# Email template: user.accesslink
# Sent when a user requests an access link to check the status of a ticket
notes: |
    Sent when a user requests an access link to check the status of a ticket

subject: |
    Ticket [#%{ticket.number}] Access Link
body: |
    <h3><strong>Hi %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3>
    An access link request for ticket #%{ticket.number} has been submitted on your behalf for the
    helpdesk at %{url}.
    Follow the link below to check the status of the ticket #%{ticket.number}.
    <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">%{recipient.ticket_link}</a>
    <br>If you <strong>did not</strong> make the request, please delete
    and disregard this email. Your account is still secure and no one has
    been given access to the ticket. Someone could have mistakenly entered
    your email address.