<?php /********************************************************************* helptopics.php Help Topics. Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ require('admin.inc.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.topic.php'); require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.dynamic_forms.php'); $topic=null; if($_REQUEST['id'] && !($topic=Topic::lookup($_REQUEST['id']))) $errors['err']=__('Unknown or invalid help topic ID.'); if($_POST){ switch(strtolower($_POST['do'])){ case 'update': if(!$topic){ $errors['err']=__('Unknown or invalid help topic.'); }elseif($topic->update($_POST,$errors)){ $msg=__('Help topic updated successfully'); }elseif(!$errors['err']){ $errors['err']=__('Error updating help topic. Try again!'); } break; case 'create': if(($id=Topic::create($_POST,$errors))){ $msg=__('Help topic added successfully'); $_REQUEST['a']=null; }elseif(!$errors['err']){ $errors['err']=__('Unable to add help topic. Correct error(s) below and try again.'); } break; case 'mass_process': switch(strtolower($_POST['a'])) { case 'sort': // Pass break; default: if(!$_POST['ids'] || !is_array($_POST['ids']) || !count($_POST['ids'])) $errors['err'] = __('You must select at least one help topic'); } if (!$errors) { $count=count($_POST['ids']); switch(strtolower($_POST['a'])) { case 'enable': $sql='UPDATE '.TOPIC_TABLE.' SET isactive=1 ' .' WHERE topic_id IN ('.implode(',', db_input($_POST['ids'])).')'; if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg = __('Selected help topics enabled'); else $warn = sprintf(__('%1$d of %2$d selected help topics enabled'), $num, $count); } else { $errors['err'] = __('Unable to enable selected help topics.'); } break; case 'disable': $sql='UPDATE '.TOPIC_TABLE.' SET isactive=0 ' .' WHERE topic_id IN ('.implode(',', db_input($_POST['ids'])).')' .' AND topic_id <> '.db_input($cfg->getDefaultTopicId()); if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) { if($num==$count) $msg = __('Selected help topics disabled'); else $warn = sprintf(__('%1$d of %2$d selected help topics disabled'), $num, $count); } else { $errors['err'] =__('Unable to disable selected help topic(s)'); } break; case 'delete': $i=0; foreach($_POST['ids'] as $k=>$v) { if(($t=Topic::lookup($v)) && $t->delete()) $i++; } if($i && $i==$count) $msg = __('Selected help topics deleted successfully'); elseif($i>0) $warn = sprintf(__('%1$d of %2$d selected help topics deleted'), $i, $count); elseif(!$errors['err']) $errors['err'] = __('Unable to delete selected help topics'); break; case 'sort': try { $cfg->setTopicSortMode($_POST['help_topic_sort_mode']); if ($cfg->getTopicSortMode() == 'm') { foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v) { if (strpos($k, 'sort-') === 0 && is_numeric($v) && ($t = Topic::lookup(substr($k, 5)))) $t->setSortOrder($v); } } $msg = __('Successfully set sorting configuration'); } catch (Exception $ex) { $errors['err'] = __('Unable to set sorting mode'); } break; default: $errors['err']=__('Unknown action - get technical help.'); } } break; default: $errors['err']=__('Unknown action'); break; } if ($id or $topic) { if (!$id) $id=$topic->getId(); } } $page='helptopics.inc.php'; $tip_namespace = 'manage.helptopic'; if($topic || ($_REQUEST['a'] && !strcasecmp($_REQUEST['a'],'add'))) { $page='helptopic.inc.php'; } $nav->setTabActive('manage'); $ost->addExtraHeader('<meta name="tip-namespace" content="' . $tip_namespace . '" />', "$('#content').data('tipNamespace', '".$tip_namespace."');"); require(STAFFINC_DIR.'header.inc.php'); require(STAFFINC_DIR.$page); include(STAFFINC_DIR.'footer.inc.php'); ?>