<?php /********************************************************************* view.php Ticket View. Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2010 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: $Id: $ **********************************************************************/ require_once('client.inc.php'); $errors = array(); // Check if the client is already signed in. Don't corrupt their session! if ($_GET['auth'] && $thisclient && ($u = TicketUser::lookupByToken($_GET['auth'])) && ($u->getUserId() == $thisclient->getId()) ) { // Switch auth keys ? (Otherwise the user can never use links for two // different tickets) if (($bk = $thisclient->getAuthBackend()) instanceof AuthTokenAuthentication) { $bk->setAuthKey($u, $bk); } Http::redirect('tickets.php?id='.$u->getTicketId()); } // Try autologin the user // Authenticated user can be of type ticket owner or collaborator elseif (isset($_GET['auth']) || isset($_GET['t'])) { // TODO: Consider receiving an AccessDenied object $user = UserAuthenticationBackend::processSignOn($errors, false); } if (@$user && is_object($user) && $user->getTicketId()) Http::redirect('tickets.php?id='.$user->getTicketId()); $nav = new UserNav(); $nav->setActiveNav('status'); $inc = 'accesslink.inc.php'; require CLIENTINC_DIR.'header.inc.php'; require CLIENTINC_DIR.$inc; require CLIENTINC_DIR.'footer.inc.php'; ?>