<?php /********************************************************************* class.upgrader.php osTicket Upgrader Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ require_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.setup.php'; require_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.migrater.php'; class Upgrader { function Upgrader($prefix, $basedir) { global $ost; $this->streams = array(); foreach (DatabaseMigrater::getUpgradeStreams($basedir) as $stream=>$hash) { $signature = $ost->getConfig()->getSchemaSignature($stream); $this->streams[$stream] = new StreamUpgrader($signature, $hash, $stream, $prefix, $basedir.$stream.'/', $this); } //Init persistent state of upgrade. $this->state = &$_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['state']; $this->mode = &$_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['mode']; $this->current = &$_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['stream']; if (!$this->current || $this->getCurrentStream()->isFinished()) { $streams = array_keys($this->streams); do { $this->current = array_shift($streams); } while ($this->current && $this->getCurrentStream()->isFinished()); } } function getCurrentStream() { return $this->streams[$this->current]; } function isUpgradable() { if ($this->isAborted()) return false; foreach ($this->streams as $s) if (!$s->isUpgradable()) return false; return true; } function isAborted() { return !strcasecmp($this->getState(), 'aborted'); } function abort($msg, $debug=false) { if ($this->getCurrentStream()) $this->getCurrentStream()->abort($msg, $debug); } function getState() { return $this->state; } function setState($state) { $this->state = $state; if ($state == 'done') $this->createUpgradedTicket(); } function createUpgradedTicket() { global $cfg; $i18n = new Internationalization(); $vars = $i18n->getTemplate('templates/ticket/upgraded.yaml')->getData(); $vars['deptId'] = $cfg->getDefaultDeptId(); //Create a ticket to make the system warm and happy. $errors = array(); Ticket::create($vars, $errors, 'api', false, false); } function getMode() { return $this->mode; } function setMode($mode) { $this->mode = $mode; } function upgrade() { if (!$this->current) return true; return $this->getCurrentStream()->upgrade(); } function check_prereq() { if ($this->getCurrentStream()) return $this->getCurrentStream()->check_prereq(); } function check_php() { if ($this->getCurrentStream()) return $this->getCurrentStream()->check_php(); } function check_mysql() { if ($this->getCurrentStream()) return $this->getCurrentStream()->check_mysql(); } function getTask() { if($this->getCurrentStream()) return $this->getCurrentStream()->getTask(); } function doTask() { return $this->getCurrentStream()->doTask(); } function getErrors() { if ($this->getCurrentStream()) return $this->getCurrentStream()->getErrors(); } function getNextAction() { if ($this->getCurrentStream()) return $this->getCurrentStream()->getNextAction(); } function getNextVersion() { return $this->getCurrentStream()->getNextVersion(); } function getSchemaSignature() { if ($this->getCurrentStream()) return $this->getCurrentStream()->getSchemaSignature(); } function getSHash() { if ($this->getCurrentStream()) return $this->getCurrentStream()->getSHash(); } } /** * Updates a single database stream. In the classical sense, osTicket only * maintained a single database update stream. In that model, this * represents upgrading that single stream. In multi-stream mode, * customizations and plugins are supported to have their own respective * database update streams. The Upgrader class is used to coordinate updates * for all the streams, whereas the work to upgrade each stream is done in * this class */ class StreamUpgrader extends SetupWizard { var $prefix; var $sqldir; var $signature; var $state; var $mode; var $phash; /** * Parameters: * schema_signature - (string<hash-hex>) Current database-reflected (via * config table) version of the stream * target - (stream<hash-hex>) Current stream tip, as reflected by * streams/<stream>.sig * stream - (string) Name of the stream (folder) * prefix - (string) Database table prefix * sqldir - (string<path>) Path of sql patches * upgrader - (Upgrader) Parent coordinator of parallel stream updates */ function StreamUpgrader($schema_signature, $target, $stream, $prefix, $sqldir, $upgrader) { $this->signature = $schema_signature; $this->target = $target; $this->prefix = $prefix; $this->sqldir = $sqldir; $this->errors = array(); $this->mode = 'ajax'; // $this->upgrader = $upgrader; $this->name = $stream; //Disable time limit if - safe mode is set. if(!ini_get('safe_mode')) set_time_limit(0); //Init the task Manager. if(!isset($_SESSION['ost_upgrader'][$this->getShash()])) $_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['task'] = array(); //Tasks to perform - saved on the session. $this->phash = &$_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['phash']; //Database migrater $this->migrater = null; } function onError($error) { global $ost, $thisstaff; $subject = '['.$this->name.']: Upgrader Error'; $ost->logError($subject, $error); $this->setError($error); $this->upgrader->setState('aborted'); //Alert staff upgrading the system - if the email is not same as admin's // admin gets alerted on error log (above) if(!$thisstaff || !strcasecmp($thisstaff->getEmail(), $ost->getConfig()->getAdminEmail())) return; $email=null; if(!