
    Email Template

    Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
require_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.i18n.php';
require_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.yaml.php';

class EmailTemplateGroup {

    var $id;
    var $ht;
    var $_templates;
    var $all_names=array(
            'name'=>'New Ticket Auto-response',
            'desc'=>'Autoresponse sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket.'),
            'name'=>'New Ticket Auto-reply',
            'desc'=>'Canned Auto-reply sent to user on new ticket, based on filter matches. Overwrites "normal" auto-response.'),
            'name'=>'New Message Auto-response',
            'desc'=>'Confirmation sent to user when a new message is appended to an existing ticket.'),
            'name'=>'New Ticket Notice',
            'desc'=>'Notice sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket created by staff on their behalf (e.g phone calls).'),
            'name'=>'Over Limit Notice',
            'desc'=>'A one-time notice sent, if enabled, when user has reached the maximum allowed open tickets.'),
            'name'=>'Response/Reply Template',
            'desc'=>'Template used on ticket response/reply'),
            'name'=>'New Ticket Alert',
            'desc'=>'Alert sent to staff, if enabled, on new ticket.'),
            'name'=>'New Message Alert',
            'desc'=>'Alert sent to staff, if enabled, when user replies to an existing ticket.'),
            'name'=>'Internal Note Alert',
            'desc'=>'Alert sent to selected staff, if enabled, on new internal note.'),
            'name'=>'Ticket Assignment Alert',
            'desc'=>'Alert sent to staff on ticket assignment.'),
            'name'=>'Ticket Transfer Alert',
            'desc'=>'Alert sent to staff on ticket transfer.'),
            'name'=>'Overdue Ticket Alert',
            'desc'=>'Alert sent to staff on stale or overdue tickets.'),
        'staff.pwreset' => array(
            'name' => 'Staff Password Reset',
            'desc' => 'Notice sent to staff with the password reset link.',
            'default' => 'templates/staff.pwreset.txt'),

    function EmailTemplateGroup($id){

    function load($id) {

        if(!$id && !($id=$this->getId()))
            return false;

        $sql='SELECT tpl.*,count(dept.tpl_id) as depts '
            .' FROM '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_GRP_TABLE.' tpl '
            .' LEFT JOIN '.DEPT_TABLE.' dept USING(tpl_id) '
            .' WHERE tpl.tpl_id='.db_input($id)
            .' GROUP BY tpl.tpl_id';

        if(!($res=db_query($sql))|| !db_num_rows($res))
            return false;


        return true;

    function reload() {
        return $this->load($this->getId());

    function getId(){
        return $this->id;

    function getName(){
        return $this->ht['name'];

    function getNotes(){
        return $this->ht['notes'];

    function isEnabled() {
         return ($this->ht['isactive']);

    function isActive(){
        return $this->isEnabled();

    function getLanguage() {
        return 'en_US';

    function isInUse(){
        global $cfg;

        return ($this->ht['depts'] || ($cfg && $this->getId()==$cfg->getDefaultTemplateId()));

    function getHashtable() {
        return $this->ht;

    function getInfo() {
        return $this->getHashtable();

    function setStatus($status){

        $sql='UPDATE '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_GRP_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW(), isactive='.db_input($status?1:0)
            .' WHERE tpl_id='.db_input($this->getId());

        return (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows());

    function getTemplateDescription($name) {
        return $this->all_names[$name];

    function getMsgTemplate($name) {
        global $ost;

        if ($tpl=EmailTemplate::lookupByName($this->getId(), $name, $this))
            return $tpl;

        if ($tpl=EmailTemplate::fromInitialData($name, $this))
            return $tpl;

