From a4a129e919c6e3ab1ddf3186e31ca9d9a15db586 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jared Hancock <>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 15:21:43 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] upgrade: Add new flags field to %form_field

This will be used for greater flexibility in visibility and requirement
 include/class.dynamic_forms.php               |  2 +-
 include/class.forms.php                       |  2 +-
 include/upgrader/streams/core.sig             |  2 +-
 ...anup.sql => b26f29a6-1ee831c8.cleanup.sql} |  4 +-
 ....patch.sql => b26f29a6-1ee831c8.patch.sql} | 38 ++++++++++++++++++-
 ...81.task.php => b26f29a6-1ee831c8.task.php} |  0
 6 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 rename include/upgrader/streams/core/{b26f29a6-7c218d81.cleanup.sql => b26f29a6-1ee831c8.cleanup.sql} (86%)
 rename include/upgrader/streams/core/{b26f29a6-7c218d81.patch.sql => b26f29a6-1ee831c8.patch.sql} (78%)
 rename include/upgrader/streams/core/{b26f29a6-7c218d81.task.php => b26f29a6-1ee831c8.task.php} (100%)

diff --git a/include/class.dynamic_forms.php b/include/class.dynamic_forms.php
index d2cee5573..b582110b0 100644
--- a/include/class.dynamic_forms.php
+++ b/include/class.dynamic_forms.php
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ class DynamicFormField extends VerySimpleModel {
     var $_field;
     const FLAG_ENABLED          = 0x0001;
-    const FLAG_STORABLE         = 0x0002;
+    const FLAG_EXT_STORED       = 0x0002; // Value stored outside of form_entry_value
     const FLAG_CLOSE_REQUIRED   = 0x0004;
     const FLAG_MASK_CHANGE      = 0x0010;
diff --git a/include/class.forms.php b/include/class.forms.php
index 3410477d7..c3d61ea25 100644
--- a/include/class.forms.php
+++ b/include/class.forms.php
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ class FormField {
     function isStorable() {
-        return (($this->get('flags') & 2) == 0);
+        return (($this->get('flags') & DynamicFormField::FLAG_EXT_STORED) == 0);
diff --git a/include/upgrader/streams/core.sig b/include/upgrader/streams/core.sig
index 595363a70..776ffc839 100644
--- a/include/upgrader/streams/core.sig
+++ b/include/upgrader/streams/core.sig
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-7c218d81.cleanup.sql b/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-1ee831c8.cleanup.sql
similarity index 86%
rename from include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-7c218d81.cleanup.sql
rename to include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-1ee831c8.cleanup.sql
index 38a11ec1a..f56a5cb2c 100644
--- a/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-7c218d81.cleanup.sql
+++ b/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-1ee831c8.cleanup.sql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * @signature d7480e1c31a1f20d6954ecbb342722d3
- * @version v1.9.5
+ * @signature 1ee831c854fe9f35115a3e672916bb91
+ * @version v1.9.6
  * @title Make editable content translatable
  * This patch adds support for translatable administratively editable
diff --git a/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-7c218d81.patch.sql b/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-1ee831c8.patch.sql
similarity index 78%
rename from include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-7c218d81.patch.sql
rename to include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-1ee831c8.patch.sql
index 4d98136aa..52d6856b7 100644
--- a/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-7c218d81.patch.sql
+++ b/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-1ee831c8.patch.sql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * @signature 7c218d81e84b304c1436326c26ace09d
+ * @signature 1ee831c854fe9f35115a3e672916bb91
  * @version v1.9.6
  * @title Make editable content translatable and add queues
@@ -172,7 +172,41 @@ CREATE TABLE `%TABLE_PREFIX%queue` (
   primary key (`id`)
+-- Add flags field to form field
+    ADD  `flags` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  '1' AFTER  `form_id`;
+-- Flag field stored in the system elsewhere as nonstorable locally.
+    SET A1.`flags` = 3
+    WHERE A2.`type` = 'U' AND A1.`name` IN('name','email');
+    SET A1.`flags`=3
+    WHERE A2.`type`='O' AND A1.`name` IN('name');
+set @client_edit = (
+    select value from `%TABLE_PREFIX%config` where `key` = 'allow_client_updates');
+-- Transfer previous visibility and requirement settings to new flag field
+UPDATE `%TABLE_PREFIX%form_field` SET `flags` = `flags` |
+     CASE WHEN `private` = 0 and @client_edit = 1 THEN CONV(3300, 16, 10)
+          WHEN `private` = 0 and @client_edit = 0 THEN CONV(3100, 16, 10)
+          WHEN `private` = 1 THEN CONV(3000, 16, 10)
+          WHEN `private` = 2 and @client_edit = 1 THEN CONV(300, 16, 10) END
+          WHEN `private` = 2 and @client_edit = 0 THEN CONV(100, 16, 10) END
+   | CASE WHEN `required` = 0 THEN 0
+          WHEN `required` = 1 THEN CONV(4400, 16, 10)
+          WHEN `required` = 2 THEN CONV(400, 16, 10)
+          WHEN `required` = 3 THEN CONV(4000, 16, 10) END
+   | IF(`edit_mask` & 1, CONV(20, 16, 10), 0)
+   | IF(`edit_mask` & 2, CONV(40000, 16, 10), 0)
+   | IF(`edit_mask` & 4, CONV(10000, 16, 10), 0)
+   | IF(`edit_mask` & 8, CONV(20000, 16, 10), 0)
+   | IF(`edit_mask` & 16, CONV(10, 16, 10), 0)
+   | IF(`edit_mask` & 32, CONV(40, 16, 10), 0);
 -- Finished with patch
-    SET `value` = '7c218d81e84b304c1436326c26ace09d'
+    SET `value` = '1ee831c854fe9f35115a3e672916bb91'
     WHERE `key` = 'schema_signature' AND `namespace` = 'core';
diff --git a/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-7c218d81.task.php b/include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-1ee831c8.task.php
similarity index 100%
rename from include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-7c218d81.task.php
rename to include/upgrader/streams/core/b26f29a6-1ee831c8.task.php