<?php /********************************************************************* class.ticket.php The most important class! Don't play with fire please. Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.thread.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.staff.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.client.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.team.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.email.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.dept.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.topic.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.lock.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.file.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.attachment.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.pdf.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.banlist.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.template.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.variable.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.priority.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.sla.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.canned.php'); require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.dynamic_forms.php'); require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.user.php'); class Ticket { var $id; var $number; var $ht; var $lastMsgId; var $dept; //Dept obj var $sla; // SLA obj var $staff; //Staff obj var $client; //Client Obj var $team; //Team obj var $topic; //Topic obj var $tlock; //TicketLock obj var $thread; //Thread obj. function Ticket($id) { $this->id = 0; $this->load($id); } function load($id=0) { if(!$id && !($id=$this->getId())) return false; $sql='SELECT ticket.*, lock_id, dept_name ' .' ,IF(sla.id IS NULL, NULL, DATE_ADD(ticket.created, INTERVAL sla.grace_period HOUR)) as sla_duedate ' .' ,count(attach.attach_id) as attachments ' .' FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' ticket ' .' LEFT JOIN '.DEPT_TABLE.' dept ON (ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id) ' .' LEFT JOIN '.SLA_TABLE.' sla ON (ticket.sla_id=sla.id AND sla.isactive=1) ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_LOCK_TABLE.' tlock ON (' .'ticket.ticket_id=tlock.ticket_id AND tlock.expire>NOW()) ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach ON (' .'ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id) ' .' WHERE ticket.ticket_id='.db_input($id) .' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id'; //echo $sql; if(!($res=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res)) return false; $this->ht = db_fetch_array($res); $this->id = $this->ht['ticket_id']; $this->number = $this->ht['ticketID']; $this->loadDynamicData(); //Reset the sub classes (initiated ondemand)...good for reloads. $this->staff = null; $this->client = null; $this->team = null; $this->dept = null; $this->sla = null; $this->tlock = null; $this->stats = null; $this->topic = null; $this->thread = null; //REQUIRED: Preload thread obj - checked on lookup! $this->getThread(); return true; } function loadDynamicData() { $this->_answers = array(); foreach (DynamicFormEntry::forTicket($this->getId()) as $form) foreach ($form->getAnswers() as $answer) $this->_answers[$answer->getField()->get('name')] = $answer->getValue(); } function reload() { return $this->load(); } function isOpen() { return (strcasecmp($this->getStatus(),'Open')==0); } function isReopened() { return ($this->getReopenDate()); } function isClosed() { return (strcasecmp($this->getStatus(),'Closed')==0); } function isAssigned() { return ($this->isOpen() && ($this->getStaffId() || $this->getTeamId())); } function isOverdue() { return ($this->ht['isoverdue']); } function isAnswered() { return ($this->ht['isanswered']); } function isLocked() { return ($this->getLockId()); } function checkStaffAccess($staff) { if(!is_object($staff) && !($staff=Staff::lookup($staff))) return false; return ((!$staff->showAssignedOnly() && $staff->canAccessDept($this->getDeptId())) || ($this->getTeamId() && $staff->isTeamMember($this->getTeamId())) || $staff->getId()==$this->getStaffId()); } function checkClientAccess($client) { global $cfg; if(!is_object($client) && !($client=Client::lookup($client))) return false; if(!strcasecmp($client->getEmail(), $this->getEmail())) return true; return ($cfg && $cfg->showRelatedTickets() && $client->getTicketId()==$this->getExtId()); } //Getters function getId() { return $this->id; } function getExtId() { return $this->getNumber(); } function getNumber() { return $this->number; } function getOwnerId() { return $this->ht['user_id']; } function getOwner() { if (!isset($this->user)) $this->user = User::lookup($this->getOwnerId()); return $this->user; } function getEmail(){ if ($o = $this->getOwner()) return $o->getEmail(); return null; } function getReplyToEmail() { if ($this->ht['user_email_id']) { if (!isset($this->reply_email)) $this->reply_email = UserEmail::lookup($this->ht['user_email_id']); return $this->reply_email->address; } else { return $this->getEmail(); } } function getAuthToken() { # XXX: Support variable email address (for CCs) return md5($this->getId() . $this->getEmail() . SECRET_SALT); } function getName(){ if ($o = $this->getOwner()) return $o->getName(); return null; } function getSubject() { return $this->_answers['subject']; } /* Help topic title - NOT object -> $topic */ function getHelpTopic() { if(!$this->ht['helptopic'] && ($topic=$this->getTopic())) $this->ht['helptopic'] = $topic->getName(); return $this->ht['helptopic']; } function getCreateDate() { return $this->ht['created']; } function getOpenDate() { return $this->getCreateDate(); } function getReopenDate() { return $this->ht['reopened']; } function getUpdateDate() { return $this->ht['updated']; } function getDueDate() { return $this->ht['duedate']; } function getSLADueDate() { return $this->ht['sla_duedate']; } function getEstDueDate() { //Real due date if(($duedate=$this->getDueDate())) return $duedate; //return sla due date (If ANY) return $this->getSLADueDate(); } function getCloseDate() { return $this->ht['closed']; } function getStatus() { return $this->ht['status']; } function getDeptId() { return $this->ht['dept_id']; } function getDeptName() { if(!$this->ht['dept_name'] && ($dept = $this->getDept())) $this->ht['dept_name'] = $dept->getName(); return $this->ht['dept_name']; } function getPriorityId() { global $cfg; if ($a = $this->_answers['priority']) return $a->getId(); return $cfg->getDefaultPriorityId(); } function getPriority() { if ($a = $this->_answers['priority']) return $a->getDesc(); return '...ummm...'; } function getPhone() { list($phone, $ext) = explode(" ", $this->_answers['phone'], 2); return $phone; } function getPhoneExt() { list($phone, $ext) = explode(" ", $this->_answers['phone'], 2); return $ext; } function getPhoneNumber() { return $this->_answers['phone']; } function getSource() { return $this->ht['source']; } function getIP() { return $this->ht['ip_address']; } function getHashtable() { return $this->ht; } function getUpdateInfo() { $info=array('phone' => $this->getPhone(), 'phone_ext' => $this->getPhoneExt(), 'source' => $this->getSource(), 'topicId' => $this->getTopicId(), 'priorityId' => $this->getPriorityId(), 'slaId' => $this->getSLAId(), 'duedate' => $this->getDueDate()?(Format::userdate('m/d/Y', Misc::db2gmtime($this->getDueDate()))):'', 'time' => $this->getDueDate()?(Format::userdate('G:i', Misc::db2gmtime($this->getDueDate()))):'', ); return $info; } function getLockId() { return $this->ht['lock_id']; } function getLock() { if(!$this->tlock && $this->getLockId()) $this->tlock= TicketLock::lookup($this->getLockId(), $this->getId()); return $this->tlock; } function acquireLock($staffId, $lockTime) { if(!$staffId or !$lockTime) //Lockig disabled? return null; //Check if the ticket is already locked. if(($lock=$this->getLock()) && !