- Creating git infrastructure for the policies with the flow documentation. Will follow with feature branch with dev and production branch. Let's use [policies repo of the code.gitlab](https://code.vereign.com/gaiax/tsa/policies) to push policies. Git is a dependency should be preinstalled.
- @kalin Create an environment to demonstrate
- Kubernetes
- Mongo Replicaset 1 primary and 2 secondary(v3.6)
- Redis
- Create a pipeline to sync the committed policy with MongoDB
- @yuli Create a script to syncrhonise the data from Git to Mongo
- @dancho Sync policies from Mongo (replicaset deployment) with the policy services
+ @penkovski Create a service with endpoint to evaluate the policy
- Create an example policy for the tests and demonstration
- @rosen Implement the test logic
Comment: for integration testing let's put the example policy directly to Mongo.
[] Implement the CI pipeline to test the service.
- imlement the simplest test with something like assertTrue.
- setup the Gitlab pipeline.
[d] Distributed cache feature
- create Rego extensions
+ create HTTP service
- create 2 example policies (1 for setting value, 1 for getting value)
- Implement the test logic
[] Persistance feature
[] Resolving DID
[] Evaluating policy asynchronously
Evaluatating policy groups asynchronously
Crypto libs to work with ursa (sign, key management)