diff --git a/include/class.file.php b/include/class.file.php
index a8e10eaf2181e7e092b3d63b822367e96183ee39..d68a3b11b1f403a4a0aacc1a58db37c61151eb68 100644
--- a/include/class.file.php
+++ b/include/class.file.php
@@ -196,24 +196,13 @@ class AttachmentFile {
     function download() {
+        $bk = $this->open();
+        if ($bk->sendRedirectUrl('inline'))
+            return;
-        header('Content-Type: '.($this->getType()?$this->getType():'application/octet-stream'));
-        $filename=basename($this->getName());
-        $user_agent = strtolower ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
-        if (false !== strpos($user_agent,'msie') && false !== strpos($user_agent,'win'))
-            header('Content-Disposition: filename='.rawurlencode($filename).';');
-        elseif (false !== strpos($user_agent, 'safari') && false === strpos($user_agent, 'chrome'))
-            // Safari and Safari only can handle the filename as is
-            header('Content-Disposition: filename='.str_replace(',', '', $filename).';');
-        else
-            // Use RFC5987
-            header("Content-Disposition: filename*=UTF-8''".rawurlencode($filename).';' );
-        header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
+        Http::download($this->getName(), $this->getType() ?: 'application/octet-stream');
         header('Content-Length: '.$this->getSize());
-        $this->sendData(true, 'attachment');
+        $this->sendData(false);
@@ -354,7 +343,7 @@ class AttachmentFile {
             if (!$bk->upload($file['tmp_name']))
                 return false;
-        elseif (!$bk->write($file['data'])) {
+        elseif (!$bk->write($file['data']) || !$bk->flush()) {
             // XXX: Fallthrough to default backend if different?
             return false;
@@ -384,27 +373,45 @@ class AttachmentFile {
      * True if the migration was successful and false otherwise.
     function migrate($bk) {
-        $before = hash_init('sha1');
-        $after = hash_init('sha1');
         // Copy the file to the new backend and hash the contents
         $target = FileStorageBackend::lookup($bk, $this);
         $source = $this->open();
+        // Initialize hashing algorithm to verify uploaded contents
+        $algos = $target->getNativeHashAlgos();
+        $common_algo = 'sha1';
+        if ($algos && is_array($algos)) {
+            $supported = hash_algos();
+            foreach ($algos as $a) {
+                if (in_array(strtolower($a), $supported)) {
+                    $common_algo = strtolower($a);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $before = hash_init($common_algo);
         // TODO: Make this resumable so that if the file cannot be migrated
         //      in the max_execution_time, the migration can be continued
         //      the next time the cron runs
-        while ($block = $source->read()) {
+        while ($block = $source->read($target->getBlockSize())) {
             hash_update($before, $block);
+        $target->flush();
+        // Ask the backend to generate its own hash if at all possible
+        if (!($target_hash = $target->getHashDigest($common_algo))) {
+            $after = hash_init($common_algo);
+            // Verify that the hash of the target file matches the hash of
+            // the source file
+            $target = FileStorageBackend::lookup($bk, $this);
+            while ($block = $target->read())
+                hash_update($after, $block);
+            $target_hash = hash_final($after);
+        }
-        // Verify that the hash of the target file matches the hash of the
-        // source file
-        $target = FileStorageBackend::lookup($bk, $this);
-        while ($block = $target->read())
-            hash_update($after, $block);
-        if (hash_final($before) != hash_final($after)) {
+        if (hash_final($before) != $target_hash) {
             return false;
@@ -554,6 +561,7 @@ class FileStorageBackend {
     var $meta;
     static $desc = false;
     static $registry;
+    static $blocksize = 131072;
      * All storage backends should call this function during the request
@@ -597,6 +605,14 @@ class FileStorageBackend {
         return new $class($file);
+    /**
+     * Returns the optimal block size for the backend. When migrating, this
+     * size blocks would be best for sending to the ::write() method
+     */
+    function getBlockSize() {
+        return static::$blocksize;
+    }
      * Create an instance of the storage backend linking the related file.
      * Information about the file metadata is accessible via the received
@@ -618,6 +634,15 @@ class FileStorageBackend {
         return false;
+    /**
+     * Called after all the blocks are sent to the ::write() method. This
+     * method should return boolean FALSE if flushing the data was
+     * somehow inhibited.