$lock->isExpired()) { if($lock->getStaffId()!=$staffId) //someone else locked the ticket. return null; //Lock already exits...renew it $lock->renew($lockTime); //New clock baby. return $lock; } //No lock on the ticket or it is expired $this->tlock = null; //clear crap $this->ht['lock_id'] = TicketLock::acquire($this->getId(), $staffId, $lockTime); //Create a new lock.. //load and return the newly created lock if any! return $this->getLock(); } function getDept() { if(!$this->dept && $this->getDeptId()) $this->dept= Dept::lookup($this->getDeptId()); return $this->dept; } function getClient() { if(!$this->client) $this->client = Client::lookup($this->getExtId(), $this->getEmail()); return $this->client; } function getStaffId() { return $this->ht['staff_id']; } function getStaff() { if(!$this->staff && $this->getStaffId()) $this->staff= Staff::lookup($this->getStaffId()); return $this->staff; } function getTeamId() { return $this->ht['team_id']; } function getTeam() { if(!$this->team && $this->getTeamId()) $this->team = Team::lookup($this->getTeamId()); return $this->team; } function getAssignee() { if($staff=$this->getStaff()) return $staff->getName(); if($team=$this->getTeam()) return $team->getName(); return ''; } function getAssignees() { $assignees=array(); if($staff=$this->getStaff()) $assignees[] = $staff->getName(); if($team=$this->getTeam()) $assignees[] = $team->getName(); return $assignees; } function getAssigned($glue='/') { $assignees = $this->getAssignees(); return $assignees?implode($glue, $assignees):''; } function getTopicId() { return $this->ht['topic_id']; } function getTopic() { if(!$this->topic && $this->getTopicId()) $this->topic = Topic::lookup($this->getTopicId()); return $this->topic; } function getSLAId() { return $this->ht['sla_id']; } function getSLA() { if(!$this->sla && $this->getSLAId()) $this->sla = SLA::lookup($this->getSLAId()); return $this->sla; } function getLastRespondent() { $sql ='SELECT resp.staff_id ' .' FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' resp ' .' LEFT JOIN '.STAFF_TABLE. ' USING(staff_id) ' .' WHERE resp.ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()).' AND resp.staff_id>0 ' .' AND resp.thread_type="R"' .' ORDER BY resp.created DESC LIMIT 1'; if(!($res=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res)) return null; list($id)=db_fetch_row($res); return Staff::lookup($id); } function getLastMessageDate() { return $this->ht['lastmessage']; } function getLastMsgDate() { return $this->getLastMessageDate(); } function getLastResponseDate() { return $this->ht['lastresponse']; } function getLastRespDate() { return $this->getLastResponseDate(); } function getLastMsgId() { return $this->lastMsgId; } function getLastMessage() { if($this->getLastMsgId()) return Message::lookup($this->getLastMsgId(), $this->getId()); return Message::lastByTicketId($this->getId()); } function getThread() { if(!$this->thread) $this->thread = Thread::lookup($this); return $this->thread; } function getThreadCount() { return $this->getNumMessages() + $this->getNumResponses(); } function getNumMessages() { return $this->getThread()->getNumMessages(); } function getNumResponses() { return $this->getThread()->getNumResponses(); } function getNumNotes() { return $this->getThread()->getNumNotes(); } function getMessages() { return $this->getThreadEntries('M'); } function getResponses() { return $this->getThreadEntries('R'); } function getNotes() { return $this->getThreadEntries('N'); } function getClientThread() { return $this->getThreadEntries(array('M', 'R')); } function getThreadEntry($id) { return $this->getThread()->getEntry($id); } function getThreadEntries($type, $order='') { return $this->getThread()->getEntries($type, $order); } /* -------------------- Setters --------------------- */ function setLastMsgId($msgid) { return $this->lastMsgId=$msgid; } //DeptId can NOT be 0. No orphans please! function setDeptId($deptId) { //Make sure it's a valid department// if(!($dept=Dept::lookup($deptId)) || $dept->getId()==$this->getDeptId()) return false; $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW(), dept_id='.db_input($deptId) .' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); return (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows()); } //Set staff ID...assign/unassign/release (id can be 0) function setStaffId($staffId) { if(!is_numeric($staffId)) return false; $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW(), staff_id='.db_input($staffId) .' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); if (!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) return false; $this->staff = null; $this->ht['staff_id'] = $staffId; return true; } function setSLAId($slaId) { if ($slaId == $this->getSLAId()) return true; return db_query( 'UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET sla_id='.db_input($slaId) .' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId())) && db_affected_rows(); } /** * Selects the appropriate service-level-agreement plan for this ticket. * When tickets are transfered between departments, the SLA of the new * department should be applied to the ticket. This would be useful, * for instance, if the ticket is transferred to a different department * which has a shorter grace period, the ticket should be considered * overdue in the shorter window now that it is owned by the new * department. * * $trump - if received, should trump any other possible SLA source. * This is used in the case of email filters, where the SLA * specified in the filter should trump any other SLA to be * considered. */ function selectSLAId($trump=null) { global $cfg; # XXX Should the SLA be overridden if it was originally set via an # email filter? This method doesn't consider such a case if ($trump && is_numeric($trump)) { $slaId = $trump; } elseif ($this->getDept() && $this->getDept()->getSLAId()) { $slaId = $this->getDept()->getSLAId(); } elseif ($this->getTopic() && $this->getTopic()->getSLAId()) { $slaId = $this->getTopic()->getSLAId(); } else { $slaId = $cfg->getDefaultSLAId(); } return ($slaId && $this->setSLAId($slaId)) ? $slaId : false; } //Set team ID...assign/unassign/release (id can be 0) function setTeamId($teamId) { if(!is_numeric($teamId)) return false; $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW(), team_id='.db_input($teamId) .' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); return (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows()); } //Status helper. function setStatus($status) { if(strcasecmp($this->getStatus(), $status)==0) return true; //No changes needed. switch(strtolower($status)) { case 'open': return $this->reopen(); break; case 'closed': return $this->close(); break; } return false; } function setState($state, $alerts=false) { switch(strtolower($state)) { case 'open': return $this->setStatus('open'); break; case 'closed': return $this->setStatus('closed'); break; case 'answered': return $this->setAnsweredState(1); break; case 'unanswered': return $this->setAnsweredState(0); break; case 'overdue': return $this->markOverdue(); break; case 'notdue': return $this->clearOverdue(); break; case 'unassined': return $this->unassign(); } return false; } function setAnsweredState($isanswered) { $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET isanswered='.db_input($isanswered) .' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); return (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows()); } //Close the ticket function close() { global $thisstaff; $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET closed=NOW(),isoverdue=0, duedate=NULL, updated=NOW(), status='.db_input('closed'); if($thisstaff) //Give the closing staff credit. $sql.=', staff_id='.db_input($thisstaff->getId()); $sql.=' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); if(!