<?php /********************************************************************* index.php Helpdesk landing page. Please customize it to fit your needs. Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ require('client.inc.php'); require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.page.php'; $section = 'home'; require(CLIENTINC_DIR.'header.inc.php'); ?> <div id="landing_page"> <?php include CLIENTINC_DIR.'templates/sidebar.tmpl.php'; ?> <div class="main-content"> <?php if ($cfg && $cfg->isKnowledgebaseEnabled()) { ?> <div class="search-form"> <form method="get" action="kb/faq.php"> <input type="hidden" name="a" value="search"/> <input type="text" name="q" class="search" placeholder="Search our knowledge base"/> <button type="submit" class="green button">Search</button> </form> </div> <?php } if($cfg && ($page = $cfg->getLandingPage())) echo $page->getBodyWithImages(); else echo '<h1>'.__('Welcome to the Support Center').'</h1>'; ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div> <?php if($cfg && $cfg->isKnowledgebaseEnabled()){ //FIXME: provide ability to feature or select random FAQs ?? ?> <br/><br/> <?php $cats = Category::getFeatured(); if ($cats->all()) { ?> <h1>Featured Knowledge Base Articles</h1> <?php } foreach ($cats as $C) { ?> <div class="featured-category front-page"> <i class="icon-folder-open icon-2x"></i> <div class="category-name"> <?php echo $C->getName(); ?> </div> <?php foreach ($C->getTopArticles() as $F) { ?> <div class="article-headline"> <div class="article-title"><a href="<?php echo ROOT_PATH; ?>kb/faq.php?id=<?php echo $F->getId(); ?>"><?php echo $F->getQuestion(); ?></a></div> <div class="article-teaser"><?php echo $F->getTeaser(); ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> <?php require(CLIENTINC_DIR.'footer.inc.php'); ?>