+     */
+    function flush() {
+        return true;
+    }
      * Upload a file to the backend. This method is preferred over ::write()
      * for files which are uploaded or are otherwise available out of
@@ -665,6 +690,26 @@ class FileStorageBackend {
     function unlink() {
         return false;
+    /**
+     * Fetches a list of hash algorithms that are supported transparently
+     * through the ::write() and ::upload() methods. After writing or
+     * uploading file content, the ::getHashDigest($algo) method can be
+     * called to get a hash of the remote content without fetching the
+     * entire data stream to verify the content locally.
+     */
+    function getNativeHashAlgos() {
+        return array();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a hash of the content calculated remotely by the storage
+     * backend. If this method fails, the hash chould be calculated by
+     * downloading the content and hashing locally
+     */
+    function getHashDigest($algo) {
+        return false;
+    }
@@ -676,10 +721,12 @@ class FileStorageBackend {
 define('CHUNK_SIZE', 500*1024); # Beware if you change this...
 class AttachmentChunkedData extends FileStorageBackend {
     static $desc = "In the database";
+    static $blocksize = CHUNK_SIZE;
     function __construct($file) {
         $this->file = $file;
-        $this->_pos = 0;
+        $this->_chunk = 0;
+        $this->_buffer = false;
     function length() {
@@ -689,12 +736,19 @@ class AttachmentChunkedData extends FileStorageBackend {
         return $length;
-    function read() {
+    function read($amount=CHUNK_SIZE, $offset=0) {
         # Read requested length of data from attachment chunks
-        list($buffer) = @db_fetch_row(db_query(
-            'SELECT filedata FROM '.FILE_CHUNK_TABLE.' WHERE file_id='
-            .db_input($this->file->getId()).' AND chunk_id='.$this->_pos++));
-        return $buffer;
+        while (strlen($this->_buffer) < $amount + $offset) {
+            list($buf) = @db_fetch_row(db_query(
+                'SELECT filedata FROM '.FILE_CHUNK_TABLE.' WHERE file_id='
+                .db_input($this->file->getId()).' AND chunk_id='.$this->_chunk++));
+            if (!$buf)
+                break;
+            $this->_buffer .= $buf;
+        }
+        $chunk = substr($this->_buffer, $offset, $amount);
+        $this->_buffer = substr($this->_buffer, $offset + $amount);
+        return $chunk;
     function write($what, $chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE) {
@@ -704,12 +758,12 @@ class AttachmentChunkedData extends FileStorageBackend {
             if (!$block) break;
             if (!db_query('REPLACE INTO '.FILE_CHUNK_TABLE
                     .' SET filedata=0x'.bin2hex($block).', file_id='
-                    .db_input($this->file->getId()).', chunk_id='.db_input($this->_pos++)))
+                    .db_input($this->file->getId()).', chunk_id='.db_input($this->_chunk++)))
                 return false;
             $offset += strlen($block);
-        return $this->_pos;
+        return $this->_chunk;
     function unlink() {
diff --git a/include/class.http.php b/include/class.http.php
index ef917845d76a1f943e022167304eb7a2b0d131c5..a96ab84ab2f124f190c178d554c8d3aaaaaf44ce 100644
--- a/include/class.http.php
+++ b/include/class.http.php
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ class Http {
             header("Location: $url");
+        print('<html></html>');
+        flush();
+        ob_flush();
@@ -73,20 +76,33 @@ class Http {
+    /**
+     * Creates the filename=... part of the Content-Disposition header. This
+     * is browser dependent, so the user agent is inspected to determine the
+     * best encoding format for the filename
+     */
+    function getDispositionFilename($filename) {
+        $user_agent = strtolower ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
+        if (false !== strpos($user_agent,'msie')
+                && false !== strpos($user_agent,'win'))
+            return 'filename='.rawurlencode($filename);
+        elseif (false !== strpos($user_agent, 'safari')
+                && false === strpos($user_agent, 'chrome'))
+            // Safari and Safari only can handle the filename as is
+            return 'filename='.str_replace(',', '', $filename);
+        else
+            // Use RFC5987
+            return "filename*=UTF-8''".rawurlencode($filename);
+    }
     function download($filename, $type, $data=null) {
-        header('Pragma: public');
+        header('Pragma: private');
         header('Expires: 0');
         header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
-        header('Cache-Control: public');
+        header('Cache-Control: private');
         header('Content-Type: '.$type);
-        $user_agent = strtolower ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
-        if (strpos($user_agent,'msie') !== false
-                && strpos($user_agent,'win') !== false) {
-            header('Content-Disposition: filename="'.basename($filename).'";');
-        } else {
-            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'
-                .basename($filename).'"');
-        }
+        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; %s;',
+            self::getDispositionFilename(basename($filename)));
         header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
         if ($data !== null) {
             header('Content-Length: '.strlen($data));