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) return false; $this->reload(); $this->logEvent('closed'); return true; } //set status to open on a closed ticket. function reopen($isanswered=0) { $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW(), reopened=NOW() ' .' ,status='.db_input('open') .' ,isanswered='.db_input($isanswered) .' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); //TODO: log reopen event here $this->logEvent('reopened', 'closed'); return (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows()); } function onNewTicket($message, $autorespond=true, $alertstaff=true) { global $cfg; //Log stuff here... if(!$autorespond && !$alertstaff) return true; //No alerts to send. /* ------ SEND OUT NEW TICKET AUTORESP && ALERTS ----------*/ $this->reload(); //get the new goodies. $dept= $this->getDept(); if(!$dept || !($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl= $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); if(!$tpl) return false; //bail out...missing stuff. if(!$dept || !($email=$dept->getAutoRespEmail())) $email =$cfg->getDefaultEmail(); $options = array('references'=>$message->getEmailMessageId()); //Send auto response - if enabled. if($autorespond && $email && $cfg->autoRespONNewTicket() && $dept->autoRespONNewTicket() && ($msg=$tpl->getAutoRespMsgTemplate())) { $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('message' => $message, 'signature' => ($dept && $dept->isPublic())?$dept->getSignature():'') ); if($cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag=$cfg->getReplySeparator())) $msg['body'] ="\n$tag\n\n".$msg['body']; $email->sendAutoReply($this->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $msg['body'], null, $options); } if(!($email=$cfg->getAlertEmail())) $email =$cfg->getDefaultEmail(); //Send alert to out sleepy & idle staff. if($alertstaff && $email && $cfg->alertONNewTicket() && ($msg=$tpl->getNewTicketAlertMsgTemplate())) { $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('message' => $message)); $recipients=$sentlist=array(); //Alert admin?? if($cfg->alertAdminONNewTicket()) { $alert = str_replace('%{recipient}', 'Admin', $msg['body']); $email->sendAlert($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $msg['subj'], $alert, null, $options); $sentlist[]=$cfg->getAdminEmail(); } //Only alerts dept members if the ticket is NOT assigned. if($cfg->alertDeptMembersONNewTicket() && !$this->isAssigned()) { if(($members=$dept->getMembers())) $recipients=array_merge($recipients, $members); } if($cfg->alertDeptManagerONNewTicket() && $dept && ($manager=$dept->getManager())) $recipients[]= $manager; foreach( $recipients as $k=>$staff) { if(!is_object($staff) || !$staff->isAvailable() || in_array($staff->getEmail(), $sentlist)) continue; $alert = str_replace('%{recipient}', $staff->getFirstName(), $msg['body']); $email->sendAlert($staff->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $alert, null, $options); $sentlist[] = $staff->getEmail(); } } return true; } function onOpenLimit($sendNotice=true) { global $ost, $cfg; //Log the limit notice as a warning for admin. $msg=sprintf('Max open tickets (%d) reached for %s ', $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets(), $this->getEmail()); $ost->logWarning('Max. Open Tickets Limit ('.$this->getEmail().')', $msg); if(!$sendNotice || !$cfg->sendOverLimitNotice()) return true; //Send notice to user. $dept = $this->getDept(); if(!$dept || !($tpl=$dept->getTemplate())) $tpl=$cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); if(!$dept || !($email=$dept->getAutoRespEmail())) $email=$cfg->getDefaultEmail(); if($tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getOverlimitMsgTemplate()) && $email) { $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('signature' => ($dept && $dept->isPublic())?$dept->getSignature():'')); $email->sendAutoReply($this->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $msg['body']); } $client= $this->getClient(); //Alert admin...this might be spammy (no option to disable)...but it is helpful..I think. $alert='Max. open tickets reached for '.$this->getEmail()."\n" .'Open ticket: '.$client->getNumOpenTickets()."\n" .'Max Allowed: '.$cfg->getMaxOpenTickets()."\n\nNotice sent to the user."; $ost->alertAdmin('Overlimit Notice', $alert); return true; } function onResponse() { db_query('UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET isanswered=1,lastresponse=NOW(), updated=NOW() WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId())); } function onMessage($autorespond=true, $message=null) { global $cfg; db_query('UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET isanswered=0,lastmessage=NOW() WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId())); //auto-assign to closing staff or last respondent if(!($staff=$this->getStaff()) || !$staff->isAvailable()) { if($cfg->autoAssignReopenedTickets() && ($lastrep=$this->getLastRespondent()) && $lastrep->isAvailable()) { $this->setStaffId($lastrep->getId()); //direct assignment; } else { $this->setStaffId(0); //unassign - last respondent is not available. } } if($this->isClosed()) $this->reopen(); //reopen.. /********** double check auto-response ************/ if($autorespond && (Email::getIdByEmail($this->getEmail()))) $autorespond=false; elseif($autorespond && ($dept=$this->getDept())) $autorespond=$dept->autoRespONNewMessage(); if(!$autorespond || !$cfg->autoRespONNewMessage()) return; //no autoresp or alerts. $this->reload(); if(!$dept || !($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl = $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); if(!$dept || !($email = $dept->getAutoRespEmail())) $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail(); //If enabled...send confirmation to user. ( New Message AutoResponse) if($email && $tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getNewMessageAutorepMsgTemplate())) { $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('signature' => ($dept && $dept->isPublic())?$dept->getSignature():'')); //Reply separator tag. if($cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag=$cfg->getReplySeparator())) $msg['body'] ="\n$tag\n\n".$msg['body']; if (!$message) $message = $this->getLastMessage(); $options = array('references' => $message->getEmailMessageId()); $email->sendAutoReply($this->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $msg['body'], null, $options); } } function onAssign($assignee, $comments, $alert=true) { global $cfg, $thisstaff; if($this->isClosed()) $this->reopen(); //Assigned tickets must be open - otherwise why assign? //Assignee must be an object of type Staff or Team if(!$assignee || !is_object($assignee)) return false; $this->reload(); $comments = $comments?$comments:'Ticket assignment'; $assigner = $thisstaff?$thisstaff:'SYSTEM (Auto Assignment)'; //Log an internal note - no alerts on the internal note. $note = $this->logNote('Ticket Assigned to '.$assignee->getName(), $comments, $assigner, false); //See if we need to send alerts if(!$alert || !$cfg->alertONAssignment()) return true; //No alerts! $dept = $this->getDept(); //Get template. if(!$dept || !($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl = $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); //Email to use! if(!($email=$cfg->getAlertEmail())) $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail(); //recipients $recipients=array(); if(!strcasecmp(get_class($assignee), 'Staff')) { if($cfg->alertStaffONAssignment()) $recipients[] = $assignee; } elseif(!strcasecmp(get_class($assignee), 'Team')) { if($cfg->alertTeamMembersONAssignment() && ($members=$assignee->getMembers())) $recipients+=$members; elseif($cfg->alertTeamLeadONAssignment() && ($lead=$assignee->getTeamLead())) $recipients[] = $lead; } //Get the message template if($email && $recipients && $tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getAssignedAlertMsgTemplate())) { $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('comments' => $comments, 'assignee' => $assignee, 'assigner' => $assigner )); //Send the alerts. $sentlist=array(); $options = array('references' => $note->getEmailMessageId()); foreach( $recipients as $k=>$staff) { if(!is_object($staff) || !