        $ost->logWarning('Template Fetch Error', "Unable to fetch '$name' template - id #".$this->getId());
        return false;

    function getTemplates() {
        if (!$this->_tempates) {
            $this->_templates = array();
            $sql = 'SELECT id, code_name FROM '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE
                .' WHERE tpl_id='.db_input($this->getId())
                .' ORDER BY code_name';
            $res = db_query($sql);
            while (list($id, $cn)=db_fetch_row($res))
                $this->_templates[$cn] = EmailTemplate::lookup($id, $this);
        return $this->_templates;

    function getUndefinedTemplateNames() {
        $list = $this->all_names;
        foreach ($this->getTemplates() as $cn=>$tpl)
        return $list;

    function getNewTicketAlertMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('ticket.alert');

    function getNewMessageAlertMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('message.alert');

    function getNewTicketNoticeMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('ticket.notice');

    function getNewMessageAutorepMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('message.autoresp');

    function getAutoRespMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('ticket.autoresp');

    function getAutoReplyMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('ticket.autoreply');

    function getReplyMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('ticket.reply');

    function getOverlimitMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('ticket.overlimit');

    function getNoteAlertMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('note.alert');

    function getTransferAlertMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('transfer.alert');

    function getAssignedAlertMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('assigned.alert');

    function getOverdueAlertMsgTemplate() {
        return $this->getMsgTemplate('ticket.overdue');

    function update($vars,&$errors) {

        if(!$vars['isactive'] && $this->isInUse())
            $errors['isactive']='Template in use cannot be disabled!';

            return false;


        return true;

    function enable(){
        return ($this->setStatus(1));

    function disable(){
        return (!$this->isInUse() && $this->setStatus(0));

    function delete(){
        global $cfg;

        if($this->isInUse() || $cfg->getDefaultTemplateId()==$this->getId())
            return 0;

            .' WHERE tpl_id='.db_input($this->getId()).' LIMIT 1';
        if(db_query($sql) && ($num=db_affected_rows())) {
            //isInuse check is enough - but it doesn't hurt make sure deleted tpl is not in-use.
            db_query('UPDATE '.DEPT_TABLE.' SET tpl_id=0 WHERE tpl_id='.db_input($this->getId()));
            // Drop attachments (images)
            db_query('DELETE a.* FROM '.ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' a
                JOIN '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE.' t  ON (a.object_id=t.id AND a.type=\'T\')
                WHERE t.tpl_id='.db_input($this->getId()));
            db_query('DELETE FROM '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE
                .' WHERE tpl_id='.db_input($this->getId()));

        return $num;

    function create($vars,&$errors) {
        return EmailTemplateGroup::save(0,$vars,$errors);

    function add($vars, &$errors) {
        return self::lookup(self::create($vars, $errors));

    function getIdByName($name){
        $sql='SELECT tpl_id FROM '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_GRP_TABLE.' WHERE name='.db_input($name);
        if(($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res))

        return $id;

    function lookup($id){
        return ($id && is_numeric($id) && ($t= new EmailTemplateGroup($id)) && $t->getId()==$id)?$t:null;

    function save($id, $vars, &$errors) {
        global $ost;


        if($id && $id!=$vars['tpl_id'])
            $errors['err']='Internal error. Try again';

            $errors['name']='Name required';
        elseif(($tid=EmailTemplateGroup::getIdByName($vars['name'])) && $tid!=$id)
            $errors['name']='Template name already exists';

        if(!$id && ($vars['tpl_id'] && !($tpl=EmailTemplateGroup::lookup($vars['tpl_id']))))
            $errors['tpl_id']='Invalid template group specified';

        if($errors) return false;

        $sql=' updated=NOW() '
            .' ,name='.db_input($vars['name'])
            .' ,isactive='.db_input($vars['isactive'])
            .' ,notes='.db_input(Format::sanitize($vars['notes']));

        if($id) {
            $sql='UPDATE '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_GRP_TABLE.' SET '.$sql.' WHERE tpl_id='.db_input($id);
                return true;

            $errors['err']='Unable to update the template. Internal error occurred';

        } else {

            if (isset($vars['id']))
                $sql .= ', tpl_id='.db_input($vars['id']);
                .' SET created=NOW(), '.$sql;
            if(!db_query($sql) || !($new_id=db_insert_id())) {
                $errors['err']='Unable to create template. Internal error';
                return false;

            if ($tpl && ($info=$tpl->getInfo())) {
                $sql='INSERT INTO '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE.'
                    (created, updated, tpl_id, code_name, subject, body)
                    SELECT NOW() as created, NOW() as updated, '.db_input($new_id)
                    .' as tpl_id, code_name, subject, body
                    FROM '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE
                    .' WHERE tpl_id='.db_input($tpl->getId());

                if(!db_query($sql) || !db_insert_id())
                    return false;
            return $new_id;

        return false;

class EmailTemplate {

    var $id;
    var $ht;
    var $_group;

    function EmailTemplate($id, $group=null){
        if ($id) $this->load($id);
        if ($group) $this->_group = $group;

    function load($id) {

        if(!$id && !($id=$this->getId()))
            return false;

