<?php /********************************************************************* profile.php Manage client profile. This will allow a logged-in user to manage his/her own public (non-internal) information Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com> Jared Hancock <jared@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: $Id: $ **********************************************************************/ require 'client.inc.php'; $inc = 'register.inc.php'; $errors = array(); if (!$cfg || !$cfg->isClientRegistrationEnabled()) { Http::redirect('index.php'); } elseif ($thisclient) { // Guest registering for an account if ($thisclient->isGuest()) { foreach ($thisclient->getForms() as $f) if ($f->get('type') == 'U') $user_form = $f; $user_form->getField('email')->configure('disabled', true); } // Existing client (with an account) updating profile else { $user = User::lookup($thisclient->getId()); $content = Page::lookupByType('registration-thanks'); $inc = isset($_GET['confirmed']) ? 'register.confirmed.inc.php' : 'profile.inc.php'; } } if ($user && $_POST) { if ($acct = $thisclient->getAccount()) { $acct->update($_POST, $errors); } if (!$errors && $user->updateInfo($_POST, $errors)) Http::redirect('tickets.php'); } elseif ($_POST) { $user_form = UserForm::getUserForm()->getForm($_POST); if ($thisclient) { $user_form->getField('email')->configure('disabled', true); $user_form->getField('email')->value = $thisclient->getEmail(); } if (!$user_form->isValid(function($f) { return !$f->isVisibleToUsers(); })) $errors['err'] = __('Incomplete client information'); elseif (!$_POST['backend'] && !$_POST['passwd1']) $errors['passwd1'] = __('New password is required'); elseif (!$_POST['backend'] && $_POST['passwd2'] != $_POST['passwd1']) $errors['passwd1'] = __('Passwords do not match'); // XXX: The email will always be in use already if a guest is logged in // and is registering for an account. Instead, elseif (($addr = $user_form->getField('email')->getClean()) && ClientAccount::lookupByUsername($addr)) { $user_form->getField('email')->addError( sprintf(__('Email already registered. Would you like to %1$s sign in %2$s?'), '<a href="login.php?e='.urlencode($addr).'" style="color:inherit"><strong>', '</strong></a>')); $errors['err'] = __('Unable to register account. See messages below'); } // Users created from ClientCreateRequest elseif (isset($_POST['backend']) && !($user = User::fromVars($user_form->getClean()))) $errors['err'] = __('Unable to create local account. See messages below'); // Registration for existing users elseif (!$user && !$thisclient && !($user = User::fromVars($user_form->getClean()))) $errors['err'] = __('Unable to register account. See messages below'); // New users and users registering from a ticket access link elseif (!$user && !($user = $thisclient ?: User::fromForm($user_form))) $errors['err'] = __('Unable to register account. See messages below'); else { if (!($acct = ClientAccount::createForUser($user))) $errors['err'] = __('Internal error. Unable to create new account'); elseif (!$acct->update($_POST, $errors)) $errors['err'] = __('Errors configuring your profile. See messages below'); } if (!$errors) { switch ($_POST['do']) { case 'create': $content = Page::lookupByType('registration-confirm'); $inc = 'register.confirm.inc.php'; $acct->sendConfirmEmail(); break; case 'import': if ($bk = UserAuthenticationBackend::getBackend($_POST['backend'])) { $cl = new ClientSession(new EndUser($user)); if (!$bk->supportsInteractiveAuthentication()) $acct->set('backend', null); $acct->confirm(); if ($user = $bk->login($cl, $bk)) Http::redirect('tickets.php'); } break; } } if ($errors && $user && $user != $thisclient) $user->delete(); } include(CLIENTINC_DIR.'header.inc.php'); include(CLIENTINC_DIR.$inc); include(CLIENTINC_DIR.'footer.inc.php');