$staff->isAvailable() || in_array($staff->getEmail(), $sentlist)) continue; $alert = str_replace('%{recipient}', $staff->getFirstName(), $msg['body']); $email->sendAlert($staff->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $alert, null, $options); $sentlist[] = $staff->getEmail(); } } return true; } function onOverdue($whine=true, $comments="") { global $cfg; if($whine && ($sla=$this->getSLA()) && !$sla->alertOnOverdue()) $whine = false; //check if we need to send alerts. if(!$whine || !$cfg->alertONOverdueTicket()) return true; $dept = $this->getDept(); //Get department-defined or default template. if(!$dept || !($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl= $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); //Email to use! if(!($email=$cfg->getAlertEmail())) $email =$cfg->getDefaultEmail(); //Get the message template if($tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getOverdueAlertMsgTemplate()) && $email) { $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('comments' => $comments)); //recipients $recipients=array(); //Assigned staff or team... if any if($this->isAssigned() && $cfg->alertAssignedONOverdueTicket()) { if($this->getStaffId()) $recipients[]=$this->getStaff(); elseif($this->getTeamId() && ($team=$this->getTeam()) && ($members=$team->getMembers())) $recipients=array_merge($recipients, $members); } elseif($cfg->alertDeptMembersONOverdueTicket() && !$this->isAssigned()) { //Only alerts dept members if the ticket is NOT assigned. if(($members=$dept->getMembers())) $recipients=array_merge($recipients, $members); } //Always alert dept manager?? if($cfg->alertDeptManagerONOverdueTicket() && $dept && ($manager=$dept->getManager())) $recipients[]= $manager; $sentlist=array(); foreach( $recipients as $k=>$staff) { if(!is_object($staff) || !$staff->isAvailable() || in_array($staff->getEmail(), $sentlist)) continue; $alert = str_replace("%{recipient}", $staff->getFirstName(), $msg['body']); $email->sendAlert($staff->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $alert, null); $sentlist[] = $staff->getEmail(); } } return true; } //ticket obj as variable = ticket number. function asVar() { return $this->getNumber(); } function getVar($tag) { global $cfg; if($tag && is_callable(array($this, 'get'.ucfirst($tag)))) return call_user_func(array($this, 'get'.ucfirst($tag))); switch(strtolower($tag)) { case 'phone_number': return $this->getPhoneNumber(); break; case 'auth_token': return $this->getAuthToken(); break; case 'client_link': return sprintf('%s/view.php?t=%s&e=%s&a=%s', $cfg->getBaseUrl(), $this->getNumber(), $this->getEmail(), $this->getAuthToken()); break; case 'staff_link': return sprintf('%s/scp/tickets.php?id=%d', $cfg->getBaseUrl(), $this->getId()); break; case 'create_date': return Format::date( $cfg->getDateTimeFormat(), Misc::db2gmtime($this->getCreateDate()), $cfg->getTZOffset(), $cfg->observeDaylightSaving()); break; case 'due_date': $duedate =''; if($this->getEstDueDate()) $duedate = Format::date( $cfg->getDateTimeFormat(), Misc::db2gmtime($this->getEstDueDate()), $cfg->getTZOffset(), $cfg->observeDaylightSaving()); return $duedate; break; case 'close_date'; $closedate =''; if($this->isClosed()) $duedate = Format::date( $cfg->getDateTimeFormat(), Misc::db2gmtime($this->getCloseDate()), $cfg->getTZOffset(), $cfg->observeDaylightSaving()); return $closedate; break; default: if (isset($this->_answers[$tag])) # TODO: Use DynamicField to format the value, also, # private field data should never go external, via # email, for instance return $this->_answers[$tag]; } return false; } //Replace base variables. function replaceVars($input, $vars = array()) { global $ost; $vars = array_merge($vars, array('ticket' => $this)); return $ost->replaceTemplateVariables($input, $vars); } function markUnAnswered() { return (!$this->isAnswered() || $this->setAnsweredState(0)); } function markAnswered() { return ($this->isAnswered() || $this->setAnsweredState(1)); } function markOverdue($whine=true) { global $cfg; if($this->isOverdue()) return true; $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET isoverdue=1, updated=NOW() ' .' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); if(!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) return false; $this->logEvent('overdue'); $this->onOverdue($whine); return true; } function clearOverdue() { if(!$this->isOverdue()) return true; //NOTE: Previously logged overdue event is NOT annuled. $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET isoverdue=0, updated=NOW() '; //clear due date if it's in the past if($this->getDueDate() && Misc::db2gmtime($this->getDueDate()) <= Misc::gmtime()) $sql.=', duedate=NULL'; //Clear SLA if est. due date is in the past if($this->getSLADueDate() && Misc::db2gmtime($this->getSLADueDate()) <= Misc::gmtime()) $sql.=', sla_id=0 '; $sql.=' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); return (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows()); } //Dept Tranfer...with alert.. done by staff function transfer($deptId, $comments, $alert = true) { global $cfg, $thisstaff; if(!$thisstaff || !$thisstaff->canTransferTickets()) return false; $currentDept = $this->getDeptName(); //Current department if(!$deptId || !$this->setDeptId($deptId)) return false; // Reopen ticket if closed if($this->isClosed()) $this->reopen(); $this->reload(); // Set SLA of the new department if(!$this->getSLAId() || $this->getSLA()->isTransient()) $this->selectSLAId(); /*** log the transfer comments as internal note - with alerts disabled - ***/ $title='Ticket transfered from '.$currentDept.' to '.$this->getDeptName(); $comments=$comments?$comments:$title; $note = $this->logNote($title, $comments, $thisstaff, false); $this->logEvent('transferred'); //Send out alerts if enabled AND requested if(!$alert || !$cfg->alertONTransfer() || !($dept=$this->getDept())) return true; //no alerts!! //Get template. if(!($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl= $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); //Email to use! if(!($email=$cfg->getAlertEmail())) $email =$cfg->getDefaultEmail(); //Get the message template if($tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getTransferAlertMsgTemplate()) && $email) { $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('comments' => $comments, 'staff' => $thisstaff)); //recipients $recipients=array(); //Assigned staff or team... if any if($this->isAssigned() && $cfg->alertAssignedONTransfer()) { if($this->getStaffId()) $recipients[]=$this->getStaff(); elseif($this->getTeamId() && ($team=$this->getTeam()) && ($members=$team->getMembers())) $recipients+=$members; } elseif($cfg->alertDeptMembersONTransfer() && !$this->isAssigned()) { //Only alerts dept members if the ticket is NOT assigned. if(($members=$dept->getMembers())) $recipients+=$members; } //Always alert dept manager?? if($cfg->alertDeptManagerONTransfer() && $dept && ($manager=$dept->getManager())) $recipients[]= $manager; $sentlist=array(); $options = array('references' => $note->getEmailMessageId()); foreach( $recipients as $k=>$staff) { if(!is_object($staff) || !$staff->isAvailable() || in_array($staff->getEmail(), $sentlist)) continue; $alert = str_replace('%{recipient}', $staff->getFirstName(), $msg['body']); $email->sendAlert($staff->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $alert, null, $options); $sentlist[] = $staff->getEmail(); } } return true; } function assignToStaff($staff, $note, $alert=true) { if(!is_object($staff) && !($staff=Staff::lookup($staff))) return false; if(!