# -- Default number of instances to start replicaCount: 1 # -- Application name name: connection-manager # -- Ovverwrites application name nameOverride: "" image: repository: eu.gcr.io/vrgn-infra-prj # -- Image name name: gaiax/ocm/ocm-engine/connection-manager # -- Image tag # Uses .Chart.AppVersion if empty tag: "" # -- Image sha, usually generated by the CI # Uses image.tag if empty sha: "" # -- Image pull policy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- Image pull secret when internal image is used pullSecrets: deployment-key-light podAnnotations: {} ## ## Pass extra environment variables to the container. ## # extraVars: # - name: EXTRA_VAR_1 # value: extra-var-value-1 # - name: EXTRA_VAR_2 # value: extra-var-value-2 ## ## Create new service when true, and use the specified uner name when set to the name specified ## resources: requests: cpu: 25m memory: 64Mi limits: cpu: 150m memory: 128Mi ## Configure pod autoscaling ## autoscaling: # -- Enable autoscaling enabled: false # -- Minimum replicas minReplicas: 1 # -- Maximum replicas maxReplicas: 3 # -- CPU target for autoscaling trigger targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 70 # -- Memory target for autoscaling trigger targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 70 ## ## Prometheus Exporter / Metrics ## metrics: # -- Enable prometheus metrics enabled: true # -- Port for prometheus metrics port: 2112 log: level: "INFO" encoding: json ## ## Kubernetes [SecurityContext](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) object. ## security: # -- by default, apps run as non-root runAsNonRoot: false # -- User used by the apps runAsUid: 0 # -- Group used by the apps runAsGid: 0 ## ## service: port: 8882 ocm: connectionManager: service: tcp: port: 8882 host: "connection-manager.ocm" nats: server: "nats.ocm:4222" name: "ssi_holder_stream" subjects: "connections.*,proofs.*,credentials.*,credentials.definition.*,credentials.offer.*,schemas.*,messages.*" ocmtest: connectionManager: service: tcp: port: 8882 host: "connection-manager.ocm-test" nats: server: "nats.ocm-test:4222" name: "ssi_holder_stream" subjects: "connections.*,proofs.*,credentials.*,credentials.definition.*,credentials.offer.*,schemas.*,messages.*" ingress: enabled: false