0.2\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas-by-id",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Internal Server Error",
											"code": 500,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
							"name": "schemas",
							"item": [
									"name": "Create schema",
									"request": {
										"method": "POST",
										"header": [
												"key": "Content-Type",
												"value": "application/json"
												"key": "Accept",
												"value": "application/json"
										"body": {
											"mode": "raw",
											"raw": "{\n  \"name\": \"my test schema\",\n  \"attributes\": [\n    \"first_name, last_name\"\n  ],\n  \"version\": \"/1015535231.*/\"\n}",
											"options": {
												"raw": {
													"headerFamily": "json",
													"language": "json"
										"url": {
											"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas",
											"host": [
											"path": [
										"description": "Method will create schema. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
									"response": [
											"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"name\": \"my test schema\",\n  \"attributes\": [\n    \"first_name, last_name\"\n  ],\n  \"version\": \"/1015535231.*/\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Created",
											"code": 201,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
											"name": "Validation error",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"name\": \"my test schema\",\n  \"attributes\": [\n    \"first_name, last_name\"\n  ],\n  \"version\": \"/1015535231.*/\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Bad Request",
											"code": 400,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 400,\n  \"message\": [\n    \"name must be a string\",\n    \"name should not be empty\"\n  ],\n  \"error\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"
											"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"name\": \"my test schema\",\n  \"attributes\": [\n    \"first_name, last_name\"\n  ],\n  \"version\": \"/1015535231.*/\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Internal Server Error",
											"code": 500,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
									"name": "List all schemas",
									"request": {
										"method": "GET",
										"header": [
												"key": "Accept",
												"value": "application/json"
										"url": {
											"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas",
											"host": [
											"path": [
										"description": "Method will fetch all schemas. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
									"response": [
											"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "OK",
											"code": 200,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
											"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/schemas",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Internal Server Error",
											"code": 500,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
							"name": "messages",
							"item": [
									"name": "Send basic message",
									"request": {
										"method": "POST",
										"header": [
												"key": "Content-Type",
												"value": "application/json"
												"key": "Accept",
												"value": "application/json"
										"body": {
											"mode": "raw",
											"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"message\": \"hello world\"\n}",
											"options": {
												"raw": {
													"headerFamily": "json",
													"language": "json"
										"url": {
											"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/messages",
											"host": [
											"path": [
										"description": "Method will send basic message to a connection. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
									"response": [
											"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"message\": \"hello world\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/messages",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "OK",
											"code": 200,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
											"name": "Untitled Response",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"message\": \"hello world\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/messages",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Created",
											"code": 201,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
											"header": [],
											"cookie": [],
											"body": ""
											"name": "Validation error",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"message\": \"hello world\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/messages",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Bad Request",
											"code": 400,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 400,\n  \"message\": [\n    \"connectionId must be a string\",\n    \"connectionId should not be empty\",\n    \"message must be a string\",\n    \"message should not be empty\"\n  ],\n  \"error\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"
											"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"message\": \"hello world\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/messages",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Internal Server Error",
											"code": 500,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
							"name": "invitations",
							"item": [
									"name": "accept",
									"item": [
											"name": "Accept invitation for connection",
											"request": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"invitationUrl\": \"\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/invitations/accept",
													"host": [
													"path": [
												"description": "Method will accept the invitation and will return connection thought the websocket. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
											"response": [
													"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"invitationUrl\": \"\"\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/invitations/accept",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Created",
													"code": 201,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
													"name": "Validation error",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"invitationUrl\": \"\"\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/invitations/accept",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Bad Request",
													"code": 400,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 400,\n  \"message\": [\n    \"invitationUrl must be a string\",\n    \"invitationUrl should not be empty\"\n  ],\n  \"error\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"
													"name": "Error in sending data to connection manager. This error shows that connection manager could not convert request to event or connection manager could not send the event to the broker.",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"invitationUrl\": \"\"\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/invitations/accept",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Internal Server Error",
													"code": 500,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
									"name": "Create invitation for connection",
									"request": {
										"method": "POST",
										"header": [
												"key": "Accept",
												"value": "application/json"
										"url": {
											"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/invitations",
											"host": [
											"path": [
										"description": "Method will create invitation url. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
									"response": [
											"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/invitations",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Created",
											"code": 201,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