$this->setStaffId($staff->getId())) return false; $this->onAssign($staff, $note, $alert); $this->logEvent('assigned'); return true; } function assignToTeam($team, $note, $alert=true) { if(!is_object($team) && !($team=Team::lookup($team))) return false; if(!$this->setTeamId($team->getId())) return false; //Clear - staff if it's a closed ticket // staff_id is overloaded -> assigned to & closed by. if($this->isClosed()) $this->setStaffId(0); $this->onAssign($team, $note, $alert); $this->logEvent('assigned'); return true; } //Assign ticket to staff or team - overloaded ID. function assign($assignId, $note, $alert=true) { global $thisstaff; $rv=0; $id=preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $assignId); if($assignId[0]=='t') { $rv=$this->assignToTeam($id, $note, $alert); } elseif($assignId[0]=='s' || is_numeric($assignId)) { $alert=($alert && $thisstaff && $thisstaff->getId()==$id)?false:$alert; //No alerts on self assigned tickets!!! //We don't care if a team is already assigned to the ticket - staff assignment takes precedence $rv=$this->assignToStaff($id, $note, $alert); } return $rv; } //unassign primary assignee function unassign() { if(!$this->isAssigned()) //We can't release what is not assigned buddy! return true; //We can only unassigned OPEN tickets. if($this->isClosed()) return false; //Unassign staff (if any) if($this->getStaffId() && !$this->setStaffId(0)) return false; //unassign team (if any) if($this->getTeamId() && !$this->setTeamId(0)) return false; $this->reload(); return true; } function release() { return $this->unassign(); } //Insert message from client function postMessage($vars, $origin='', $alerts=true) { global $cfg; //Strip quoted reply...on emailed replies if(!strcasecmp($origin, 'Email') && $cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag=$cfg->getReplySeparator()) && strpos($vars['message'], $tag)) if(list($msg) = split($tag, $vars['message'])) $vars['message'] = $msg; if(isset($vars['ip'])) $vars['ip_address'] = $vars['ip']; elseif(!$vars['ip_address'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) $vars['ip_address'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $errors = array(); if(!($message = $this->getThread()->addMessage($vars, $errors))) return null; $this->setLastMsgId($message->getId()); if(!$alerts) return $message; //Our work is done... $autorespond = true; if ($autorespond && $message->isAutoResponse()) $autorespond=false; $this->onMessage($autorespond, $message); //must be called b4 sending alerts to staff. $dept = $this->getDept(); if(!$dept || !($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl= $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); if(!($email=$cfg->getAlertEmail())) $email =$cfg->getDefaultEmail(); //If enabled...send alert to staff (New Message Alert) if($cfg->alertONNewMessage() && $tpl && $email && ($msg=$tpl->getNewMessageAlertMsgTemplate())) { $attachments = $message->getAttachments(); $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('message' => $message)); //Build list of recipients and fire the alerts. $recipients=array(); //Last respondent. if($cfg->alertLastRespondentONNewMessage() || $cfg->alertAssignedONNewMessage()) $recipients[]=$this->getLastRespondent(); //Assigned staff if any...could be the last respondent if($this->isAssigned() && ($staff=$this->getStaff())) $recipients[]=$staff; //Dept manager if($cfg->alertDeptManagerONNewMessage() && $dept && ($manager=$dept->getManager())) $recipients[]=$manager; $sentlist=array(); //I know it sucks...but..it works. $options = array('references'=>$message->getEmailMessageId()); foreach( $recipients as $k=>$staff) { if(!$staff || !$staff->getEmail() || !$staff->isAvailable() || in_array($staff->getEmail(), $sentlist)) continue; $alert = str_replace('%{recipient}', $staff->getFirstName(), $msg['body']); $email->sendAlert($staff->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $alert, $attachments, $options); $sentlist[] = $staff->getEmail(); } } return $message; } function postCannedReply($canned, $msgId, $alert=true) { global $ost, $cfg; if((!is_object($canned) && !($canned=Canned::lookup($canned))) || !$canned->isEnabled()) return false; $files = array(); foreach ($canned->attachments->getAll() as $file) $files[] = $file['id']; $info = array('msgId' => $msgId, 'poster' => 'SYSTEM (Canned Reply)', 'response' => $this->replaceVars($canned->getResponse()), 'cannedattachments' => $files); $errors = array(); if(!($response=$this->postReply($info, $errors, false))) return null; $this->markUnAnswered(); if(!$alert) return $response; $dept = $this->getDept(); if(!($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl= $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); if(!$dept || !($email=$dept->getEmail())) $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail(); if($tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getAutoReplyMsgTemplate()) && $email) { if($dept && $dept->isPublic()) $signature=$dept->getSignature(); else $signature=''; $attachments =($cfg->emailAttachments() && $files)?$response->getAttachments():array(); $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('response' => $response, 'signature' => $signature)); if($cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag=$cfg->getReplySeparator())) $msg['body'] ="\n$tag\n\n".$msg['body']; $options = array('references' => $response->getEmailMessageId()); $email->sendAutoReply($this->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $msg['body'], $attachments, $options); } return $response; } /* public */ function postReply($vars, &$errors, $alert = true) { global $thisstaff, $cfg; if(!$vars['poster'] && $thisstaff) $vars['poster'] = $thisstaff->getName(); if(!$vars['staffId'] && $thisstaff) $vars['staffId'] = $thisstaff->getId(); if(!($response = $this->getThread()->addResponse($vars, $errors))) return null; //Set status - if checked. if(isset($vars['reply_ticket_status']) && $vars['reply_ticket_status']) $this->setStatus($vars['reply_ticket_status']); $this->onResponse(); //do house cleaning.. $this->reload(); /* email the user?? - if disabled - the bail out */ if(!$alert) return $response; $dept = $this->getDept(); if(!($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl= $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); if(!$dept || !($email=$dept->getEmail())) $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail(); if($tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getReplyMsgTemplate()) && $email) { if($thisstaff && $vars['signature']=='mine') $signature=$thisstaff->getSignature(); elseif($vars['signature']=='dept' && $dept && $dept->isPublic()) $signature=$dept->getSignature(); else $signature=''; //Set attachments if emailing. $attachments = $cfg->emailAttachments()?$response->getAttachments():array(); $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('response' => $response, 'signature' => $signature, 'staff' => $thisstaff)); if($cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag=$cfg->getReplySeparator())) $msg['body'] ="\n$tag\n\n".$msg['body']; $options = array('references' => $response->getEmailMessageId()); //TODO: setup 5 param (options... e.g mid trackable on replies) $email->send($this->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $msg['body'], $attachments, $options); } return $response; } //Activity log - saved as internal notes WHEN enabled!! function logActivity($title, $note) { global $cfg; if(!$cfg || !$cfg->logTicketActivity()) return 0; return $this->logNote($title, $note, 'SYSTEM', false); } // History log -- used for statistics generation (pretty reports) function logEvent($state, $annul=null, $staff=null) { global $thisstaff; if ($staff === null) { if ($thisstaff) $staff=$thisstaff->getUserName(); else $staff='SYSTEM'; # XXX: Security Violation ? } # Annul previous entries if requested (for instance, reopening a # ticket will annul an 'closed' entry). This will be useful to # easily prevent repeated statistics. if ($annul) { db_query('UPDATE '.TICKET_EVENT_TABLE.' SET annulled=1' .' