From 767cdfa688170e2d8e8464661bf27cb18eb492bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "georgi.michev" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 13:30:57 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] change Presentation.json

the file was currupted
 src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json | 16 +++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json b/src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json
index d4678bd4..7ae6dbef 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json
+++ b/src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json
@@ -17,7 +17,21 @@
         "allow": true,
         "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
-      "issuanceDate": "2022-07-01T11:07:57.975459274Z",
+      "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+      "issuer": "",
+      "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+    },
+    {
+      "@context": [
+        "",
+        "",
+        ""
+      ],
+      "credentialSubject": {
+        "allow": true,
+        "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+      },
+      "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
       "issuer": "",
       "type": "VerifiableCredential"

From 3cb42aa05d9d7bf3b083dd76b3f549d100b34cda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "georgi.michev" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 17:38:51 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] add signer verify presentation

Signed-off-by: georgi.michev <>
 .../REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json  | 46 +++++++++++++++++
 .../api/test/core/ |  4 ++
 .../tsa/signer/     | 17 +++++++
 .../v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature       | 50 +++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 117 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/main/resources/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json
 create mode 100644 src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature

diff --git a/src/main/resources/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json b/src/main/resources/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d2545b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  "@context": [
+    "",
+    "",
+    ""
+  ],
+  "id": "",
+  "proof": {
+    "created": "2022-07-21T14:28:09.071187173Z",
+    "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
+    "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
+    "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
+    "verificationMethod": ""
+  },
+  "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+  "verifiableCredential": [
+    {
+      "@context": [
+        "",
+        "",
+        ""
+      ],
+      "credentialSubject": {
+        "allow": true,
+        "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
+      },
+      "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+      "issuer": "",
+      "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+    },
+    {
+      "@context": [
+        "",
+        "",
+        ""
+      ],
+      "credentialSubject": {
+        "allow": true,
+        "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+      },
+      "issuanceDate": "2023-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+      "issuer": "",
+      "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/java/api/test/core/ b/src/test/java/api/test/core/
index 3ace023c..4626ac7d 100644
--- a/src/test/java/api/test/core/
+++ b/src/test/java/api/test/core/
@@ -1464,4 +1464,8 @@ public class GeneralStepDefinitions extends BaseStepDefinitions {
         assertEquals("Expected values doesn't match actual: ", expectedResultAsList, actualResultAsString);
+    @Then("I get the last response body and load it to the current request body")
+    public void iGetTheLastResponseBodyAndLoadItToTheCurrentRequestBody() {
+        currentRequest.setBody(getLastResponse().getBody());
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/signer/ b/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/signer/
index 0bdf245d..ebdbb8ad 100644
--- a/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/signer/
+++ b/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/signer/
@@ -3,16 +3,25 @@ package;
 import api.test.core.BaseStepDefinitions;
 import core.*;
 import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
 import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
 public class SignerStepDefinitions  extends BaseStepDefinitions {
     private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(RestGeneralStepDefinitions.class.getSimpleName());
     RestSessionContainer restSessionContainer;
     Request currentRequest;
+    private String body;
     public SignerStepDefinitions(RestSessionContainer restSessionContainer, Request currentRequest, DataContainer dataContainer) {
@@ -59,4 +68,12 @@ public class SignerStepDefinitions  extends BaseStepDefinitions {
+    @When("I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API")
+    public void iVerifyPresentationProofViaTSASignerAPI() {
+        currentRequest.setPath("/v1/presentation/verify");
+        Response response =;
+        addRequest(currentRequest);
+        addResponse(response);
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature b/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4697bf4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#Copyright (c) 2018 Vereign AG []
+#This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+#published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+#License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#Author: Georgi Michev
+@rest @all @tsa @signer
+Feature: API - TSA - Signer presentation verify - v1/presentation/verify POST
+  As user
+  I want to verify a presentation
+  So I know it is valid
+  Background:
+    Given we are testing the TSA Signer Api
+  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof - Positive
+    When I load the request from json {/REST/json/Presentation.json}
+    When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {200}
+    And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
+    And the field {proof.verificationMethod} has the value {}
+    Then I get the last response body and load it to the current request body
+    And I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {200}
+    And the field {valid} has the value {true}
+  @negative
+  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof with modified field - Negative
+    When I load the request from json {/REST/json/Presentation.json}
+    When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {200}
+    And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
+    And the field {proof.verificationMethod} has the value {}
+    Then I get the last response body and load it to the current request body
+    When I load the request from json {/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json}
+    And I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {400}
+    And the field {message} has the value {check embedded proof: check linked data proof: ecdsa: invalid signature}

