
    Collection of MySQL helper interface functions.

    Mostly wrappers with error/resource checking.

    Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
    Jared Hancock <jared@osticket.com>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
$__db = null;

function db_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $options = array()) {
    global $__db;

    if(!strlen($user) || !strlen($host))
        return NULL;

    if (!($__db = mysqli_init()))
        return NULL;

    // Setup SSL if enabled
    if (isset($options['ssl']))
                null, null);
        return NULL;

    $port = ini_get("mysqli.default_port");
    $socket = ini_get("mysqli.default_socket");
    $persistent = stripos($host, 'p:') === 0;
    if ($persistent)
        $host = substr($host, 2);
    if (strpos($host, ':') !== false) {
        list($host, $portspec) = explode(':', $host);
        // PHP may not honor the port number if connecting to 'localhost'
        if ($portspec && is_numeric($portspec)) {
            if (!strcasecmp($host, 'localhost'))
                // XXX: Looks like PHP gethostbyname() is IPv4 only
                $host = gethostbyname($host);
            $port = (int) $portspec;
        elseif ($portspec) {
            $socket = $portspec;

    if ($persistent)
        $host = 'p:' . $host;

    // Connect
    $start = microtime(true);
    if (!@$__db->real_connect($host, $user, $passwd, null, $port, $socket))
        return NULL;

    //Select the database, if any.
    if(isset($options['db'])) $__db->select_db($options['db']);

    //set desired encoding just in case mysql charset is not UTF-8 - Thanks to FreshMedia
        'NAMES'                 => 'utf8',
        'CHARACTER SET'         => 'utf8',
        'COLLATION_CONNECTION'  => 'utf8_general_ci',
        'SQL_MODE'              => '',
        'TIME_ZONE'             => '@@global.time_zone',
    ), 'session');


    // Use connection timing to seed the random number generator
    Misc::__rand_seed((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000000);

    return $__db;

function db_autocommit($enable=true) {
    global $__db;

    return $__db->autocommit($enable);

function db_rollback() {
    global $__db;

    return $__db->rollback();

function db_close() {
    global $__db;
    return @$__db->close();

function db_version() {

    $matches = array();
            db_result(db_query('SELECT VERSION()')),

    return $version;

function db_timezone() {
    return db_get_variable('system_time_zone', 'global');

function db_get_variable($variable, $type='session') {
    $sql =sprintf('SELECT @@%s.%s', $type, $variable);
    return db_result(db_query($sql));

function db_set_variable($variable, $value, $type='session') {
    return db_set_all(array($variable => $value), $type);

function db_set_all($variables, $type='session') {
    global $__db;

    $set = array();
    $type = strtoupper($type);
    foreach ($variables as $k=>$v) {
        $k = strtoupper($k);
        $T = $type;
        if (in_array($k, ['NAMES', 'CHARACTER SET'])) {
            // MySQL doesn't support the session/global flag, and doesn't
            // use an equal sign for these
            $T = '';
        else {
            $k .= ' =';
        $set[] = "$T $k ".($__db->real_escape_string($v) ?: "''");
    $sql = 'SET ' . implode(', ', $set);
    return db_query($sql);

function db_select_database($database) {
    global $__db;
    return ($database && @$__db->select_db($database));

function db_create_database($database, $charset='utf8',
        $collate='utf8_general_ci') {
    global $__db;
    return @$__db->query(
            $database, $charset, $collate));

 * Function: db_query
 * Execute sql query
 * Parameters:
 * $query - (string) SQL query (with parameters)
 * $logError - (mixed):
 *      - (bool) true or false if error should be logged and alert email sent
 *      - (callable) to receive error number and return true or false if
 *      error should be logged and alert email sent. The callable is only
 *      invoked if the query fails.
 * Returns:
 * (mixed) MysqliResource if SELECT query succeeds, true if an INSERT,
 * UPDATE, or DELETE succeeds, false or null if the query fails.
function db_query($query, $logError=true, $buffered=true) {
    global $ost, $__db;

    $tries = 3;
    do {
        $res = $__db->query($query,
            $buffered ? MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT : MYSQLI_USE_RESULT);
        // Retry the query due to deadlock error (#1213)
        // TODO: Consider retry on #1205 (lock wait timeout exceeded)
        // TODO: Log warning
    } while (!$res && --$tries && $__db->errno == 1213);

    if(!$res && $logError && $ost) { //error reporting
        // Allow $logError() callback to determine if logging is necessary
        if (is_callable($logError) && !($logError($__db->errno)))
            return $res;

        $ost->logDBError('DB Error #'.db_errno(), $msg);
        //echo $msg; #uncomment during debuging or dev.

    return $res;

function db_query_unbuffered($sql, $logError=false) {
    return db_query($sql, $logError, true);

function db_count($query) {
    return db_result(db_query($query));

function db_result($res, $row=false) {
    if (!$res)
        return NULL;

    if ($row !== false)

    list($value) = db_output($res->fetch_row());
    return $value;

function db_fetch_array($res, $mode=MYSQLI_ASSOC) {
    return ($res) ? db_output($res->fetch_array($mode)) : NULL;

function db_fetch_row($res) {
    return ($res) ? db_output($res->fetch_row()) : NULL;

function db_fetch_field($res) {
    return ($res) ? $res->fetch_field() : NULL;

function db_assoc_array($res, $mode=MYSQLI_ASSOC) {
    $result = array();
    if($res && db_num_rows($res)) {
        while ($row=db_fetch_array($res, $mode))
    return $result;

function db_num_rows($res) {
    return ($res) ? $res->num_rows : 0;

function db_affected_rows() {
    global $__db;
    return $__db->affected_rows;

function db_data_seek($res, $row_number) {
    return ($res && $res->data_seek($row_number));

function db_data_reset($res) {
    return db_data_seek($res, 0);

function db_insert_id() {
    global $__db;
    return $__db->insert_id;

function db_free_result($res) {
    return ($res && $res->free());

function db_output($var) {
    static $no_magic_quotes = null;

    if (!isset($no_magic_quotes))
        $no_magic_quotes = !function_exists('get_magic_quotes_runtime') || !get_magic_quotes_runtime();

    if ($no_magic_quotes) //Sucker is NOT on - thanks.
        return $var;

    if (is_array($var))
        return array_map('db_output', $var);

    return (!is_numeric($var))?stripslashes($var):$var;


//Do not call this function directly...use db_input
function db_real_escape($val, $quote=false) {
    global $__db;

    //Magic quotes crap is taken care of in main.inc.php

    return ($quote)?"'$val'":$val;

function db_input($var, $quote=true) {

        return array_map('db_input', $var, array_fill(0, count($var), $quote));
    elseif($var && preg_match("/^(?:\d+\.\d+|[1-9]\d*)$/S", $var))
        return $var;

    return db_real_escape($var, $quote);

function db_field_type($res, $col=0) {
    global $__db;
    return $res->fetch_field_direct($col);

function db_prepare($stmt) {
    global $ost, $__db;

    $res = $__db->prepare($stmt);
    if (!$res && $ost) {
        // Include a backtrace in the error email
        $ost->logDBError('DB Error #'.db_errno(), $msg);
    return $res;

function db_connect_error() {
    global $__db;
    return $__db->connect_error;

function db_error() {
    global $__db;
    return $__db->error;

function db_errno() {
    global $__db;
    return $__db->errno;