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()) .' AND state='.db_input($annul)); } return db_query('INSERT INTO '.TICKET_EVENT_TABLE .' SET ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()) .', staff_id='.db_input($this->getStaffId()) .', team_id='.db_input($this->getTeamId()) .', dept_id='.db_input($this->getDeptId()) .', topic_id='.db_input($this->getTopicId()) .', timestamp=NOW(), state='.db_input($state) .', staff='.db_input($staff)) && db_affected_rows() == 1; } //Insert Internal Notes function logNote($title, $note, $poster='SYSTEM', $alert=true) { $errors = array(); return $this->postNote( array('title' => $title, 'note' => $note), $errors, $poster, $alert); } function postNote($vars, &$errors, $poster, $alert=true) { global $cfg, $thisstaff; //Who is posting the note - staff or system? $vars['staffId'] = 0; $vars['poster'] = 'SYSTEM'; if($poster && is_object($poster)) { $vars['staffId'] = $poster->getId(); $vars['poster'] = $poster->getName(); }elseif($poster) { //string $vars['poster'] = $poster; } if(!($note=$this->getThread()->addNote($vars, $errors))) return null; //Set state: Error on state change not critical! if(isset($vars['state']) && $vars['state']) { if($this->setState($vars['state'])) $this->reload(); } // If alerts are not enabled then return a success. if(!$alert || !$cfg->alertONNewNote() || !($dept=$this->getDept())) return $note; if(!($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) $tpl= $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); if(!($email=$cfg->getAlertEmail())) $email =$cfg->getDefaultEmail(); if($tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getNoteAlertMsgTemplate()) && $email) { $attachments = $note->getAttachments(); $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('note' => $note)); // Alert recipients $recipients=array(); //Last respondent. if($cfg->alertLastRespondentONNewNote()) $recipients[]=$this->getLastRespondent(); //Assigned staff if any...could be the last respondent if($cfg->alertAssignedONNewNote() && $this->isAssigned() && $this->getStaffId()) $recipients[]=$this->getStaff(); //Dept manager if($cfg->alertDeptManagerONNewNote() && $dept && $dept->getManagerId()) $recipients[]=$dept->getManager(); $options = array('references' => $note->getEmailMessageId()); $sentlist=array(); foreach( $recipients as $k=>$staff) { if(!is_object($staff) || !$staff->isAvailable() //Don't bother vacationing staff. || in_array($staff->getEmail(), $sentlist) //No duplicates. || $note->getStaffId() == $staff->getId()) //No need to alert the poster! continue; $alert = str_replace('%{recipient}', $staff->getFirstName(), $msg['body']); $email->sendAlert($staff->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $alert, $attachments, $options); $sentlist[] = $staff->getEmail(); } } return $note; } //Print ticket... export the ticket thread as PDF. function pdfExport($psize='Letter', $notes=false) { $pdf = new Ticket2PDF($this, $psize, $notes); $name='Ticket-'.$this->getExtId().'.pdf'; $pdf->Output($name, 'I'); //Remember what the user selected - for autoselect on the next print. $_SESSION['PAPER_SIZE'] = $psize; exit; } function delete() { $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' WHERE ticket_id='.$this->getId().' LIMIT 1'; if(!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) return false; //delete just orphaned ticket thread & associated attachments. $this->getThread()->delete(); return true; } function update($vars, &$errors) { global $cfg, $thisstaff; if(!$cfg || !$thisstaff || !$thisstaff->canEditTickets()) return false; $fields=array(); $fields['topicId'] = array('type'=>'int', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Help topic required'); $fields['slaId'] = array('type'=>'int', 'required'=>0, 'error'=>'Select SLA'); $fields['duedate'] = array('type'=>'date', 'required'=>0, 'error'=>'Invalid date - must be MM/DD/YY'); $fields['note'] = array('type'=>'text', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Reason for the update required'); if(!Validator::process($fields, $vars, $errors) && !$errors['err']) $errors['err'] = 'Missing or invalid data - check the errors and try again'; if($vars['duedate']) { if($this->isClosed()) $errors['duedate']='Due date can NOT be set on a closed ticket'; elseif(!$vars['time'] || strpos($vars['time'],':')===false) $errors['time']='Select time'; elseif(strtotime($vars['duedate'].' '.$vars['time'])===false) $errors['duedate']='Invalid due date'; elseif(strtotime($vars['duedate'].' '.$vars['time'])<=time()) $errors['duedate']='Due date must be in the future'; } if($errors) return false; $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW() ' .' ,topic_id='.db_input($vars['topicId']) .' ,sla_id='.db_input($vars['slaId']) .' ,duedate='.($vars['duedate']?db_input(date('Y-m-d G:i',Misc::dbtime($vars['duedate'].' '.$vars['time']))):'NULL'); if($vars['duedate']) { //We are setting new duedate... $sql.=' ,isoverdue=0'; } $sql.=' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getId()); if(!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) return false; if(!$vars['note']) $vars['note']=sprintf('Ticket Updated by %s', $thisstaff->getName()); $this->logNote('Ticket Updated', $vars['note'], $thisstaff); $this->reload(); // Reselect SLA if transient if(!$this->getSLAId() || $this->getSLA()->isTransient()) $this->selectSLAId(); //Clear overdue flag if duedate or SLA changes and the ticket is no longer overdue. if($this->isOverdue() && (!$this->getEstDueDate() //Duedate + SLA cleared || Misc::db2gmtime($this->getEstDueDate()) > Misc::gmtime() //New due date in the future. )) { $this->clearOverdue(); } return true; } /*============== Static functions. Use Ticket::function(params); =============nolint*/ function getIdByExtId($extId, $email=null) { if(!$extId || !is_numeric($extId)) return 0; $sql ='SELECT ticket.ticket_id FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' ticket ' .' LEFT JOIN '.USER_TABLE.' user ON user.id = ticket.user_id' .' LEFT JOIN '.USER_EMAIL_TABLE.' email ON user.id = email.user_id' .' WHERE ticket.ticketID='.db_input($extId); if($email) $sql .= ' AND email.address = '.db_input($email); if(($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) list($id)=db_fetch_row($res); return $id; } function lookup($id) { //Assuming local ID is the only lookup used! return ($id && is_numeric($id) && ($ticket= new Ticket($id)) && $ticket->getId()==$id && $ticket->getThread()) ?$ticket:null; } function lookupByExtId($id, $email=null) { return self::lookup(self:: getIdByExtId($id, $email)); } function genExtRandID() { global $cfg; //We can allow collissions...extId and email must be unique ...so same id with diff emails is ok.. // But for clarity...we are going to make sure it is unique. $id=Misc::randNumber(EXT_TICKET_ID_LEN); if(db_num_rows(db_query('SELECT ticket_id FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' WHERE ticketID='.db_input($id)))) return Ticket::genExtRandID(); return $id; } function getIdByMessageId($mid, $email) { if(!$mid || !$email) return 0; $sql='SELECT ticket.ticket_id FROM '.TICKET_TABLE. ' ticket '. ' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' msg USING(ticket_id) '. ' INNER JOIN '.TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE.' emsg ON (msg.id = emsg.message_id) '. ' WHERE email_mid='.db_input($mid).' AND email='.db_input($email); $id=0; if(($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) list($id)=db_fetch_row($res); return $id; } /* Quick staff's tickets stats */ function getStaffStats($staff) { global $cfg; /* Unknown or invalid staff */ if(!$staff || (!is_object($staff) && !($staff=Staff::lookup($staff))) || !