From f5ed17985fb771c1c3637f928d06e3755b7c4a9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "georgi.michev" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 14:57:22 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] add negative test for verify signer - VP

Signed-off-by: georgi.michev <>
 .../resources/REST/json/Presentation.json     | 396 ++++++++++++++++--
 .../REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json  |  46 --
 .../signer/v1/presentation/proof/POST.feature |   2 +-
 .../v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature       |  73 +++-
 4 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/main/resources/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json

diff --git a/src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json b/src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json
index 7ae6dbef..59434ed3 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json
+++ b/src/main/resources/REST/json/Presentation.json
@@ -1,39 +1,363 @@
-  "@context": [
-    "",
-    "",
-    ""
-  ],
-  "id": "",
-  "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
-  "verifiableCredential": [
-    {
-      "@context": [
-        "",
-        "",
-        ""
-      ],
-      "credentialSubject": {
-        "allow": true,
-        "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
-      },
-      "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
-      "issuer": "",
-      "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+  "for_proof": {
+    "@context": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ],
+    "id": "",
+    "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+    "verifiableCredential": [
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      },
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "modified_issuanceDate": {
+    "@context": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ],
+    "id": "",
+    "proof": {
+      "created": "2022-07-21T14:28:09.071187173Z",
+      "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
+      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
+      "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
+      "verificationMethod": ""
+    },
+    "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+    "verifiableCredential": [
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      },
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2023-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "modified_credentialSubject_1_allow": {
+    "@context": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ],
+    "id": "",
+    "proof": {
+      "created": "2022-07-21T14:28:09.071187173Z",
+      "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
+      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
+      "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
+      "verificationMethod": ""
+    },
+    "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+    "verifiableCredential": [
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": false,
+          "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      },
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "modified_credentialSubject_2_allow": {
+    "@context": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ],
+    "id": "",
+    "proof": {
+      "created": "2022-07-21T14:28:09.071187173Z",
+      "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
+      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
+      "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
+      "verificationMethod": ""
+    },
+    "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+    "verifiableCredential": [
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      },
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": false,
+          "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "modified_credentialSubject_1_ID": {
+    "@context": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ],
+    "id": "",
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+      "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
+      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
+      "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
+      "verificationMethod": ""
-    {
-      "@context": [
-        "",
-        "",
-        ""
-      ],
-      "credentialSubject": {
-        "allow": true,
-        "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
-      },
-      "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
-      "issuer": "",
-      "type": "VerifiableCredential"
-    }
-  ]
+    "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+    "verifiableCredential": [
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/examplePolicy/2.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      },
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "modified_credentialSubject_2_ID": {
+    "@context": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ],
+    "id": "",
+    "proof": {
+      "created": "2022-07-21T14:28:09.071187173Z",
+      "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
+      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
+      "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
+      "verificationMethod": ""
+    },
+    "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+    "verifiableCredential": [
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      },
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/2.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "modified_ID": {
+    "@context": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ],
+    "id": "",
+    "proof": {
+      "created": "2022-07-21T14:28:09.071187173Z",
+      "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
+      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
+      "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
+      "verificationMethod": ""
+    },
+    "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+    "verifiableCredential": [
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      },
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "modified_proof_created": {
+    "@context": [
+      "",
+      "",
+      ""
+    ],
+    "id": "",
+    "proof": {
+      "created": "2023-07-21T14:28:09.071187173Z",
+      "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
+      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
+      "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
+      "verificationMethod": ""
+    },
+    "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
+    "verifiableCredential": [
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      },
+      {
+        "@context": [
+          "",
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "credentialSubject": {
+          "allow": true,
+          "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
+        },
+        "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
+        "issuer": "",
+        "type": "VerifiableCredential"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/resources/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json b/src/main/resources/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d2545b2..00000000
--- a/src/main/resources/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
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-    "",
-    "",
-    ""
-  ],
-  "id": "",
-  "proof": {
-    "created": "2022-07-21T14:28:09.071187173Z",
-    "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJKc29uV2ViU2lnbmF0dXJlMjAyMCIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..MEQCIFkavr6XpAYbdurBmQXNei-hI8WHAcnEYkZ6J3i4d3FKAiA4BtVCAixsAypaJ5dcBxn96Ju1OGfi7Kw1QRZMlMumhg",