											"name": "Error in sending data to connection manager. This error shows that connection manager could not convert request to event or connection manager could not send the event to the broker.",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/invitations",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Internal Server Error",
											"code": 500,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
							"name": "credentials",
							"item": [
									"name": "proof",
									"item": [
											"name": "{proof_record_id}",
											"item": [
													"name": "accept",
													"item": [
															"name": "Accept credential proof",
															"request": {
																"method": "POST",
																"header": [
																		"key": "Accept",
																		"value": "application/json"
																"url": {
																	"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof/:proof_record_id/accept",
																	"host": [
																	"path": [
																	"variable": [
																			"key": "proof_record_id",
																			"value": "est ullamco in"
																"description": "Method accept credential proof. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
															"response": [
																	"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
																	"originalRequest": {
																		"method": "POST",
																		"header": [
																				"key": "Accept",
																				"value": "application/json"
																		"url": {
																			"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof/:proof_record_id/accept",
																			"host": [
																			"path": [
																			"variable": [
																					"key": "proof_record_id"
																	"status": "Created",
																	"code": 201,
																	"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
																	"header": [
																			"key": "Content-Type",
																			"value": "application/json"
																	"cookie": [],
																	"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
																	"name": "Error in sending data to proof manager. This error shows that proof manager could not convert request to event or proof manager could not send the event to the broker.",
																	"originalRequest": {
																		"method": "POST",
																		"header": [
																				"key": "Accept",
																				"value": "application/json"
																		"url": {
																			"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof/:proof_record_id/accept",
																			"host": [
																			"path": [
																			"variable": [
																					"key": "proof_record_id"
																	"status": "Internal Server Error",
																	"code": 500,
																	"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
																	"header": [
																			"key": "Content-Type",
																			"value": "application/json"
																	"cookie": [],
																	"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
											"name": "issue",
											"item": [
													"name": "Issue proof for credential",
													"request": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"attributeName\": \"proident eu ea dolore\",\n      \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"dolore Ut sit\",\n      \"schemaId\": \"enim in proident dolore\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"attributeName\": \"nisi\",\n      \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"minim commodo non\",\n      \"schemaId\": \"anim cupidatat ad Duis eiusmod\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\"\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof/issue",
															"host": [
															"path": [
														"description": "Method will issue proof. If connection id is not passed, the proof will be OOB. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
													"response": [
															"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
															"originalRequest": {
																"method": "POST",
																"header": [
																		"key": "Content-Type",
																		"value": "application/json"
																		"key": "Accept",
																		"value": "application/json"
																"body": {
																	"mode": "raw",
																	"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"attributeName\": \"proident eu ea dolore\",\n      \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"dolore Ut sit\",\n      \"schemaId\": \"enim in proident dolore\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"attributeName\": \"nisi\",\n      \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"minim commodo non\",\n      \"schemaId\": \"anim cupidatat ad Duis eiusmod\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\"\n}",
																	"options": {
																		"raw": {
																			"headerFamily": "json",
																			"language": "json"
																"url": {
																	"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof/issue",
																	"host": [
																	"path": [
															"status": "Created",
															"code": 201,
															"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
															"header": [
																	"key": "Content-Type",
																	"value": "application/json"
															"cookie": [],
															"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
															"name": "Validation error",
															"originalRequest": {
																"method": "POST",
																"header": [
																		"key": "Content-Type",
																		"value": "application/json"
																		"key": "Accept",
																		"value": "application/json"
																"body": {
																	"mode": "raw",
																	"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"attributeName\": \"proident eu ea dolore\",\n      \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"dolore Ut sit\",\n      \"schemaId\": \"enim in proident dolore\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"attributeName\": \"nisi\",\n      \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"minim commodo non\",\n      \"schemaId\": \"anim cupidatat ad Duis eiusmod\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\"\n}",
																	"options": {
																		"raw": {
																			"headerFamily": "json",
																			"language": "json"
																"url": {
																	"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof/issue",
																	"host": [
																	"path": [
															"status": "Bad Request",
															"code": 400,
															"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
															"header": [
																	"key": "Content-Type",
																	"value": "application/json"
															"cookie": [],
															"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 400,\n  \"message\": [\n    \"attributes must contain at least 1 elements\",\n    \"attributes must be an array\"\n  ],\n  \"error\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"
															"name": "Error in sending data to proof manager. This error shows that proof manager could not convert request to event or proof manager could not send the event to the broker.",
															"originalRequest": {
																"method": "POST",
																"header": [
																		"key": "Content-Type",
																		"value": "application/json"
																		"key": "Accept",
																		"value": "application/json"
																"body": {
																	"mode": "raw",
																	"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"attributeName\": \"proident eu ea dolore\",\n      \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"dolore Ut sit\",\n      \"schemaId\": \"enim in proident dolore\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"attributeName\": \"nisi\",\n      \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"minim commodo non\",\n      \"schemaId\": \"anim cupidatat ad Duis eiusmod\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\"\n}",