($email=$ost->getConfig()->getAlertEmail())) $email=$ost->getConfig()->getDefaultEmail(); //will take the default email. if($email) { $email->sendAlert($thisstaff->getEmail(), $subject, $error); } else {//no luck - try the system mail. Mailer::sendmail($thisstaff->getEmail(), $subject, $error, sprintf('"osTicket Alerts"<%s>', $thisstaff->getEmail())); } } function isUpgradable() { return $this->getNextPatch(); } function getSchemaSignature() { return $this->signature; } function getShash() { return substr($this->getSchemaSignature(), 0, 8); } function getTablePrefix() { return $this->prefix; } function getSQLDir() { return $this->sqldir; } function getMigrater() { if(!$this->migrater) $this->migrater = new DatabaseMigrater($this->signature, $this->target, $this->sqldir); return $this->migrater; } function getPatches() { $patches = array(); if($this->getMigrater()) $patches = $this->getMigrater()->getPatches(); return $patches; } function getNextPatch() { return (($p=$this->getPatches()) && count($p)) ? $p[0] : false; } function getNextVersion() { if(!$patch=$this->getNextPatch()) return '(Latest)'; $info = $this->readPatchInfo($patch); return $info['version']; } function isFinished() { # TODO: 1. Check if current and target hashes match, # 2. Any pending tasks return !($this->getNextPatch() || $this->getPendingTask()); } function readPatchInfo($patch) { $info = $matches = $matches2 = array(); if (preg_match(':/\*\*(.*)\*/:s', file_get_contents($patch), $matches)) { if (preg_match_all('/@([\w\d_-]+)\s+(.*)$/m', $matches[0], $matches2, PREG_SET_ORDER)) foreach ($matches2 as $match) $info[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } if (!isset($info['version'])) $info['version'] = substr(basename($patch), 9, 8); return $info; } function getNextAction() { $action='Upgrade osTicket to '.$this->getVersion(); if($task=$this->getTask()) { $action = $task->getDescription() .' ('.$task->getStatus().')'; } elseif($this->isUpgradable() && ($nextversion = $this->getNextVersion())) { $action = "Upgrade to $nextversion"; } return '['.$this->name.'] '.$action; } function getPendingTask() { $pending=array(); if ($task=$this->getTask()) return ($task->isFinished()) ? 1 : 0; return false; } function getTask() { global $ost; $task_file = $this->getSQLDir() . "{$this->phash}.task.php"; if (!file_exists($task_file)) return null; if (!isset($this->task)) { $class = (include $task_file); if (!is_string($class) || !class_exists($class)) return $ost->logError("Bogus migration task", "{$this->phash}:{$class}") ; $this->task = new $class(); if (isset($_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['task'][$this->phash])) $this->task->wakeup($_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['task'][$this->phash]); } return $this->task; } function doTask() { if(!($task = $this->getTask())) return false; //Nothing to do. $this->log( sprintf('Upgrader - %s (task pending).', $this->getShash()), sprintf('The %s task reports there is work to do', get_class($task)) ); if(!($max_time = ini_get('max_execution_time'))) $max_time = 30; //Default to 30 sec batches. $task->run($max_time); if (!$task->isFinished()) { $_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['task'][$this->phash] = $task->sleep(); return true; } // Run the cleanup script, if any, and destroy the task's session // data $this->cleanup(); unset($_SESSION['ost_upgrader']['task'][$this->phash]); $this->phash = null; unset($this->task); return false; } function upgrade() { global $ost; if($this->getPendingTask() || !($patches=$this->getPatches())) return false; $start_time = Misc::micro_time(); if(!($max_time = ini_get('max_execution_time'))) $max_time = 300; //Apache/IIS defaults. // Apply up to five patches at a time foreach (array_slice($patches, 0, 5) as $patch) { //TODO: check time used vs. max execution - break if need be if (!$this->load_sql_file($patch, $this->getTablePrefix())) return false; //clear previous patch info - unset($_SESSION['ost_upgrader'][$this->getShash()]); $phash = substr(basename($patch), 0, 17); $shash = substr($phash, 9, 8); //Log the patch info $logMsg = "Patch $phash applied successfully "; if(($info = $this->readPatchInfo($patch)) && $info['version']) $logMsg.= ' ('.$info['version'].') '; $this->log("Upgrader - $shash applied", $logMsg); $this->signature = $shash; //Update signature to the *new* HEAD $this->phash = $phash; //Break IF elapsed time is greater than 80% max time allowed. if (!($task=$this->getTask())) { $this->cleanup(); if (($elapsedtime=(Misc::micro_time()-$start_time)) && $max_time && $elapsedtime>($max_time*0.80)) break; else // Apply the next patch continue; } //We have work to do... set the tasks and break. $_SESSION['ost_upgrader'][$shash]['state'] = 'upgrade'; break; } //Reset the migrater $this->migrater = null; return true; } function log($title, $message, $level=LOG_DEBUG) { global $ost; // Never alert the admin, and force the write to the database $ost->log($level, $title, $message, false, true); } /************* TASKS **********************/ function cleanup() { $file = $this->getSQLDir().$this->phash.'.cleanup.sql'; if(!file_exists($file)) //No cleanup script. return 0; //We have a cleanup script ::XXX: Don't abort on error? if($this->load_sql_file($file, $this->getTablePrefix(), false, true)) { $this->log("Upgrader - {$this->phash} cleanup", "Applied cleanup script {$file}"); return 0; } $this->log('Upgrader', sprintf("%s: Unable to process cleanup file", $this->phash)); return 0; } } ?>