diff --git a/include/ajax.users.php b/include/ajax.users.php
index a0e3b234e616e8b091524aa33b54d7a6e6056738..91af6fee91d254ab0c7d16b42b4d6e20d3dcd746 100644
--- a/include/ajax.users.php
+++ b/include/ajax.users.php
@@ -88,6 +88,21 @@ class UsersAjaxAPI extends AjaxController {
         return self::_lookupform();
+    function selectUser($id) {
+        if ($id)
+            $user = User::lookup($id);
+        $info = array('title' => 'Select User');
+        ob_start();
+        include(STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/user-lookup.tmpl.php');
+        $resp = ob_get_contents();
+        ob_end_clean();
+        return $resp;
+    }
     static function _lookupform($form=null, $info=array()) {
         if (!$info or !$info['title'])
diff --git a/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php b/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php
index 0bbaa769197bbffb147fe301ad50f41938026d99..6e7a76a96e75c282c7905c9efa704897de0ac91a 100644
--- a/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php
+++ b/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php
@@ -17,17 +17,64 @@ $info=Format::htmlchars(($errors && $_POST)?$_POST:$info);
+        <tr>
+            <th colspan="2">
+                <em><strong>Client Information</strong>: </em>
+            </th>
+        </tr>
+        <?php
+        if ($user) { ?>
+        <tr><td>Client:</td><td>
+            <div id="client-info">
+                <span id="client-name"><?php echo $user->getName(); ?></span>
+                <span id="client-email">&lt;<?php echo $user->getEmail(); ?>&gt;</span>
+                <a class="action-button" style="float:none;overflow:inherit" href="#"
+                    onclick="javascript:
+                        $.userLookup('ajax.php/users/select/<?php echo $user->getId(); ?>',
+                            function(user) {
+                                $('input#uid').val(user.id);
+                                $('#client-name').html(user.name);
+                                $('#client-email').text('<'+user.email+'>');
+                        });
+                        return false;
+                "><i class="icon-edit"></i> Change</a>
+                <input type="hidden" name="uid" id="uid" value="<?php echo $user->getId(); ?>" />
+            </div>
+        </td></tr>
+        <?php
+        } else { //Fallback: Just ask for email and name
+            ?>
+        <tr>
+            <td width="160" class="required"> Email Address: </td>
+            <td>
+                <span style="display:inline-block;">
+                    <input type="text" size=45 name="email" id="user-email" value="<?php echo $info['email']; ?>" /> </span>
+                <font class="error">* <?php echo $errors['email']; ?></font>
+            </td>
+        </td>
+        <tr>
+            <td width="160" class="required"> Full Name: </td>
+            <td>
+                <span style="display:inline-block;">
+                    <input type="text" size=45 name="name" id="user-name" value="<?php echo $info['name']; ?>" /> </span>
+                <font class="error">* <?php echo $errors['name']; ?></font>
+            </td>
+        </td>
+        <?php
+        } ?>
-        $uf = UserForm::getUserForm();
-        $uf->render();
         if($cfg->notifyONNewStaffTicket()) {  ?>
-            <td width="160">Alert:</td>
+            <td width="160">Ticket Notice:</td>
             <input type="checkbox" name="alertuser" <?php echo (!$errors || $info['alertuser'])? 'checked="checked"': ''; ?>>Send alert to user.
-        <?php } ?>
+        <?php
+        } ?>
+    </tbody>
+    <tbody>
             <th colspan="2">
                 <em><strong>Ticket Information &amp; Options</strong>:</em>
@@ -289,3 +336,26 @@ $info=Format::htmlchars(($errors && $_POST)?$_POST:$info);
     <input type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" onclick='window.location.href="tickets.php"'>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+$(function() {
+    $('input#user-email').typeahead({
+        source: function (typeahead, query) {
+            $.ajax({
+                url: "ajax.php/users?q="+query,
+                dataType: 'json',
+                success: function (data) {
+                    typeahead.process(data);
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        onselect: function (obj) {
+            $('#uid').val(obj.id);
+            $('#user-name').val(obj.name);
+            $('#user-email').val(obj.email);
+        },
+        property: "/bin/true"
+    });
diff --git a/scp/ajax.php b/scp/ajax.php
index 02895d6e3db7345220650f2c4f0913d8647d68ca..106f3366a723a6e25a815796209c1dc5fed07f71 100644
--- a/scp/ajax.php
+++ b/scp/ajax.php
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ $dispatcher = patterns('',
         url_get('^/(?P<id>\d+)$', 'getUser'),
         url_get('^/lookup$', 'getUser'),
         url_get('^/lookup/form$', 'getLookupForm'),
-        url_post('^/lookup/form$', 'addUser')
+        url_post('^/lookup/form$', 'addUser'),
+        url_get('^/select$', 'selectUser'),
+        url_get('^/select/(?P<id>\d+)$', 'selectUser')
     url('^/tickets/', patterns('ajax.tickets.php:TicketsAjaxAPI',
         url_get('^(?P<tid>\d+)/change-user$', 'changeUserForm'),
diff --git a/scp/tickets.php b/scp/tickets.php
index b7ac97fe1e6fed4fdd6421abfc54d70201f7ec73..36b1ef9be7fe30a21e1f72a2c3de9b4052a09853 100644
--- a/scp/tickets.php
+++ b/scp/tickets.php
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.dynamic_forms.php');
-$ticket=null; //clean start.
+$ticket = $user = null; //clean start.
 //LOCKDOWN...See if the id provided is actually valid and if the user has access.
 if($_REQUEST['id']) {
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ if($_REQUEST['id']) {
         $ticket=null; //Clear ticket obj.
+//Lookup user if id is available.
+if ($_REQUEST['uid'])
+    $user = User::lookup($_REQUEST['uid']);
 //At this stage we know the access status. we can process the post.
 if($_POST && !$errors):
@@ -486,6 +491,11 @@ if($_POST && !$errors):
                      $errors['err']='You do not have permission to create tickets. Contact admin for such access';
                 } else {
                     $vars = $_POST;
+                    if ($user) {
+                        $vars['name'] = $user->getName();
+                        $vars['email'] = $user->getEmail();
+                    }
                         $vars['files'] = AttachmentFile::format($_FILES['attachments']);