variables: CUCUMBER_TAG: value: "tsa" description: "Enter which tests to be execute. Other valid options are - 'cache', 'infohub', 'policy', 'signer', 'task', 'negative'." BASE_URL: value: "" description: "Enter the environment on which the services are deployed." stages: - test before_script: # - echo `pwd` # debug # - echo "$CI_BUILD_NAME, $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME $CI_BUILD_STAGE" # debug - export GRADLE_USER_HOME=`pwd`/.gradle cache: paths: - .gradle/wrapper - .gradle/caches test: stage: test image: gradle:7.4.1-jdk17 tags: - amd64-docker script: - gradle regressionSuite -PbaseUrl=${BASE_URL} -Dcucumber.tags="@${CUCUMBER_TAG}, not @wip" -Dcourgette.threads=1 -Dcourgette.runLevel=Scenario -Dcourgette.rerunFailedScenarios=false -Dcourgette.rerunAttempts=1 artifacts: when: always reports: junit: reports/cucumber-report/cucumber.xml after_script: - echo "End CI"