-    "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
-    "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
-    "verificationMethod": ""
-  },
-  "type": "VerifiablePresentation",
-  "verifiableCredential": [
-    {
-      "@context": [
-        "",
-        "",
-        ""
-      ],
-      "credentialSubject": {
-        "allow": true,
-        "id": "example/examplePolicy/1.0"
-      },
-      "issuanceDate": "2022-07-21T10:24:36.203848291Z",
-      "issuer": "",
-      "type": "VerifiableCredential"
-    },
-    {
-      "@context": [
-        "",
-        "",
-        ""
-      ],
-      "credentialSubject": {
-        "allow": true,
-        "id": "example/ProofRequestResponse/1.0"
-      },
-      "issuanceDate": "2023-07-21T10:24:36.203861194Z",
-      "issuer": "",
-      "type": "VerifiableCredential"
-    }
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/proof/POST.feature b/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/proof/POST.feature
index 94b03ca3..31ed9b5c 100644
--- a/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/proof/POST.feature
+++ b/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/proof/POST.feature
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Feature: API - TSA - Signer presentation proof - v1/presentation/proof POST
     Given we are testing the TSA Signer Api
   Scenario: TSA - create presentation proof - Positive
-    When I load the request from json {/REST/json/Presentation.json}
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {for_proof}
     When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
     And the status code should be {200}
     And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
diff --git a/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature b/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature
index 4697bf4f..674b870c 100644
--- a/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature
+++ b/src/test/resources/features/tsa/signer/v1/presentation/verify/POST.feature
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Feature: API - TSA - Signer presentation verify - v1/presentation/verify POST
     Given we are testing the TSA Signer Api
   Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof - Positive
-    When I load the request from json {/REST/json/Presentation.json}
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {for_proof}
     When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
     And the status code should be {200}
     And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
@@ -37,14 +37,79 @@ Feature: API - TSA - Signer presentation verify - v1/presentation/verify POST
     And the field {valid} has the value {true}
-  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof with modified field - Negative
-    When I load the request from json {/REST/json/Presentation.json}
+  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof with modified ID field - Negative
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {for_proof}
     When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
     And the status code should be {200}
     And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
     And the field {proof.verificationMethod} has the value {}
     Then I get the last response body and load it to the current request body
-    When I load the request from json {/REST/json/PresentationModifiedField.json}
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {modified_ID}
     And I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API
     And the status code should be {400}
     And the field {message} has the value {check embedded proof: check linked data proof: ecdsa: invalid signature}
+  @negative
+  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof with modified issuanceDate field - Negative
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {for_proof}
+    When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {200}
+    And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
+    And the field {proof.verificationMethod} has the value {}
+    Then I get the last response body and load it to the current request body
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {modified_issuanceDate}
+    And I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {400}
+    And the field {message} has the value {check embedded proof: check linked data proof: ecdsa: invalid signature}
+  @wip @bug-issue-signer#16 @negative
+  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof with modified credentialSubject.allow field - Negative
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {for_proof}
+    When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {200}
+    And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
+    And the field {proof.verificationMethod} has the value {}
+    Then I get the last response body and load it to the current request body
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {modified_credentialSubject_1_allow}
+    And I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+#    And the status code should be {400}
+#    And the field {message} has the value {check embedded proof: check linked data proof: ecdsa: invalid signature}
+  @wip @bug-issue-signer#16 @negative
+  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof with modified credentialSubject.allow field - Negative
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {for_proof}
+    When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {200}
+    And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
+    And the field {proof.verificationMethod} has the value {}
+    Then I get the last response body and load it to the current request body
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {modified_credentialSubject_2_allow}
+    And I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+#    And the status code should be {400}
+#    And the field {message} has the value {check embedded proof: check linked data proof: ecdsa: invalid signature}
+  @wip @bug-issue-signer#16 @negative
+  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof with modified credentialSubject.ID field - Negative
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {for_proof}
+    When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {200}
+    And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
+    And the field {proof.verificationMethod} has the value {}
+    Then I get the last response body and load it to the current request body
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {modified_credentialSubject_1_ID}
+    And I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+#    And the status code should be {400}
+#    And the field {message} has the value {check embedded proof: check linked data proof: ecdsa: invalid signature}
+  @wip @bug-issue-signer#16 @negative
+  Scenario: TSA - verify presentation proof with modified credentialSubject.ID field - Negative
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {for_proof}
+    When I create presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+    And the status code should be {200}
+    And the response is valid according to the {Signer_PresentationProof_schema.json} REST schema
+    And the field {proof.verificationMethod} has the value {}
+    Then I get the last response body and load it to the current request body
+    When I load the REST request {Presentation.json} with profile {modified_credentialSubject_2_ID}
+    And I verify presentation proof via TSA Signer API
+#    And the status code should be {400}
+#    And the field {message} has the value {check embedded proof: check linked data proof: ecdsa: invalid signature}