																	"options": {
																		"raw": {
																			"headerFamily": "json",
																			"language": "json"
																"url": {
																	"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof/issue",
																	"host": [
																	"path": [
															"status": "Internal Server Error",
															"code": 500,
															"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
															"header": [
																	"key": "Content-Type",
																	"value": "application/json"
															"cookie": [],
															"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
											"name": "List received unaccepted proofs",
											"request": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof",
													"host": [
													"path": [
												"description": "Method list all received unaccepted proofs. Status - request-receive. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
											"response": [
													"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "GET",
														"header": [
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "OK",
													"code": 200,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
													"name": "Error in sending data to proof manager. This error shows that proof manager could not convert request to event or proof manager could not send the event to the broker.",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "GET",
														"header": [
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/proof",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Internal Server Error",
													"code": 500,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
									"name": "offers",
									"item": [
											"name": "{credential_record_id}",
											"item": [
													"name": "accept",
													"item": [
															"name": "Accept credential offers",
															"request": {
																"method": "POST",
																"header": [
																		"key": "Accept",
																		"value": "application/json"
																"url": {
																	"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/offers/:credential_record_id/accept",
																	"host": [
																	"path": [
																	"variable": [
																			"key": "credential_record_id",
																			"value": "est ullamco in"
																"description": "Method list accept credential offer. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
															"response": [
																	"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
																	"originalRequest": {
																		"method": "POST",
																		"header": [
																				"key": "Accept",
																				"value": "application/json"
																		"url": {
																			"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/offers/:credential_record_id/accept",
																			"host": [
																			"path": [
																			"variable": [
																					"key": "credential_record_id"
																	"status": "OK",
																	"code": 200,
																	"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
																	"header": [
																			"key": "Content-Type",
																			"value": "application/json"
																	"cookie": [],
																	"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
																	"name": "Untitled Response",
																	"originalRequest": {
																		"method": "POST",
																		"header": [],
																		"url": {
																			"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/offers/:credential_record_id/accept",
																			"host": [
																			"path": [
																			"variable": [
																					"key": "credential_record_id"
																	"status": "Created",
																	"code": 201,
																	"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
																	"header": [],
																	"cookie": [],
																	"body": ""
																	"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
																	"originalRequest": {
																		"method": "POST",
																		"header": [
																				"key": "Accept",
																				"value": "application/json"
																		"url": {
																			"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/offers/:credential_record_id/accept",
																			"host": [
																			"path": [
																			"variable": [
																					"key": "credential_record_id"
																	"status": "Internal Server Error",
																	"code": 500,
																	"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
																	"header": [
																			"key": "Content-Type",
																			"value": "application/json"
																	"cookie": [],
																	"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
											"name": "List unaccepted credential offers",
											"request": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/offers",
													"host": [
													"path": [
												"description": "Method list offers that are received, but not accepted. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
											"response": [
													"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "GET",
														"header": [
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/offers",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "OK",
													"code": 200,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
													"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "GET",
														"header": [
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/offers",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Internal Server Error",
													"code": 500,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
									"name": "issue",
									"item": [
											"name": "Issue credential",
											"request": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"eiusmod\",\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"name\": \"veniam sunt in et\",\n      \"value\": \"aliquip sed cillum ut\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"name\": \"ut fugiat aute sed\",\n      \"value\": \"ea\"\n    }\n  ]\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/issue",
													"host": [
													"path": [
												"description": "Method issue credential, it will create an offer and send it to specified receiver (connectionId). The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
											"response": [
													"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"eiusmod\",\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"name\": \"veniam sunt in et\",\n      \"value\": \"aliquip sed cillum ut\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"name\": \"ut fugiat aute sed\",\n      \"value\": \"ea\"\n    }\n  ]\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/issue",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Created",
													"code": 201,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
													"name": "Validation error",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"eiusmod\",\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"name\": \"veniam sunt in et\",\n      \"value\": \"aliquip sed cillum ut\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"name\": \"ut fugiat aute sed\",\n      \"value\": \"ea\"\n    }\n  ]\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/issue",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Bad Request",