$staff->isStaff()) return null; $sql='SELECT count(open.ticket_id) as open, count(answered.ticket_id) as answered ' .' ,count(overdue.ticket_id) as overdue, count(assigned.ticket_id) as assigned, count(closed.ticket_id) as closed ' .' FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' ticket ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' open ON (open.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND open.status=\'open\' AND open.isanswered=0 '.((!($cfg->showAssignedTickets() || $staff->showAssignedTickets()))? ' AND open.staff_id=0 ':'').') ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' answered ON (answered.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND answered.status=\'open\' AND answered.isanswered=1) ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' overdue ON (overdue.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND overdue.status=\'open\' AND overdue.isoverdue=1) ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' assigned ON (assigned.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND assigned.status=\'open\' AND assigned.staff_id='.db_input($staff->getId()).')' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' closed ON (closed.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND closed.status=\'closed\' )' .' WHERE (ticket.staff_id='.db_input($staff->getId()); if(($teams=$staff->getTeams())) $sql.=' OR ticket.team_id IN('.implode(',', db_input(array_filter($teams))).')'; if(!$staff->showAssignedOnly() && ($depts=$staff->getDepts())) //Staff with limited access just see Assigned tickets. $sql.=' OR ticket.dept_id IN('.implode(',', db_input($depts)).') '; $sql.=')'; if(!$cfg || !($cfg->showAssignedTickets() || $staff->showAssignedTickets())) $sql.=' AND (ticket.staff_id=0 OR ticket.staff_id='.db_input($staff->getId()).') '; return db_fetch_array(db_query($sql)); } /* Quick client's tickets stats @email - valid email. */ function getClientStats($email) { if(!$email || !Validator::is_email($email)) return null; if (!$user = User::lookup(array('emails__address'=>$email))) return null; $sql='SELECT count(open.ticket_id) as open, count(closed.ticket_id) as closed ' .' FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' ticket ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' open ON (open.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND open.status=\'open\') ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' closed ON (closed.ticket_id=ticket.ticket_id AND closed.status=\'closed\')' .' WHERE ticket.user_id = '.db_input($user->getId()); return db_fetch_array(db_query($sql)); } /* * The mother of all functions...You break it you fix it! * * $autorespond and $alertstaff overrides config settings... */ function create($vars, &$errors, $origin, $autorespond=true, $alertstaff=true) { global $ost, $cfg, $thisclient, $_FILES; // Drop extra whitespace foreach (array('phone', 'subject') as $f) if (isset($vars[$f])) $vars[$f] = trim($vars[$f]); //Check for 403 if ($vars['email'] && Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) { //Make sure the email address is not banned if(TicketFilter::isBanned($vars['email'])) { $errors['err']='Ticket denied. Error #403'; $errors['errno'] = 403; $ost->logWarning('Ticket denied', 'Banned email - '.$vars['email']); return 0; } //Make sure the open ticket limit hasn't been reached. (LOOP CONTROL) if($cfg->getMaxOpenTickets()>0 && strcasecmp($origin,'staff') && ($client=Client::lookupByEmail($vars['email'])) && ($openTickets=$client->getNumOpenTickets()) && ($openTickets>=$cfg->getMaxOpenTickets()) ) { $errors['err']="You've reached the maximum open tickets allowed."; $ost->logWarning('Ticket denied -'.$vars['email'], sprintf('Max open tickets (%d) reached for %s ', $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets(), $vars['email'])); return 0; } } // Create and verify the dynamic form entry for the new ticket $form = TicketForm::getInstance(); // If submitting via email, ensure we have a subject and such foreach ($form->getFields() as $field) { $fname = $field->get('name'); if ($fname && isset($vars[$fname]) && !$field->value) $field->value = $vars[$fname]; } // Don't enforce form validation for email if (!$form->isValid() && strtolower($origin) != 'email') $errors += $form->errors(); // Unpack dynamic variables into $vars for filter application foreach ($form->getFields() as $f) $vars['field.'.$f->get('id')] = $f->toString($f->getClean()); //Init ticket filters... $ticket_filter = new TicketFilter($origin, $vars); // Make sure email contents should not be rejected if($ticket_filter && ($filter=$ticket_filter->shouldReject())) { $errors['err']='Ticket denied. Error #403'; $errors['errno'] = 403; $ost->logWarning('Ticket denied', sprintf('Ticket rejected ( %s) by filter "%s"', $vars['email'], $filter->getName())); return 0; } $id=0; $fields=array(); $fields['message'] = array('type'=>'text', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Message required'); switch (strtolower($origin)) { case 'web': $fields['topicId'] = array('type'=>'int', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Select help topic'); break; case 'staff': $fields['deptId'] = array('type'=>'int', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Dept. required'); $fields['topicId'] = array('type'=>'int', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Topic required'); $fields['duedate'] = array('type'=>'date', 'required'=>0, 'error'=>'Invalid date - must be MM/DD/YY'); case 'api': $fields['source'] = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Indicate source'); break; case 'email': $fields['emailId'] = array('type'=>'int', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Email unknown'); break; default: # TODO: Return error message $errors['err']=$errors['origin'] = 'Invalid origin given'; } if(!Validator::process($fields, $vars, $errors) && !$errors['err']) $errors['err'] ='Missing or invalid data - check the errors and try again'; //Make sure the due date is valid if($vars['duedate']) { if(!$vars['time'] || strpos($vars['time'],':')===false) $errors['time']='Select time'; elseif(strtotime($vars['duedate'].' '.$vars['time'])===false) $errors['duedate']='Invalid due date'; elseif(strtotime($vars['duedate'].' '.$vars['time'])<=time()) $errors['duedate']='Due date must be in the future'; } # Identify the user creating the ticket $user_info = UserForm::getStaticForm()->getClean(); // Data is slightly different between HTTP posts and emails if (isset($vars['emailId']) || !isset($user_info['email'])) $user_info = $vars; elseif (!UserForm::getStaticForm()->isValid()) $errors['user'] = 'Incomplete client information'; $user = User::fromForm($user_info); $user_email = UserEmail::ensure($user_info['email']); //Any error above is fatal. if($errors) return 0; # Perform ticket filter actions on the new ticket arguments if ($ticket_filter) $ticket_filter->apply($vars); # Some things will need to be unpacked back into the scope of this # function if (isset($vars['autorespond'])) $autorespond=$vars['autorespond']; // OK...just do it. $deptId=$vars['deptId']; //pre-selected Dept if any. $source=ucfirst($vars['source']); $topic=NULL; // Intenal mapping magic...see if we need to override anything if(isset($vars['topicId']) && ($topic=Topic::lookup($vars['topicId']))) { //Ticket created via web by user/or staff $deptId=$deptId?$deptId:$topic->getDeptId(); if (!$form->getAnswer('priority')) $form->setAnswer('priority', null, $topic->getPriorityId()); if($autorespond) $autorespond=$topic->autoRespond(); $source=$vars['source']?$vars['source']:'Web'; //Auto assignment. if (!isset($vars['staffId']) && $topic->getStaffId()) $vars['staffId'] = $topic->getStaffId(); elseif (!isset($vars['teamId']) && $topic->getTeamId()) $vars['teamId'] = $topic->getTeamId(); //set default sla. if(isset($vars['slaId'])) $vars['slaId'] = $vars['slaId']?