From 5c9da73f9ab0df32403a9f473fd111698069ba65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "georgi.michev" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 15:27:17 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] cleanup imports

Signed-off-by: georgi.michev <>
 src/main/java/core/                | 2 --
 src/test/java/api/test/core/  | 1 -
 .../api/test/rest/tsa/signer/  | 9 ---------
 .../java/api/test/rest/tsa/task/ | 7 -------
 4 files changed, 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/main/java/core/ b/src/main/java/core/
index cd35c20a..f35fdc5b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/core/
+++ b/src/main/java/core/
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
 package core;
-import core.*;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
diff --git a/src/test/java/api/test/core/ b/src/test/java/api/test/core/
index 4626ac7d..2d0e3101 100644
--- a/src/test/java/api/test/core/
+++ b/src/test/java/api/test/core/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import;
 import exceptions.RAFException;
-import org.apache.commons.collections.FactoryUtils;
 import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
 import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
diff --git a/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/signer/ b/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/signer/
index ebdbb8ad..2f123591 100644
--- a/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/signer/
+++ b/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/signer/
@@ -3,20 +3,11 @@ package;
 import api.test.core.BaseStepDefinitions;
 import core.*;
 import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
 import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
 public class SignerStepDefinitions  extends BaseStepDefinitions {
     private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(RestGeneralStepDefinitions.class.getSimpleName());
     RestSessionContainer restSessionContainer;
diff --git a/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/task/ b/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/task/
index f86a00ba..0ba5b009 100644
--- a/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/task/
+++ b/src/test/java/api/test/rest/tsa/task/
@@ -3,21 +3,14 @@ package;
 import api.test.core.BaseStepDefinitions;
-import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
 import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
-import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option;
-import com.jayway.jsonpath.ReadContext;
 import core.*;
 import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
 import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
 import java.util.List;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 public class TaskStepDefinitions extends BaseStepDefinitions{
     private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(RestGeneralStepDefinitions.class.getSimpleName());
     RestSessionContainer restSessionContainer;