													"code": 400,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 400,\n  \"message\": [\n    \"connectionId must be a string\",\n    \"connectionId should not be empty\",\n    \"credentialDefinitionId must be a string\",\n    \"credentialDefinitionId should not be empty\"\n  ],\n  \"error\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"
													"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"connectionId\": \"6464b521-005a-4379-91e0-a3692b31cafd\",\n  \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"eiusmod\",\n  \"attributes\": [\n    {\n      \"name\": \"veniam sunt in et\",\n      \"value\": \"aliquip sed cillum ut\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"name\": \"ut fugiat aute sed\",\n      \"value\": \"ea\"\n    }\n  ]\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/issue",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Internal Server Error",
													"code": 500,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
									"name": "definition",
									"item": [
											"name": "Create credential definition",
											"request": {
												"method": "POST",
												"header": [
														"key": "Content-Type",
														"value": "application/json"
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"body": {
													"mode": "raw",
													"raw": "{\n  \"schemaId\": \"exercitation minim pariatur\",\n  \"tag\": \"voluptate eiusmod\"\n}",
													"options": {
														"raw": {
															"headerFamily": "json",
															"language": "json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/definition",
													"host": [
													"path": [
												"description": "Method create credential definition. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
											"response": [
													"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"schemaId\": \"exercitation minim pariatur\",\n  \"tag\": \"voluptate eiusmod\"\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/definition",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Created",
													"code": 201,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
													"name": "Validation error",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"schemaId\": \"exercitation minim pariatur\",\n  \"tag\": \"voluptate eiusmod\"\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/definition",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Bad Request",
													"code": 400,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 400,\n  \"message\": [\n    \"schemaId must be a string\",\n    \"schemaId should not be empty\",\n    \"tag must be a string\",\n    \"tag should not be empty\"\n  ],\n  \"error\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"
													"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "POST",
														"header": [
																"key": "Content-Type",
																"value": "application/json"
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"body": {
															"mode": "raw",
															"raw": "{\n  \"schemaId\": \"exercitation minim pariatur\",\n  \"tag\": \"voluptate eiusmod\"\n}",
															"options": {
																"raw": {
																	"headerFamily": "json",
																	"language": "json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials/definition",
															"host": [
															"path": [
													"status": "Internal Server Error",
													"code": 500,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
									"name": "List all credential",
									"request": {
										"method": "GET",
										"header": [
												"key": "Accept",
												"value": "application/json"
										"url": {
											"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials",
											"host": [
											"path": [
										"description": "Method list credential definition no filters applied. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
									"response": [
											"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "OK",
											"code": 200,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
											"name": "Error in sending data to attestation manager. This error shows that attestation manager could not convert request to event or attestation manager could not send the event to the broker.",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/credentials",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Internal Server Error",
											"code": 500,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
							"name": "connections",
							"item": [
									"name": "{id}",
									"item": [
											"name": "Get connection by id",
											"request": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/connections/:id",
													"host": [
													"path": [
													"variable": [
															"key": "id",
															"value": "est ullamco in"
												"description": "The method will search for connection id, if not found null will be returned. The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
											"response": [
													"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "GET",
														"header": [
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/connections/:id",
															"host": [
															"path": [
															"variable": [
																	"key": "id"
													"status": "OK",
													"code": 200,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
													"name": "Error in sending data to connection manager. This error shows that connection manager could not convert request to event or connection manager could not send the event to the broker.",
													"originalRequest": {
														"method": "GET",
														"header": [
																"key": "Accept",
																"value": "application/json"
														"url": {
															"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/connections/:id",
															"host": [
															"path": [
															"variable": [
																	"key": "id"
													"status": "Internal Server Error",
													"code": 500,
													"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
													"header": [
															"key": "Content-Type",
															"value": "application/json"
													"cookie": [],
													"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
									"name": "List all connections",
									"request": {
										"method": "GET",
										"header": [
												"key": "Accept",
												"value": "application/json"
										"url": {
											"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/connections",
											"host": [
											"path": [
										"description": "The id of the response will be matched when you receive event from the websocket"
									"response": [
											"name": "Request is accepted for execution, the response id will match the event id received from the web socket",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/connections",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "OK",
											"code": 200,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"id\": \"80633e6d-c606-4539-a3df-287fedd09253\"\n}"
											"name": "Error in sending data to connection manager. This error shows that connection manager could not convert request to event or connection manager could not send the event to the broker.",
											"originalRequest": {
												"method": "GET",
												"header": [
														"key": "Accept",
														"value": "application/json"
												"url": {
													"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/connections",
													"host": [
													"path": [
											"status": "Internal Server Error",
											"code": 500,
											"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
											"header": [
													"key": "Content-Type",
													"value": "application/json"
											"cookie": [],
											"body": "{\n  \"statusCode\": 500,\n  \"message\": \"connect ECONNREFUSED\"\n}"
	"variable": [
			"key": "baseUrl",
			"value": ""