            .' WHERE id='.db_input($id);

        if(!($res=db_query($sql))|| !db_num_rows($res))
            return false;

        $this->attachments = new GenericAttachments($this->id, 'T');

        return true;

    function reload() {
        return $this->load($this->getId());

    function getId(){
        return $this->id;

    function asArray() {
        return array(
            'id' => $this->getId(),
            'subj' => $this->getSubject(),
            'body' => $this->getBody(),

    function getSubject() {
        return $this->ht['subject'];

    function getBody() {
        return $this->ht['body'];

    function getBodyWithImages() {
        return Format::viewableImages($this->getBody());
    function getCodeName() {
        return $this->ht['code_name'];

    function getTplId() {
        return $this->ht['tpl_id'];

    function getGroup() {
        if (!isset($this->_group))
            $this->_group = EmailTemplateGroup::lookup($this->getTplId());
        return $this->_group;


    function getDescription() {
        return $this->getGroup()->getTemplateDescription($this->ht['code_name']);

    function update($vars, &$errors) {

            return false;


        // Inline images (attached to the draft)
        if (isset($vars['draft_id']) && $vars['draft_id']) {
            if ($draft = Draft::lookup($vars['draft_id'])) {
                $this->attachments->upload($draft->getAttachmentIds($this->getBody()), true);

        return true;

    function save($id, $vars, &$errors) {
            $errors['subject']='Message subject required';

            $errors['body']='Message body required';

        if (!$id) {
            if (!$vars['tpl_id'])
                $errors['tpl_id']='Template group required';
            if (!$vars['code_name'])
                $errors['code_name']='Code name required';

        if ($errors)
            return false;

        $vars['body'] = Format::sanitize($vars['body'], false);

        if ($id) {
            $sql='UPDATE '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW() '
                .', subject='.db_input($vars['subject'])
                .', body='.db_input($vars['body'])
                .' WHERE id='.db_input($this->getId());

            return (db_query($sql));
        } else {
            $sql='INSERT INTO '.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE.' SET created=NOW(),
                updated=NOW(), tpl_id='.db_input($vars['tpl_id'])
                .', code_name='.db_input($vars['code_name'])
                .', subject='.db_input($vars['subject'])
                .', body='.db_input($vars['body']);
            if (db_query($sql) && ($id=db_insert_id()))
                return $id;
        return null;

    function create($vars, &$errors) {
        return self::save(0, $vars, $errors);

    function add($vars, &$errors) {
        $inst = self::lookup(self::create($vars, $errors));

        // Inline images (attached to the draft)
        $inst->attachments->upload(Draft::getAttachmentIds($inst->getBody()), true);

        return $inst;

    function lookupByName($tpl_id, $name, $group=null) {
            .' WHERE tpl_id='.db_input($tpl_id)
            .' AND code_name='.db_input($name);
        if (($res=db_query($sql)) && ($id=db_result($res)))
            return self::lookup($id, $group);

        return false;

    function lookup($id, $group=null) {
        return ($id && is_numeric($id) && ($t= new EmailTemplate($id, $group)) && $t->getId()==$id)?$t:null;

     * Load the template from the initial_data directory. The format of the
     * file should be free flow text. The first line is the subject and the
     * rest of the file is the body.
    function fromInitialData($name, $group=null) {
        $templ = new EmailTemplate(0, $group);
        $lang = ($group) ? $group->getLanguage() : 'en_US';
        $i18n = new Internationalization($lang);
        if ((!($tpl = $i18n->getTemplate("templates/email/$name.yaml")))
                || (!($info = $tpl->getData())))
            return false;
        if (isset($info['subject']) && isset($info['body'])) {
            $templ->ht = $info;
            return $templ;
        raise_error("$lang/templates/$name.yaml: "
            . 'Email templates must define both "subject" and "body" parts of the template',
        return false;