$vars['slaId']:$cfg->getDefaultSLAId(); elseif($topic && $topic->getSLAId()) $vars['slaId'] = $topic->getSLAId(); }elseif($vars['emailId'] && !$vars['deptId'] && ($email=Email::lookup($vars['emailId']))) { //Emailed Tickets $deptId=$email->getDeptId(); if (!$form->getAnswer('priority')) $form->setAnswer('priority', null, $email->getPriorityId()); if($autorespond) $autorespond=$email->autoRespond(); $email=null; $source='Email'; } //Last minute checks if (!$form->getAnswer('priority')) $form->setAnswer('priority', null, $cfg->getDefaultPriorityId()); $deptId=$deptId?$deptId:$cfg->getDefaultDeptId(); $topicId=$vars['topicId']?$vars['topicId']:0; $ipaddress=$vars['ip']?$vars['ip']:$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //We are ready son...hold on to the rails. $extId=Ticket::genExtRandID(); $sql='INSERT INTO '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET created=NOW() ' .' ,lastmessage= NOW()' .' ,user_id='.db_input($user->id) .' ,user_email_id='.db_input($user_email->id) .' ,ticketID='.db_input($extId) .' ,dept_id='.db_input($deptId) .' ,topic_id='.db_input($topicId) .' ,ip_address='.db_input($ipaddress) .' ,source='.db_input($source); //Make sure the origin is staff - avoid firebug hack! if($vars['duedate'] && !strcasecmp($origin,'staff')) $sql.=' ,duedate='.db_input(date('Y-m-d G:i',Misc::dbtime($vars['duedate'].' '.$vars['time']))); if(!db_query($sql) || !($id=db_insert_id()) || !($ticket =Ticket::lookup($id))) return null; /* -------------------- POST CREATE ------------------------ */ if(!$cfg->useRandomIds()) { //Sequential ticketIDs support really..really suck arse. $extId=$id; //To make things really easy we are going to use autoincrement ticket_id. db_query('UPDATE '.TICKET_TABLE.' SET ticketID='.db_input($extId).' WHERE ticket_id='.$id.' LIMIT 1'); //TODO: RETHING what happens if this fails?? [At the moment on failure random ID is used...making stuff usable] } // Save the (common) dynamic form $form->setTicketId($id); $form->save(); $dept = $ticket->getDept(); //post the message. unset($vars['cannedattachments']); //Ticket::open() might have it set as part of open & respond. $vars['title'] = $vars['subject']; //Use the initial subject as title of the post. $message = $ticket->postMessage($vars , $origin, false); // Configure service-level-agreement for this ticket $ticket->selectSLAId($vars['slaId']); //Auto assign staff or team - auto assignment based on filter rules. if($vars['staffId'] && !$vars['assignId']) $ticket->assignToStaff($vars['staffId'], 'Auto Assignment'); if($vars['teamId'] && !$vars['assignId']) $ticket->assignToTeam($vars['teamId'], 'Auto Assignment'); /********** double check auto-response ************/ //Override auto responder if the FROM email is one of the internal emails...loop control. if($autorespond && (Email::getIdByEmail($ticket->getEmail()))) $autorespond=false; # Messages that are clearly auto-responses from email systems should # not have a return 'ping' message if ($autorespond && $message && $message->isAutoResponse()) $autorespond=false; //Don't auto respond to mailer daemons. if( $autorespond && (strpos(strtolower($vars['email']),'mailer-daemon@')!==false || strpos(strtolower($vars['email']),'postmaster@')!==false)) { $autorespond=false; } //post canned auto-response IF any (disables new ticket auto-response). if ($vars['cannedResponseId'] && $ticket->postCannedReply($vars['cannedResponseId'], $message->getId(), $autorespond)) { $ticket->markUnAnswered(); //Leave the ticket as unanswred. $autorespond = false; } //Check department's auto response settings // XXX: Dept. setting doesn't affect canned responses. if($autorespond && $dept && !$dept->autoRespONNewTicket()) $autorespond=false; /***** See if we need to send some alerts ****/ $ticket->onNewTicket($message, $autorespond, $alertstaff); /************ check if the user JUST reached the max. open tickets limit **********/ if($cfg->getMaxOpenTickets()>0 && ($client=$ticket->getClient()) && ($client->getNumOpenTickets()==$cfg->getMaxOpenTickets())) { $ticket->onOpenLimit(($autorespond && strcasecmp($origin, 'staff'))); } /* Start tracking ticket lifecycle events */ $ticket->logEvent('created'); /* Phew! ... time for tea (KETEPA) */ return $ticket; } function open($vars, &$errors) { global $thisstaff, $cfg; if(!$thisstaff || !$thisstaff->canCreateTickets()) return false; if($vars['source'] && !in_array(strtolower($vars['source']),array('email','phone','other'))) $errors['source']='Invalid source - '.Format::htmlchars($vars['source']); if(!($ticket=Ticket::create($vars, $errors, 'staff', false, (!$vars['assignId'])))) return false; $vars['msgId']=$ticket->getLastMsgId(); // post response - if any $response = null; if($vars['response'] && $thisstaff->canPostReply()) { $vars['response'] = $ticket->replaceVars($vars['response']); if(($response=$ticket->postReply($vars, $errors, false))) { //Only state supported is closed on response if(isset($vars['ticket_state']) && $thisstaff->canCloseTickets()) $ticket->setState($vars['ticket_state']); } } //Post Internal note if($vars['assignId'] && $thisstaff->canAssignTickets()) { //Assign ticket to staff or team. $ticket->assign($vars['assignId'], $vars['note']); } elseif($vars['note']) { //Not assigned...save optional note if any $ticket->logNote('New Ticket', $vars['note'], $thisstaff, false); } else { //Not assignment and no internal note - log activity $ticket->logActivity('New Ticket by Staff','Ticket created by staff -'.$thisstaff->getName()); } $ticket->reload(); if(!$cfg->notifyONNewStaffTicket() || !isset($vars['alertuser'])) return $ticket; //No alerts. //Send Notice to user --- if requested AND enabled!! $dept=$ticket->getDept(); if(!$dept || !($tpl=$dept->getTemplate())) $tpl=$cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); if(!$dept || !($email=$dept->getEmail())) $email =$cfg->getDefaultEmail(); if($tpl && ($msg=$tpl->getNewTicketNoticeMsgTemplate()) && $email) { $message = $vars['issue']; if($response) $message.="\n\n".$response->getBody(); if($vars['signature']=='mine') $signature=$thisstaff->getSignature(); elseif($vars['signature']=='dept' && $dept && $dept->isPublic()) $signature=$dept->getSignature(); else $signature=''; $attachments =($cfg->emailAttachments() && $response)?$response->getAttachments():array(); $msg = $ticket->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('message' => $message, 'signature' => $signature)); if($cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag=trim($cfg->getReplySeparator()))) $msg['body'] ="\n$tag\n\n".$msg['body']; $references = $ticket->getLastMessage()->getEmailMessageId(); if (isset($response)) $references = array($response->getEmailMessageId(), $references); $options = array('references' => $references); $email->send($ticket->getEmail(), $msg['subj'], $msg['body'], $attachments, $options); } return $ticket; } function checkOverdue() { $sql='SELECT ticket_id FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' T1 ' .' INNER JOIN '.SLA_TABLE.' T2 ON (T1.sla_id=T2.id AND T2.isactive=1) ' .' WHERE status=\'open\' AND isoverdue=0 ' .' AND ((reopened is NULL AND duedate is NULL AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),T1.created))>=T2.grace_period*3600) ' .' OR (reopened is NOT NULL AND duedate is NULL AND TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),reopened))>=T2.grace_period*3600) ' .' OR (duedate is NOT NULL AND duedate<NOW()) ' .' ) ORDER BY T1.created LIMIT 50'; //Age upto 50 tickets at a time? //echo $sql; if(($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) { while(list($id)=db_fetch_row($res)) { if(($ticket=Ticket::lookup($id)) && $ticket->markOverdue()) $ticket->logActivity('Ticket Marked Overdue', 'Ticket flagged as overdue by the system.'); } } else { //TODO: Trigger escalation on already overdue tickets - make sure last overdue event > grace_period. } } } ?>